VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1048: With one sword, the entire Resurrection Square was destroyed!

It's not that they don't want to.


Can't move!

The aura from the sword firmly suppressed all of them!

Less than 10% of the power in the body can be used!

This move should be a variant and stronger form of [One Sword Yama].

Su Bai hadn't mastered this form of this skill, so he used it unintentionally at this time.

And in order to use this sword, the price is very high!

The battle armor on Su Bai has returned to its original form, his eyes have turned into black pupils, and the lines on his brows have disappeared 90%.

As for the spiritual power in the body, it's all drained!


After the charge was completed, Su Bai exhaled heavily.

His eyes released a bitter killing intent, and in the horrified gaze of all the Li family members, he swung down the blood sword in his hand.

"call out!"

This sword is too fast!

All the onlookers only saw a flash of blood and did not see the process of falling at all.

Then, see you...


The huge blood sword fell on the central area of ​​Li's family, and it was nailed into the ground in an instant.

As the resurrection square, the earth has a formation and is extremely hard.

If it is maliciously attacked, the formation will appear, resist the attack, and even rebound.

But at this moment, the formation didn't even have a chance to appear, and it was directly bombed!

"Boom boom boom boom——————"

The blood burst from the sword.

Amid the roar, the earth exploded in pieces!

In just one second, such a huge resurrection square was full of cracks, and blood in it was like magma.

As for all the Li family members standing on it, let alone.

The most powerful Li Yangwei, when the blood spread over, his body was burst into pieces!

The equipment on everyone's body did not fall.

Because they were all exploded into powder when the blood bombarded them!

Of course, they all have the means of resurrection.


The follow-up power of this sword is too long-lasting.

After they were resurrected, the follow-up power of this sword crushed them!

Resurrect once, die once!

Even if I tried my best, I came up with something precious shield.

Boom! Boom! ! !

No exceptions, all exploded!

In addition to death, still die!

In the end, this power blood sword inserted into the Resurrection Square lasted for half a minute! !

When the blood sword disappeared, all the Li family members who had arrived were gone.

Li Shenxu died more than twenty times.

Others also died three to ten times.

As for Su Bai, he has already left.

After he swings the sword, he doesn't need to look at it, he already knows the result in his heart.

Take Baodan to restore aura and leave quickly.

The thunderclouds in the sky also left.

At this time, not many players still cared about Su Bai.

All the players who watched the game here are now looking at the Resurrection Square, in a daze.

That Wanzhang Blood Sword has disappeared.

There is already a mess here.

The Resurrection Square, which is larger than a real city, was broken into thousands of pieces.

The ravines are vertical and horizontal, as deep as one thousand meters, and sharp sword energy can be seen in them.


Even the resurrection crystal was blown up...

The resurrection crystal exploded, and Li Shenxu and the others naturally went to the nearby resurrection crystal to resurrect.

This is better, delaying their time to track down Su Bai.

In the place of the resurrection crystal, there is only a cloud of aura up and down. On the side of the aura, there are a bunch of peculiar coins that radiate the aura of stars.

Aura is a treasure, which can greatly enhance the life force.

Spirit coins are star coins, and there are millions of them!

But now not many players dare to take it.

As a result, the square was cratered, and there was sword energy, and it would be fatal to fall.

Second, the spirit coin was dropped by Su Bai.

Three come...

The lord of this city is here!

It is an old tree, not a creature born in Mengzhou.

In other words, he is a player, he just chose to be the lord of this city.

Strength, good luck level, upper and lower middle level.

This strength can be mixed in [Good Fortune Level Domain].

Put it in the [Supreme Realm], it is already very high!


However, looking at the resurrection square, which was ruined into an unsightly shape, he took a breath.

The expression on the tree body was quite shocking.

Even horrified!

At this moment, a guard came by his side.

"City Lord, those were dropped by the white night, you see?" The guard pointed to a pile of Star Spirit coins on the position of the resurrection crystal.

"I know……"

The old tree clicked its crown, and understood what Su Bai meant.


Su Bai felt that the reason for the bombing was his own, and he also had so many celestial coins that was frightening.

In line with the principle that more is worse than less, throw out some compensation.

These million celestial coins are enough.

However, things cannot be counted like this.

Blowing up the Resurrection Square is a big deal, it can't be forgotten by losing money!

It's like destroying a building in a school, and after losing money, you still have to be notified and punished.


Think about the huge blood sword that appeared before, think about the terrifying power that that sword caused...

"Ah... that's it, he didn't mean it."

"It is estimated that it is still restricted. If it is horizontally cut, even half of the city will be finished!"

The old tree thought in his heart, decisively not to hold Su Bai's responsibility.

Received the Star Coins and the aura that appeared after the resurrection crystal was exploded.

With these, reconstruction will not be slow.

"After the sword qi dissipates, prepare to rebuild. Since Bai Ye has made compensation, it will be fine."

He greeted, and at the same time signaled that he should not be held accountable.

Many of the guards were relieved by these words.

Witnessing Su Bai's performance in the past few minutes, they don't want to be enemies with Su Bai in their entire lives!

This decision of the city lord made the players around him sigh.

"This... forget it? Don't Bai Ye be held accountable?"

"Still held accountable? I think you want to be held accountable by that trick of the blood sword, right?"

"Isn't this all given millions of Protoss Coins? What's the matter? Money is a trivial matter."

"If you want me, just leave! The White Night Big Brother is still pretty good!"

"Million Star Spirit Coins, this is really very angry, and it's completely enough building materials for reconstruction."

"This is so fierce! A sword blew up the entire Resurrection Square!"

"Well! Look at this sword power, it's a thousand meters deep! If it is used wanton, it can definitely destroy half of the city!"

"It's really scary! The hundreds of good fortune class powerhouses who came to the Li family are all dead!"

"In this wave, the Li family's loss is really too great."

"This wave of team battles didn't make any profit, blood mother lost!"

"Hahahaha... the Li family's face was slapped with a bow by the white night boss!"

"Right! Where did Bai Ye go?!"

"Broken! I was stupid just now, I was attracted by that trick, and I don't know when he left..."

"It's a pity, I don't know how Bai Ye is now."

"His condition must have fallen, he should be in a period of weakness, I hope he is okay."

"Thunder Tribulation hasn't finished yet, this is a bit troublesome..."


By this time, the battle for revenge and anti-scrap was over.

However, the aftermath is still oscillating, and it is still very large!

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