Han Youwei suddenly stopped and got out of the car, looked at Ye Chen seriously and said, "Honey, the reason why I am so happy today is because of my sister."

"At Wang Sicong's birthday party tonight, I saw my sister was in a daze, as if she had lost her soul. I think my sister regretted breaking up with you back then."

"I thought you had something happy."

Ye Chen said disappointedly.

Seeing this, Han Youwei said in surprise: "Husband, don't you feel the pleasure of elated when you see my sister's appearance tonight?"

"This really doesn't exist."

Ye Chen said: "I am working hard to make money now, not to prove to her that her original choice was wrong."

While talking, Ye Chen suddenly laughed, "But hearing you say that now, it seems really cool.

"Let's go, let's go home quickly, it's already late."


In this way, the two continued to walk forward.

Soon the two came to the elevator, and Ye Chen pressed the button on the 28th floor on the top floor.

"By the way, husband, do you think my sister will come back to find you?"

Han Youwei asked suddenly.

"No 540, we have already obtained the certificate, and now I am her brother-in-law."

Ye Chen said.

"No, husband, I think the possibility of what I just said is not small. Even if my sister didn't mean it at first, but that woman will definitely keep teasing my sister by the side. The wind has been blowing in my ears for a long time, maybe I My sister changed her mind."

Han Youwei said seriously.

On the other side, Zhang Li, who was tossing and turning on the bed and unable to sleep, suddenly had an itchy nose and sneezed three times in a row, "Who is speaking ill of me behind my back?

"Why, my wife, you are still worried that she will snatch me away from you.

Ye Chen laughed.

"I'm not worried."

Han Youwei changed the subject of the conversation: "Honestly, my husband, I'm looking forward to the day when she comes back to find you. Thinking about it makes me feel very relieved."

"I said my wife, why are you so angry? If she didn't mention breaking up at the beginning, we would have no chance to be together. Speaking of which, we should all thank her.

Ye Chen said a little dumbfounded.

"Although I said that, but when she broke up with you, I kept holding my breath in my heart. I always believed that my sister would regret it one day."

While talking, Han Youwei suddenly narrowed her eyes and smiled, "By the way, husband, I feel that you can write your own experience into a novel and publish it on the novel website. I have already thought up the name of the novel for you. It's called "When I Wake Up, My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Is Lying By My Pillow".

"Wife, you are simply too skinny."

Ye Chen couldn't laugh or cry.

Four days passed in a blink of an eye, and the time came to April 26.

this day.

A super earthquake has occurred in the domestic anchor industry.

This day is a dark day for many anchor guilds.

During this period of time, more and more consumers who bought things in the live broadcast room of the anchor bought inferior and fake products, so many consumers started their road to defend their rights.

Finally, this issue has attracted the attention of relevant state departments.

In order to earn high profits, the phenomenon of selling inferior and fake products and deceiving consumers is no longer an isolated phenomenon, but has become a common disorder in domestic live broadcast groups.

Among them, Douyin is the hardest hit area.

There is no way, it has not been long since Douyin opened the function of live streaming, and there are still many loopholes in the construction of relevant rules for live streaming.

For this reason, relevant state departments have taken action.

First of all, promise to the deceived consumers that they will open up a green channel for everyone to protect their rights.

Secondly, set up a special investigation team to settle in Douyin, cooperate with and urge Douyin to improve the construction of relevant regulations (cgbf) for live streaming as soon as possible.

On this day alone, Douyin officials have issued multiple announcements.

There is a special apology notice to consumers who have been deceived.

There is a notice of punishment for the relevant guilds.

This time Douyin's official efficiency is very high.

On this day alone, twenty-one guilds were punished by the Douyin platform.

These twenty-one guilds have all confirmed that there are a large number of sales of inferior and fake products to consumers in the live broadcast room.

There are three main types of punishment.

First, all anchors of the guild on the list will suspend the live broadcast and update the short video on the homepage, and fully cooperate with the investigation of the relevant departments. The suspension time is tentatively set at 15 days.

Second, the ratings of all guilds on the list on the Douyin platform have dropped by one level.

Third, for those anchors who sell substandard and fake goods for a huge amount and have a wide range of social influence, the platform will seal their accounts and permanently block their ID cards.

As soon as the first batch of blacklists were announced, they rushed to the top of the hot search list.

The majority of netizens have called it very happy.

And said that they will never buy anything in the live broadcast room of the blacklisted guild's anchor in the future.

In stark contrast to Douyin users who feel happy, those guilds who are on the blacklist are all in mourning at the moment.

Each of the three punitive measures imposed by the Douyin platform was a major blow to their guild.

All the anchors under the banner have been suspended for fifteen days, and this suspension time is only tentative, which means that it may be extended later.

In addition, during the off-broadcast period, even short videos cannot be updated.

If the broadcast is suspended for so many days, it will lose profits for a while, and secondly, the reputation of its anchors will also decline.

The punitive measures for downgrading the guild's rating by one level are even more severe. You must know that the level of the guild's rating directly affects the level of profit sharing between the guild and the platform.

However, the third penalty is the most severe.

An anchor who sells inferior and fake goods for a huge amount and has a wide range of social influence?

Doesn't that refer to those big anchors?

Blocking the accounts of the big anchors of their guild, and permanently blocking the identity card, this is really too wolf.

You must know that for their guild, those big anchors with many fans and good performance in bringing goods are the cash cow of the guild.

Moreover, some small and medium-sized guilds rely on their own big anchors to support them.

If these big anchors are blocked, then these guilds will be directly cold.

In addition, the punishments received by these guilds come not only from the platform, but also from the relevant laws of the country.

You must know that the relevant laws of the country clearly stipulate that the sale of counterfeit products must be faked and compensated for three...

This...who can stand this.

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