VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1088: The four forces are united! Wrong judgment!

But what should I do?

How to solve this horror reward? !

They can't help it!

Aggrieved and quiet, trying hard to think of a solution.

After a while, Li Mengyi's complexion changed.

Li Mengyi.

The contemporary patriarch of the Li family, the father of Li Yangwei, Li Shenxu is his grandson.

Therefore, Li Yangwei and his son Li Shenxu are so coquettish.

He has now received a communication.

It's from Taiyi Gong.


Only after hearing a few words, Li Mengyi exclaimed out of control: "If you want a coin, you need so much more?!!!"




The higher-ups of the Li family who had been quiet looked up at Li Mengyi, their eyes were very confused.

Li Mengyi didn't have time to watch them and listened carefully to the communication.

Afterwards, the communication side said a few words.

Li Mengyi glared again, and exclaimed: "What?!!!"

"You heard me right! Don't bluff!"

"Our Taiyi Palace will unite you Li, Qian, and Mai to resend the wanted for Su Bai and Taiyin Shengzong!"

From the communication side, there was a cold and faint voice.

Even through the communication, Li Mengyi could feel the firm determination of the speaker.


Li Mengyi took a deep breath and his eyes flickered.

After a little silence, he asked: "This is too much! I can't afford it at all!"

"Moreover, what did the Qian family and the Mai family say? Are they going to be tough with that Bai Ye?!"


The communication side gave a sneer, but then asked: "Then Master Li, what other options do they have?"

"Acknowledge? Apologize? Indemnity? Ask Baiye to release the wanted?"

Li Mengyi: "..."

Serve softly...

It is impossible to serve softly!

How many big powers were wanted by Su Bai alone, and then immediately surrendered?

Without struggling at all, is this possible?

no way!

Ordinary people have a good face and dare not do shameful things or embarrassment.

What's more, these ancient families!

For forces of their level, the majesty of the family is very important!

Even more important than tens of trillions of spirit coins!

If you really want to surrender as soon as you are wanted, then the faces of Li, Qian, and Mai are completely gone.

Will be completely trampled by Su Bai!


With a long sigh of relief, Li Mengyi calmed his mind and said: "I can give out one-third!"


The communication side was very satisfied, and said leisurely: "At this time, Qian and Mai have just accepted it!"

"President Li, go and raise money!"

"In a quarter of an hour, I want the entire spirit world to tremble for today!"

"All fear us!"

"Okay!" Hearing that Qian and Mai also agreed, Li Mengyi's heart was overjoyed and he nodded in response.

The communication hangs up.


"Is it just now?"

"Could it be..."

After hanging up, those senior leaders of the Li family who had been curious for a long time asked immediately.

"Yes! It's the palace lord of the Supreme First Palace!"

Li Mengyi directly stated, saying everything clearly: "He wants to unite our four and send another wanted!"



"Can it work?"

"What if the white night also adds an additional amount?"

No wonder these people questioned.

Mainly, the huge wealth that Su Bai took out.

Is it really suspicious, he still has a lot? !

"rest assured!"

Regarding this, the lord of the Supreme Palace already knew and explained it to Li Mengyi.

He now reiterated his original words: "The huge amount of spiritual coins earned by Bai Ye is estimated to have been won in the gambling game he opened when he broke the relics of the spiritual disaster."

"At that time, the entire gambling market had so many spirit coins."

"Just the opener gave all the spirit coins to Bai Ye, and there is not much left in his hand."

After he finished speaking, everyone was stunned.

Then, just get happy.

"Yeah! Why didn't I think of this place!"

"The Patriarch is still very good, and he can easily know the details of Bai Ye!"

"In this way, sending wanted again is indeed the best response!"

"Yes! A tooth for a tooth and blood for blood! This is the best counterattack!!"



Such scenes also appeared in Qian's and Mai's houses.

After learning that Su Bai could not have a lot of spirit coins, then re-issued a wanted, or sent a wanted one that exceeded the amount of Su Bai, it was the best counterattack!

The most white face!

It can also stop the current hunting against the four forces.

As a result, the three began to seize the time to raise money.

Must hurry!

Many people have been hunted down in the current second!

The same is true of Taiyi Palace.

After all, if you want a higher reward than Su Bai, relying on the stack of three families alone is not enough.

He also had to bleed once in the first palace.

As the saying goes, you don’t cry if you don’t see the coffin!

It's a mistake to drink, and it's also a mistake to save face!

The Taiyi Palace, the Li Family, the Qian Family, and the Mai Family once again made a wrong judgment!

He believes that the four forces united together are enough to deal with Su Bai!

However, speaking of it, Su Bai really doesn't have any coins anymore.

There are only a few odds.

Heavenly Spirit Coins and Earth Spirit Coins add up to only hundreds of billions of spirit heads.

As for the Protoss Coin, there are only tens of millions.

How to solve it……


They were raising money, and Su Bai didn't know.

Currently, he is in the hall of the Taiyin Saint Sect.

In the hall.

Killing those people with a large array, especially after solving Zheng Bailian, Ling Xinyu's cold complexion became better.

Can be regarded as revenge for being drugged!

At this time, the hall was relatively quiet.

The elders, disciples, and even Ling Xinyu of the Taiyin Sect, after killing those people, her eyes fell on Su Bai.

All eyes were filled with shock and emotion.

Wanted...Really released!

The courage of this white night is really bold!

One person wanted four big forces. This is ridiculous, and it's too stupid to hear.

But now, no one will find it absurd.

Because of this, it really happened!

It was really made by Su Bai!

Everyone can't tell what it feels like in their hearts.

The emotions in my heart are constantly shaking, and I can't calm down at all.

The only obvious feeling is...

white night!


Can't provoke!

Even Ling Xinyu, whose strength surpassed Su Bai, felt that Su Bai's ability was too terrifying in his heart!

"Ha ha……"

In the silence, Su Bai smiled slightly, and said, "Thank you for the master's accomplishment."

Ling Xinyu's eyes blinked, he recovered, and shook his head lightly: "Don't say thank you, after this move, I'm going to accept it."

As the wanted person to take over, the Taiyin Saint Sect obviously can get a lot of benefits.

Not to mention anything else, the prestige of her Taiyin Saint Sect is bound to explode again!

In layman's terms, escrow fees are a lot of money.

"It's nothing, mutual benefit, anyway, I don't have time to review the wanted."

Su Bai smiled and applied to Ling Xinyu for a transaction: "Sovereign, hand over the spirit coins, both of you are bothering you!"


Ling Xinyu nodded.

Then, Su Bai entrusted the spirit coin to her.

In the form of commission, they only have the right to distribute and distribute, but not the right of ownership.

The system has a special contract, and all spirit coins will be placed in the bounty pool temporarily formed by the system.

Don't worry about any problems, and no one can steal the spirit coins.

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