VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1053: God costume!

"Is there anything special in the pool?"

Su Bai touched his chin, thinking.

While thinking, the silky golden liquid that flew out also wrapped around.

Su Bai took a few steps back.

I don't know what it is, let's look at the information first.

【Holy Li Jin Dew】

Level: None

Quality: good fortune

Category: Tiancai Dibao

Effect: It can be applied to any metal-made objects to actively repair its loss.

Details: Only in the core of the god-level metal stars can they condense, and it will not exceed 100 drops in a thousand years. It has a great repair effect on any weapon, armor, and props made of metal! (Repair items can exceed the quality of Holy Lime Golden Dew, but the cost of repair is greatly increased and the effect is reduced.)

Note: The Saint Li Jinlu in this pool has consumed a large part of its power, and currently only one billionth of the energy remains.

"Oh? This thing is interesting!"

Su Bai's eyes lit up.

No wonder these liquids floated to me, it turned out to be to repair the damage of my armor.


Those monsters were also made of metal, they were injured, and the liquid didn't respond much.

That's the strongest BOSS, too?

"What is the special reason?"

Su Bai thought.

Take off a piece of equipment casually and send it to the flying liquid.

Shengli Jinlu wrapped around, covering the cracks on the battle armor.

Chi Chi...

Hum! ! !

In the subtle movement, those cracks exude brilliant light.

Then, at a speed visible to the naked eye, he made up for stitching up!


"This is really a good thing, but unfortunately, the quality of the effect has been greatly reduced."

"The stars of the gods will condense, and the lowest quality is in the gods!"

"Shen Li Jinlu in such a big pool, what has been repaired, will it be sharply reduced to its current quality?"

Su Bai held his chin in thought.

Of course, I didn't forget to take off the equipment and let Shengli Jinlu repair it.

According to this repair speed, it should take about ten minutes.

Su Bai came to the side of the pool again, watching inquiringly.

He felt something in the pool.

It's just that the breath is too weak, and I don't know if it is an illusion.

Is it right? Just look at it!


With a thought to Su Bai, a brilliant golden light appeared in his palm.

The metallic force appeared and plunged into the pool.

The liquid in the pool is also metal and can be controlled by him.


Shengli Jinlu splashed and separated quickly.

The pool is very high!

It is 10 meters deep, and the holy glaze contained in this is so scary!


When he reached the bottom of 10 meters, Su Bai's eyes condensed, and he saw something!

At the bottom of the pool, at a height of about one meter, there was a piece of equipment floating.

The equipment should be tops.

The material can't be seen.

The style is simple and simple, somewhat similar to the ancient robes of Daxia.

The background color is white, and the corners, chest and sleeves have beautiful patterns drawn by nine-color metal.

Of course, this is not the most important.

The most important thing is... this robe is shining with nine colors!

Nine colors of light! ! !

Flashing this kind of blurry color light seems to be a god-level item!

At the beginning, one by one turned into seeds, that is, six colors of light!

Looking at the cracks on the cloth robe again, we can see that this pool of Saint Li Jinlu consumes a lot of energy just because it repairs it.

As a result, from the heavenly materials and earth treasures of the gods to the good fortune qualities of the spirits.

Taking a deep breath, Su Bai returned to his senses and tried to probe the information of this cloth robe.

【? ? ? 】

? ? ?

? ?


Not surprisingly, there are question marks throughout.

"Sure enough it is God-level equipment!!!"

"Even if there are still more than half of the cracks, it is still a god-level treasure!"

"This... is really outrageous, how can you get a god-level treasure so easily?"

It was too easy to get, so Su Bai couldn't help but feel a little suspicious.

But no matter how suspicious, at this moment, he has a very strong possessiveness in his heart!

He felt that this piece of equipment should be his own!

To say where does this feeling come from...

Perhaps it is because of the power aura radiated by this piece of equipment.

The power aura it exudes seems to be the power of the nine elements! ! !

Light and dark wind power, gold, wood, water, fire and earth!

These nine elemental powers are all on this robe!

"This is too coincidental! Shouldn't..."

Su Bai thought of a certain emperor that he had seen not long ago, "Couldn't this equipment belong to the emperor who has mastered the nine elements?!"

"It's very possible!"

Thinking of this, Su Bai nodded involuntarily.

This possibility is indeed very high.

If this is the case, I should be able to get it?

After all, he seems to be the heir of that big brother.

Try it!

Su Bai thought about it, so he jumped into the pool to get it.


After successfully falling to the bottom of the pool, he stood by the floating robe, a few steps away.

Reach out, then grab it.

During this period, nothing really happened.

This level of things, said that there is Ling Su Bai believes.

Even if it is damaged, no one can touch it.

"It doesn't resist me?"

Su Bai thought, looking at the robe that he actually got in his hand.

The shape and material have also been mentioned above, so it is not a second word.

What Su Bai looked at was the crack in the robe.

After repairing it for an unknown period of time, after consuming so much Saint Li Jinlu, there were still cracks on this robe.

Some can even be seen torn apart by claws.

If the degree of restoration is expressed as a percentage, the degree of restoration of this robe should be...


Around this number.

Anyway, it is less than one-third.

This is really tragic!

Su Bai shook his head and sighed, and then he was about to put this piece of equipment in his backpack.

This thing, use a fart. I want to know that the current Su Bai can't use it at all.


Then, Su Bai paused at this moment and gave a doubtful hum, "This...can't take it??!"

He just bought this equipment.

But the backpack did not respond.

"try again……"

Two seconds later.

Still not working, can't receive it.


Su Bai frowned, which was a little troublesome.

If you don't take it in, how can you bring it back?

Just as Su Bai felt troubled, the equipment suddenly trembled.


It could be said to be dark, but now it suddenly shines, extremely bright.

The power of the elements surging like a sea of ​​depths is released.

At this time, Su Bai couldn't see anything directly, and closed his eyes.

When you feel that there is no light in front of you, open your eyes.


That robe is gone!


Empty hands!

Su Baigang was a little impatient, but faintly felt it.


He opened his pubic interface.

In the interface, there are a total of four power rays.

1. The power of Shura.

2. The power of yin and yang.

3. Seed of power obtained in the remains of spiritual disaster. This kind of child can be born as a professional force after collecting the nine elements.

4. The strength that is conceived by the self and is still being conceived.

right now!

Beside the third one, that is, beside the seed of power, there is a cloud of light swirling around like stars!

Visible in the light, is the robe that disappeared before!

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