Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

[136] I Hope Mr. Ye Can Hold Your Hand High, And Emperor Capital Cultural Films Will Be Soft! (Pleas

After Chen Pengbo left, Ye Chen came outside his wife's office.

Seeing that the door was ajar, Ye Chen pushed the door open and walked in.

Seeing Han Youwei sitting and reading accounting-related books, Ye Chen smiled and said: "You've worked so hard."

"Husband, you are so outstanding. If I don't work hard to improve myself, I won't even be able to be your good wife in the future."

Han Youwei raised her head - and smiled at Ye Chen.

Now my husband owns three companies.

They are Chenwei Guild, Haililao and Zhongshi Wangju.

The financial directors of these three companies are now concurrently co-authored by her.

She is usually in the Chenwei Guild, like Haililao and China TV, and she will audit the finances every once in a while.

But now she is not professional enough, and every time she goes to audit, she will bring her cousin with her.

Therefore, she has been supplementing accounting expertise all the time.

Ye Chen locked the door and walked directly behind Han Youwei, holding his wife's shoulders, "If I feel too much pressure, I will hire a financial director. Being happy is the most important thing in life."

Hearing this, Han Youwei quickly shook her head: "No, I don't want to be a housewife. Now I feel that I am more and more fond of the accounting profession. When my cousin assessed my academic achievements a few days ago, she even praised me for my progress. It’s great, and I’m getting more and more comfortable working now.”

"Okay, as long as you like it, but don't read books all the time, work and rest."

Ye Chen said.

"Yeah, I know."

"By the way, husband, what's the matter with you coming to me?"

Han Youwei asked.

Ye Chen smiled, "Well, there are two things."

"The first thing is that the loans from those banks have been put down. You can see if it has been credited to the account of the Chenwei Guild.

"Okay, I'll check it out now.

Han Youwei put down the book in her hand and started to operate her office computer.

"Honey, the money has arrived. The total is 264 million."

"Okay, then you can transfer it to China Television Network Gathering now."


Following Han Youwei's operations, the money was quickly withdrawn from the Chenwei Guild's account.

However, it will take about two or three days for the money to be credited to the account of Zhongshi Wangju.

Because the amount involved is too large, it is a public inter-bank transfer.

The money will first go to the account of the Bank of China, and then it will be transferred to the account of Zhongshi Wangju after being reviewed by the Bank of China.

Ye Chen found this a bit troublesome.

Han Youwei said that if a group company is established, this trouble can be avoided.

However, the conditions for establishing a group company are still somewhat immature.

"Husband, didn't you say that you have two things to do with me, what about the second thing?"

Han Youwei asked curiously.

Hearing this, Ye Chen didn't speak, but reached out and opened his wife's desk drawer, and took out a bottle of mouthwash inside.

Han Youwei gave Ye Chen an angry look, then got up and walked towards the door.

Seeing this, Ye Chen smiled and said, "I've already locked the door."

the other side.

Wang Minghui, who had just attended the company's high-level meeting, returned to his office in a daze.

Just at the meeting just now, the boss Zhang Feng has officially stopped his hot pot hundred cities chain plan, and instead, under the suggestion of his competitors, he is preparing to do high-end catering......

Although Zhang Feng did not demote him, he knew that he would be completely sidelined in catering at HSBC in the future.

"It's all to blame for the sea fishing..."

Wang Minghui's expression turned ugly.

Originally, the business of HSBC Hot Pot City was booming when it first opened.

But after Hailidao became popular, the business of HSBC Hot Pot City plummeted, and then because of several decision-making mistakes, the dozens of HSBC Hot Pot City in Shanghai are now in a state of negative profit.

Haililao has now entered the three first-tier cities of Imperial City, Yangcheng and Pengcheng, and the business is booming. The future of Haililao is limitless...

When he thought that the general manager of Haililao was Han Ping, Wang Minghui's expression became extremely gloomy.

This time he completely lost to Han Ping...

And the price he lost was the rupture of his career...

Even if he is not reconciled, there is nothing he can do.

"I really shouldn't have let Han Youchu break up with that Ye Chen..."

Wang Minghui was very regretful.

This Ye Chen now has the Chenwei Guild and Haililao, and the height he can reach in the future may really surpass Wanshun Venture Capital...

If Ye Chen really surpasses the entire Liu family in the future, then his guts will turn green with regret.

"It is impossible for Ye Chen to surpass the Liu family. After all, Ye Chen has no foundation in the capital circle and lacks contacts. I heard that some time ago, a lot of capital was optimistic about Haililao and wanted to invest in Haililao, but in the end they were all rejected by that Ye Chen refused....

"This Ye Chen is still too young, he just missed a great opportunity to accumulate contacts..."

"It seems that my decision to bring Han Youchu and Liu Zijie together is still right. After all, the Liu family is the real capital..."

Wang Minghui comforted himself in his heart.

After rinsing her mouth, Han Youwei came back and cleaned the floor with a tissue.

Just didn't fully catch it, leaked a little to the ground.

"Honey, let's go eat the big fried octopus in Brother Dong's latest video after get off work."

Ye Chen in the sage state looked at Han Youwei who was squatting on the ground wiping the marks on the ground with a tissue and said with a smile.

Now he doesn't have to look for food when he takes his wife out to eat, all he needs to do is watch Chen Dong's high-end restaurant exploration video.

Basically, Ye Chen will take his wife to eat the high-end delicacies that appear in every video of Chen Dong.


Han Youwei responded.

However, at this moment, Ye Chen's cell phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID, it was Wu Jing calling.

"Boss Ye."

As soon as the phone was connected, Wu Jing's voice came.

"Is there something wrong, Director Wu?"

In fact, Ye Chen already had his own guess about Wu Jing's purpose for calling him.

"Mr. Ye is like this. Mr. Song from Didu Cultural Films wants to come to Shanghai tomorrow to talk to you about the investment in Dragon Warrior 2."

Wu Jing now admires Ye Chen.

He has dealt with Song Ge a lot.

As a bigwig in today's film and television industry, Song Ge is very strong and domineering.

Generally this kind of person is very face-saving.

But this time, Ye Chen made Mr. Song succumb, and had to take the initiative to go to Shanghai to find Ye Chen for reconciliation.

Ye Chen is so awesome.


Ye Chen smiled.

Sure enough, he guessed right.

Song Ge couldn't bear it anymore.

But what will happen tomorrow will depend on Song Ge's sincerity.

After agreeing on the time and place to meet tomorrow, Ye Chen hung up the phone.

At this time, Han Youwei had already cleaned up the ground.

So Ye Chen took his wife to leave work early.

The two drove directly to the Pullman Skyway Hotel.

The restaurant in Chen Dong's latest high-end food exploration video is located in this hotel.

The name of the restaurant is Private Banquet Private Kitchen Cuisine.

I have to say that the fried big octopus in this restaurant is really enjoyable to eat.

Chen Dong has never let himself down in the choice of food.

At seven o'clock, the two walked out from the gate of the Skyway Pullman Hotel.

Ye Chen packed two servings of deep fried octopus and prepared to give it to his father-in-law and Wu Xiaojun who lives across the door with his wife.

seven thirty.

The two came to the door of Han's house.

Since she forgot to bring the key, Han Youwei directly raised her hand and knocked on the door.

After waiting for a while, no one opened the door.

"Is my dad not home?"

While talking, Han Youwei took out her mobile phone to find her father's number and dialed it.

The phone connected after a few rings.

"Dad, aren't you home?"

Han Youwei asked.

"No, what's the matter, Vivi

His father's voice came from the phone.

"In the evening, Ye Chen and I went to a restaurant outside to eat big deep-fried octopus. We thought it was delicious, so we packed one for you, and we also brought one for Sister Wu. How about this, Dad, since you don't If you are at home, then I will put your share at Sister Wu's house, and you must remember to get it when you come back at night, it will not taste good after overnight."

Li Wei said.

"That... I'm at your sister Wu's house right now..."

Han Ping's voice sounded very embarrassed.

"Ah? Are you at Sister Wu's house?"

Han Youwei was taken aback for a moment, and then her eyes became brighter and brighter.

After a while, the opposite door opened.

Wu Xiaojun called Mr. Ye and Weiwei to Ye Chen and Han Youwei.

……ask for flowers……

Her face was a little red.

Han Ping's face was also a little red.

Ye Chen and Han Youwei walked in and put on their shoe covers.

"Dad, Secretary Wu, are you...together?"

Ye Chen asked with a smile.

"No, I just called Mr. Han to come over for a meal."

Wu Xiaojun said with a blushing face.

Ye Chen saw that there were indeed unfinished meals on the tables in the restaurant.

Ye Chen and Han Youwei didn't wait too long. After saying a few words, they put down the two packs of deep-fried octopus, and then they left directly.

As soon as she came downstairs, Han Youwei said a little excitedly: "My husband, if we continue to develop at this speed, I don't think it will be long before we, Que and Sister Guo, will be able to achieve a positive result.


Ye Chen smiled, "Honey, I've decided, I want to add another fire."

"How to say?"

Han Youwei asked curiously.

"Isn't the Haililao in the three first-tier cities of Imperial City, Pengcheng, and Yangcheng all started? Now the focus of our Haililao work in the next stage is the network layout of the 15 new first-tier cities. Waiting for tomorrow, I will find a random one." The reason is to arrange for our dad and Secretary Wu to go to those 15 new first-tier cities to investigate a business trip, what do you think my wife?"

Ye Chen said with a smile.

"I think it's very good, a lonely man and a widow are traveling together, the journey is long...Maybe something will happen, hee hee~"


Han Youwei's eyes were crescent-shaped as she spoke.

The next morning, when Ye Chen came to Haililao, he arranged for his father-in-law and Wu Xiaojun to go on a business trip.

At around noon, Ye Chen drove to a high-end restaurant.

When Ye Chen came to a box inside, Song Ge had already arrived, Wu Jing was also there, and there were some other people, all of whom were investors of Dragon Warrior 2.

Today's negotiations also concern their interests.

Facing the battle in front of him, Ye Chen didn't care.

After exchanging a few casual greetings, I went directly to the topic.

"Mr. Ye, what you have done recently on the Internet has caused an extremely serious negative impact on our Imperial City Cultural Films."

Song Ge said with an ugly face

"Mr. Song, where do you start with this? You violated the priority agreement first, so you can't allow me to protect my rights normally?"

Ye Chen said.

"Boss Ye found someone to spread those two indecent videos on the Internet, right?"

Song Ge said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Song, you have to give evidence when you speak, otherwise I can sue you.

Ye Chen said slowly.

"Boss Ye, do you dare to do it but not admit it?"

Seeing that Ye Chen did not admit it, Song Ge became more and more certain that Ye Chen had spread the two videos on the Internet.

Hearing this, Ye Chen laughed, "Mr. Song, could it be that you asked me out today because you came to ask me about your crimes? If that's the case, then I don't think we have anything to talk about."

After speaking, Ye Chen gestured to get up and leave.

Seeing this, Wu Jing hurriedly stood up to smooth things over, "Mr. Ye is holding back. I believe Mr. Song definitely doesn't mean that. Mr. Song, I'm right."

"Mr. Ye, you misunderstood, I just asked casually.

At this time Song Ge has calmed down.

Finally remembered that he came to talk to Ye Chen today.

"Mr. Song, let's stop talking nonsense between us. Let's get straight to the point. In terms of the investment quota for Dragon Warrior 2, I'm still the same as before. I must account for 30% of the total amount."

Ye Chen said firmly.

Song Ge was very angry when he heard it, but he could only bear it.

The expressions of the other investors were a little uneasy.

With so many capitals gathered together, Ye Chen even took advantage of it.

This is simply a shame.

However, seeing the current tragedy of the Imperial Capital Cultural Films, with this lesson learned, all the investors at the dinner table chose to remain silent, and no one stood up to raise objections.

And regarding the distribution of the investment quota of Dragon Warrior 2, Ye Chen was originally on the right side......

"Okay Mr. Ye, if you want 30% of the investment quota for Battle Dragon 2, I will give you 30% as you wish."

Song Ge changed the subject as he spoke: "But Mr. Ye, if you still have the black material of our Imperial Capital Cultural Films in your hands, I hope Mr. Ye can hold your hands high and stop spreading them on the Internet."


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