VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 917: Can you stand this sword?

This time the handover was a formal battle between Su Bai and Tan Ershi.

Both sides have used extremely powerful forces!

When handing over, the power is like the impact of stars, with terrifying momentum and dazzling light.

This terrifying energy shock, after spreading far away, the gorgeous energy becomes thinner, and you can see the situation at the center of the battle.

Su Bai and Tan Ershi were not at the center point, they were both hundreds of meters away from the impact point.

That terrifying handover caused the two to fly upside down for hundreds of meters.

This time, Su Bai was rarely at a disadvantage!

He flew upside down very far, his arm was cracked and painful, and his arm bone was probably cracked.

The tiger's mouth is already open, blood is pouring out, dripping along the sword.

In this fight, Su Bai was injured, and his health dropped a lot.


Converted into the life value of the mortal world, that is a full 3.35 million!

But when you taste your knowledge, a ‘resistance’ jumped out of his body again, and the damage was resisted.


Su Bai squinted his eyes, but did not move.

Since Taste Ershi is a patriarch, his strength will never be weakened.

Now it has also inspired demonization and is in its heyday.

Very strong!

And no matter how strong one's talents are, after all, he has just become spiritualized.

The level difference between the two sides is too much!

It's almost two hundred levels!

"Ha ha ha..."

As Su Bai's thoughts turned, the opposite Tsang Ershi sneered.

After the battle, he only had some dull and uncomfortable breath.

As soon as the power turns, it returns to its original state and remains strong.

"white night!"

Taste Ershi wandered through the air, mucus dripped from his mouth, "Is my hand cracked? Why, did you just do something like this?"

After the fight, Taste Ershi let go, still thinking of taunting Su Bai.


Before answering, Xiaoxue meowed.

On Su Bai's arm, white light was immediately wrapped.

The warm feeling envelops the inside and outside of the arm, and in the blink of an eye, it returns as before.


Su Bai shook his sword, his face was cold, and he didn't bother to understand nonsense.

With a thought, a powerful skill was used.

It is the active skill of Yin and Yang system:

【Form · King's Landing】


The ‘dry’ character flew out of Su Bai’s body and quickly rose to the sky.

Exudes a brilliant light, shining all over.

The light was clear and bright, but there was also Ling Ran's majesty.

Within the light range, Su Bai's attributes were greatly improved.

And all the targets that Su Bai regarded as hostile would inevitably be greatly suppressed!


Taste Ershi was taken aback, his pupils tightened as he looked at the characters hanging in the sky.

He has already experienced the terrifying power of this formation!

When it appeared, the body seemed to be pressing on the sacred mountain, and the power it could exert was drastically reduced!

"This! What power is this?!"

"You can suppress my attributes!!!"

Taste Ershi asked incredulously.

In the spirit world, it is extremely difficult for players with low strength to suppress players who are stronger than him!

Not to mention such a drastic suppression!

"Ha ha!"

Su Bai said twice, squinting, and slowly said: "See if you can stand this sword."

Did not recall the question of Erzhi, but spit out words.

Su Bai didn't want to entangle with him anymore, and wanted to fight quickly.

The state at this time is not considered the peak, and the extremely powerful "Kaitian" has not been used, there is no need for this.

Almost enough!


Tasting Erzhi's eyes suddenly became cold, and he laughed backwards, "Ha! So mad! So arrogant junior!"


Su Bai didn't reply, just crossed the sword in front of his chest.


Brilliant blood appeared all over the body, spinning rapidly and climbing towards the long sword in Su Bai's hand.


Full of golden light, Su Bai flew to Taste Ershi with a step into the world.

During this period, the sword body was gradually filled with ferocious blood!

Skill: Destroy the world and explode!

Whole blood consumption, the most powerful explosion!


Taste Ershi, a few hundred meters away, looked at the sword in Su Bai's hand, and his heart suddenly pounded.

A very unknown premonition was born in my heart!

I feel like I'm going to die!


When the thought came up, it was immediately rejected and erased by Taste Ershi. He would never allow himself to be frightened by Su Bai's aura.


With a long whistle, Taste Ershi still showed strength.

The huge paw fell to Su Bai.

The momentum is terrible, the momentum sinks!

This is directly facing Su Bai's attack, without dodge at all, showing strong confidence!

At this moment, the long sword in Su Bai's hand was full of blood.

It looked like a blood-colored long sword, and at the same time it was fierce and handsome.

Soon, the heavy sword and claws blasted!


The momentum this time was even more terrifying than the previous confrontation!

After contact, the Scarlet Sun exploded!

It instantly covers a range of 300 meters, and the light it emits shines far away!

The born vigor fluctuated and set off a storm, and everything light and material was blown out fiercely.

"Hi! What is this? The explosion is terrifying!"

"I know this! It's the move Bai Ye used in the ruins of the disaster!"

"Yes, indeed! But with this skill, is it possible to kill Taste Ershi?!"

"Impossible! The damage dealt in the remains of the spiritual disaster was between 15 billion and 400."

"I also have the impression that it is indeed in this range. Even if the white night is transformed into a spirit, it is several times stronger, it is difficult to kill Erzhi with a single skill."

"Yes, I'm so...hiss?!!!"


"This... my God! What is this?!"

"Dead?! Dead?!"

"Hiss————How is this possible?!"


Watching the scarlet sun explode, the side watching the battle waited for the violent scarlet energy to disappear, while also talking about it.

When two seconds passed, the world was choked.

The exclamation was endless, extremely noisy!


When the blood energy gradually dissipates, you can see that the tall demon tiger is Taste Erzhi.

The body was stiff, and the hair on the surface was torn, covered with scars, and purplish blood was bleeding.

The wound is not very deep, and it is not fatal, just very embarrassed.

However, on his head, a scary value appeared.

-197000000·Spirit·Death! ! ! (197 million)

The two words at the end of this injury: death.

These two words silly all the creatures who are paying attention to the battle between Su Bai and Taste Ershi!


I was overwhelmed and stunned, even those gods were no exception.

"Hiss... it turned out to be... death!"

"He actually hit death damage?! This... is rare!"

"After so many realms, you can still fight and die? What kind of luck is this?"

"No! The more important question is that he can hit and die?!"

"Good fellow! The Shura profession still has this kind of skill?"

"What level of power is this kid inherited?"


The many gods who watched the battle were very shocked.

Very curious about Su Bai's Shura power.

It's dead, hard to play, hard to own!

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