Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 135 The Violent Old Father

The Feinan followed the merchant ship far away, and appeared in the outer airspace of Ram Star for the third time.

Law is very cautious, let Feinan maintain the longest particle transmission distance, and asked 026 for help to activate the fast transition mode at any time.

The boss's move is actually very risky.

But the law has calculated that after these risks, there are huge benefits hidden.


The old enemy of human civilization, the resource contender of human interstellar civilization.

Zerg is also a huge threat to the future Dark Star.

The boss is right. The civilization of the mechanical thinking body is essentially just a re-evolution of the natural human civilization. The former needs to live in the latter, and it should find a way to evolve more perfectly than the latter.

The little mechanical civilization hidden in the dark star thinking training room is a copy of the existing human society in every way.

The three teachers also told her that the greatest advantage of mechanical civilization lies in its compliance and stable development, and its biggest disadvantage lies in its compliance and stable development.

Without genetic mutations, it is impossible to have a variety of life systems.

The origin of mechanical civilization is limited to logical calculations, and natural civilization is needed to provide unpredictable possibilities.

"Law, what are you thinking?"

026, who was holding a fruit plate, asked in a low voice.

Law immediately came back to his senses, turned his head and blinked at 026, then called out the couple cabin where Yang Ming was, and used infrared imaging to describe the situation of the two people inside at the moment.

026 suddenly blushed a little, and couldn't help but glance.

The two people inside turned their backs to each other, sleeping very soundly at the moment, she seemed to be able to hear Yang Ming's slight snoring.

"Hee hee," 026 laughed, "It looks like I won."

Li resolutely cheated: "The time limit we bet on is not just this voyage."

026 whispered: "Anyway, I believe in Mr. Yang Ming."

Li smiled and said, "Then how do you explain the kiss before? Of course, there was no exchange of bodily fluids before, but I think the boss should be ready to move on."

026 pondered for a while: "Political needs."


Li almost rolled over laughing.

Depressed, 026 turned his head and left: "I'm going to simulate training."

"Remember to do driving training and delivery training! If the boss needs equipment, we will conduct fixed-point delivery from space."


Lil shrugged, hummed the little tune he learned from 026, and continued to stare at several major information streams.

The territory of Luofeng Empire is considered peaceful.

Edwan's love affair with a certain princess of the Sherman Empire has become the biggest gossip topic between the two countries, and Luofeng's connection with the Sherman Empire has also deepened.

But Law is not optimistic about this relationship.

Edwan is the kind of guy with strong self-esteem. Although he obeys the Sherman Empire on the surface, he is still a firm royal reformer in his bones.

As for that princess, she might be temporarily distracted by Edwan's twerk, but when she regains her senses, the arrogance from Emperor Star will not allow her to marry into the 'suburbs' of the empire.

To a certain extent, this love affair is just the political capital of both parties.

"The human emotional system is really complicated, Ritsu thinks so."


Two hours later.

The ground 'airport' with constant flow of people.

The merchant ship, which seemed extremely small in space, turned into a giant against the backdrop of the surrounding airport buildings.

The automatic loading and unloading robot carried the goods in the second half, and each passenger walked out of the cabin, feeling the comfortable atmosphere and gravity of Ram Star.

Generally speaking, with the Sherman Empire Star as the standard gravity, 0.8 to 1.3 times the standard gravity is the most suitable gravity level;

0.5 to 0.8, 1.3 to 1.6 times the standard gravity is a more suitable gravity level.

This level of gravity can ensure that the appearance of the human species will not change much.

By the way, in the Guell Alliance, the fourth largest force in the Milky Way, there are some ancient human tribes whose physical appearance has developed in the direction of "following one's inclinations" due to the influence of gravity and the environment.

If you go deeper, you will involve the thick history of human development in the galaxy.

According to the calculations of today's archaeologists and biologists, there were three large-scale seeding plans about 10 million years ago, 3 million years ago, and 250,000 years ago.

The Sowers are considered to be high-latitude human civilizations.

The gravity coefficient of Ram Star is 0.82 standard gravity, people will feel that walking is very brisk, which is very advantageous as a tourist planet.

"Hey honey."

Yang Ming, who was pushing the suitcase, reminded Hera who seemed to be distracted.

"Aren't you happy? We're traveling."

Hera immediately showed a somewhat stiff smile, and soon she gave up this fake smile: "Don't worry, my dear, no one cares whether I am in a good mood or not except you."

"Uh-huh," Yang Ming looked towards the pick-up hall in front of him, and a reminder from Li was drawn across his glasses.

The biologist Naldo had arrived here half an hour ago.

Yang Ming smiled and said, "Will your father come to pick you up?"

"Do you think he will have the time to care about my itinerary?"

"That's not necessarily true," Yang Ming said softly, "Promise me, if possible, have a good talk with him."

Hera's gaze began to search the crowd, and then cast a questioning look at Yang Ming.

Yang Ming just shrugged and didn't say much.

Yes, Mr. Nardo has arrived.

But for some reason, this bald middle-aged man hid in the parking lot and did not appear directly.

Is the father-daughter relationship tense?

This is not conducive to their planning.

While handing over the suitcase to the robot, Yang Ming whispered something next to Hera's ear, and Hera immediately took Yang Ming's arm, and took the initiative to step on Yang Ming's face.

Yang Ming responded with a smile, and took the initiative to embrace Hera's slender waist, and he seemed to be able to feel the smoothness of her skin through the clothes.

"Shall we go to the shopping mall here first?"

"Of course, my dear," Hera snuggled into Yang Ming's arms, like those couples who are passionately in love, "I'll listen to you."

Not far behind them, a sneaky man adjusted a brooch on his chest.

A brooch is a candid camera device.

The pictures taken here are presented in a black armored suspension vehicle in the parking lot in a high-definition and stereo way.

Mr. Nardo is very anxious at the moment.

He frowned and looked at the projection in front of him, and the newly-made M277 laser pistol beside him flashed a faint 'low light environment reminder' light.

"How could it be, how could Hera suddenly become like this."

The two officers in the front seat looked at each other, each a bit dumbfounded.

Naldo held his head in his hands and kept murmuring:

"How did she degenerate into such a woman, she has no sense at all, and she listens to everyone else. I spent seven years cultivating her independent thinking, oh, this damn love.

"Is this boy lying to her?"

The two officers said in unison: "Yes, Doctor."

"I knew it!"

Naldo clenched his fists if they dared to go too far.

If the boy wants to play with his daughter's feelings, he must let the other party know what father's anger is.

"Doctor, they are going to find a taxi."

"Follow them!" Naldo ordered immediately, "Please, but don't let them find out."

The armored hover vehicle started ahead of time and slowly moved towards the exit.

An officer reminded: "Doctor, we'd better keep it secret, you can only have contact with your daughter."

"Relax, I understand this," Naldo said, "I will ask you for help when necessary, stun or anesthetize that guy, or throw him into the sewage pool for a bath, can you do it right?"

The officer in the main driver's seat smiled calmly: "Don't worry, I will take action."

Naldo immediately grasped the victory.


The taxi headed towards a small town called 'Refreshing Hot Spring'.

This small town is located on the edge of the necrosis-spreading area, and it is a relatively famous dating place for couples, with various style buildings and hundreds of hot spring hotels.

Towns further inward have been blocked due to crop necrosis.

This is the area where Yang Ming and Helaneng are closest to the secret base.

In the taxi, Hera was learning how to make up, and Yang Ming took an electronic version of "New Federal Code" to read carefully.

The two of them looked very harmonious.

If it wasn't for Hera who took the initiative to lean on Yang Ming, the driver would only think that this was two good friends traveling together.

Next to it, a military armored hover vehicle began to overtake slowly.

The driver didn't dare to move, and even wanted to step on the brakes so that the old man next to him could go over earlier.

But the armored hover vehicle adjusted its speed and kept relatively synchronized with him.

Behind the one-way glass of the suspension car, a pair of eyes stared carefully at the back seat of the taxi, and could clearly see the picture inside.

"Oh, he's reading a book, probably the code."

Naldo kept muttering:

"His ideal is to become a lawyer? This is a pretty good career plan, or, he wants to commit crimes and study law in advance? He is a dangerous element."

"Doctor," said the officer next to him with a smile, "this young man looks pretty good, gentle, well-mannered, and very handsome."

"Handsomeness has no effect. Talent and learning are the criteria to measure a man's value."

"That's right, but it's easy for him to get girls."

"Look, doctor, they seem to be interacting."

In the back seat of the taxi, Hera turned her head and asked Yang Ming how the makeup she studied by herself was like.

Yang Ming gave a thumbs up.

Just when Hera felt good about herself, she heard Yang Ming's uncontrollable laughter again, and couldn't help scratching Yang Ming's armpit angrily.

The two fought for a while.

The taxi driver smiled, as if thinking of his youth.

Behind the one-way glass of the armored vehicle next door, Dr. Naldo's face was full of disappointment.

"Yes, she wants to start her own life, she wants to have her own life, a reliable partner can bring her far more than the father she hates."

The officer on the side couldn't help but raised his hand and patted the doctor on the shoulder.

The backbone of the technology gave them the impression that he was a workaholic. The doctor's eyes were only on research projects. Whenever he ran out of the lounge cheering, it must be a technical problem that had found the answer.

But now, they know that Dr. Naldo has other treasures besides the grand proposition of science.

his daughter.

"Doctor, they seem to be kissing."


Frustrated, Naldo suddenly raised his head, just in time to see Yang Ming lowering his head and gently kissing Hera's cheek, while Hera looked up at Yang Ming, and wrapped his backhand around Yang Ming's neck.


The laser pistol quickly released the safety device.

Naldo was about to raise his gun to shoot immediately, and the officer on the side hurriedly pressed the doctor's arm down.

"Calm down! Calm down doctor! That's your daughter's boyfriend!"

Finally, Naldo barely suppressed his emotions.

But this suppression is destined to be only temporary.

The biosafety of the laser pistol was repeatedly activated.

When Yang Ming and Hera arrived at the hot spring hotel, they shared the same room;

When Hera said 'I have prepared a sexy bathrobe' and went into the bathroom to change, Yang Ming opened the bedside table and began to look for safety devices;

When the two of them changed into their bathrobes, wrapped in hotel bathrobes, and headed towards the reserved single room hot spring...

Naldo showed amazing physical strength.

The two officers displayed extraordinary emotional intelligence.

They kept persuading Naldo with "we can't control the children", "overprotection is the biggest harm", "she is 26 years old".


When Yang Ming and Hera entered the hot spring, they began to play happily in the water.

Naldo sat exhausted on the wall of the next single room, looked up and listened to the laughter coming from there, and sighed dejectedly.

She has grown up.

Her existence is not to make herself proud, she has her own life.

Dr. Naldo's eye sockets began to get wet.


"Want to try?" Yang Ming's deep voice came.

"it's here?"

"Isn't the atmosphere just right?"

"Well, I may be a little rusty, but I will master the skills here as soon as possible."

Dr. Naldo stood up abruptly, grabbed the pistol and rushed to the next bathroom.

These are to be after marriage! oh! What kind of magic did this damn young man use! them!

"Doctor! Professor Pat is calling!"

Naldo frowned tightly, and suddenly knocked on the door of Yang Ming and Hera's single room, then gestured to the officer at the side, and retreated to the next room.

When the voice was connected, Professor Pat's hoarse voice came out of the receiver.

"You have no vacation for the time being, Naldo, those things are a little disturbed, and there is something strange in the cultivation room."

"I'll be right back," Naldo's voice immediately became extremely calm.

But just as he was about to leave, he turned his head and looked at the wall, thought carefully, and said, "It will be delayed for about five minutes."

"As soon as possible," Professor Pat hung up the voice.

Naldo took a deep breath, his face slightly gloomy.

The door of the next room opened, Yang Ming frowned and looked at the two officers in front of him, pretending to be ignorant, and asked in confusion, "Two officers, what's wrong?"

"We suspect that you are related to a smuggling trade, please assist us in the investigation, a few minutes will be enough."

"Yes, but my girlfriend is here too," Yang Ming said slowly, "Can I send her back to the room first... I only have this dress and this network access terminal on me, the two of you can follow me, and the network access terminal is also I can leave it to you... don't scare her, can you?"

The two officers immediately smiled and nodded in agreement.

Soon, Yang Ming protected Hera and went back to the room where she was staying. Yang Ming lightly pinched Hera's shoulder, and Hera immediately understood what happened.

Her father is coming.

"Come on, sir, I fully cooperate with your investigation."

Yang Ming closed the door, revealing a calm and flustered smile.

"Relax, it's not a big problem," an officer said softly, leading Yang Ming out of the corridor on this floor.

In the room, Hera immediately turned on the projection device, and threw a few pieces of printing paper to a more conspicuous place on the desk. After doing this, she began to stare out the window in a daze, adjusting her breathing.

In the corridor, Naldo strolled over with his hands behind his back.

He was quite satisfied with Yang Ming's performance just now.

Nardo raised his right hand, hesitated for a few seconds, and finally knocked lightly on the door.


"It's me, Hera."

Hera hurriedly opened the door, with a bit of astonishment on her face: "Father? Why are you here? Didn't you go to another star field to do research?"

Nardo glanced around, motioned for her to enter, and then closed the door.

He saw those few sheets of printing paper.

"I happened to come here to study crop necrosis, don't worry, I let the military take away your little boyfriend."

Naldo shrugged.

He tried to look at Hera, but when Hera's clear pupils reflected his own face, Nardo subconsciously chose to avoid it.

He said hesitantly:

"He is excellent, but he may be a playboy, you have to remember that I have repeatedly reminded you that some things have to be done after marriage.

"Your mother left earlier, I need to teach you these things."

"Well," Hera said indifferently, "so this is a biologist who explained to her daughter that women's menarche is the cause of internal bleeding caused by excessive exercise?"

"Well," Naldo rubbed the space between his brows, "Okay Hera, I don't have that much time, I have to leave now, I just want to say...if you decide."

Hera said: "Okay father, I'm sure."

Naldo decided to return to his preferred topic area:

"How is your recent academic research? Sorry, I'm too busy and haven't communicated with you for half a year.

"This is your latest paper? You really didn't waste it... How does the exchange of information between microorganisms affect the host organism?

"This topic is great...your experimental data..."

As if struck by a bolt of lightning, Nardo suddenly raised his head and stared at Hera.

Hera didn't have much expression, just folded her arms and stared at Nardo.

"Has your experiment been announced to the public?" Naldo asked quickly.

"No, father," Hera said indifferently, "You can keep this research result as your own as you did eight years ago."

"Oh, Hera, how could I have robbed you of your honor after so many things happened eight years ago?

"I can't wait to pass on all my knowledge to you, so that you can reach areas that I can't reach!"

Naldo frowned and said:

"Come to a place with me, can you? Now, immediately, this is an extremely important question!"

"I want to be with my boyfriend."

"Let him wait here for one night!" Nardo yelled.

Hera thought about it carefully: "Then you go out, I want to change clothes."

"high speed!"

Naldo nodded immediately, turned his head and left with the few sheets of printing paper, and didn't see the loneliness in his daughter's eyes.

'It's like this again. '

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