Vulgar Master

Chapter 37: Year by year from the sky, from the starry sky

"You entered the assembly hall of the Great Sacrificial Stove. You saw a lot of grain eaters resting here and exchanging information. Do you want to go up and say hello and have a chat?"

"You entered the crowd to find a target to strike up a conversation with, and noticed a grain eater named 'Reincarnation Fuxian', do you want to say hello?"

"You greeted the other party, the other party showed disgust to you, and gave you a middle finger."

Tsk, what a stinky man.

"You entered the crowd to find a target to strike up a conversation with, and noticed a grain eater named 'Blood Believer', did you say hello?"

"You greeted the other party, the other party showed contempt for you, and gave you a middle finger."

Tsk, there are no normal people on the Internet, right?

"You entered the crowd to find a target to strike up a conversation with, and noticed a grain eater named 'Wind Lai Ke', did you say hello?"

"You stepped forward and compared your **** to the other party, but the other party ignored you."

Humph, it's just you, right? I can do it too!

"You entered the crowd to find a target to strike up a conversation with, and noticed a grain eater named 'Mid-Autumn Duke', do you want to say hello?"

"You greeted the other party, and the other party took out three incense sticks and bowed to you."

What's the meaning?

"You greeted the other party again, and the other party took out three more incense sticks and bowed to you again."

You leave my body to say goodbye.

Absolutely, Zhou Bawa didn't know what kind of sand sculpture netizens he encountered again, all of them were monsters and monsters, aren't there any normal people on the Internet?

"You entered the crowd to find a target to strike up a conversation with, and noticed a grain eater named 'North Ridge Hunter', do you say hello?"

"You greet the other party, the other party expresses goodwill to you, and greets you. You have successfully established communication, and you can choose to trade items or exchange Jin Lanyang money."

"Jin Lanyang money, if it is said that blood-stained money is the stain of betrayal in the blood of the grain eaters, then Jin Lanyang money is the brethren of the grain eaters. When faced with obstacles that you are personally incompetent against , you can summon your compatriots to help you by using Jin Lanyang money, (1/1) times a day, which can be upgraded."

Seeing the call to help again, Zhou Bawa had obtained a similar thing before, the Jinchan Order, but it was to summon the spy at the sticky pole, this time it was to summon other players.

Of course, this is not something you can give casually.

If you can't beat it when you summon it, it means adding an extra dish, and both of them give it for nothing.

Zhou Bawa did not exchange anything with the Beiling hunter, but just tried this function.

The assembly hall, generally speaking, is like this. Some simple communication can be carried out.

Zhou Bawa regrets that she still can't type and chat freely. Currently, only the incense burner can chat freely.

Is this deliberately designed by the game? Players can clearly feel the back of the game, as if there is such a huge world, but they are always only allowed to peep through a small hole.

After visiting the big sacrificial stove, it was getting late. Zhou Bawa chatted with the incense burner and went offline to sleep.


The next morning, when Zhou Bawa was playing a game, he went to the Shuigui River to catch a net and was dragged into the river to drown.

Yes, get up and go to class.

I have no words during the day. I have a one-day class every week. In the afternoon, I wrote the script of the new game evaluation video, and sent it to the main boss of up, Qiu Miao. In the evening, I held the welcome party.

Zhou Bawa was pulled by Ran Qiuran to watch the show, and she sang and danced so boringly. Would the freshman really spend a night watching this? I don't know, but the school leaders in the front row are definitely willing to watch.

Zhou Bawa yawned and watched the performance on the stage. Several students of the dance club, dressed in dance costumes in the shape of a white moon rabbit, finally completed the dance in the shape of a holding moon.

This is a dance performance of Chang'e flying to the moon specially choreographed at the request of a certain school leader, combined with news and facts, to celebrate the recent probe landing on the moon.

Actually, the performance was quite beautiful. The sisters of the dance troupe were in good shape and dressed in white.

But beauty and boredom do not conflict. Several contemporary college students love to watch this. I really want to see the probe landing on the moon. It is more interesting to watch news and sand sculptures. The sand sculpture map of the lunar probe is being issued.

Some put the rover on a small skirt, some put the photo of the moon surface sent back by the rover on the Moustache Military Base, and one... what is this?

Zhou Bawa opened the photo suspiciously and looked at it.

In the photo, taken from a top-down perspective, some pitted lunar surfaces can be seen on the edges, and a large area in the middle of the photo is the spherical dark reflective glass mask of a spacesuit.

This is an astronaut in a white spacesuit, with his hands on his chest and three sticks of incense in his hands.

Incense ash fluttered, and a pendant hung from the spacesuit.

Duke Yue chased the rabbit year old, holding a Mid-Autumn Festival card, on the silent moon watch, in the deep universe, the Duke of Mid-Autumn Festival's pendant swayed gently.

"The content you browsed has been deleted."

Zhou Bawa only had time to see it once, but before he could see it clearly, the photo was gone in an instant, and he couldn't find it if he refreshed it.

This is a photo of PS, right? Zhou Bawa was puzzled. Although the photo with the strange content just now was very real, it is not a problem with the current PS technology. However, the question is, he seems to have seen the Zhouwu pendant?

The photo disappeared so fast that Zhou Bawa couldn't see it clearly, but he always felt that it should be, so, was it accidentally posted when he was taking the photo, or...

Is there such a thing on the moon?

Zhou Bawa couldn't think of it, so he yawned after watching the program of the orientation party, and went back to the Before going to bed, the water ghost river caught two nets, but there was no gain. The first net caught some drowned people. Hair, medicinal herb material, and the second net happy drowning spree.

The accident happened the next morning.

Zhou Bawa originally planned to go to the water ghost river to make two nets in the game, but found that some strange copywriting began to pop up in the game today.

"You came to the water ghost river."

"Please note that the Mid-Autumn Festival is watching you."

"You plan to use the fishing net blessed by the river god."

"Please note that the Mid-Autumn Festival is watching you."

"You caught some stinky fish and rotten shrimp in this net."

"Please note that the Mid-Autumn Festival is watching you."

The text that popped up as frequently as a virus made Zhou Ba Waxin say that it was broken. Is there still a stalker in this game?

Zhou Bawa remembered the name Zhongqiu Gong. Yesterday in the assembly hall of the Dazaizao, he greeted this person, but the other party ignored him.

The question is why did he suddenly get entangled today, and how did he do it? Why can I keep appearing in my game that he is watching my copywriting, he doesn't look like blood and money?

Zhou Bawa really didn't understand it. After thinking about it, she took out her blood-stained money.

"You have ignited the blood-stained money, and the blasphemous power in the blood of the Grain Eaters is about to move. You smell the blood of your compatriots around you. Please choose the target you want to attack."

"Soilwalker, Muyu monk, Mid-Autumn Duke..."

"You choose to attack, Duke Zhongqiu."

"The Duke of Mid-Autumn Festival was killed by you. Your hands are stained with the blood of your compatriots. The power of blasphemy in your blood is joyful. More, more."

"You escaped Duke Zhongqiu's gaze."

"You found a key on the body of Duke Zhongqiu."


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