Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

[117] Han Youchu: Mom, You Don't Want To Remarry Him, Do You? (Please Customize)

"Mom, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Back in the room, Han Youchu poured Zhang Li a glass of water and asked.

"It's just one week before Chinese New Year. This year, after you finish the New Year's Eve dinner at home, we will go to your biological father's house and have a New Year's Eve dinner with your biological father. Anyway, he is also your biological father."

Hearing this, Han Youchu pursed his lips, stared into his mother's eyes, and asked seriously: "Mom, don't you want to remarry him?"

As soon as this remark came out, Zhang Li was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled awkwardly, "Why, I just think that you are related by blood, and this blood relationship will continue to be cut no matter what.

Han Youchu shook his head and smiled, "Mom, do you believe what you say?"

She still knows who her mother is.

It was nothing more than seeing her biological father as the general manager of Haililao, he was no longer the mediocre person he used to be.

On the other hand, Wang Minghui, Wang Teng and his son have come to the "end of life".

So her mother had a strange idea.....

I have to say that Han Youchu was very accurate with his mother.

Zhang Li really wanted to remarry Han Ping.

In Zhang Li's view, as long as she remarries Han Ping, she will be Ye Chen's mother-in-law.

Then his youngest daughter married Liu Zijie again.

Then she is Liu Zijie's mother-in-law again.

With such two sons-in-law by her side, the second half of Zhang Li's life will be wonderful just thinking about it "Five Seven Three",

Seeing that her own thoughts were seen through by her little daughter, Zhang Li immediately stopped pretending, but opened the skylight and said bluntly: "Then Chuchu, if I remarry with your biological father, will you support me?"

"Mom, this is your own business. I won't take care of it. My attitude is that I don't support it, but I don't object to it either. In short, you can decide for yourself.

Han Youchu said.

"Okay, with your words, Mom will feel relieved."

Zhang Li sighed suddenly while talking, "Chuchu, don't think that what mother is doing is too realistic, in fact, this society is too realistic, if we women are not realistic, we will only suffer from ourselves in the future. Mom believes you should be able to understand me.

Ye Chen, Qin Feng, Wang Xing, and Chen Dong had previously agreed to meet every once in a while.

The next day, Wednesday, February 3rd.

Today it is Ye Chen's turn to form the game in order.

But Chen Dong is not at this dinner tonight.

Because Chen Dong has already returned to his hometown, and he will not come back until after the year.

After drinking for three rounds and eating five flavors, Qin Feng suddenly said: "Lao Ye, your Haililao is so popular now, I think you should go all out to speed up the expansion of Haililao. If you don't have enough funds, I will help you." There is some money in it that can be invested in you.

Wang Xing, who was sitting on the side, also said: "Ye Chen, if you are really short of funds, I also have some money."

Hearing what the two said, Ye Chen immediately understood what they meant.

Even Qin Feng and Wang Xing wanted to invest in his Haililao.

This can be said to be in Ye Chen's arms.

In fact, Ye Chen has already had this intention in the past few days.

It's not that Ye Chen is short of funds.

What Ye Chen valued was the personal network behind Qin Feng and Wang Xing.

These days, Haililao has been looking for rental stores in major commercial centers in first-tier cities, but the process has not been smooth.

Both Ye Chen and his father-in-law felt the intervention of unknown forces.

Apparently the haystack fire has moved someone's cheese.

Although Ye Chen was angry about this.

But I couldn't think of any good countermeasures for a while.

In the final analysis, he still lacks background and is not strong enough in connections.

Through this incident, Ye Chen also understood why so many companies need financing after they have developed to a certain level.

Sometimes it doesn’t necessarily mean that those companies are really short of money, but those companies that have grown to a certain scale find that it is not enough to just have money at this time, they also need contacts and relationships. Only in this way can the company develop rapidly aisle.

So this part of the company chose financing.

When those big capitals become their own shareholders, the contacts of those big capitals can be shared with them.

After thinking through these, Ye Chen immediately thought of Qin Feng and Wang Xing.

Qin Feng's father, Qin Sixin, is the major shareholder of Liandao David Gaming Group. What kind of monster is that? Shendu knows each other well and has a lot of connections.

Otherwise, Qin Feng would not have won the title of Emperor of Shanghai.

Wang Xing also has an extraordinary background.

Wang Xing's mother is an official leader of Shanghai, and her position is not low.

Wang Xing's father has a car city in his hand.

I heard that Wang Xing's grandfather is still at the deputy ministerial level...

If these two became shareholders of Haililao, then the troubles that Haililao is facing now will be solved easily.

Now that the two of them had proposed it on their own initiative, it was naturally in his favor.

In addition, last time, Qin Sixin, Qin Feng and his son gave him 0.3% of the equity of Yida Film and Television.

This he took advantage of others.

This time, I was able to take advantage of this opportunity to return the advantage I took.

So Ye Chen smiled at the two of them: "Old Qin, Lao Wang, if you are willing to invest money in my Haili, then I will naturally welcome it very much, but I can't guarantee that Haili will be able to do so in the future." You wish to develop so well, in case you lose money in your investment, don't blame me.

"Lao Ye, we are already very happy if you can accept our investment, but I know that many big capitals have come to you with money these days, but you have rejected them all.

Qin Feng laughed.

"Ye Chen, Young Master Qin has already spoken out what is in my heart.

Wang Xing also said with a smile.

After some discussion, Qin Feng was able to contribute 300 million yuan, but Wang Xing could not afford that much.

After all, Wang Xing is powerful on the official background.

In terms of financial resources, the Wang family is naturally inferior to Qin's father and son.

But Wang Xing can also come up with 150 million.

After pondering for a while, Ye Chen said: "How about this, Lao Qin, I will give you 10% of the shares in Haililo, and Lao Wang, I will give you 5% of the shares, and the shares I will give you are all fixed shares.

The so-called fixed equity means that no matter how many rounds of financing Haililao has gone through, the equity held by Qin Feng and Wang Xing will not be diluted because there is no follow-up investment.

"Can you accept it?"

"Old Wang, what Lao Ye gave us is a fixed equity, and we are taking advantage of Lao Ye."

Qin Feng smiled at Wang Xing.

In this way, the three of them settled down.

Early the next morning, Qin Feng and Wang Xing came to Haililao together.

Ye Chen had already asked his father-in-law to prepare the contract in advance.

After signing the equity transfer contract, the equity structure of Haililao also changed accordingly.

Ye Chen holds 85% of the shares and is the largest shareholder, with absolute control over Haililao.

Qin Feng holds 15% and is the second largest shareholder of Haililao.

The third largest shareholder is naturally Wang Xing, who holds 5% of the shares.

After signing the contract, the two quickly transferred 350 million yuan to Haililao's company account.

Then a few people sat and chatted about the future development of Haililao.

After chatting for more than an hour, the two left.

Just after Ye Chen sent the two of them out of the sea, Ye Chen's cell phone rang.

It's a strange call.

After answering the call, Ye Chen found out that this was another lithium company——Shengxin Lithium Energy.

This company also came for the lithium-rich mine that Ye Chen had accumulated, hoping to sit down and have a good talk with Ye Chen.

Ye Chen would naturally not refuse to talk to such a company that took the initiative to come to him.

After all, the more companies that are interested in the lithium mine in his hands, the more weight he will have on the negotiating table in the future......

But Ye Chen said that he didn't have time to go there, and the other party immediately said that they could come to Shanghai to talk to Ye Chen.

So the two sides made an appointment on the phone to meet the time and place.

In the afternoon near the end of get off work.

The father-in-law, Han Ping, came to Ye Chen's office and said with a happy face: "Xiaochen, the unknown forces that targeted us when we Haililao settled in those first-tier cities have almost disappeared now, Qin Feng and The movements of Wang Xing and the others are very fast."

Hearing this, Ye Chen also had to lament the importance of background.

With the system, he has made a lot of money recently.

But his foundation is still too shallow.

But Ye Chen believes that as long as he is given time, he will definitely become the kind of big tree with deep roots and intertwined roots in the capital circle.

Only when he grows into this kind of "big tree", will he carefully consider whether his own strength is enough when others want to pull him down in the future?

Because this kind of "big tree" will often be intertwined with other "big trees", and when the time comes, what you pull up will not be a "big tree"... …

Ye Chen got up and said with a smile: "Let's go Dad, Weiwei is already cooking at home, let's go back now."


However, as soon as the two walked out of the office, Han Ping's cell phone rang.

Seeing that the call was from his ex-wife, Ping chose to answer it after a little hesitation.

"Han Ping, are you off work soon?"

Hearing this smiling tone, Han Ping was a little surprised.

For so many years, every time I talked with my ex-wife Zhang Li on the phone, the tone of the other party was always that kind of superior and domineering.

He had only heard this kind of gentle tone now when he was in love with Zhang Li more than 20 years ago.

After suppressing many thoughts in his heart, Ping asked coldly: "What's the matter?"

"I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

Zhang Li smiled.

Invite him to dinner?

Han Ping was taken aback for a moment, he almost thought he heard it wrong.

What kind of medicine is sold in this woman's gourd?

"No time."

Han Ping replied.

"What about tomorrow night? You should be free tomorrow night, right?"

"Zhang Li, what's the matter with you, just talk to me on the phone.

Han Ping said.

"It's hard to talk on the phone, let's meet and talk.

"How about I go directly to your company to find you tomorrow during the day."

Zhang Li said.

"The company is not a 3.0 place to discuss private matters, tomorrow at noon..."

Han Ping made an appointment with Zhang Li on the phone about the time and place to meet tomorrow, and then hung up.

COFCO Seaview One.

When Han Youwei heard from her father that the woman asked her father to talk about things at noon tomorrow while eating, Han Youwei couldn't help frowning and said: "What kind of moth does she want to come out with?"

next morning.

Ye Chen met the people from Shengxin Lithium Energy.

The price offered by this company is higher than that of Ganfeng Lithium Industry, reaching 1.26 billion.

A full 60 million more than the 1.2 billion mentioned in that future email.

But Ye Chen was still not satisfied.

Although Ye Chen did not insist on two billion.

But it cannot be less than 1.6 billion.

The two sides did not reach an agreement.

Not long after the people from Shengxin Lithium Energy left, Ye Chen received calls from Ganfeng Lithium Industry and Fenghua Lithium Industry.

Two days after Ye Chen posted about these two companies, the two companies couldn't help contacting Ye Chen.

Ye Chen disclosed the quotation of Shengxin Lithium Energy to the two companies on the phone.

Suddenly both companies felt the pressure.

During their investigation, Shengxin Lithium did contact Ye Chen.

So these two companies couldn't sit still one after another, and both raised their prices.

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