Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【197】The Only Things She Can Think Of Are Han Youwei And Ye Chen (Please Customize)

For the remaining 65 million investment quota, Ye Chen invested in Panshi who took the initiative to come to the door.

This Panshi Investment is a very powerful and established investment company in Shanghai.

Its boss, Pan Shi, is a very low-key top rich man in Shanghai, which is rarely known to the outside world.

Pan Yili, known as the number one Bai Fumei in Shanghai, is Pan Shi's daughter.

On June 2, Ye Chen, Wang Sicong, Qin Feng, Wang Xing, Song Ge and a person in charge of Panshi Investment came to the New Hope Group in Rongcheng.

This battle surprised Liu Yonghao, chairman of New Hope Group.

Because he really didn't expect that these few investors brought by Ye Chen are all so famous

But after being shocked, what Liu Yonghao left in his heart was surprise.

After all, the stronger the shareholders, the better for the future development of his New Hope "930" Group.

After signing the contract, Chenwei Investment became one of the shareholders of New Hope Group, holding 6%.

In the evening, Liu Yonghao hosted a banquet in honor of Ye Chen and other investors in a high-end hotel in Rongcheng.

After staying in a five-star hotel in Rongcheng for one night, Ye Chen returned to Shanghai the next day.

New Hope Group training room.

Yu Xiao, who was receiving training in pig breeding techniques, was suddenly called out by an employee of New Hope.

Under the leadership of this New Hope employee, Yu Xiao came to an office.

Yu Xiao is no stranger to this office, because just a few days ago, she came here to sign a cooperation agreement with New Hope Group.

"Miss Yu, please sit down quickly."

Seeing that the fat manager in front of him was so enthusiastic about him, and even made himself a cup of tea, Yu Xiao was flattered, but also puzzled.

Obviously, the last time she came to sign the cooperation agreement, the fat manager in front of her still kept a straight face the whole time, looking serious.

Why did he completely change his face when facing her today?

Is it because...

Yu Xiao already had a guess in her heart.

"Manager Yang, may I ask why you called me over?"

Yu Xiao asked.

"Miss Yu, last time you came here, I was so negligent, please forgive me.

After making a cup of tea for Yu Xiao, Yang Kang said with a smile on his face.

Although he didn't know the background of this pig raising girl from the countryside.

But he knew that this girl's background was quite terrifying.

Because the call just now was made by the secretary of the chairman himself, which is very scary.

"Manager Yang, you are really serious, and you didn't neglect me before."

Hearing this, Yang Kang also breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's Miss Yu, I received a notice from my superiors and drafted a new cooperation agreement.

Yang Kang said that he handed over the cooperation agreement prepared in advance to Yu Xiao, "Miss Yu, take a look, if you have no objection, you can sign this cooperation agreement with our company, as for the agreement signed a few days ago The cooperation agreement is hereby voided."

Hearing this, Yu Xiao seriously looked at the new cooperation agreement in her hand.

After spending a few minutes, Yu Xiao, who had read the new agreement, looked up at Yang Kang in disbelief and said:

Manager Yang, Kui Company really wants to sign this new cooperation agreement with my pig farm?"

Compared with the previous agreement, this new agreement has too many advantages for her.

This new agreement will give her greater support in the technology of pig farming.

In addition, for pig feed, it will give her a lower purchase price. You must know that the biggest cost of pig breeding is feed.

In addition, she will be given a certain discount on the purchase price of the piglets.

In this way, her pig raising cost will be reduced a lot.

In addition, New Hope Group will increase the price by 5% when purchasing the live pigs from her pig farm.

"Yes, Miss Yu."

Yang Kang laughed.

"Manager Yang, I would like to know why your company suddenly re-signed this new cooperation agreement with me."

As soon as these words came out, Yang Kang was stunned, "Miss Yu, you really don't know?"

Yu Xiao shook her head.

Seeing that Yu Xiao seemed to be really ignorant, Yang Kang said: "Miss Yu, the secretary of the chairman of our company called me directly to ask me to do this. As for the others, I don't know... ..."

"I see, thank you, Manager Yang, for letting me know."

Yu Xiao said.

In this way, Yu Xiao signed a new cooperation agreement with New Hope Group.

With this cooperation agreement in place, Yu Xiao felt that if her pig farm still couldn't be managed, she could really buy a piece of tofu and kill her.

On the other side, Ye Chen came upstairs to Chenwei Media.

At this time, this floor is already the office address of Zhongshi Wangju.

Just this morning, Zhongshi Wangju officially moved from the imperial capital to the magic capital.

Although the company's relocation plan was announced in advance last month, there are actually not many employees who have left.

The main reason is that most of the employees of China TV Network are from Beidiao.

Now that the company has moved to Shanghai, for them, it's just a change of status from Beidiao to Hupiao.

And there is another benefit for them to come to Shanghai with the company, that is, the company will give them a certain subsidy for renting a house.

As a result, few employees resigned.

Just as Ye Chen was sitting in his office talking about the company with Wang Hanlin, Ye Chen's cell phone rang suddenly.

It was Yu Xiao who called, and Ye Chen pressed the answer button.

"Ye Chen, thank you."

Yu Xiao's grateful voice came from the phone.

Han Youwei and Ye Chen are the only ones she can think of who can make New Hope Group re-sign a cooperation agreement with her, and help 1.0 her in this way.

"They're all classmates, there's no need to be so polite."

Ye Chen said.

The reason why he asked Liu Yonghao to take care of Yu Xiao's pig farm yesterday was not because he had any other thoughts about this female college student.

It was her wife, Han Youwei, who asked him to help Yu Xiao as much as possible if he could help him without embarrassing him.

In addition, his female college classmate resolutely left the prosperous magic city and returned to his rural hometown to be a pig raising girl in order to take care of her father who was in poor health. To be honest, he still respects this college female classmate .

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