Therefore, she named her professional name "Beya Fighting God".

Speaking of it, it is also a bit weird.

Of course, I don't care about this time now.

Su Bai only suddenly thought of this when he saw the four-color light shining on the door.

Return to mind.

Turned his head and glanced at Bea, then said: "You have to step back, back to three hundred meters away!"

She is not from her own team, and if she is in the aftermath of a blood burst...

Apart from being seconds, there is no other possibility!


Bea tilted her big headgear, and a question mark appeared on her face.


"Hehe, brother didn't lie to you."

"If you don't retreat, wait and be careful of being second!"

Xia Cha Mumu and Mu Yi Nuan said with a smile to help Su Bai.


With full of wonder and curiosity, Bea flew away on a wooden stick.

it's time.

Su Bai's heart moved, in the world of dantian in his body, in the stars of yin and yang.

In the huge portal, monstrous energy was poured out suddenly.

Open the sky!


In this instant, Su Bai's body resounded like thunder, and it seemed that the world's door had opened.

The rumbling sound is shocking and mighty!

"Whirring whirring!!!"

At this moment, Su Bai's whole body was full of strength, and his armor, long hair, and cloak were all windless, and he was hunting.

The extremely brilliant and dazzling divine light flooded Su Bai's body, and the hair was shining brightly.

At the same time, the coercion on him soared!

For an instant, the space seemed to be overwhelmed by his body, even Xia Cha and others felt that their breathing was restricted.

I feel like a mountain, I even want to bow down!

"Cracking Gingggeing..."

Beya is even more miserable, after all, the relationship with Su Bai is not deep.

At this moment, she looked at Su Bai's back, her teeth fighting.

Both the body and the mind are madly warning.

Tell her how terrifying the person in front of her is.

Even if Su Bai hadn't targeted her at all, Beya couldn't recover for a while.





I don't know where.

After the mist froze for a second, it slammed on the light curtain.

Gasping for air-conditioning, he stared at Su Bai in the light curtain.

Don't look at it as a light curtain, but in fact, you can feel a little real breath.

So at this moment, the mist that was so high above the other, calling everyone for the rookie, was really shocked and eclipsed by Su Bai.

The fog was rolling and fluctuating endlessly, showing his uneasy mood.

"No! It's impossible!!!"

"He... how did he double his strength by twenty times?!"

"What power is this, what level of secret technique is this?!"

"The secret method that can increase the power of the spirit world tenfold, the price is high! There is still no market!"

"How can it be possible for a guy who hasn't yet been able to show it?!"

"Twenty times! Isn't it possible that his body is made of Shenjin? How can this be withstood?!"



He issued a series of exclamations, unable to control himself.

Even though the body was a cloud of mist, it still clearly conveyed shock and incredible emotions.

Generally speaking, BUFF adds a percentage of several tens.

Here is Su Bai, twenty times!

This bonus is horrible!

If one's own background is strong enough, he can do it down and fight against a big level!

Who doesn't want this secret method?

But just like what the mist said, this thing is so rare!

The several books that I have had, just doubled the attack, all caused big disputes.

Now such a little guy who hasn't become spiritual, suddenly took out a 20-fold skill, which is too bizarre!


"Boy, you're lucky, I'm just boring to be here. I'm making a cameo."

"Lao Tzu is too strong to find a way to advance, so it's not uncommon for you to use this secret method."

"If it's a different guy, you...tsk tut..."

Shocked quickly, and calmed down quickly.

While Su Bai was still brewing, the black mist calmed down, and he sighed.


In the mountains.


Exhale and press down the irritable force in his body.

A twenty-fold increase in strength is indeed unbearable.

Su Bai couldn't stand it anymore.


With a thought in his heart, scarlet blood came out.

This is the skill [Destroy the World and Blood Burst]!

I have used Kaitian, of course, I have to use a big trick.

But this time, Su Bai tried to change the skill excitation form.

In the previous battle with the deadly Wu Gaowan, he tried to accumulate the blood burst power into an energy group.

And now, he is trying to accumulate energy in his fist, blast, explode!

This time, it will have a great effect in the future!


With a deep cry, Su Bai tried his best to control the blood qi gushing out of his body.

At the beginning, the skill was powerful to the level of [natural disaster], so the form was better controlled, and the time of excitation was shorter, almost instantaneous.

But now it is different, it takes a second or two to stimulate the blood.

This excitation is full-body, so it is more difficult to control.

However, under Su Bai's strong control, he still achieved something!

"Wow, wow!!!"

The surging blood was in a whirlpool style, swept towards Su Bai's right arm.

Like a thick blood dragon, climbing Su Bai's body, swimming towards Su Bai's arm.

Hyun batch!

After all the blood was drawn away, there was still half a ‘blood dragon’ on Su Bai’s body.

But it can't be delayed any longer, it will explode soon.

This is the first attempt, and this effect is enough.


Stomping heavily on the ground, Su Bai approached Shimen instantly.

His right hand was wrapped in a blood dragon, and he blasted towards Shimen.


Su Bai's fist hit the stone gate fiercely.

The blood dragon immediately followed his fist and plunged into the stone gate, and even the second half was under Su Bai's strong control and plunged into it together.



be quiet.

After all the blood gas was submerged, no major movement occurred immediately.


Su Bai retreated immediately, moving several tens of meters in an instant.

He faintly felt that this blow worked!


Beya in the distance was anxious and couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

However, when she made the first sound...


Extremely abrupt, a huge explosion was born.

Sheng Lie's blood, like the sun, burst out in his eyes.

"call out!!!"



Countless fragments burst out, drawing a sharp howling sound.

When they hit the channel wall, they will make a loud noise.

For a time, the passage was rumbling and shaking, and there were stones and dust being blasted off.



"Don't panic! Hold on to the protection!"


The women were a little frightened.

This movement is simply about to collapse the mountain!

After shaking for half a minute, the movement stopped.

Fortunately, the mountain wall passage is still very strong and successfully supported.

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