“Bishop José, there are seven people in the Cott Episcopal Conference, plus my words are eight people, and we are at Bishop José’s disposal.”

Bishop Kurt stood in front of José and said very sincerely.

“Oh… Thank you.”

Jose was a little confused, although Phil had told him in advance that Cardinal Kot, who manages the diocese of Rachel, and his bishops’ conference would cooperate with José’s actions.

But the other side’s performance at the moment is more like a request for enlistment merger.

In José’s understanding, the two tasks are carried out by two bishops, but only to look after each other.

Originally, José was still in the other parts of his bishops’ group because of the distance could not rush from Monte City in time, and it would be close to three hours before his own people were assembled.

If the members of the Curte bishopric come together, Jose can be sure to act now.

However, Kurt is a cardinal, and Jose can’t figure out why he is so eager for himself, a newly ordained redcoat.

And at the moment, although Kurt is very enthusiastic, there is no way, because of the release of the Holy Voice newspaper in the evening.

Criticism of his briefing can be seen by the priests throughout the church.

Now he encountered a mysterious incident in his diocese, and the papal chamberlain personally called him to cooperate.

If Kurt had not been able to figure out the thoughts and requirements of the Holy See at this time, then his cardinal would have lived in vain.

And the current Cardinal House is no longer the Cardinal House of the past.

The previous Cardinals could set the canons of the Church and could set the future trends of the Church.

If the Pope is old and faint, the Cardinal Council can even do so to the point of emptying the Pope, but only when forced to do so.

And now the Cardinal, in front of Pope Stuhl, is like a corner in the corner, I can’t think of such a narcissistic thing ornament.

These cardinals are only left in name.

After all, Sture is the human spokesperson appointed by the Holy Lord and the Holy Son who has miracles.

Coupled with the Holy Route opening the Pope again, Stuhl’s control over the Church reached an unprecedented height.

A single personnel reform within the church resulted in the removal of five ministers in nine major ministries.

Historically, the Pope has not achieved this level, and for Stuhl, this is just a word command, and the whole church will perform the internal cleansing according to Stuhl’s will.

“My men are still some time away from coming, and if the Cott Bishops’ Conference is going to join us, then I’m sure I’ll be sure to check it out first.

If the situation inside is beyond what we can solve, it will not be too late to ask the Holy See for support.”

Jose said to him.

“No problem, this time all of us listen to you, after all, you have dealt with the mysterious incident in the city of Xiesensu before, and you also killed a demigod.

You must be much more experienced than we are.”

Jose didn’t say anything more and turned around, and the government forces of the Mesa Federation outside had also been deployed in place, in order not to startle the snakes.

Government officials contacted Caltech’s office directly to get the faculty and students of the Institute of Computer Science to leave there first.

With a reason to repair and deal with the faulty cable, everyone inside walked out of the institute.

In addition, it is now evening, and the people who continue to stay in the institute have to be here except for work reasons, and the rest are more paranoid about academic research.

“Everyone exerts a divine eye on themselves, opens the divine eye, and pays attention to the degree of pollution inside.”

José had chosen a priest from each of his own and the Curt bishops’ conference.

Let the two of them go and check if there is any contamination on these people who left from the computer research institute, and if so, they will be directly purified.

But then José added: “Be careful, Battier, the president of New World Network Technology, saved himself as a player information on the server here a few hours ago using a network cable from the Pova country of Joshu.

And judging by the current intelligence, this time the source of the mystery should be on Battier.

Therefore, when you check and purify those in the researchers, you must be careful whether they have been contaminated and transformed into alien beings.”

“Yes! Lord Bishop! ”

The team split into two groups at this moment, and the remaining nine people, including Jose and Kurt, immediately went to the computer researcher at Caltech.

It can be seen that there have been many assassinations by agents of government personnel in the periphery, with branches in different locations, originally thinking that the source of this mysterious incident would be in the capital of the country of Bowa, but it was transferred to California in the Federation of Mesa.

This made the high-ranking members of the Meisa government, who were still slightly relieved, almost vomit blood in anger.

Sure enough, you can’t use common sense to judge any mystery, after all, mystery itself cannot be predicted.

“Bishop José, Bishop Cote, this is the director of the Institute of Computer Science, ‘Ambrose’.”

A young and capable government official introduces the priests to a thin professor with heavy glasses in front of them.

The other party wore a checkered sweater and a pair of plain brown pants.

“Professor Ambrose, this is Cardinal Curt, this is Cardinal José, they are the priests who have visited the Computer Research Institute this time.

And Cardinal Curt is also the head of the diocese of Rachel in this state.”

Ambrose gave the two a simple salute: “Hello two adults.”

Jose asked in amazement, “Are you a saint?” ”

Believers and believers are not the same, believers are only believers, while believers join the holy bishop, have been baptized into the church, and in some ways obey the canons.

Ordinary believers seeing bishops would not deliberately add honorifics as Ambrose is now.


Ambrose said to them with a joyful expression.

“Actually, I am very excited about your arrival, and I have written to the Holy See before, hoping that the Church will abandon the strict observance of some ancient and sluggish traditions.

It’s a time that has changed dramatically, and you’re here to give me a product that introduces you to the brains of modern technology.”

Obviously, in order to make it easier for the bishops to move in the computer research institute, the government also specially used the name of visiting to let the president of the computer research institute personally accompany it.

Bishop Curt scoffed, “Still a very radical reformist.”

He himself is a conservative, in fact, the differences between reformers and conservatives within the church are very large, and it can be said that it has reached the point of incompatibility.

But because of Stuhl’s strong rise, all internal differences were suppressed.

Probably Stull himself did not know that there were reformers and conservatives in the church.

Because at this time within the church, only his will is carried out up and down.

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