Waking Up With My Girlfriend's Twin Sister Lying On My Pillow

【201】Chu Chu, Ye Chen, This Rich Son-In-Law, My Mother, I Recognize It (Please Customize)

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Han Zhijie pondered for a moment and then said: "Mr. Ye, I understand what you mean, but Mr. Ye, you also know that Penguin Games and Penguin Films usually do not interfere with each other's business development, so I can't Guaranteed that I can persuade Penguin Games to give up the agency rights of the game you mentioned, but I want to say that I will definitely try my best to convince the Penguin Games gang."

"Mr. Han, don't worry, I won't ask you Penguin Games to give up the agency rights of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds for nothing. I will accept the original price or even a premium for how much money you got from Blue Hole Company." , in short, I will not take advantage of your penguin games."

Ye Chen said.

"Okay, with your words, Mr. Ye, I feel that my chances of persuading Penguin Games will be much higher.

Han Zhijie smiled.

After finishing the phone call with Ye Chen, Han Zhijie did not directly contact Penguin Games, but dialed Sun Huaizhong, the president of Penguin Games.

In negotiating with Penguin Games, Sun Huaizhong still had to come forward.

"Mr. Sun, I have something important to report to you..."

the other side.

Han Youwei came to Ye Chen-'s office.

Seeing that Ye Chen was lying on the recliner very comfortably basking in the sun, Han Youwei squinted her eyes and said with a smile: "My husband, you really know how to enjoy this."


Ye Chen got up and left the reclining chair, "Honey, come and lie down for a while, it's really comfortable to lie down and bask in the little sun. If your office doesn't have floor-to-ceiling glass, so it's not easy to bask in the sun, I'll give it to you." There is also a recliner."

Han Youwei lay down as she said, and a large piece of warm sunlight immediately sprinkled on Han Youwei's body through the huge floor-to-ceiling glass. This kind of comfort cannot be described in words.

Han Youwei couldn't help but closed her eyes, and said with a look of enjoyment: "I haven't sunbathed like this for a long time, it's really comfortable."

"Honey, your expression is a bit foul now."

Ye Chen said with a smile.

Hearing this, Han Youwei opened her eyes, a pair of big eyes full of spirituality blinked and blinked, her face was full of innocence, "Where is the foul?"

Ye Chen didn't speak, just turned around and walked over to lock the door of his office.

Then walked back.

"Honey, how about the quality of this recliner, should it be able to bear the weight of two people?"

Ye Chen laughed.

"Honey, close the curtains.

"Don't pull it, it's covered with anti-peeping."

the other side.

Han Youchu returned home.

Zhang Li, who was practicing yoga in front of the video in the living room, immediately noticed that her daughter's condition was not right.

"Chuchu, didn't you go to China TV to apply for a job? Why did you come back so soon?"

Zhang Li, who was originally lying on the yoga mat, turned off the yoga teaching video on her mobile phone when she was talking, and stood up.

"Mom, I won't go to China Television Network to get together, okay Mom, I'm a little tired, I'll go back to my room to rest first."

"Wait, Chuchu, what's the matter? Could it be that you didn't apply for the job? What's the matter? There are so many companies now, and I'll go to other companies to apply for jobs in the future.

Zhang Li comforted her.

"not like this......"

Han Youchu shook his head.

"Ah? What is that for? It makes you feel like you lost your soul."

Facing her mother's caring and curious gaze, Han Youchu pursed her lips, and finally said, "Mom, do you know who the boss of China TV Network is?"

"Who? Could it be that Ye Chen?"

Zhang Li said casually.

"It's Ye Chen..."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Li's eyes widened, "What, it's really Ye Chen? I just made a wild guess, Chuchu, are you kidding me?"

"Mom, do you think I'm still in the mood to joke with you now?"

Han Youchu smiled wryly.

"My God, China TV Network Judging is actually owned by Ye Chen. Doesn't that mean that Ye Chen has a net worth of tens of billions now?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Li was taken aback, and then Zhang Li became excited, "Why is this Ye Chen so powerful, why did I miss it before?"

"It's been less than a year since he graduated from college, and he already has a net worth of tens of billions. Oh my god, this... this is too scary... Horrible. Ah... . . . . . . . . "

…… Ask for flowers………

In the end, Zhang Li was so excited that she was a little incoherent.

Suddenly, Zhang Li held Han Youchu's shoulders tightly with both hands, and said with red eyes: "Daughter, you must take Ye Chen back. With Ye Chen, our mother and I will be able to live together for the rest of our lives." Live a life of great wealth."

"Tens of billions, that's a net worth of tens of billions. Liu Zijie's father didn't have such a high net worth when he was alive, and Ye Chen is still so young now. I'm convinced of this rich man."

"Mom, you hurt me."

"Oh? Oh, sorry, sorry, mom was too excited just now.

As Zhang Li said, she quickly loosened her hands and moved them away from her daughter's shoulders.


Chenwei Media, Ye Chen's office.

Han Youwei got up and left the recliner and walked towards the bathroom in the office.

Han Youwei half-raised her head the whole time

After Han Youwei went to the bathroom, Ye Chen lay down on the recliner.

Ye Chen slowly closed his eyes. In this sage's state, Ye Chen's heart was surprisingly peaceful. Being in this state is more conducive to thinking.

After a few minutes, the sound of a hair dryer came from the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, Han Youwei came to Ye Chen's side.

Ye Chen on the recliner opened his eyes and waved to Han Youwei. Han Youwei, who had already formed a tacit understanding, lay down in Ye Chen's arms.

The quality of this recliner is still very good.

Smelling Han Youwei's beautiful hair, Ye Chen smiled and said, "I just washed my hair."

"if not."

Han Youwei gave Ye Chen an angry look.

"I will try my best to pay attention to this next time."

Ye Chen said with a dry smile.

"By the way, hubby, my younger sister went to China TV Network Gathering at around eight o'clock.

Han Youwei said suddenly.

"Why did she go to China Television Network?"

Next, Han Youwei told Ye Chen what the female receptionist had said to her, "Husband, I guess Chuchu originally wanted to apply for a job at China TV Network, but after learning that China TV Network is your company After that, she gave up the idea of ​​applying for the job."



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