Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

[114] Found A Lithium Mine And Asked For Two Billion! (Please Customize)

Chen Dehua: "@刘俊良, Mr. Liu, you are in the film and television industry, you should have connections in Yida Cinemas, right?"

Ma Hao: "Mr. Liu, this time it's up to you."

Wu Jing and several investors put their hopes on Liu Junliang at this time.

After all, Liu Junliang is the boss of Spring and Autumn Film and Television.

Chunqiu Film and Television is an established film and television company in China.

Liu Junliang is also an old man in the film and television industry.

Although Spring and Autumn Film and Television is already in decline, it is not as good as before.

But after so many years, Liu Junliang must have accumulated a lot of contacts in the film and television industry.

Liu Junliang: "Let me try."

ten minutes later.

Liu Junliang: "This matter is very difficult. I just found Mr. Zhang of Yida Cinemas. The job of arranging the film belongs to Mr. Zhang. Mr. Zhang just explained to me on the phone. The reason why they don't want Zhan Dragon was screened in Yida Cinemas during the National Day because they don’t like domestic military films.”

Wu Jing: "Mr. Liu, Zhanlong will be screened in two days. Can you invite Mr. Zhang to go to the theater to watch the screening of Zhanlong? I believe Mr. Zhang will definitely change after watching it." I have an inherent prejudice against domestic military films."

Liu Junliang: "I just invited Mr. Zhang to watch our War Dragon screening on the phone, but Mr. Zhang said that his schedule is full these days at the end of the year and he can't spare time. I think this is his It’s just an excuse.”

Xia Dong: "Then what should we do? If Zhanlong can't be released in Yida Cinema, then the box office..."

Seeing the latest group chat message, Ye Chen silently opened an electronic document saved on his mobile phone.

It saves the boards in charge of all the senior management of Yida Film and Television and their contact information.

All shareholders of Yida Film and Television have such a document in their hands.

Speaking of which, this was the first time he had opened the document since he received it.

After finding the phone number of Zhang Qing, the president of Yida Cinemas who was in charge of arranging films, Ye Chen dialed it directly.

"Hi Mr. Ye."

The phone connected after a few rings.

Zhang Qing's respectful voice came.

In Yida Film and Television, the shareholder has the contact information of all high-level executives, and all high-level executives also have the contact information of shareholders.

Zhang Qing's mobile phone saved the phone numbers of all shareholders of Yida Film and Television, and made a note.

Therefore, as soon as Zhang Qing looked at the caller ID, he knew that it was Ye Chen, their new shareholder of Yida Film and Television, who was calling him.

Those who can become their Yida film and television shareholders are not simple people.

Although this new shareholder Ye Chen is very young.

But he didn't dare to be contemptuous.

After the phone call, Ye Chen typed in the Zhanlong group: "Director Wu, I just made an appointment with Mr. Zhang to watch the screening of Zhanlong, and he should contact you later.

Chen Dehua: "??Brother Ye, you...you really don't show your face.

Xia Dong: "(Thumbs up emoticon package)"

Ma Hao: "(Thumbs up emoticon package)"

Liu Junliang: "I didn't expect that Mr. Ye and Mr. Zhang still have friendship. Mr. Ye, you are unfathomable."

Several investors were deeply shocked by Ye Chen's simple sentence.

Mr. Zhang of Yida Cinemas didn’t even give Liu Junliang face, but now he gives face to Ye Chen. What does this mean?

It means that in the heart of Mr. Zhang, Ye Chen is more important than Liu Junliang.

Anyway, Liu Junliang is also the boss of Spring Film and Television.

Although the glory of Spring and Autumn Film and Television is no longer.

But a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

It seems that they all underestimated this Ye Chen.

At this time, Wu Jing spoke in the group, "Mr. Ye, Mr. Zhang from Yida Cinemas has called me just now. Thank you, Mr. Ye, for your help."

Ye Chen: "Director Wu is too polite, I am Zhanlong's biggest investor, it's about my own interests, and these are what I should do.

Wu Jing: "Mr. Ye, then we'll see you on the 31st (shake hands) on the screening day.

Ye Chen: "I'm abroad now, and I may not be able to make it back on the screening day."

After chatting casually in the group for a while, Ye Chen quit the group chat.

However, at this moment, there was a loud knock on the door.

Ye Chen got up and walked over to open the door when he saw Li Chengyi standing outside with an excited expression on his face.

And Xia Jun and his several mercenary teammates guarded not far away, occupying various favorable terrains.

These days, Xia Jun has been by Ye Chen's side every step of the way.

Even if he sleeps at night, Xia Jun will sleep in the room next to Ye Chen.

"So anxious, what's the matter, Li Gong~~?"

Although Ye Chen asked this question, Ye Chen actually already had a premonition in his heart.

Sure enough, Li Chengyi said excitedly, "Boss Ye, I...we searched...and found it."

Ye Chen's eyes lit up: "Li Gong, don't worry, just speak slowly, have we found lithium-rich mines?"

Li Chengyi took a deep breath, controlled his excitement, and said: "Yes, Mr. Ye, just now the mine team dug up lithium ore with a particularly high lithium content, and that piece is rich in this kind of ore, although I can't judge it yet. How much are its reserves, but according to my preliminary survey, there must be a lot of ore-rich princes."

Hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't hide his joy: "Okay Li Gong, your persistence and hard work for more than a year have finally paid off now."

"I would also like to thank Mr. Ye for his support, otherwise we wouldn't be able to hold on to this moment."

Li Chengyi said with emotion.

At this time, Li Chengyi was wondering if he would regret it so much that his intestines would turn green after Qitian Lithium's gang knew about the situation here.

After all, as long as Qitian Lithium Industry grits its teeth and persists for a while, the current lithium-rich products will be Qitian Lithium.

Now, it can be said that Qitian Lithium invested so much in the early stage, but in the end it ended up making a wedding dress for someone else...

And his college classmate Liu Dafu, if he knew that lithium-rich ore was dug here, he would regret it and beat his chest.

As the news that the mine team had found a lithium-rich mine spread throughout the base, everyone couldn't help but get excited.

They stayed here for more than a year, and finally dug out a mine rich in lithium.

Their efforts were not in vain.

Especially those Libovian workers hired from the local area are all beaming with joy.

If no rich ore can be dug out here, then the latter project will definitely be completely stopped.

At that time, their jobs will naturally be gone.

You must know that it is too difficult to find a job in their Libovia now.

Well now, they dug into a lithium-rich ore.

After that, we must continue to mine.

It is estimated that such a large lithium mine cannot be mined in five or six years.

This also means that they can continue to work here for the next five or six years.

The next day, Li Chengyi led a group of technicians to conduct a detailed and comprehensive survey of this rich mine, and various professional data came out one after another.

The data is very encouraging.

Because the reserves of this lithium-rich mine are considerable.

The profits here are staggering.

In the evening, Ye Chen held a celebration banquet.

At the same time, Ye Chen also bought a plane ticket for tomorrow.

He is going back to the country to find another home.

He has no intention of continuing to mine this lithium-rich mine by himself.

Although in the long run, if you continue to mine by yourself, the profit will definitely be more, and it is even possible to double it several times.

But mining this lithium mine took too long.

He talked with Li Chengyi during the day.

According to Li Chengyi's estimation, it will take nine years at the fastest to mine this lithium-rich mine.

Ye Chen couldn't wait for such a long time.

First, he likes to make quick money.

Secondly, this place is the chaotic Libovia.

Conflicts break out in this country all the year round, and no one knows what accidents will happen in the future.

And with his current strength, it is difficult to deal with those unknown accidents.

After all, sitting on such a lithium-rich mine, but also in a foreign country, without sufficient strength, it is difficult for you to eat it into your stomach.

So he might as well resell this project to other powerful large companies in order to maximize his short-term interests.

This is the most sensible approach.

Moreover, Haililao is in urgent need of large sums of money for its rapid expansion.

Once Haililao takes off, the profit earned by Haililao will definitely be more than that of this potassium-rich mine.

At the celebration banquet, everyone drank, except for the security guards at the base, and Xia Jun's mercenary squad.

After the celebration banquet, Ye Chen took a wooden chair out of his room and sat at the door to enjoy the night breeze.

The climate here, though very hot during the day.

But the temperature is not high at night, and the temperature difference between day and night is quite large.

"Lao Xia, come over, let's chat."

Ye Chen waved to Xia Jun who was on duty not far away.

When Xia Jun walked up to him, Ye Chen took out a pack of Dazhonghua cigarettes and handed Xia Jun a Huazi, "Old Xia, what are your plans when you return to China?"

After completing his order, Xia Jun will no longer be a mercenary.

The reason was that Xia Jun's father was suffering from cancer and time was running out, and his father's last wish was to hope that Xia Jun would stop being a mercenary outside.

Originally, Xia Jun had been hiding from his father all these years about being a mercenary.

But today in July, because of an accident, Xia Jun was exposed, so Xia Jun's father has been persuading Xia Jun not to be a mercenary in the past few months.

Xia Jun couldn't bear to refuse his old father's only last wish.

"Let's accompany my old father through the last part of his life."

Xia Jun sighed while smoking a cigarette: "My old father has always wanted to go to the imperial capital all his life. This time when he returns to China, I will take my father to the imperial capital to see the portraits of great men and the Great Wall."

Xia Jun said that his old father also served as a soldier when he was young, and he saw great men from the Kingdom of Twilight in the barracks.

After listening to Xia Jun's words, Ye Chen swallowed back what he wanted to say.

It's not appropriate to say those words at this time.

It's better to wait for Xia Jun to accompany his old father for the last part of his life, and then contact Xia Jun by himself.

Anyway, I have Xia Jun's phone number.

Sitting outside and chatting with Xia Jun until after ten o'clock in the evening, Ye Chen went back to sleep.

The next day Ye Chen embarked on the journey back to China.

However, Ye Chen did not fly directly back to Shanghai, but came to Yishi, Jiang Province, and found the general manager of Ganfeng Lithium Industry.

"That project of yours really found a lithium-rich ore?"

Liu Cheng, general manager of Ganfeng Lithium, was shocked after hearing Ye Chen's words.

You must know that Qitian Lithium also found them for this project before.

However, Ganfeng Lithium did not choose to take over the project from Qitian Lithium after a high-level meeting.

Because taking on that project was too risky.

But during this time, he has been paying attention to that project.

I also know that the project was finally taken over by a young man named Ye Chen.

For this reason, he also specially investigated the identity of this Ye Chen.

But now this leaf

Chen told him that the project had dug out rich lithium ore.

Doesn't this mean that Ganfeng Lithium missed an opportunity to make a fortune...

"Mr. Liu, this is the relevant survey data of the lithium-rich mine."

Ye Chen smiled and handed Liu Cheng a document that he had prepared in advance.

Liu Cheng quickly opened it and looked.

He himself is a technical background.

So he can understand these professional data.

After reading the entire document, Liu Cheng couldn't help but took a deep breath.

If the data recorded in the information in his hand is true, then the value of the lithium-rich mine will be amazing.

Qitian Lithium sold it for 40 million yuan. Looking back now, it was a blood loss.

But Liu Cheng felt uncomfortable at this time.

He, Ganfeng Lithium Industry, also missed a great development opportunity.

A cornucopia delivered to the door, but turned away by them...

"Mr. Ye, how much do you plan to sell this project for?"

Liu Cheng asked.

If the data of this lithium mine is not falsified, then Feng Lithium Industry must win this lithium mine this time.

As several big countries pay more and more attention to the development of new energy sources, lithium mines are in short supply in the global market.

If their Ganfeng Lithium Industry wants to go to a higher level, they must have their own lithium mines. Now in their industry, whoever has more lithium in their hands, who is in the industry

The greater the right to speak.

For this reason, in their industry, there is a famous saying recently, which is called "lithium" to travel all over the world, without "lithium", it is difficult to move an inch.

"Mr. Liu, you are an insider. You must know more about the importance of lithium mines than I do. My lithium mines are extremely rich, which is rarely seen in the world. Its value

That's 6 billion going up, I want 2 billion, it's very fair. "

Ye Chen said with a smile.

Hearing this, Liu Cheng's face twitched.

The asking price is two billion, is that fair?

Even if the value of this lithium mine is 6 billion, the cost of mining and refining lithium mines is very high.

There is still such a large lithium mine, and it is estimated that it will take at least ten years to mine it all.

Time cost is also cost.

"Boss Ye, you are joking, two billion, no company in China will offer this price.

Liu Cheng said so after taking a sip of tea.

"Mr. Liu, you said domestically, so what if I find those big foreign companies? Now in the competition for non-ferrous metals in the global market (Li Wanghao), those big companies

Plutocrats are never stingy with money. "

Ye Chen changed the subject: "However, I am still very patriotic. In my heart, I would rather sell the lithium mine in my hand to a company in our own country, or else

Of course, I will not rush back to China to contact you Ganfeng Lithium Industry. "

"But the price of 2 billion, we Ganfeng Lithium really can't afford it.

Liu Cheng smiled wryly.

"Then Mr. Liu, what price do you offer?"

Ye Chen laughed.

"How about it, Mr. Ye, I can't make the decision on such a big matter by myself. After we have an internal meeting in our company to discuss it, I will give you a quotation tomorrow. How about it?"

Liu Cheng said after pondering for a moment.

For such a large transaction, according to the company's relevant regulations, he really can't make the decision by himself.

And now he can't make an offer directly.

After all, he is not clear about the value of this lithium-rich mine.

He had to ask an expert group to make an assessment based on these data, so as to get the corresponding value of this lithium-rich mine.

It cannot be said that this lithium mine is worth 6 billion, so this lithium mine is really worth 600 billion.

Only when he has an idea in mind can he make an offer.


Ye Chen smiled and nodded.

He is not in a hurry, he can afford to wait.

He believes that as long as he releases the news about this lithium mine, many companies will be interested in it.

The reason why he approached Ganfeng Lithium immediately after returning to China was because, according to the future email, it was Ganfeng Lithium that got the mining rights of the lithium mine in the end.

The email said that Ganfeng Lithium took over the lithium mine for 1.2 billion.

However, Ye Chen is not too satisfied with the price of 1.2 billion.

Maybe it can be sold higher?

How will you know if you don't try.

"Boss Ye, it's time for dinner now, let's go out and have a meal together."

Liu Cheng glanced at the time, then said with a smile to Ye Chen.

"Okay, then I'll have a meal with Mr. Liu."

Ye Chen said with a smile.

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