Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【155】Han Youchu's Heart Beats Faster: Qin Feng Is Interested In Her? (Please Customize)


"Wang Shao, happy birthday."

Looking at the future Wang Sicong, a group of people said happy birthday and other blessings.

"Everyone came so early, let's go, let's go in together."

Wang Sicong smiled and looked around the crowd.

He was looking for Ye Chen's figure.

Seeing that Ye Chen hadn't arrived yet, he didn't care about anything.

Qin Feng's eyes also swept across the crowd.

He is also looking for Ye Chen.

He had known for a long time that Wang Sicong had also invited Ye Chen to his birthday dinner today.

When Qin Feng glanced at Han Youchu who was standing at the edge of the crowd, he suddenly stopped, "This is... the twin sister of Ye Chen's wife..."

Qin Feng knew about some of Ye Chen's past.

Qin Feng knew that Ye Chen's wife had a twin sister.

I also know that Ye Chen had a four-year relationship with his wife and twin sister.

I also know why the two failed to get together in the end.

After staying for a few seconds, Qin Feng also took his gaze away from Han Youchu's body.

At this moment, Han Youchu felt a little strange.

Why did this Qin Feng, known as the emperor of Shanghai, stare at her just now?

That look seemed to know her.

It's so strange.....

Just as a group of 797 pedestrians were walking towards the Western-style building in front of them, Liu Zijie silently came to Han Youjin's side.

Liu Zijie lowered his voice and asked Han Youchu, "Youchu, do you know Qin Feng?"

Liu Zijie also noticed the way Qin Feng looked at Han Youchu just now.

Han Youchu shook his head and said, "I don't know Young Master Qin."

"Then why did he look at you like that just now..."

Liu Zijie murmured to himself.

Suddenly Liu Zijie's heart skipped a beat.

He thought of a possibility.

Damn it, Qin Feng must have taken a fancy to Han Youchu, right?

This is not impossible.

After all, Han Youchu's appearance is very resistant.

The socialites from the magic city who were present tonight were all compared by Han Youchu in terms of appearance alone.

Liu Zijie didn't stay by Han Youchu's side for long, and quickly chased after Qi Yan in front.

As soon as Liu Zijie left, a socialite from the magic city came to Han Youchu's side, and said with a smile, "Sister Youchu, do you know our Young Master Qin?"

The name of this magic city socialite is Miao Wanna.

She has always liked Qin Feng.

In addition, the two elders intend to match.

Therefore, in Miao Wanna's heart, Qin Feng is her boyfriend.

Although Qin Feng has never admitted...

Miao Wanna just noticed that Qin Feng took a few extra glances at Han Youchu in the crowd, and she immediately felt vigilant. After all, this Han Youchu was really pretty.

So she came over to check on this Han Youchu's tone.

"Miss Miao, I don't know Young Master Qin."

Hearing Han Youchu's answer, Miao Wanna smiled ambiguously and said, "Sister Youchu, I think Young Master Qin seems to be interested in you, do you want me to help you lead the way?"

Hearing Miao Wanna's words, Han Youchu's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Qin Feng is interested in her?

It doesn't seem impossible...

Otherwise, why did Qin Feng stare at her so much just now...

"This... Forget it, Young Master Qin and I have very different status, we are people from two worlds."

Han Youchu thought for a while and said.

It is said that women know women best.

Now in Miao Wanna's heart, Han Youchu has been put on the list of potential threats.

Let's turn the clock back a few minutes.

On the other side, Pan Yili came up to Ye Chen, glanced at Han Youwei, and then smiled at Ye Chen: "Handsome guy, is this beauty your girlfriend?"

Seeing Ye Chen shaking his head, Pan Yili was overjoyed.

But in the next second, following Ye Chen's words, Pan Yili's heart suddenly fell to the bottom.

"She's my wife."

(cgdh) Ye Chen said.

Pan Yili was extremely depressed.

If the couple in front of them were just lovers, then she, Pan Yili, could still compete.

Unfortunately, the two are already married...

This made it impossible for her to fight anymore.

Even if Pan Yili liked the man in front of her, she would not become a mistress and get involved in other people's marriages.

"You got married at such a young age, and your wife is so beautiful, handsome guy, you are really a winner in life."

Pan Yili laughed.

"By the way handsome, don't you know your name yet?"

"Ye Chen."

"Ye Chen?"

Pan Yili always felt that this name was a little familiar, and suddenly, she remembered, "Ye Chen, you are the boss of Haililao, right?"


Ye Chen nodded.

"I've heard for a long time that Haili Lao's boss is a young and promising handsome guy. When I saw him today, he really lived up to his reputation."

Pan Yili said, looked at Han Youwei, and said with a smile, "Hello, Mrs. Ye, my name is Pan Yili."

"Hello, my name is Han Youwei.

Han Youwei smiled back.

This is the number one Bai Fumei in Shanghai...

Ye Chen's complexion changed slightly.

When he had dinner with Qin Feng and Wang Xing before, he heard Qin Feng talk about the rich second generation circle in Shanghai.

Among them, Pan Yili is known as the number one Bai Fumei in Shanghai.

It's no wonder that this woman doesn't feel sorry for the tens of millions of McLaren's front face smashed into pieces...

He had heard from Qin Feng that on the day of Pan Yili's coming-of-age ceremony, Pan Yili's father gave his daughter a whole street.

Just relying on rent collection alone, Pan Yili can receive 50 million yuan in rent.

For this reason, Pan Yili was also ridiculed by people in the circle as the number one "charter woman" in Shanghai.

"Mr. Ye, Mrs. Ye, I'm really sorry today. I ran into your car, wasted your time, and caused you trouble."

During this period of time, she lived some deeds of this Ye Chen.

Chenwei Guild and Haililao belong to Ye Chen...

At the end of last year, this Ye Chen took the Libovia lithium mine project from Qitian Lithium Industry with great courage, and finally sold it backhand to Ganfeng Lithium Industry, making a net profit of 1.5 billion...

There is also investing in Zhanlong, which is also making a lot of money.....

In addition, this Ye Chen also has an inseparable relationship with Qin Feng and Wang Xing...

All in all, Ye Chen is a very good person.

Recently, people in her circle are talking about this Ye Chen is also talking more and more.

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