Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【182】I Have A Way, But I'm Not Sure Whether I Can Make A Fortune (Please Customize)

"Good job."

Ye Chen encouraged Wang Hanlin a few words and then hung up the phone.

Now he just waits for the "Jianwang Action" to be jointly launched by multiple departments of the country. By then, his China TV Network Judgment will be transformed into a money-making machine with no emotions.

At around 7 o'clock that night, Ye Chen, Qin Feng and Wang Xing boarded the plane to Jinling City together.

The three of them went to Jinling City this time to attend the opening ceremony of I am not the king of medicine.

Ye Chen only took Xia Jun with him.

Originally, Ye Chen wanted Han Youwei to come with him.

But because today is Pan Yili's birthday, Han Youwei is going to attend Pan Yili's birthday party, so she can't come to Jinling City with Ye Chen.

I am not the king of medicine. The crew has already booked a hotel for Ye Chen and the others in advance, and they booked it at the Jinling Hotel.

Speaking of which, this is Ye "127" Chen's second stay at the Jinling Hotel.

The last time he stayed at the Jinling Hotel was at the end of last year, when he brought Han Youwei to Jinling to participate in the killing ceremony of Zhanlong.

As soon as the three of them arrived at the hotel on their front feet, Wang Shicong and Xu Zheng arrived on their back feet.

"You three, why didn't you come here until now, Director Xu and I are so hungry that we are growling because we are waiting for you to eat.

As soon as they met, Wang Sicong complained.

"Blame me, blame me. I've got some temporary delays. But Lao Wang, if you and Director Xu are hungry, you can get something to eat first. I didn't ask you to wait for us on an empty stomach."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he burped.

"Nimma, have the three of you eaten on the plane?"

Wang Sicong widened his eyes and said.

The three of Ye Chen nodded in unison.

"Zhucao, the three of you are too inappropriate. Director Xu and I waited for you hungry, but the three of you ate deliciously on the plane. No, no, this meal tonight is beyond your comprehension."

"I'll take the order tonight.

Ye Chen laughed.

"Okay, let's go to have supper then.

Wang Sicong said: "I know that there is a very famous treasure night snack shop in Jinling City. The barbecue there is delicious. "Every time I come to Jinling City, I will ask a few girls to have a meal there."

Having said that, Wang Sicong paused for a moment, and then continued: "Why don't I call some pretty girls over here, or just us guys having supper, that would be so boring."

"Wang Shao, is the girl you call a decent girl?"

Wang Xing smiled.

"Whether a girl is serious or not, isn't that what we decide?"

Wang Shicong laughed.

"Sure enough, people surnamed Wang are not good people."

Qin Feng laughed.

"Okay, Old Wang, if you want to call me a sister, you can call me yourself, but don't call me a girl.

Several people walked and talked.

"My wife is not around, and Lao Ye still guards his body like a jade. He really is a good man."

"Huh? Director Xu, hasn't Mr. Song Ge arrived yet? If Mr. Song is here, please call Mr. Song together."

Ye Chen said.

He heard from Wang Sicong before that for the matter that I am not a drug Wang Li, the Imperial Capital Cultural Films also made a lot of effort in the middle.

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Song won't be here until tomorrow."

Xu Zheng replied.

It didn't take long for a group of five people to come to the treasure night snack shop that Wang Sicong had mentioned.

The name of the store is Xiyu Yushi Maimaiti BBQ.

This barbecue night snack shop is doing very well.

All the twenty or so tables outside were full.

However, since Wang Sicong had called in advance, the boss reserved a box for Wang Simeng.

After several people came to the box, the boss quickly handed over a menu.

The prince of Yida Group is here, and the owner of this store is also personally entertaining him, very warm.

"Old Wang, I just came in from the outside and saw that the barbecue in this store is nothing special. Is it really as delicious as you said?"

Qin Feng laughed.

Hearing this, Lao Wang returned the menu to the boss and said: "Boss, you have heard my friend's questioning, so you have to roast our meat for me tonight, or I will eat it in front of my friends." But it's going to be embarrassing."

"Don't worry, Young Master Wang, I will seriously roast it.

"Okay, I won't order this order, you just watch and order it for us, and remember to ask him for the final bill."

Wang Sicong pointed to Ye Chen and said with a smile: "My brother is paying the bill tonight, boss, don't save him money, bake us more hard goods.

"No, no, tonight's meal, even if I invite you all."

Although he doesn't know the few people who came here with Wang Sicong...

But if you think about it with your toes, you can also know that these young people in front of you are definitely not ordinary people.

This can be seen from the clothes alone.

Wait, isn't that bald head a well-known actor and director, Xu Zheng?

"Boss, we have accepted your wish, but I will still buy the order."

Ye Chen said.

"This...that's fine."

Not long after.

The boss came in pushing the dining car.

Dozens of freshly grilled lamb kebabs are still sizzling, which makes people very appetizing.

Besides kebabs, there are some other meats in it.

It can be seen from the color that the boss really put his heart into it.

Actually, it's a barbecue. As long as the quality of the meat is good and you use dim sum when roasting, the taste of the final roast will not be bad.

There were also several cold dishes and cases of beer.

"Everyone, eat slowly, and I'll bake some for you outside.

"go Go."

Wang Sicong waved his hand.

"The meat is plump, the outside is crispy and the inside is tender, and the seasoning is evenly sprinkled. This barbecue is really good, and it is well received.

After Wang Xing finished eating a skewer, he commented with a smile.

Just like this, a few people were eating barbecue and drinking beer.

However, within an hour, Xu Zheng drank too much.

It's not that Xu Zheng can't drink.

It's that Xu Zheng drank too much 1.9 beer tonight.

There is no way, the few people on this table are investors who are not Yaowang investors, and they are all well-known, so can we make a few more toasts, so Xu Zheng drank too much.

But it wasn't to the point where he was so drunk that he turned into a puddle of mud.

Ye Chen and the others still have a sense of proportion.

Tomorrow I am not the medicine king's opening ceremony [Xu Zheng can't be absent from this event.

"Okay, Director Xu, stop drinking, go back and rest quickly."

Ye Chen said.

After a while, Xu Zheng's assistant drove over and took Xu Zheng back to Jinling Hotel.

"Lao Ye, is there any way to get rich recently?"

When the barbecue was almost finished, Wang Shacong asked casually.

"I really have a way here, but I'm not sure if I can make money.

Ye Chen laughed.

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