VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 951: it's me again?!

Question: [What breath awakened the abyss? 】

Su Bai asked this question, but Gouzi didn't answer.

He just looked at Su Bai straight and didn't speak, as if he was saying that Su Bai did it.

"Huh? What do you mean by...?"

Su Bai asked ignorantly.

But the dog still didn't speak, so he fixedly looked at Su Bai.

The look in his eyes... always feels unpredictable.

At this moment, Su Bai's inspiration flashed suddenly and suddenly thought of a possibility.

Maybe, this breath might be caused by oneself!



Yesterday, the movement caused by my spiritualization was not small!

At the same time, this neon situation was born yesterday!

Thinking of this, Su Bai asked from a different angle: "When did the breath that radiated into the abyss was born?"

Gouzi was silent for a while, and then said: "Yesterday around noon."


Su Bai was speechless, he could already confirm at this time.

It's really because of myself!

Such an obvious intersection in time is talking about Su Bai's spiritualization yesterday!

At the time of spiritualization, the vision that appeared was too strange.

Perhaps it was together, perhaps the breath of one of the visions, waved out.

It even spread to reality from the game!

The monster in the abyss was awakened.

They want to come out, but they can't do it before they come out.

According to Gouzi, a small hole was dug after the weirdness in the abyss made a sacrifice.

Then, I should have slightly sensed the breath of Chaohui Qiansha, so I chose the neon for the exit, and I chose it here.

But here comes the question, why can your own vision alarm the abyss?

Could it have something to do with the abyss? !

"Woo! You should leave now!"

As Subbai thought, the dog urged.

It seems that it will not continue to answer its own questions.

Well, it's okay.

At least I figured out the origin of the gray gas and why it appeared.

Su Bai retreated, but didn't leave, but said, "Are you going to close this dug hole? I'm curious, can you take a look?"

"Woo! Of course you can!"

The dog nodded.

Then, it finally moved, moved its position, and took a step back.


Su Bai's eyes were immediately attracted.

It turned out that there was an entrance to a black hole where the dog was sitting.

Small, only as big as a fist.

It was dark inside, with vaguely violent air blowing, and there was nothing to see.

I want to come this is what the dog said, the abyss hole that was dug.

There is an abyss inside!

It's really curious what's inside.


At this time, the dog raised his head and screamed.

Su Bai did not understand, but vaguely felt that the dog was saying goodbye to him.

However, before Su Bai waved his hand, the dog turned into a black light and fell into the hole!


The hole with the big fist shone with black light, shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It didn't take a long time to breathe before disappearing before Su Bai's eyes.

It's empty here, and even the breath has been swept away.

If it weren't for the signs of fighting in the Quartet, nothing could be seen.

"It's time to go back..."

Su Bai shook his head and returned to the ground.

Soon after he left, the place where the mouth of the abyss disappeared suddenly shone again.

Then, from the small hole, one after another...


There are big and small.

The big is mighty, the small is cute.

All have dark hair, white eyes, and white symbols on the center of the eyebrows.

"Sniff, sniff..."


After coming out, all the dogs sniffed in this space.

The big dogs are more calm, but you can see it, they are all excited.

And Coyotitos are quite active.

While sniffing, jumping and cheering.

It wasn't until some naughty Coyote ran up along the smell and ran to Su Bai to leave the hole that he had drilled.

"Woohoo!! Come back!"

"Can't leave yet, can't go out yet!"

"Woohoo! Wangwu! I want to go!"


"Grandpa Grandpa, let me go! Ooo!"


The naughty puppies were brought back by the neck.

Regardless of their resistance, they sent them back into the abyss.

After that, only a few big dogs remained here.


Among them, light flew in the eyes of the dog that Su Bai had seen before.

This light stopped in the air, condensing the appearance of Su Bai.


In silence, the dogs squatted up, staring at Su Bai, who was in a trance.

The emotions in the eyes are very humane, with melancholy, joy, respect, admiration, nostalgia, emotion, etc., etc., which are quite complicated.

They were in a daze for some time.

After regaining consciousness, he didn't say anything.

After looking at each other, the light quietly dissipated.

Afterwards, they returned to the abyss together.


After a while.


After Su Bai flew out of the earth.

Filling the ground back, Su Bai came to the monitoring room.

Chaohui Qiansha is still asleep, and has not yet woken up.


After Su Bai meditated, he didn't rush to wake her up in a hurry.

He could see that Chaohui Qiansha was in deep sleep at this time.

When the nine-tailed fox comes out, there must be a loss, she is very weak.

Either raise it slowly, or...

Su Bai left here again.

Soon, in just a few minutes, Su Bai returned here again.

He left to get a virtual helmet in the side shop and enter the next game.

After spending 2 BUGs, I extracted a pill from the game.

Cancel the usage level once and present reality once.

After using these two times, Su Bai still had 7 more times.

The pill is legendary.

If the quality is higher... Chaohui Qiansha is a mortal after all, I am afraid she can't bear it.

The legendary medicinal effect is not weak, it increases all four dimensions by 2000 points.

After taking it, it should be able to supplement her consumption.

Of course, in this way, the effect of the medicinal effect will not be able to achieve 2,000 points in four dimensions.

This is enough.

In short, Su Bai pinched a slippery, bright orange haze, and exuded a soothing fragrance, and came to Chaohui Qiansha who was still sleeping.

I tried to let Chaohui Qiansha eat it, but it didn't work. I slept too hard to eat.


Su Bai repeated the old trick, biting the pill into his mouth.

Then, Possessed and kissed Chaohui Qiansha's weak white lips, and passed the medicine.

After half a minute.

The effect of the medicine has dissipated, and her consumption has been replenished.

The peculiar thing is that she didn't even have a lot of impurities being discharged, and her body was quite pure.

This is not normal!

Is it possible that she has any adventures?

Su Bai guessed

At this time, Chao Hui Qiansha's sleepiness was already very shallow.


When she fell asleep, Chisa Chaohui suddenly felt very warm and comfortable.

At the same time, it feels weird...

So depressed, there is a feeling of breathlessness.

and so……

Chaohui Qiansha was finally awakened by this strange feeling and opened her eyes.

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