Vulgar Master

Chapter 284: The Yellow River is passing by, and the shad is fresh

"You woke up in the niche of the Dragon Dog Village ruins."

"Because of the geological collapse you caused, there is now a bottomless well pit with a radius of several miles. All the ruins of Longquan Village have fallen into the pit and disappeared. You have cables and other climbing tools in your backpack. You chose to enter Exploring the deep pit." "Exploring the deep pit..."

"You found some scattered mural fragments on the way, which fell down with the ruins of Longgou Village, and you pieced together a piece of mural fragments, which recorded that Dragon Dog's son-in-law and the three princesses came here to build Longgou Village, The couple had no children for many years, until they met a first-born grain eater who spliced ​​the body and limbs to point them out. After three springs and summers, the first child was born.....On this piece of information there is only this information, and the follow-up is incomplete."

"You're going to keep going down the pit, but you suddenly feel nauseous, your skin is hot and itchy, your hair falls out, you pass out, you're dead."

Huh? Zhou Bawa used the elixir gourd to revive and explore again, but died quickly several times in succession. The cause of death was not listed, only repeating the symptoms above, the sudden death of the wicked.

Today's shares were in vain, and I went out to class. Two days later, Zhou Bawa's online shopping arrived. I opened the express delivery and inside was an xrf spectrometer.

What is this thing for? It is usually used to measure radiation. Zhou Bawa made a guess after checking the symptoms listed in the game online, so he purchased the instrument online to verify it.

Zhou Bawa took out a five-ghost transporting talisman and pasted it on. This was bought last year when Christmas was haunted (Chapter 201). It is a means to bring real objects into the world. The means of obtaining it are scarce, and Zhou Bawa has none in his hand. A lot of stock, use one less one.

Zhou Bawa pasted the five ghost symbols on the xrf spectrometer, put it in the stomach bag of the meal, and sent it into the game.

"You carry a handheld xff spectrometer down into the deep pit, the spectrometer gives an alarm, the radiation value here exceeds the are dead."

"You have deciphered the abnormal environment under the deep pit of Longquan Village. The pit is strangely filled with excessive nuclear radiation, which is the cause of your rapid body decay and death."

"Under this deep pit, there seems to be a source of radiation..."

Although he died, Zhou Bawa got information this time, and the cause of the mysterious death was solved, it was radiation.

Outrageous, why is there nuclear radiation coming out of this pit, Zhou Bawa counted the five ghost carrying charms in his hand, went online and did some shopping online, after two days, five pieces of anti-radiation lead suits were delivered by express, Zhou Bawa Put the five pieces together and send them into the game.

"You plunged into the pit again. This time you prepared some protective measures. Although you persisted to a deeper place, the protective clothing was still penetrated by stronger radiation. Before you died, you found some fragments of murals, murals It is recorded in the book that a follower of the Great Fission Immortal under the Throne of the Year-by-Year True Monarch traveled to Longgou Village and stayed here to help the village construction.”

Died again, Zhou Bawa found that the map of Longgou Village was a bit pitted, the rewards were not great, and the danger was not small. When I found out the clues of this hidden map from the secret cellar of the Recluse Lord, I thought I had found a treasure, but the result is still in it. For several days, I have lost a lot of life but gained nothing, so this time is a bit boring.

Forget it, it's too wasteful, Zhou Bawa decided to go back to the old map, the map of Dragon Dog Village, and assign one life to explore every day to see what's there.

Afterwards, Zhou Bawa returned to the daily routine of continuing to cultivate the gods in the temple, Ran Qiuran was still busy with the company, Lin Yujing's dojo was developing rapidly, Zhou Bawa sneaked into Bai Xier's small clinic in his busy schedule, and someone's University life is rich and colorful, and in a blink of an eye, a month has passed.

In April, spring is warm and winter is stinging, pink peach blossoms are blooming on the peach blossom branches in the train station square park, a few peach blossom fairies are huddled on the tree and Doudou is looking down, a few children are throwing amulets up, but it doesn't work, Being blown away by a few flowers, like a ring that can never be caught at a ring stall, Zhou Bawa sat on a park bench with his luggage and counted: "5 yuan, 5 yuan, 5 yuan... "

Sitting next to it and eating, someone passed by with a vulgar god, and came here to smell it curiously, it barked and turned around and ran away in fright, tsk hiss, Zhou Bawa gave it a slap on the back of the head, brain buzzing.

Fu Jin landed on Zhou Bawa's shoulder, and Wuhe said that it was almost time, and the last piece of material for the casting of Faxiang had no holidays recently.

Zhou Bawa asked Zhang Saoling to help him go to class and answered that he would be back within a week at most. When it was time, Zhou Bawa checked the ticket and got on the train, leaving for Longmen Town.

The railway runs through Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei and crosses the Taihang Mountains. In the afternoon, Zhou Bawa arrived at Hejin Railway Station in Shanxi. Zhou Bawa got off the train with his luggage. He originally planned to take a long distance to Longmen Town by himself, and was leaving the car booth at the entrance of the traffic station. On the way to buy some dates to eat on the way, he heard someone calling him from behind: "Are you Mr. Zhou Bawa?"

Zhou Bawa looked back and saw a small crew cut. He was wearing a black suit with a rustic taste. There was no tie or button on the collar of the floral shirt. There was a covered tattoo under the gold watch and gold chain. At a glance, it looked like a millennium. The appearance of mixed society.

Zhou Bawa glanced at him: "Boss Yao from Longmen?"

Xiao Pingtou and Zhou Bawa were very polite, nodding happily, pointing to the big Land Rover parked next to him, and said to Zhou Bawa: "Xiaoman asked us to drive to pick you up."

Good guy, Zhou Bawaxin said that she hadn't replied to that little girl's WeChat, but she knew she was coming: "How did Yao Xiaoman know that I was here?"

ah? Xiaoping scratched his head in bewilderment, apparently not knowing if he hadn't communicated well or what? Zhou Bawa said that it was all right, patted him on the back and got into the car, and he went to pick him up. Without a word, Zhou Bawa followed the car to Longmen Town.

April is full of floods, the Yellow River is flooded, and the turbid yellow dragon swims along the river, and the raging waves and mud fall down. The car is driving on the mountain road along the Yellow River. Not far in front of it is the Yao family compound in Longmen Town. The river has been guarded for hundreds of years. The family land of the guardian of the Yellow River, UU Reading www. Zhou Bawa looked out of the car at the torrent as if it was about to rush out and hit the car window. The sound of the turbulent water seemed to fill his ears. Xiaopingtou drove the car and spoke in front: "It's like this every year in the flood season, Huanglong Grandpa turned around and made a lot of movement."

Zhou Bawa listened with his ears and followed his eyes with his eyes, but suddenly his pupils shrank, and he pointed to the raging river. He vaguely saw something strange: "Did someone fall into the water?"

"Ah?" Xiao Pingtou stepped on the brakes, and the two got out of the car halfway to check the river, but they saw white bellies churning in the river. Oh, I misread it. It turned out that it was not a person, but a lot of shad clattering in groups. Migrating in a group, they turned up to the surface, they were fish, but...Xiao Ping frowned and said, "No, there are no shad in our watershed."

Shad is a freshwater fish in the Yangtze River Basin in the south, huh? Zhou Bawa's small eyes and pupils collapsed, and then he looked carefully at the school of fish churning in the river, and then he saw the clues.

"Jin Xian Xing (90 years of Dao Xing epic vulgar gods) in April in the south of the Yangtze River peach blossom water, shad fish wind all over the river, three thousand miles in less than three days, I know how many people and horses, I belong to the chivalrous and chaotic forbidden department Xing Tianxia Temple , Grasping Zhou's bloodline 'Ruchuan guest, hatched."

Among the schools of fish in the raging waves of the Yellow River, a figure walks through.

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