Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 111 Windsor's Separation

The square assault boat that fell to the surface was slowly cutting into the dense atmosphere of Ilando.

In the driver's seat, Yang Ming closed his eyes and took a nap.

Law's figure popped up on the central control display.

Today, in skinny jeans, a turtleneck, and black-rimmed glasses, she seems to be in search of intellectual beauty.

Lu was stunned at Yang Ming.

She seemed to be thinking about something.

In the past two days, Yang Ming only slept for a few hours, which was probably a small price for the rapid expansion of his control power.

Li made the small spaceship slow down so that Yang Ming could rest for a while.

The boss is really tired recently.

The seemingly smooth battle for the recruitment of the Sixth Fleet actually went through repeated deduction by the two of them;

How to make the relationship between Gu Dun Maha and the royal family softly landed also made Yang Ming think hard.

However, in Li's opinion, this kind of exhaustion is completely worth it.

Now, the boss has mastered one-third of the Luofeng Fleet through Gudun Maha, established influence on the New Industry Federation through Kolev, and directly controlled more than a dozen industrial companies through the Molly Miss Group. Continuously provide the necessary resources for the Dark Star Project.

According to Law's calculations, the boss only needs to continue to operate in Luofeng for two to three years, and continue the current business thinking, there is a high probability that the country will actually change its surname to 'Yang'.

And by that time, within this country, there will be a civilization of mechanical thinking that can create technological miracles.

'It was just the most beautiful scene. '

Law admired.

However, even if Lu didn't want to disturb Yang Ming, the communication request that had been sent three times in a row...

"Boss? Boss?" Lu muttered in a low voice, "Be one with me, Jie Jie."

Yang Ming jumped up in shock, and after seeing Lil with a smirk on his face, he took a picture of her virtual image with a black face.

"Don't scare me with mother-in-law!"

Yang Ming scolded:

"If you don't have anything urgent, I'll go to the Feinan to unscrew the case of your main computer!"

"This," Lil blinked, "Miss Windsor has called for the third time."

"Then why are you still standing there, connect quickly!"

Lil nearly rolled his eyes out of the galaxy.

Yang Ming glanced at his location, it was about ten minutes' boat ride away from Miss Windsor's house.

The communication is connected, but there is no video.

"Ming, sorry to bother you, are you busy now?"

"Fortunately," Yang Ming let his voice sound a little tired, "The Fourth Fleet is reorganizing the Sixth Fleet, and I have also been assigned complicated tasks."

"I'm sorry," Windsor sighed, her usually warm and sweet voice became a little hoarse, "Profess her..."

"I know this," Yang Ming said softly, "Don't be too sad about it, it's the path she chose."

"But I still can't accept it."

Windsor was sobbing over the phone.

Yang Ming comforted Windsor in a gentle voice, and gradually increased the landing speed of the spaceship. When the spaceship entered the monitoring of the defense network of Ilando City, he said:

"Wait for me at home for a while, and I'll be there right away, Windsor."


Miss Windsor was overjoyed.

Yang Ming smiled: "Okay, now I'm going to go through the border inspection. Every time I come back from the sky, I have to go through this process."

"Well, do you need me to go out and wait for you? Dad's expression has been very serious these two days."

"No need," Yang Ming said, "I just went to talk to my uncle about work."

A few minutes later, Yang Ming parked the spaceship in the parking lot on the roof of the hotel where he had rented a suite for a long time, and boarded the unmanned taxi that Lu had prepared in advance. There were desserts and a bouquet of flowers in the back seat of the car.

The chancellor's estate is near this hotel.

When Yang Ming arrived, Windsor's father had already received the news in advance. The Minister of Finance deliberately avoided the living room on the first floor and hid in the office on the second floor of the villa.

As a father, the Chancellor of the Exchequer is actually very good.

He was in the complicated political situation of Luofeng Empire, but he never thought of letting his beautiful daughter become his political bargaining chip, let alone forcibly denying his daughter's love affair because of his position.

Give children freedom and respect, this father has done it.

Windsor and Yang Ming are already very familiar with each other, and they know each other's bodies like the back of their hands, but they still feel a little embarrassed to meet each other in their own home.

Especially, Yang Ming took the initiative to hug her and ask for a kiss in front of the servants and guards.

This made Windsor a little overwhelmed, and finally closed his eyes and responded enthusiastically.

"Look, I bought you a... er, what kind of flower is this? But it's pretty."

Windsor's depressed mood for two days suddenly improved for the most part.


She dragged Yang Ming into the main hall of the villa.

The military uniform on Yang Ming's body, as well as this face that had been constantly appearing on TV before, made the servants here quite nervous.

He and Windsor hugged each other on the soft sofa.

Windsor was silent for a long time, and sighed softly.

"Ming, I want to make a little change."

"Huh?" Yang Ming was a little puzzled, but when he looked up at Windsor, he was attracted by her eyes.

Windsor was quite a beauty, but that was limited to her appearance.

All along, she has been like a good girl, a well-educated, polite, virtuous and virtuous noble lady. Even when she is in a relationship with love and forgetting love, she is gentle, restrained and polite, and will not make any mistakes. Yang Ming felt uncomfortable with the words.

But at this moment, Yang Ming saw some light in her eyes that she had never seen before.

That is the light that comes when you think hard.

She whispered:

"I've been reflecting on my life for the past two days.

"Ming, I live in this country, I have always enjoyed the shelter my father gave me, I live among the aristocratic group, and I rarely leave this city.

"Maybe I'm being naive when I say that, but I've always been part of this country.

"I used to think that this country is too bad, and most people do not have sufficient material security; but I used to think that everything is taken for granted, the class has long been solidified, and I am just lucky to enjoy the upper class. Welfare.

"But, Ming, she just died in front of me..."

Windsor covered her eyes and sobbed.

Yang Ming hugged her, patted her back lightly, but didn't say much.

He has no say in the matter.

Yang Ming saw two leather shoes appearing on the stairs in front of him. The Minister of Finance was standing at the top of the stairs holding on to the railing, hesitating whether to come down or not.

A few minutes later, Windsor sighed softly: "Sorry for letting you see me in such a mess, I'm fine."

"It will be better if you cry," Yang Ming said softly.

"Well, that's it," Windsor smiled, "I will remember her, she taught me a lot. Ming, if I want to leave you for a while, can you accept it?"

Yang Ming wondered, "Where are you going?"

"I want to study in the New Federation."

Windsor bit her lip, her expression was a little disturbed, but her eyes were clear and firm.

"I know that the New Federation is our enemy now, but their economic system is very advanced, and many ideas are also lacking in us. I want to learn the construction of the economic framework, which may help this country.

"I checked the exam situation and registration materials. This may require me to go to the local university to take the exam. After admission, it will take three or four years to study for a degree."

She looked at Yang Ming and said in a low voice, "Is it okay?"

"Windsor, you can decide your own life, and I can only give you a reference."

There were some waves in Yang Ming's heart.

It's not because Windsor left him, and there was a feeling of reluctance in his heart.

They were originally in a relationship, and it was normal for them to split up and reunite in love. The time they spent with each other was very pleasant.

What surprised Yang Ming was Windsor's motive.

‘It might help the country. '

Yang Ming said with a smile: "Although the New Federation is doing things in other countries, they are very peaceful and orderly. If you go to school there, your personal safety is guaranteed."

"Yes," said Windsor with a smile, "it's just that there are no nobles there, and I don't have any privileges to enjoy."

Yang Ming raised his hand and stroked her soft long hair.

Windsor looked at Yang Ming affectionately, she knew that once she left Yang Ming's side, Yang Ming would most likely empathize with other women.

He has so much energy.

"Will you remember me, Ming."

Yang Ming nodded gently, staring at her crystal moist lips, and slowly approached her lips.

"Cough! Cough cough cough!"

The cough of the Chancellor of the Exchequer came in time.

Windsor stood up immediately as if there were springs on her legs.

Yang Ming rubbed his nose, turned his head to look at the middle-aged man who came down the stairs with his hands behind his back.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer is full of bookishness.

"Oh, Windsor, my daughter," the minister sniffled, "you know, I can't bear to have you so far away from me, but I will still give you a letter of recommendation from my alma mater, so you don't have to worry about enrolling, I have been friends with several well-known economics professors for many years, and I will help you with everything."

"Dad, do you agree?"

"Of course," the Chancellor shrugged, "my daughter wants to enrich her life, why should I stop her?"

Windsor cheered, smiled and hugged... Yang Ming.

This makes the finance minister who is ready to open his hands slightly uneasy.

Yang Ming said softly: "Windsor, you go back to your room to rest first, I'll talk to Uncle about government affairs."

"Well, good," Windsor looked at the Minister of Finance, "Dad, you won't put pressure on Ming, will you?"

"We'll have an absolutely friendly exchange."

The Minister of Finance showed a slightly helpless smile.

Yang Ming came to subdue him for the second prince, he knew it well.


That night, Yang Ming and Windsor still went to the hotel to spend the night.

Windsor didn't ask what Yang Ming talked with the Minister of Finance; Yang Ming didn't ask when Windsor planned to leave.

The two lingered selflessly until Windsor was exhausted and fell asleep in Yang Ming's arms.

Early the next morning, Windsor kissed Yang Ming lightly on the forehead, and left quietly.

Yang Ming closed his eyes and slept for an extra half an hour, then put on his nightgown, sat in front of the hotel's floor-to-ceiling windows, and stared at the city outside.

she left.

But the light of the stars still shines on the bustling and crowded cities.

"Lü, tell me," Yang Ming asked slowly, "Should I treat this country better?"

Lily's voice came from the built-in stereo in the bathtub near the window: "Boss, if you are reluctant to part with Miss Windsor, you can definitely keep her."

"She has her own choice," Yang Ming said, "We are just a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, not husband and wife. She wants to study in the New Federation and thinks it will help her life. All I can do is bless her."

Lv tsk tsk smiled, and didn't dare to tease his boss at this time.

Yang Ming asked: "The Minister of Finance went to see Edwan?"

"I went there last night," Lu murmured in a low voice, "It's really surprising that even the third prince with such a despicable personality once selflessly helped the Minister of Finance when he was young."

"Crocodile tears."

Yang Ming yawned:

"I hope that this romantic time between me and Windsor can leave some pleasant memories for her life. Remember to help me eliminate the biological factor, she will go to the New Federation soon."

Law complained: "Boss, you are too ruthless."

Yang Ming shrugged.

Life matters.

"Boss, are you going back to the starship now?"

"Don't be in a hurry today," Yang Ming said with a smile, "Go and take care of His Royal Highness the Second Prince first, lest he complain that I neglected him again."

"As Gudun Maha's influence continues to grow, you should be wary of the second prince."

"Well, I know," Yang Ming said slowly, "As a friend, I will confide in him, and as a partner, I will draw a clear line with him. Is there any movement from the New Federation?"

"Something unusual," said Li softly. "I'm trying to figure out their intentions. They seem to be gathering a special agent team and some hired armed forces."

Yang Ming said with a smile: "The hypocritical federation is to some extent more difficult than the mother-in-law."

Hum, hum.

The watch vibrated suddenly, and a text message from General Philemon was sent to Yang Ming by Lu.

"Boss, the old emperor wants you to enter the palace secretly."

Entering the palace secretly?

Yang Ming thought carefully for a while, then asked in a low voice: "Tell me, our great omnic emperor, will His Majesty give me a secret order to find a chance to kill Gu Dun Maha?"

"It's unlikely, boss. In the eyes of the old emperor, Gu Dunmaha is Edwan's partner."

"Kurton Mahal is not his partner."

Yang Ming stretched his waist.

Enter the palace to face the saint.

Take a look at this old omnic, what new tricks can he figure out.

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