Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【123】Han Youchu: Liu Zijie Seems Really Unreliable (Please Customize)

Why do so many people like to spread rumors on the Internet.

Because rumors are all based on one mouth.

It is very difficult for those who are rumored to find evidence to prove their innocence.

If his son-in-law Ye Chen was really spread by that little Huijun, he would succeed.

That would deal a big blow to his son-in-law.

In addition to the blow to his personal reputation, it will also deal a heavy blow to his son-in-law's career.

Now fishing in the sea is like this.

If there is a sudden scandal that the boss of Haililao molested the female anchor of his guild, Haililao will undoubtedly be roasted on the fire pit

"Naturally it is true."

Ye Chen said confidently.

Next, Ye Chen came to his room and sat in front of his computer desk.

Han Youwei and others followed in.

As a result, it didn't take long for everyone to show shock on their faces.

"Cousin, what kind of code are you typing here? I can't understand any of them, but I feel that you are so powerful. Cousin, you are not a legendary hacker, are you?"

Lin Tong said.

"Tongtong, don't disturb your cousin."

magic capital.

"Haha Dad, a female anchor from the Chenwei Guild sent a video accusing Ye Chen of molesting her."

Wang Teng, who was brushing the Douyin, suddenly laughed out loud, gloating at his misfortune.

"Really, show me quickly."

Wang Minghui got up and sat down on the sofa next to his son.

Reaching out to take the mobile phone from his son, Wang Minghui watched the video of Xiao Huijun.

At this moment, the number of likes of Xiao Huijun's video has exceeded one million, and the number of comments has exceeded 50,000.

After watching the entire video, Wang Minghui's face showed excitement, "Okay, okay, God is helping me."

"Dad, you think this Ye Chen won't really molested this little Huijun, right?"

Wang Teng gossips.

26 "This is not important."

Wang Minghui said with a smile: "The boss of Haili Lao molested the female anchor of his guild. This scandal will plunge Haili Lao into a huge crisis. In this way, my plan for a chain of hotpot cities in hundreds of cities will most likely not be called by Mr. Zhang." Stopped."

The more Wang Minghui talked, the more excited he became, "This scandal came at the right time. It seems that this Ye Chen has offended many people, and someone is deliberately punishing him."

He spent half his life in shopping malls, and his intuition told him that Ye Chen was set up by someone.

After listening to his father's words, Wang Teng regained his energy, "Yeah, why didn't I expect such a big scandal to happen, it will definitely be a heavy blow to Haililao, which is in the limelight. , Haililao is going to be cold, without Haililao as a stumbling block, it is very likely that the Zhang Zong will not suspend your dad's hot pot chain plan in hundreds of cities."

He just swiped to that video, he just watched it for fun, and didn't think about it that much at all.

However, after his father reminded him, he realized that their father and son had just pushed through the dark clouds and seen the moon.

"Dad, for the New Year's Eve dinner tonight, we two have a good drink. These days, those fools in the company don't look down on you. They all think that our father and I will be thrown into the sidelines by the company. Now we The time has finally turned for the two of you, and after the year, we will have a wave of liquidation for those fools.

Wang Teng said bitterly.

But at this time Han Youchu got up silently and went back to his room, and closed the door.

Ye Chen molested that little Huijun?

Even if she was killed, she would not believe that Ye Chen could do such a thing.

So Ye Chen must have been designed by someone.

After making two phone calls, Han Youchu immediately called Liu Zijie, "Liu Zijie, did you intentionally mess with Ye Chen?"


Liu Zijie directly admitted with a smile.

"Liu Zijie, don't you think it's too despicable for you to do this?"

Han Youchu said angrily.

"You Chu, you have to know that shopping malls are like battlefields. With the current strong momentum of the Chenwei Guild, it will soon surpass the Onion Guild in an all-round way. Is this what you want to see?"

Hearing Liu Zijie's question, Han Youchu fell silent...

"I know that my actions make you feel a little shameless, and you may even think that I am a sinister villain, but Xiao Chu, I want to tell you that if you want to suppress the current Chenwei Guild, ordinary methods are no longer enough, and Among the current capitals, which one has not done similar things, can fight out from the commercial battlefield and finally become capital, and no one has completely clean hands.”

Liu Zijie continued: "I know you are kind, that's why I skipped you when I made this round."

On the other side, Ye Chen's hands left the keyboard.

Finally got it done.

Ye Chen clicked on a newly created unnamed folder on the desktop.

There are dozens of WeChat chat screenshots and several call recordings stored in it.

This is what Ye Chen got after spending more than an hour.

When Han Youwei and the others read the screenshots of the WeChat chats and listened to the recordings of these calls, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

With these things, Ye Chen can prove his innocence.

While being relieved, several people felt incredible.

Such private things, Ye Chen can find them from the ocean of the Internet......

This ability is really too scary.

"My God, you can get all these things cousin, you really are a top hacker, this is a stone hammer.

Lin Tong's face was full of admiration, "I didn't expect the top hacker to be by my side, cousin, I really admire you more and more now, and you will be my idol in the future.

Next, Ye Chen packed these things and sent them to Chen Mingbo, and then made another phone call to Chen Mingbo and told him a few words.

Six o'clock in the afternoon.

A lawyer's letter from the Chenwei Guild directly appeared on Douyin's hot search list.

Just when many netizens sympathized with Xiao Huijun's experience and were condemning the boss of the Chenwei Guild on the Internet, they never thought that the reversal would come so soon.

It turned out that Xiao Huijun accused the guild boss of molesting her.

They can't help but not believe it.

Because the Chenwei Guild has posted a series of evidence.

The spearhead is directed at Xiao Huijun, an executive of Onion Media, and the largest shareholder behind Onion Media.

When Xiao Huijun saw that her WeChat chat screenshot and her two voice calls had fallen into the hands of the Chenwei Guild, her complexion turned pale immediately.

At this moment, she knew she was done.

But what she couldn't figure out was how did the Chenwei Guild get these things?

Regarding this point, not to mention she couldn't figure it out, even the executive from the Onion Guild and Liu Zijie couldn't figure it out.

Especially Liu Zijie.

Cautiously, he has been operating behind the scenes in this incident.

That is, he and the executive of the Onion Guild are not in one-way contact, so he can't figure out how he was exposed?

This is thanks to Ye Chen's top hacking skills.

Although Liu Zijie is very cautious, the Internet is a big network, and as long as you appear on this big network, you will inevitably leave some "footprints".

In front of Ye Chen, who possesses top hacking skills, these footprints cannot be hidden.

At this time, Liu Zijie's expression was extremely ugly.

I thought that this time it was done seamlessly, and I could have a good year.

In the end, he lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot.

The goal of attacking Ye Chen has not been achieved, and now the Onion Guild and his family's Wanshun Venture Capital will be roasted on the fire......

With these evidences in hand, Ye Chen is fully capable of fighting back.

Chenwei Guild does not yet have its own legal department, and the legal affairs of the guild are outsourced to a law firm of Mo.

Now that law firm has accepted the entrustment of the Chenwei Association and is actively preparing materials. It will formally sue Xiaohuijun, Onion Association and Wanshun Venture Capital in the near future.

At that time, Lin Yuan, the founder of Onion Media, was having a New Year’s Eve dinner with his family in his hometown.

It turned out that my company had received a letter from a lawyer.

When Lin Yuan read the content of the lawyer's letter, his vision went dark.

During the day, Xiao Huijun, an anchor of the Chenwei Guild, complained online that he was molested by the boss of the Chenwei Guild, and he was very happy at the time.

Because of such a scandal, the development of the Chenwei Guild will definitely be greatly affected, which is a great thing for his Onion Guild.

However, after only a few hours, the reversal came.

The truth of the matter is that the boss of the Chenwei Guild was the one who was lied to and framed.

And in the case of Xiao Huijun, his Onion Guild was actually involved, and he was the mastermind......

The key is that he, the founder of the Onion Guild, is completely unaware of all this.

"I really shouldn't have accepted the capital injection from Wanshun Ventures."

Lin Yuan regretted it now.

He originally thought that this time he and Wanshun Venture Capital were a strong alliance.

It's all right now, let's just forget that his control over the guild is not as good as it used to be, and Wanshun Ventures has cheated the onion guild hard this time.

After this Xiaohui-jun incident, the reputation of his Onion Guild is completely rotten.

The seriousness of this incident is very great.

How can a guild without a bottom line attract other anchors to join in the future?

"What a wrong step, wrong step."

Lin Yuan said with a heartbroken heart.

And Wang Minghui, Wang Teng and his son, who were having a New Year's Eve dinner and drinking wine, looked at their mobile phones at this moment, and their faces had already disappeared for the 090th time...

How long have they been happy, and the reversal has come.

"Are these people pigs? Chat screenshots and call recordings can be leaked. How can there be such stupid people in this world?"

Wang Teng couldn't help cursing angrily.

Wang Minghui had a gloomy face, unable to speak a word.

I thought that my time would be lucky, and I could see the moon when I pushed through the dark clouds, but in the end it was a joy for nothing.

"Chuchu, this incident was planned by your Onion Guild, why didn't you tell us before.

Wang Teng looked at Han Youchu very dissatisfied and asked.

"Liu Zijie planned it behind my back, and I was kept in the dark."

Han Youchu said.

"Why is Young Master Liu so unreliable this time? This great situation can be turned against the wind by that Ye Chen.

Wang Teng couldn't help complaining.

At this time, Wang Teng didn't know that his casual complaint was heard by his sister Han Youchu.

"His big brother is right, Liu Zijie seems to be really unreliable..."

"At the beginning, I vowed that the stock of Xinsheng Technology would rise sharply, and persuaded her to buy the stock of Xinsheng Technology. In the end, she lost more than one million yuan. Until now, she still owes the bank a loan of more than one million yuan... ..."

"I took her to Los Angeles later, but the "Songyang Hanbotu" worth more than 80 million was missed by Ye Chen..."

"Last time at the largest jadeite trading market in Jinling City, Liu Zijie took the initiative to provoke Ye Chen and wanted to bet with Ye Chen on stones, but in the end he lost five million yuan to Ye Chen..."

"Regarding Ye Chen's acquisition of Lafu Restaurant and changing its name to Haililao, Liu Zijie mocked Ye Chen as abolishing his martial arts, and now Haililao..."

"During the acquisition of Vision Guild, Liu Zijie's attitude was not firm, and in the end Ye Chen picked up the big deal of Vision Guild..."

"Why does Liu Zijie make a wrong judgment every time, and Ye Chen takes advantage of it in the end..."

"Once can be called luck, twice can also be called luck, what about three times, four times...

"Could it be that Ye Chen is really possessed by a koi carp?"

"It shouldn't be, how can a person have such good luck all the time..."

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