Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 149 Falling Wind Palace Transformation 】

The sound of chaotic footsteps echoed in the empty palace corridor.

Yang Ming and General Philemon led a dozen officers in front, followed by Princess Dana and her team members.

Emilia, who followed Yang Ming step by step, seemed to have regained her composure, and was thinking about what the 'truth' Yang Ming was talking about.

In front of the palace gate, two rows of mechanical guards stood with guns.

Philemon stretched out his hand to hold Yang Ming: "Their condition is not right, the safety of the laser guns is all open...they have been instructed to shoot at any time."

Yang Ming didn't seem to hear it, and walked forward two meters alone.

Emilia wanted to follow, but was guarded by General Philemon.

"Please stop!"

The two mechanical guards spoke at the same time, and the electronically synthesized voice was slightly sharp:

"Without His Majesty's order, anyone who trespasses will be punished as an assassin."

Yang Ming continued to move forward.

The mechanical guards made a shooting gesture at the same time.

The officers behind Yang Ming took out their laser pistols and aimed their guns at the brains of the mechanical guards.

"Don't be nervous," Yang Ming said slowly, "point the gun at the heads of the guards around you, and close your own protective shield."

The officers in the rear didn't know why.

The group of mechanical guards in front of the palace gate turned around and aimed their laser guns at the brains of the mechanical guards beside them.

Yang Ming said: "Fire."

call out! Whoosh!

Two rows of mechanical guards pulled the trigger at the same time, a large hole appeared on their heads, and each lowered their heads with guns; the silver-white metal skeleton was still standing firmly, and the positronic brain that was emitting smoke stopped functioning.

Yang Ming turned his head and blinked at Emilia: "A little magic show."

"Everyone wait here, I'll go in and take a look first."

"Yang Ming!"

General Philemon frowned and said:

"There are hundreds of mechanical guards inside, and they are set to only obey His Majesty's orders... Maybe they will also obey your orders, how did you do it?"

"It's magic," Emilia whispered beside her.

Yang Ming almost laughed out loud.

Of course, this is the mechanical goddess named Li, who is secretly manipulating these mechanical guards.

Yang Ming went straight forward, and under the gaze of everyone, he pushed open the palace door and walked in.

About half a minute later, Yang Ming opened the palace door, pointed his head and shouted: "Princess Dana, General Philemon, Your Highness Emilia, please follow me in, Your Majesty wants to see you."

The three people who were named all showed varying degrees of hesitation.

Emilia moved forward first, and Philemon followed closely behind. Princess Dana bit her lip lightly, seeing Emilia approaching the palace gate, and then hurried up.


Some officers yelled anxiously.

General Philemon turned his head and said, "Waiting for orders, His Majesty is summoning us."

"Yes, General!"

The middle-aged officer replied in a low voice.

Obviously, they all guessed what would happen today.

But now, Major Yang Ming, who is regarded as a military hero, seems to have all the initiative, which makes them somewhat confused about the situation.

After the palace gate was opened, it was tightly closed by Yang Ming.

In the sleeping hall.

Five hundred mechanical guards stood quietly.

They have lost their laser rifles, and they have their hands behind their backs, like soldiers waiting for inspection.

The old emperor sat on the throne with his eyes closed, wearing a crown on his head, holding a decorative metal long sword in both hands, and behind him was a group of electronic circuits that he discarded at will.

Princess Dana looked at this scene in disbelief, and asked in a low voice, "How did you do it?"

"A little virus," Yang Ming said, "These mechanical guards purchased from the Sherman Empire are all equipped with a remote control backdoor program, and the structure of the brain is relatively simple. It is a cannon fodder product, but it looks good."

Princess Dana stared at the figure on the throne.

Emilia asked, "So, what's the truth you're telling?"

Yang Ming sighed: "Let me show it to you. For the country Luofeng, this can only be said to be an insult to the reputation, and there is no actual damage. The emperor can wake up."

As soon as he finished speaking, the old emperor on the throne opened his eyes, and there was a faint red light in his eyes.

With a bit of fear in her eyes, Emilia dodged behind Yang Ming.

"Viscount Yang Ming? Philemon?"

The old emperor squinted at Princess Dana, his expression quickly became stern, his nose was shaking slightly:

"Very good! You brought this damned woman back! You both did a great job! Bring Dana here! Come to me!"

Yang Ming put his hands behind his back, his eyelids drooped, and Philemon stood beside Yang Ming with his head down, also motionless.


The old emperor shouted.

The mechanical guards did not turn on the power.

"Major Yang Ming!"

The old emperor stood up leaning on the metal knight sword, with a red light in his eyes:

"I order you to imprison the woman behind you! She tried to assassinate me, the most honorable emperor of Luofeng Empire!"

Yang Ming suddenly asked: "Your Majesty, what do you mean by imperial power?"

"Emperor... shut up! You just need to follow my orders!"

The old emperor said coldly:

"I can give you everything you want, power, fame, beautiful opposite sex, everything you want, I can give you! You just need to obey me!"

Yang Ming asked again: "Your Majesty, what do you think the imperial power is achieved through?"

The old emperor's expression froze.

Yang Ming said slowly:

"If it is an ignorant and low-level civilization, the imperial power can be realized through the god-given power of the king, being ordered by the heavens, and taking advantage of human ignorance of nature.

"In civilizations that have awakened their minds, imperial power can be achieved by dividing classes, controlling the promotion channels of classes, and controlling military power, such as the Sherman Empire.

"And what can you do?"

The old emperor's eyes were blurred.

He stared at Yang Ming. Behind Yang Ming, the old emperor suddenly saw some slowly flowing starlight, and saw the figure with a pair of wings of light.

The old emperor raised his hand to try to touch it, his lips were trembling.

Yang Ming smiled and said, "You saw the gods, right?"


The old emperor murmured: "Yes, there are gods in this world, and she gave me awakening and imperial power."

Yang Ming said: "That's just your own god."

In the eyes of the old emperor, the figure with spread light wings suddenly exploded into a series of codes, and a series of red symbols appeared in these codes.

That was the core code of the old emperor himself.

The palm of the black glove stretched out and gently disturbed the codes.

"This is impossible!"

The old emperor growled: "What have you done to my god!"

Yang Ming just looked at the throne with a smile on his face.

Holding the long metal sword, the old emperor rushed down the steps, shouting, "Give me back the gods! Yang Ming! Give me back the gods!"

General Philemon kept retreating while protecting Emilia.

Princess Dai Na thought of something, and when the old emperor raised his long sword to chop Yang Ming, she hurriedly said: "Be careful! He actually has a very strong fighting power..."


The knight's long sword was thrown upwards, and the old emperor's left hand was almost broken, and the broken skin spurted out turbid artificial blood.

Yang Ming's body remained motionless, the old emperor sat down on the ground, glaring at Yang Ming furiously.

Yang Ming smiled and said:

"If you want to be a good emperor, you must first stabilize the power in your hands and gather a group of people around you.

"You are also aware of this, but you can't trust humans, so let Edwan buy so many mechanical guards.

"You obviously have the opportunity to be a wise king. In your limited mechanical life, you have found some commendable character, used your personal charm, and brought more hope to this country, but you quickly lost yourself in power... ...What good is power? You can control other people's life and death, and limit other people's freedom, so what can you do?"

Yang Ming took two steps forward, the old emperor's body was wriggling continuously, squirming towards the throne.

The bones of the old emperor's left hand were broken, and delicate circuits showed traces inside the bones.

Emilia looked at all this in disbelief, and asked in a trembling voice, "Chi, omnic?"

Even the well-informed General Philemon was equally shocked at the moment. He turned his head to look at Princess Dana, and understood all this.


Philemon growled like an old lion.

Princess Dana didn't dare to look at Felimon, and quickly explained: "I am only responsible for carrying out the order. I gave birth to Emilia for the royal family. I... sorry, but this is an order from Shangfeng."

"General, don't embarrass her," Yang Ming said, "This is the truth that Edwan should never know."

"Yes," Philemon took a deep breath, "Your Highness Edwan must not know about this."

The old emperor tried to stand up.

Yang Ming stepped on the old emperor's back with his right foot and kicked him on the steps.

He pressed the old emperor's back with his bare hands, and his gloved palm easily penetrated the simulated skin, grabbed the old emperor's heart wrapped in lubricant, and carefully grabbed it out.

Blood splattered.

A mechanical heart was beating gently, with two flexible wires attached to it.

The old emperor continued to try to crawl forward without being affected, but under the pressure of Yang Ming's right foot, it couldn't move half a point.

The old emperor's face was full of ferocity, but more of his expression was anger after being humiliated.

Yang Ming pressed a few buttons, a small projection screen appeared on the mechanical heart, a series of codes were directly eliminated by Yang Ming, and new codes were implanted into the core.

The three people below watched this scene in a daze.

The old emperor quickly gave up struggling.

He seemed to be asleep, lying there and breathing steadily.

Yang Ming seemed to have completed a trivial matter, he stuffed the mechanical heart back into the opening on the emperor's back, took off his gloves and stuffed it into the trouser pocket of his military uniform.

"that's it."

He turned around and looked at Princess Dana: "How long is his term?"

Princess Dana hurriedly said, "Less than two years, probably."

"Then let him lie down for two years to complete the smooth transfer of power," Yang Ming said with a smile, "it is already a consensus reached by the Foreign Affairs Bureau to make Edwan the new emperor of Luofeng, right?"

"Yes, it is!"

Princess Dai Na dared not look directly at Yang Ming:

"Did it all be arranged by you? Your Excellency Yang Ming."

"I'm just helping Edwane, I can't influence the Sherman Empire."

Yang Ming strolled down with his hands behind his back.

The old emperor is easy to solve, but the real trouble is Sherman behind the old emperor.

This beautiful princess is the key.

He stared at Princess Dana: "Can you tell me, why did the empire attack the old emperor? We are partners now."

"He conspired to break away from the Empire's dependencies."

Princess Dai Na took a deep breath, trying to meet Yang Ming's eyes:

"Just about fifteen years ago, the old emperor had close contact with the intelligence personnel of the Guell Alliance.

"In our judgment, the old emperor tried to exchange resource development rights for the independence of the country. In fact, the old emperor has been preparing for decades.

"So, according to the usual practice, my Shangfeng started a replacement plan... I was arranged to enter the palace and gave birth to Emilia. I thought I could persuade His Majesty to give up that unrealistic idea, but my Shangfeng still Invitations have been sent.

"The replacement took place within the Sherman Empire, and I became the supervisor of this omnic."

"Mom," Emilia asked tremblingly, "has my real father died long ago?"

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... Emilia..."

Princess Dana had tears in her eyes and kept shaking her head:

"I don't know about this, I'm only in charge of supervising this omnic...Sorry, Emilia...I'm sorry for putting you through this..."

"I have recorded the video of what happened just now," Yang Ming said softly, "This is a necessary means to ensure that you will not use your resources to retaliate against us."

Princess Dana was silent.

Yang Ming walked aside, picked up the knight's long sword, and held it in front of Emilia.

"Your Highness," Yang Ming said with a smile, "do you feel better?"

"It didn't relieve much, but it felt better than before," Emilia asked back, "Is this the fate of the royal family of the dependent country?"

Princess Dana hurriedly said: "They will only target members of the royal family of the dependent countries who try to betray Sherman."

"Don't worry, your second brother won't repeat the same mistakes," Yang Ming handed over the long sword.

Emilia reached out to hold the hilt of the long sword, and looked up at Yang Ming.

"What's this?"

"A gift from me."

Yang Ming looked at Princess Dai Na, and said slowly:

"From now on, this sword is given the sole authority to command these five hundred mechanical guards.

"When you hold it, these guards are at your disposal.

"Emilia, can I safely entrust you with the task of guarding the emperor's omnic?"

"I can, Your Excellency Yang Ming!"

Emilia's big eyes burst into light, holding the hilt with both hands, and leaning the long sword on the ground.

The engines on the chests of the mechanical guards started to rotate at the same time, and there was a faint noise in the hall.

They adjusted their orientation at the same time and knelt down on one knee towards Emilia.

"Emilia, we need to hide this matter from Edwan," Yang Ming said, "I will go back to prison to serve my sentence later, and I will seek promotion in the army after serving my sentence. The safety of the palace is up to you and me." General Philemon."


Emilia nodded seriously: "I will do my best!"

"Your mother will help you," Yang Ming asked lightly, "Princess, those few of your subordinates..."

Princess Dana hurriedly said: "I will handle it well!"

"No, you can't handle it," General Philemon said in a deep voice, "The empire will not allow such a secret to be leaked, and now His Highness Emilia, Major Yang Ming and I are standing here, they all know clearly, You can't fool them."

Princess Dana's fingers trembled slightly.

Emilia pursed her lips tightly, she wanted to say something, but was stopped by Yang Ming's eyes.

"That's what political struggle is, Your Highness.

"When you hold this decorative knight sword, it means that the safety and happiness of more than one billion people in this country also rest on your shoulders."

Yang Ming turned around and said:

"General Philemon, let's arrange it. Try to make it look like an accident. From now on, those women will shut up forever."

Princess Dana quickly shouted: "No, don't do this, they won't betray me!"

Yang Ming was silent.

"At the very least," Princess Dana yelled tremblingly, "at the very least, my maid please save her life, she is my close companion! I am one with her! She is also the supervisor!"

"General," Yang Ming said, "the maid saves her life and cleans her memory about today, and I will arrange for someone to bring the memory cleaning equipment over."

"I see."

Philemon agreed, without saying anything, and rushed towards the palace gate with big strides.

Princess Dana fell to the ground.

Emilia walked over holding the unsharp knight sword.

She put the long sword at her feet, lowered her head and hugged Princess Dana in her arms, and stroked her mother's soft long hair.

"Mom, you may have forgotten that we are actually a member of this country."

Princess Dana whimpered and put her arms around Emilia.

Before the throne.

The old emperor with a bloody hole in his back was lying on the steps, as if he was asleep.

Yang Ming quietly watched the old emperor's back, a little lost in thought.


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