Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【174】We Are Not Suitable, Liu Zijie Angrily Slaps Han Youchu! (Please Customize)

"I called you, but you didn't answer. I was worried that something happened to you, so I came to see you."

When Liu Zijie was speaking, he went to sit down opposite Han Youchu.

Hearing this, Han Youchu picked up the phone and looked at it, then said: "The phone is turned into silent mode for some reason, so I didn't hear it, what's the matter, what's the matter?"

"Let's go out for a walk together later."

Liu Zijie crossed his legs and smiled.

"No, I'm a little tired today, I want to go home early to rest after get off work.

Han Youchu replied.

"Then tomorrow, I will pick you up tomorrow afternoon.

Liu Zijie said.

"Forget it, Liu Zijie."

Hearing this, Liu Zijie was taken aback, "You Chu, what do you mean by that?"

Han Youchu pursed his lips, met Liu Zijie's gaze, and said, "I said... It's okay for us to be ordinary friends, but if you want our relationship to go further, I feel that there is really no relationship between us. suitable."

As soon as these words came out, Liu Zijie's expression turned ugly instantly, "Why, am I still not good enough for you?"

"It's not your problem. You are a good person. It's my own problem. Through this period of contact, I think we are only suitable to be ordinary friends."

Han Youchu said: "I don't want to waste each other's time anymore, so I just said it directly today. It's good for you and me."

Hearing this, Liu Zijie couldn't help but shook his head and smiled, "I will repay the one million loan you owed to the bank for you, and then I will give you another five million. You will be my girlfriend, and I only want you to be my girlfriend." How about a one-month girlfriend?"

"Liu Zijie, are you insulting me?"

Han Youchu's face turned cold.

"How can this be considered an insult? I think I think highly of you. You know, I don't know how many beautiful girls I can find with the six million, and all of them are eighteen years old."

Liu Zijie laughed.

"Liu Zijie, I really misread you. I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. Please go out now"!"

Han Youchu pointed at the door with a frosty face and softly reprimanded Liu Zijie.

"I admit that I am not a good person, but what about you, what do you think you are?"

Liu Zijie put his arms around his shoulders, tilted his head, stared at Han Youchu and said sarcastically: "Since we met, you have always been indifferent to me, Han Youchu, do you think I don't know that you are raising fish and hang me on purpose, do you really Do you think you can handle me with just that little trick of yours, and make me the king of the palm?"

"Hehe, I haven't seen any woman in these years, and you are just one of my prey, and I just like the feeling that you treat me as if you are close to me, so I am willing to accompany you to perform."

"Don't you really think that I like you very much, heh, I'm just greedy for your body, that's all, you, a grass chicken, have the face to send me a good card, nothing, nothing Weigh and weigh your own identity, are you worthy?"

"you you.……………"

Han Youchu's shoulders trembled slightly from anger, "You bastard, get out!"

"Let me out?"

Liu Zijie laughed again, and the smile was full of irony, "Han Youchu, I'm afraid you haven't recognized your position yet. I, Wanshun Investment, are the largest shareholder of Onion Media, and what is your position as the vice president? I got it, don't you have any compulsion in your heart, and you still let me go out, do you deserve it?"

Hearing this, Han Youchu felt endless humiliation, she got up and left without saying anything.

But at this time, Liu Zijie spoke again, "Han Youchu, you really don't think about the conditions I just offered. You can get six million diamonds for just staying with me for a month, but it's not worth the price."

After uttering the word scum, Han Youchu picked up the mobile phone and bag on the desk, and walked outside.

Just when Han Youchu was about to leave the office, Liu Zijie suddenly said: "Han Youchu, don't you still want to return to Ye Chen's side?"

Hearing this, Han Youchu turned around, "Does this have anything to do with you?"

"Liu Zijie, you used to look down on Ye Chen in various ways, but in the end you were the one who got slapped in the face every time. Compared with Ye Chen, you are far behind."

After listening to Han Youchu's words, instead of being angry, Liu Zijie couldn't help laughing, "Oh, it seems that I really hit the mark, no wonder you can't be tempted by six million, awesome Han Youchu, your face is thicker than the city wall."

"Before you hated Ye Chen for not being able to give you the bread you wanted. You broke up with him and flirted with me. Now that you see Ye Chen's prosperity, you lick your face and want to go back. It's okay, it's just you. The extent of his face is indeed a person who does great things."

I have to say that Liu Zijie's mouth is very poisonous, and Han Youchu's face turned blue when he was angry.

"Liu Zijie, what right do you have to ridicule and run on me, no matter how unbearable I am, I'm better than you, after all, I didn't piss off my father to death.

Han Youchu's words are tantamount to hitting Liu Zijie's biggest pain point.

Now in his circle, Liu Zijie has become a joke in the circle because he pissed off his father to death.

Not only that, but now there are many people in the company secretly laughing at him.

So much so that the few shareholders who had a good relationship with his father now don't support him anymore, and they all feel that if the company is handed over to him, the company's future will be hopeless...

He was so angry that his father became a black spot that could never be washed away in his life.

It made him lose his prestige in the company even more.

Those big and small shareholders were worried about letting him take charge of Wanshun, so they gathered together to keep warm, and planned to elect a new chairman at the next round of the board of directors, and let Wanshun change his name...

"What did you say!"

Liu Zijie got up silently, stood up, and walked towards Han Youchu. (okay)

At this time, Liu Zijie's face was so gloomy that it seemed that water could drip out.

"I said that you, a second-generation dandy who pissed off your own father, have no face to run on me, Joe.

However, as soon as Han Youchu finished speaking, Liu Zijie, who came up to him, slapped Han Youchu directly with his hand, "Bitch, you are looking for death, right?"

Han Youchu, who had been slapped heavily, felt his eyes were staring, and his world was spinning.


The furious Liu Zijie didn't give Han Youchu a chance to slow down, and slapped Han Youchu hard on the other side of his face with his backhand.

(Today is December 1st. It snowed heavily here for the little author today. The auspicious snow heralds a good year, which is a good omen. Here I wish all book lovers good health and fortune in this new month. Finally Ask for a wave of free data, monthly tickets, evaluation tickets, flowers, etc., please vote for some, thank you.)

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