Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【172】A Female Star Came To Ask For A Movie Role (Please Customize)

In less than five minutes, the three of Cai Haoyu who went out came back.

"Mr. Ye, we have agreed to your request."

Cai Haoyu said.

Hearing this, Ye Chen smiled slightly: "Okay, we have a happy cooperation."

At this time, Ye Chen was calm on the surface, but in fact, he was already smiling.

10 million to get 50% of Mi Xiayou's equity, which is still a fixed equity, this wave is really profitable.

This rate of return is not dozens of times, but hundreds of times!

Then the three of them went to prepare the equity transfer contract, while Ye Chen called Haililao's legal department during this period and called a lawyer over.

Speaking of which, the legal department of Haililao was established only last month.

Ye Chen spent a high salary to hire a well-known barrister as the legal manager of Haililao.

Not long after Cai Hao and "April 20" Yu and the three prepared the contract, a lawyer from Haililao's legal department also rushed over.

"Boss Ye, there is no problem with this contract."

After carefully reviewing the contract, the lawyer said to Ye Chen.

Hearing this, Ye Chen directly took a pen and signed his name on the parts of the contract that required him to be famous, and stamped the official seal of Chenwei Investment.

The investment in Mixiayou is still carried out in the name of Chenwei Investment.

According to the contract, Chenwei Investment needs to deposit 10 million cash into Mi Xiayou's company account within a week.

So far, the equity structure of Mixiayou has been updated.

Now the largest shareholder of Mixiayou is Chenwei Investment, holding 50%.

Followed by Cai Haoyu holding 23%.

Liu Wei holds 13.68% of the shares.

Luo Yuhao holds 13.32% of the shares.

With the three of Cai Haoyu personally seeing him off, Ye Chen and lawyer Zhang from Haililao's legal department just walked out of the office building when Ye Chen's cell phone rang.

Although it is a strange call.

But Ye Chen still connected.

"Mr. Ye, hello."

As soon as the phone was connected, a woman's voice came.

"I am, who are you?"

Hearing a strange voice on the phone, he was sure that he was not someone he knew, so Ye Chen immediately asked.

"Excuse me, Mr. Ye, I'm Wu Jingyan's manager. I heard that Mr. Ye and Yida Film and Television will cooperate to make a movie based on a realistic theme. Is there any chance for us to cooperate?"

said the woman on the phone.

Ye Chen was taken aback for a moment, but then realized that someone was asking him for a movie role.

Wu Jingyan?

Ye Chen has some impressions of this actress.

The year before last, he played the leading role in a popular Qing palace drama. At that time, his roommate in the university dormitory was chasing the drama every day.

But later I heard that this actress started playing big names after she became popular, and she was publicly named and criticized by film newspapers on her scarf.

Then the actress quickly fell silent...

Although I have played a few roles in the past two years, there is no splash.

Now the fame is not as good as before, at most he can be regarded as a third-tier star.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen immediately ruled out this actress in his mind.

He doesn't like celebrities playing big names in public.

And I'm not the king of medicine. What this drama needs are capable actors, not this kind of vase.

What's more, he promised Xu Zheng that he would not interfere in the casting of I am not the king of medicine.

In addition, the important roles that I am not Yaowang have been settled, and they are all the original team members mentioned in the future email.

Now where is there any role for this actress.

So Ye Chen said directly: "I'm sorry, I'm not in charge of the casting, you can directly contact the crew and follow the normal process."

After speaking, Ye Chen didn't give the other party a chance to speak, and hung up the phone directly.

"Mr. Ye, if there is nothing else, I will go back to the company first."

The young elite lawyer sent by Haililao's legal department said this to Ye Chen immediately after seeing Ye Chen finished making the phone call.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Ye Chen laughed.

"Boss Ye, you are too polite."

However, just as Ye Chen sat in the back seat of Curry Nan, his cell phone rang again.

Another unknown number.

Ye Chen frowned.

"Mr. Ye, hello, I'm Wu Jingyan."

I have a charming female voice

Good guy, this is the owner calling, and he really guessed it right.

"Well, if it's still about movie roles, then my answer will remain the same as the answer I just gave to your agent.

Ye Chen said...

"Mr. Ye, you have misunderstood Jingyan. Jingyan is going to participate in a commercial performance in your magic capital tomorrow. Jingyan has always admired Mr. Ye. Do you know if Jingyan will have the honor to have dinner with Mr. Ye tomorrow?" .”

Wu Jingyan's voice is very charming.

have dinner together?

Coupled with that soft voice, the hint is already obvious.

As expected of the entertainment industry, it really wasn't a normal mess.

Last time at Zhanlong's celebration banquet, a pure-looking actress offered to throw herself into his arms, and it hasn't been long since this happened again.

You must know that strictly speaking, he is not a person in the entertainment circle.

One can imagine how chaotic this circle must be...

"Sorry, I'm going to have dinner with my wife at home tomorrow, and don't call me in the future, I don't want my wife to misunderstand."

After speaking, Ye Chen hung up the phone directly.

And the number of the actress and her manager was added to the blacklist.

Not long after returning to the company, Chen Pengbo came to Ye Chen's office.

After chatting with Chen Mingbo, Ye Chen also learned that the number of anchors applying to join the Chenwei Guild during this period has increased by more than 20 times compared to before.

It was also because of the previous turmoil that many guilds directly declared bankruptcy after experiencing the double punishment of Douyin platform and national laws.

So now there are many more casual anchors in the anchor world.

Now these individual anchors are also actively joining other guilds. 2.9

After all, there are still many benefits to joining a guild.

Chenwei Guild, as the most popular guild in Douyin, is naturally the first choice for those casual anchors who want to join.

As the old saying goes, you can enjoy the shade by leaning against a big tree.

"Old Chen, you have to remember that soldiers are more valuable than many. We must be cautious and strict in the review of those anchors who apply to join our guild. Every signed anchor is a business card of our guild outside. , For those anchors with bad reviews and a lot of scandal, no matter how many fans they have, we don't want to sign.

At the end of the chat, Ye Chen said so.

"Alright Mr. Ye, I know what to do."

After a few more casual chats, Chen Pengbo got up and left Ye Chen's office.

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