Chapter 110: 110 – Ways to Restore Reason

“It’s like a scene that can only be seen in the end times, where people are all refugees struggling to survive, even risking their lives to go outside in search of a pitiful little material.” ”

Bishop Rama came to the tent where Father José was located, with a new Bible in hand.

“If the era of calamity comes, then people all over the world will face the life they are living like now… Even more terrifying than it is now.

Just thinking about that scene makes me shudder. ”

Bishop Rama tapped three times on his chest and performed the holy bishop’s teaching.

He then asked Father José: “How are you praying here?” Did Your Majesty respond to you? ”

“Yes! Father Jose paused, recalling the details of what Stall had said to him during prayer.

After summing up in his heart, he said to Rama: “Your Majesty, Your Majesty, let us pay attention to the traces left by the Lord around us. ”

Rama was in a trance, originally on the plane it was the Pope’s power that came to perform a miracle, and intervened to solve the ‘it’ on the plane.

These people have no idea how to solve it and want to get a solution from the Pope.

Asking Father José to pray to the Pope was just an idea of trying it out, but it did get a response, but the statement was too vague.

“Oh, by the way, His Majesty also said that the ‘it’ that caused this mysterious pollution incident was Liplet! ”

Bishop Rama frowned: “Liplet, I remember that there is a chapter in the Bible that describes the debate between Saint Bartholomew and the blind Liplet. ”

As a bishop, Rama memorized almost everything in the Bible.

When Father José proposed the name, Rama felt familiar, and he could instantly recall that it was a name that appeared in the Bible.

And also be able to recall the corresponding chapter.

José relayed the papal interpretation to Bishop Rama.

After listening to this, Rama sighed and said bitterly: “It is a mysterious force that appeared in the early days of the founding of the religion a thousand years ago.

Even let the saint Bartholomew fight it hard, and even after victory, he must remain silent in the raging river to be faithful to his faith in our Lord.

And it was a whole month of extreme painstaking repairs. ”

Speaking of this, Bishop Rama was suddenly stunned, if the mysterious pollution that erupted in Xiesensu City at this moment was the same origin as Liplet a thousand years ago.

So after fighting against it, will Saint Bartholomew also have a situation of reduced sanity after being polluted as they are now?

And after the difficult victory, the saints chose the way to be faithful to our Lord through extremely difficult penance.

Bishop Rama rubbed the corners of his forehead, and he suddenly felt that some important connection could be found in this.

According to the Bible, Saint Bartholomeus lived to be one hundred and five years old and rose early in the morning to receive the glory of the Lord and ascend to heaven.

He is one of the very few saints who have attained a good death.

And there is no record in any of the texts that Bartholomew was a madman when he died, and any texts describe him as a very old sage.

This shows that Bartholomew, after his victory over Liplet, was also polluted and his sanity declined, but he was able to gradually regain his sanity through penance.

The saint was silent in the raging and cold river for a whole month, which shows how deeply polluted he was at that time, and his reason may have fallen to the bottom.

That’s why you have to practice hard for so long.

Bishop Rama’s expression became a little excited, but all this was his speculation, the accuracy had not yet been verified, and he needed to try it himself before he could say it to the other companions.

If penance could really restore their senses, they wouldn’t seem too helpless against all the ‘Liplets’ in the city.

And the consequences of a lower sanity are too terrible.

The reporter from Montt, who happened to meet on the plane, acted like a fool after waking up this morning.

His eyes were dull, he had drool, and even when he had just passed the tent where Burris was, the young man was lying on the grass and eating grass.

He was hurriedly dragged up by the nun who took care of him.

Rama was terrified, he didn’t want to be a madman when he was old.

“Your Honor, how are you doing with Mass here? ”

“It’s not bad, after all, the danger of our people has brought hope to everyone here.”

Previously, they were isolated and could only choose to struggle to survive and save themselves, and they did not see the light of salvation.

Now we are here and can tell them all that the Pope is already watching here and will send someone to rescue them later. ”

Bishop Rama smiled and was dropped off by the driver of the night bus in the early hours of this morning.

Originally, that road would not have led to this place.

But when the driver learned that they were all church priests and had been ordered by the Pope to rescue them, he immediately decided to go against the rules that the driver was asked to follow and take them directly here.

Once the driver deviates from the road, it is a very serious violation of the rules, and the two white-clothed passengers behind will immediately storm the driver.

This may be the rule that white passengers must follow, and if the driver is found to be driving off the road, the driver will be killed.

But with the protection of these priests who stepped into the holy road, killing the two white-clothed passengers was a breeze.

The Sister Elsa with a shotgun basically shot the two white-clothed passengers who rushed over and threw them to the ground.

Father José also threw two punishment spells at the white-clad passengers, making sure that they could not die again.

The driver at the time was still very enthusiastic, and he also said that if the white-clad passengers died, then the road would immediately know and it would immediately pay attention to the night bus.

But different circles affected by ‘it’ cannot interfere with each other.

When you are maliciously targeted by this circle, immediately run to another circle, and you will not be attacked by the original circle ‘it’.

But this one does not fit into situations where ‘it’ has been labeled as resistant, enemy.

If you are marked as an enemy in one circle, you will also be attacked by it if you run to another circle.

So the driver was also trying to flee, taking advantage of the fact that he hadn’t noticed the car and left the circle immediately so that his body would not be marked.

And the red marked on the red-clothed flight attendant on the original plane also directly ripped off the connection of this mark because of the power interference of the Pope.

Even if these people run into another circle, they will not be attacked by it immediately, but at most they will be curious to pay attention.

Sanity is lowered a little more.

Fortunately, the driver was skilled enough to drive well, and after leaving the road circle, he interspersed several outdoor circles in succession, all passing quickly on the side.

Then we arrived at the park without a hitch.

Now the night bus has become an important means of transportation for park resisters, after all, this bus can carry a lot of people, and it is still very convenient to go to some unpolluted areas.

When they arrived at the resistance camp, Bishop Rama planned to give a Mass to everyone here today.

So that these people would not give up, but also so that they would all believe in the existence of the Lord and that God would deliver everyone.

He came because the Mass had just ended, and it worked well, when a group of sane people gathered to listen to the Mass of a bishop.

These people will be truly convinced of the existence of the Holy Lord, without the slightest doubt, and even give Bishop Rama the illusion that he is coaxing a group of fools.

But after talking to Jose, Rama wanted to test whether penance could help him regain his sanity and purify his body.

At this moment he came to his tent and found a rough wooden stick from outside, and he decided to use the most direct way of ‘flogging’ to carry out penance.

Rama took off his regular clothes, then even the shirt underneath, topless.

He hung a coat of arms necklace on top of the tent and then knelt down facing the emblem.

Taking a deep breath, Rama bowed his head and prayed, “Lord! I repent, I am guilty! ”

“Boo! ”

He slammed the stick he was holding his back.

The severe pain made Bishop Rama instantly lose his voice, and his body was immediately covered with fine beads of sweat.

The pain caused Rama’s brain to stop for a moment.

Knowing that in the end, he breathed hoarsely, after all, he was an old man in his sixties.

Just now, it almost made Rama see the glory of his ancestor, Saint Neil.

“What are you doing? ”

Nina lifted a corner of the dilapidated tent and saw Rama naked with a pained expression inside.

“Whew… Whew…” Rama waved the stick in his hand, and he asked Nina to see for herself, his state at the moment did not want to explain to Nina.

Nina frowned, and she said suspiciously: “Are you self-harming?” ”

“Don’t be foolish, I am doing penance, this is the flogging of repentance, in honoring the crucifixion of the Son Yaga. Bishop Rama’s eyes widened immediately.

In the church, self-harm is a strictly forbidden practice, and the self-mutilator cannot even enter the kingdom of heaven with their souls after death.

In the canon of the Holy Bishop, self-harm is basically the same as suicide, a mortal sin that the Lord will not forgive under any circumstances.

“Oh! Nina did not intend to leave, but sat directly on the ground and looked at Bishop Rama.

Rama was a little embarrassed by her, but he decided to continue.

When he was presiding over Mass today, he even found himself dyslexic, as he flipped through the new version of the Bible and looked at what was on it.

Only to find that every word began to blur and difficult to distinguish.

This may be polluted to a certain extent, and after the rationality is reduced, it is already difficult to recognize the words.

So he had to keep trying to use this method to see if he could restore his sanity through penance.

Rama continued to smash the stick in his hand to his back again and again, and his back was soon swollen and red by the rough stick.

Even blood began to accumulate under the skin, and finally every time Rama repented, the strength of the stick would be deliberately increased by him.

In the end, even the bruises on the back were beaten out, making the entire back bloody.

“Poof! “Bishop Rama couldn’t hold on in the end, and his whole body fell to the ground.

Nina did not come to help, but instead lay on the ground and looked at Rama, who was dying of repentance, and asked, “What’s the point of you doing this?” ”

Bishop Rama felt that the woman in front of him was too unconcerned about the occasion, but when he thought that the other party was also polluted by Liplet and his sanity was reduced to the point of madness.

He didn’t want to have too much to do with her.

Rama laboriously pulled out the new version of the Bible from the side, and turned the page, his arms supporting his body and slowly lifting his upper body.

Then look at the contents of the page that are turned over.

He saw that the text on it was no longer blurry, but there were still some distortions, but he was already able to recognize what the words were.

This shows that penance is effective, and it is really possible to restore one’s sanity, but the process is very painful.

Perhaps this is exactly what His Majesty the Pope, in response to Father José’s prayer, said to observe the traces left by the Lord in the vicinity.

It was through José that Bishop Rama relayed to him the passages of the saints over there, that he speculated that penance might be a way to restore sanity and purify pollution.

If you are faithful to the Lord and believe in our Lord, you will inevitably be protected by God.

“What’s the point of doing this! Nina asked puzzled.

In her eyes, Rama and the others came to the city to rescue them, but at this moment, Rama’s state has almost tossed him himself.

“I… I found the ability to… Ability to recover… Sane way! ”

Nina’s eyes lit up.

“Use ascetic methods to confess and pray to the Lord… to be able to make one’s faith… A little recovery!

Maybe it can completely purify this pollution. ”

Nina’s expression became solemn, and she picked up the thick wooden stick that Bishop Rama had just fallen to the ground.

Then he swung his hand vigorously and directly smashed the wooden stick on the brain door.

“Poof! ”

Inside the tent lay a second person.

Rama was dumbfounded at what the silly girl in front of him had done.

“What are you doing? He questioned.

Nina fainted a little from the hard blow just now.

Her consciousness was slightly clear, and she looked sideways at Rama next to her and asked, “Look at me… Have you become smarter now? ”


Rama was speechless, but judging by Nina’s performance just now, her sanity had definitely not recovered.

He got up from the ground in pain, and then said to Nina: “Don’t try this method first, wait for us to study and then see the results, after all, we are the priests of the church.” ”

Happy New Year to everyone.

(End of chapter)

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