VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 934: It's dark, open the barrier

"Ah...I don't know what's going on."

Su Bai didn't want to spend time explaining, so he bluntly said: "Big wife, since you understand the reason, can it be solved?"

This method, of course!

Otherwise, Qingyu wouldn't let Su Bai come to her.

"Um... I think about it..."

"Hmm...it seems to be a bit impressed."

"There is indeed a way, wait for me to see...ah!"

Fu Qingqiu seemed to think of something bad, and her white jade face suddenly blushed.

"Big wife, what are you..." Su Bai looked at her strangely, and suddenly had an inexplicable premonition in his heart.

"I...this...I..." Fu Qingqiu's eyes dodged, her expression embarrassed.

‘How is this method! ’

‘So annoying, this method is too shameful! ’

'How to do? what do I do? ’

‘This...I can’t...I...’

Between the tangled eyes and the changing expressions, the above mental activities were revealed.


Su Bai's eyes lit up, and the man's intuition made him guess something.


Seeing Su Bai smiling, Fu Qingqiu was ashamed and annoyed.

The shyness in her heart made her want to leave!

However, he couldn't go, and was not willing to let Su Bai's spiritual body disintegrate.

It is extremely difficult to reshape it!

Therefore, she is tangled to death now.

I dare not speak out the method, and even dare not take the initiative to do it.

Looking at Fu Qingqiu, Su Bai laughed lightly.

He has guessed the method!

In this way, Fu Qingqiu did not leave, which made his heart warm.

However, the eldest wife is thinner, so she still has to take the initiative.

"follow me."

Su Bai took Fu Qingqiu's hand and took a step forward.

"!!!" Fu Qingqiu shook his head, panicking.

He wanted to save Su Bai, but he was afraid and shy.

The entanglement was too strong, and he didn't let go of Su Bai's hand.


Su Bai led her to a sea of ​​flowers on the mountain.

In the center of Huahai, I found a stone and took Fu Qingqiu to sit on the stone.

Fu Qingqiu: "Huh?"

Looking at the brilliant flowers around him, Fu Qingqiu couldn't understand Su Bai's intentions.

"No hurry, wait till night." Su Bai said softly.


Fu Qingqiu blushed and lowered his head silently.

She is clever, knowing that Su Bai's words are already implying that he already knows.

However, at this time, Fu Qingqiu's shy resistance was a little less.

Maybe it's Su Bai's empathy, maybe it's the fragrant flowers here, and it's also the reason for the gentle breeze.

In short, sitting here, Fu Qingqiu did slowly calm down and relax.

A long time passed.

The two really sat here till night!

it's dark!

"Big wife, open the barrier."


In silence, the barrier opens.

In the barrier, Su Bai pressed against Fu Qingqiu.

At this time, as a god, Fu Qingqiu was a complete little girl.

Eyes closed, body stretched like wood.

The breath was heavy for a while, and held for a while.

She didn't run away because she desperately suppressed the shyness in her heart.

"Don't be afraid, don't be shy."

Su Bai relieved her tension.

But to be honest, he himself was a little nervous!

In short, it took Su Bai an hour to calm Fu Qingqiu down.

Then, the road to repair began.

It's not a big deal either!

Fu Qingqiu is a god, or a special **** who controls life power.

In this way, there is no problem in supplementing the mysterious matter consumed by Su Bai's resurrection.

As for why two people are needed...

The [Guardian of the Goddess of Life] energy sealed in Su Bai's heart is a good supplement for energy.

But this life energy was sealed more strictly, and at the same time it was not enough.

All right!

Do not ask!

Asking is the avenue of yin and yang, asking is the number one in the world in double repair!


Eight o'clock the next morning!

The sun is shining, and the world is noisy again.


The enchantment that had covered the whole night finally disappeared, and a blue light flew into the sky.

"Big bastard! Big fuck! Dirty! Pervert!"

Fu Qingqiu slid quickly, leaving only the shame and corrupt curse echoing.

After being changed by Su Bai all night, now he is sober, shy, and angry.

Before calling the little bastard, now he scolds the big **** like a little woman.


The villain Su Bai was still lying on the rock, and he stretched out comfortably.

From the opening of the simple cloth shirt on the body, you can see that there are many red marks and tooth marks on the arms, neck, and back.

Not too lazy, Su Bai lay on the rock and opened his system interface.

In the character interface, there is no warning that the spirit body is about to collapse.

Hmm... This was resolved in the second hour last night.

In addition to this good news, there is another good news!

[Guardian of the Goddess of Life] Advanced!

Previously, Su Bai was a mortal body, and this BUFF was actually locked with 90% of the power, otherwise it would be unbearable.

Now Su Bai is a spiritual body and can bear more.

During the mingling, Fu Qingqiu unlocked a certain blockade.

[Guardian of the Goddess of Life] There are five major effects.

Effect 1: The preference of life

Effect 2: The tenacity of life

Effect three: the unyielding of life

Effect 4: Elegy of Life

Effect 5: The killing of life

After unlocking a certain blockade, the effect attributes at this time are:

Effect 1: The preference of life

Attribute: For every level increase by 1 level, the upper limit of spirit life increases by 10000.

Converting the mortal world value is one level, +10 million.

Great improvement!


Effect 2: The tenacity of life

Attribute: Spirit·Life restores 100 points per second.

The form has been changed. Originally it increased the recovery speed, but now it recovers a fixed value.


Effect three: the unyielding of life

Times: 5/5

Details: Triggered when the blood volume drops to 10%, you can choose to release the sealed life energy greatly, and instantly restore 30% of the health value.

The number of skills has been increased by 2 times, and it is self-controllable, and the percentage of recovery and the upper limit of triggering have been greatly improved.


Effect 4: Elegy of Life

Times: 5/5

Details: Largely release the sealed life energy, live from death, and resurrect without damage and full state.

The number of skills +1.


Effect 5: The killing of life

Times: 1/1

Details: The characters' elegy and indomitable times are all consumed and activated after death.

Forced to exist in the form of a ghost.

When in ghost form, health is increased by 20 times.

This form will last for 300 seconds. If a lot of life force is not injected after 300 seconds, the character will truly die.

The number of times remains the same, and the health of the ghost form is increased by 10 times.

The duration of the form is greatly improved.

At the same time, entering the ghost form can still be resurrected if it replenishes a huge amount of vitality.


The big wife is awesome!

You can continue without life in the future!

Su Bai turned off the BUFF column quite satisfied.

Then, still unable to get up, opened the backpack.

Some special things were obtained before, and they can only be used after spiritualization.

At the same time, there are many important things that could not be used before.

Now sort it out.

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