It takes a seven-hour drive from Montt to Gannon Town, and they arrive during the day until after 4 p.m.

The maple forest surrounding this town is a unique local view.

In autumn, a large number of backpackers come here to close the autumn leaves.

However, three months ago, a very heinous serial murder broke out here, and it was at that time that Rust and Deacon Leiden, who went to investigate Father Pitt’s Father Pitt, discovered Stur.

and brought each other back to St. Neil’s Church in the city of Montt.

For Jose, Stull has great kindness to him, and at the same time Jose is loyal to Sture in his heart and silently believes in each other.

At this moment, he came to the town of Gannon where the Pope first stayed, and it suddenly made Jose feel the desire to visit any place where Stull had stayed here.

Now that autumn is approaching, the wind blowing over is cool.

Wait for the surrounding maple forest to turn into autumn leaves, and that’s when Gannon town is at its most beautiful.

“It’s a pity, Holy Son….well, no, it was His Majesty the Pope who only stayed here for half a year.

The most beautiful time in Gannon Town is autumn, but unfortunately His Majesty did not see it, then it is also the most lively time in Gannon Town.”

In the car, when José was seen looking into the distance through the window, Mr. Barry immediately said.

The last thing missing in this town is the topic of the Son of Sture.

The faith of the residents here is so pure that they even hold a lot of stories in their hearts until the autumn when backpackers come here to watch the autumn leaves.

The inhabitants of Gannon would continue to tell them stories about the Son, who was now the Pope.

“Is that the church where His Majesty once stayed?”

“Yes, Gannon Town Church, and the only church in town, was once destroyed by alien demons over the main entrance and chapel.

I paid for a new renovation.”

Mr. Barry said.

Jose looked at the chalky spire church on the hillside in the distance.

He muttered softly, “When I leave Gannon Town, I must go to that church.”

Mr. Barry nodded approvingly, and for Jose, the church was the equivalent of a holy place.

The vehicle slowly drove into the Bali Village, and the atmosphere of the village was particularly silent at the moment, and all the employees inside were cautiously staring around, as if they were checking to see if they could find some clues.

After entering the main building of the Bali Courtyard, which resembles an ancient castle, Jose understood that the other party had already called the police.

Because a long cordon was pulled up outside Asinsha’s room.

A sharp-eyed policeman was standing outside, flipping through the booklet in his hand that recorded the details, which was full of notes on some of the cases he had written casually.

It does not need to be added to the case file.

“Let me introduce you, this is Director Yasen.”

Mr. Barry first introduced José to the identity of the policeman in front of him.

The other party was the chief of the local police station in Gannon town, and Mr. Barry then continued: “Chief Yasin and His Majesty the Pope also have a good relationship.

Director Yasin carefully looked at the young priest in front of him, and the divine robe on the other party was a specification that only a bishop had.

“This is Bishop José, the administrator of the Church of St. Neil, who was ordained to cardinal by the Son himself, and is currently the patriarch of the entire diocese.”

“Hello my lord.”

“You are also a believer in the church.”

“Of course, the Son healed my daughter’s physical injuries, for which I have already offered my faithfulness to the Son to the Lord.”

Director Yasin said very solemnly.

Jose nodded, he was not alone this time, there were also two members of the bishops’ conference, one of whom was the priest of St. Neil’s Church, and the other was originally affiliated with another church in the diocese.

But when José summoned the other church priests for mass, the other party actually entered a state of enlightenment on the spot, and José directly left it in the church of St. Neil.

In order to allow more priests in the diocese to step on the holy path, José will perform a daily parish mass, summoning the priests of all parishes in the diocese to come to St. Neil’s Church for Mass.

In fact, like the Pope, the way to use Mass to help priests realize the path to the holy path is to transform the spirituality in the body into holy power in the process of Mass.

The Holy Power is then infused through Mass.

As long as the priest of pure faith and faithfulness can enter the state of enlightenment by participating in mass, the highly gifted priest can even step directly into the holy path to become a transcendent being.

In fact, the transcendent beings who have stepped into the holy path in other dioceses around the world have used this mass to do their best to let more priests step into the holy path.

It’s just that none of them, including Jose, have the same powerful spirituality as Pope Stule that can transform the holy power of presiding over a mass of 10,000 people to use.

For the current José, he can support up to three hundred people for Awakening Mass.

Beyond this amount, it would exceed Jose’s spiritual consumption limit.

Jose glanced at the small notepad in the other party’s hand and asked, “What clues do you have there?” ”

Director Yasen directly put away the small notepad and replied seriously: “Nothing, maybe just like Mr. Barry said, Miss Asinsa really disappeared out of thin air!” ”

“I didn’t lie again!”

Barry shouted loudly, he was a little angry at being questioned many times, coupled with the disappearance of his daughter made him feel anxious and anxious.

He eagerly wanted to urge Jose and the others to hurry up and take a look, after all, only mysterious events can make a person suddenly disappear, and to solve such mysterious events, only these transcendent priests can do it.

“Okay, I’ll go in and take a look.”

José led two members of the bishop’s corps into Asinza’s room, where all the furniture and items in the room were removed.

Surrounded by plain wallpaper, even the curtains of the windows have been removed, and they can directly see that the view outside the window is a vine field overlooking it.

The spirituality in José’s body began to transform into holy power, and he used the “Holy Eye of the Holy Art” on himself to open the “Holy Vision”.

In his eyes, a viscous green liquid flowed on the walls around him, a manifestation of a mysterious polluting power.

Only those who have been exerted with the Divine Eye and have opened the Divine Eye can see it.


Jose took a deep breath, and after the spiritual power in his body was transformed into holy power, he began to feel that the air seemed to become thicker, as if entering a closed space surrounded by oil.

The air you breathe is that particularly pungent smell.

The room was polluted and José could be 100% sure that this was a mysterious incident.

He looked back at the two bishops’ corps who had followed him and said, “First decontaminate Mr. Barry and Officer Arthur, and then all the people in the entire manor who have entered this room.

It’s polluted, and you can be polluted indirectly.”

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