Chapter 87: 87 Mission

Originally, the bishop of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was summoned by the Pope in advance was just an episode.

But now Stull is more focused on the events in the city of Seisensu.

Meeting with the ministers of the remaining ministries was only a few words, and it was only a few words to get to know the cardinals of the Holy See who manage the entire department.

The printing of a new version of the Bible, the one that Stuart rewrote, was the responsibility of the Holy Order.

All the monasteries in the world that are recognized and registered by the Church are managed by the Ministry of Saints, and the monastery is a place where ordinary people who join the Church and want to become a clergy must receive church studies in the monastery.

And it takes at least three years to graduate in a monastery to become a qualified clergyman, whether a monk or a nun.

But there is another situation, like Stuhl, a child who grew up in the dean of church welfare and received a church education from an early age.

The vast majority of such children become monks after leaving the orphanage, and children who grow up in the dean of ecclesiastical welfare basically become clergy serving the holy bishop.

The environment in which one lives and the education one receives from an early age will limit a person’s future growth and development.

As soon as the head of the Holy Seminary received the job arranged by the Pope, he promised that the priests of the archdioceses would use the latest version of the Bible at Mass.

Bishop Rama was supposed to leave the Holy See at noon today and return to St. Neil’s Church.

In this papal election, he did not achieve his previous ambition to become a cardinal.

Bishop Korama does not feel any sense of loss, he has seen miracles and has personally accompanied the true Son.

In Rama’s eyes, no bishop can compare with Stule as the Son, the Kingdom of Heaven exists, the Lord exists, and the Son is in sight.

Their faith is correct, and even though Bishop Rama has shaken his faith in the past, he will be true to everything from now on.

“Your Honor, you can’t go back today. ”

A papacy deacon came to Bishop Rama and said.

“Huh? Why? ”

“It is not clear from my side that it is an order from the Holy See that you may be called by the Holy Father. ”

Hearing the words of this papal deacon, Rama’s eyes changed from initial doubt to seriousness, if His Majesty the Pope wants to summon him, there must be something very important to arrange.

Today is the first day of the new pope’s accession to the throne, and he should be summoning the ministers of the Holy See.

All cardinals who do not serve in the Holy See are not allowed to return to the Genni Holy See without a call from the Holy See.

But when the previous pope was critically ill, the papal cardinals had already begun to prepare for the papal election process, and Rama would not say anything about him when he came to the papal cardinals at that stall.

After all, all the bishops with ideas basically came at that time.

Even the cardinals within the College of Cardinals began to become active in the Holy See.

And the dying pope could not accuse him.

In the afternoon, Bishop Rama was summoned by the Holy See.

Inside the papal office, he saw Stuhl, who was in a slightly haggard state of mind.

Meeting so many people at once made Stuhl feel what work pressure is.

When he saluted Stuhl, Stull said directly to him: “Bishop Rama, this is the third time we have met, right?” ”

“Yes, it is my honor to meet the Son. ”

Stuhl was silent for a moment, and Bishop Rama sat in front of Stuhl with a slight restraint, in fact he did not know why Stull had summoned him.

But Bishop Rama is very weak at the moment, he was by no means a priest of pure faithfulness in the past.

“As far as I know, at the time of the papal election, all the bishops cheered in unison in the presence of Holy Spirit Neil. ”

“Yes, as a descendant of Saint Neil, I am deeply honored, an honor that flows in my blood. ”

“There is a matter that needs to be solved by the priests in St. Neil’s Church, and I have summoned all the priests in St. Neil’s Church who have already stepped into the holy path.

At the same time, I want to transfer Father José and Vice Priest Phil to the Holy See, and Vice Priest Phil will serve as my chamberlain! ”

“It’s their pleasure. ”

Bishop Rama replied with a smile that he had originally wanted to join the College of Cardinals through the election of the Pope, but his own priest and another priest in the church mixed better than him.

Received the weight of His Majesty the Pope.

But Bishop Rama will not object, the status of the pope in the Holy See is beyond everything, and he can only silently abide by the pope’s decision.

“I need you to take the priests of St. Neil’s Church on a mission.

If you know about the evil faith pollution incident in Monte City, then I can say that the mission you are going to carry out this time is more difficult than the evil faith pollution in Monte City. ”

Stuhl continued, “I will also reform the existing church staffing arrangements.

In the future, every bishop must set up a special holy order composed entirely of transcendent beings who have stepped into the holy path.

In the future, disasters may continue to emerge, and every bishop must be able to deal with the disasters that occur in the local diocese. ”

Bishop Rama took a deep breath as he returned to St. Neil’s Church and greeted all the bishops back to Stur.

He had learned from Phil about everything that had happened recently in Monte City, and he also knew what the holy path was, and the transcendent who believed in the Holy Lord.

Father José, the Française Elder, and Phil are all transcendent beings who have already stepped into the holy path.

“But… Your Majesty, I am ashamed that I am not a transcendent person who has stepped into the holy path compared to Vice Priest Phil and the others.

I…… There is no confidence that you will be able to lead them to the task you have given in this operation. ”

“You are a descendant of Saint Neil, and your body flows with the holy blood of the saint, among all the priests of the Church.

The descendants of saints are the easiest group of people to step into the holy road, I will help you step into the holy road, with the blessing of the saint’s bloodline, your enlightenment will be easy. ”

The holy light bloomed on Stuel’s body, and in the holy light, Bishop Rama seemed to see a finger lightly tapping on his eyebrow.

In an instant, Bishop Rama’s eyes were filled with bright white.

He heard the voice of someone chanting the Bible.

He searched in the direction where the voice came from, but finally saw a man in a church robes holding a Bible in his hand, which he did not turn on his hand, but on his chest.

When Bishop Rama saw the appearance of the other party, he was sure that the person in front of him was his ancestor, the saint Neil who had been canonized by the Holy See.


Bishop Rama wanted to say something to the ancestor in front of him, but the holy light bloomed on the other side, drowning Rama’s consciousness.

(End of chapter)

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