Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 230 The ghost appears [Third update·Additional update]

Gris' plan was implemented smoothly.

In the eyes of several senior members of the special forces who knew the 'inside story', Hui Saka suddenly became Gris' single-line undercover agent, which was a brilliant move made by Gris.

This happened. Gris planned thousands of miles and planned for half a year, and finally got the opportunity to force the white ghost to appear.

Greiss's boss also received an award for this.

In this way, if Hui Saka's identity is questioned, there will be official power to cover up for him.

The plan received large amounts of financial support, and the authority in Gliss's hands was once again enhanced.

The first step of the plan started overnight.

Gris used the support of a large technical team to set up a fake White Ghost information station and began to spread some rumors that were unfavorable to White Ghost.

Among them, the most offensive rumor is undoubtedly [Ten-point analysis of White Ghost being a New Federation spy].

This rumor not only attacked the White Ghost, but also cleared the ground for the New Federation. The core point is that "it is impossible for humans to successfully raise space Zerg".

Around this rumor, online public opinion began to troll each other.

What is somewhat strange is that on one side, the navy is composed of imperial officials and some organizations that oppose the White Ghost, and on the other side is the vast number of enthusiastic netizens of the Sherman Empire.

The battlefield was almost one-sided, with enthusiastic netizens easily overwhelming the official trolls.

White Ghost’s online appeal is evident.

The official empire can only increase investment in the navy and continue to output against the wind, allowing the incident to continue to ferment and attract more traffic.

When the empire's official navy forcefully held up forty-eight galaxies, this matter was already triggering a big discussion on the entire Internet. With an order from Gris, the plan began to take the second step.

Hui Saka stepped forward.

This rising star of Imperial Media made a splash as soon as he made his move.

Against the background of the starry sky, Fai Saka sat in the empire's top panoramic studio and talked to the camera.

"Star-making, this is the term I have heard the most recently. Everyone is saying that I am the product of star-making in the imperial political circles... Come on, the political circles have not given me any honors now, and I still have the ridiculous title of imperial noble. Because of the word "preparation", many ministers of Yaha Star blocked me directly.

“On the contrary, it’s White Ghost, I think this is the real star-making product.

"Are those live broadcasts we saw, those live broadcasts of fierce battles with bugs, really live broadcasts? Has the official confirmed this? Never. Why has White Ghost conducted several live broadcasts of killing insects, but there is no video of the military? Perspective spread?

"Further, we can reasonably ask a few questions. Is the White Ghost really an independent individual? Can human power really be so powerful? Does the empire need a patron saint, so a patron saint appeared?

“It made me reflect.

“The White Ghost is a hero, that’s unquestionable, I respect him very much, he protects ordinary people.

"But if the White Ghost is really a specific individual, please respond to me positively and show your power to the people. I am Hui Saka. Logic and reason tell me that the White Ghost may be a group, the Empire's A group of super cyborgs.

"If so, please let them stand in front of the stage and enjoy the honor they deserve."

Fai Saka publicly questioned the authenticity of the White Ghost.

The direction of public opinion began to change slightly.

The online world's attention to Yaha Star once returned to the period of the Fire Festival terrorist attack.

Hui Saka was the first to speak, and the white ghost didn't respond. All the big names in the Emperor Star Circle appeared one after another and began to rush the traffic.

And these famous speakers were divided into two camps, and they frantically expressed their opinions to the audience on this matter.

For a time, the entire Internet debate turned into a pot of porridge, and topics related to space Zerg and white ghosts once again became hot words on the interstellar network of the Milky Way.

The plan has advanced to this point, and everything is still under Gris' control.

But what Gris never expected was that the military would take action at this moment...

Through its official account on the portal, the military released more than a dozen satellite-captured videos of White Phantom killing insects, including a video shot by Greiss himself.

This left Gris speechless.

These videos were officially released by a certain fleet of the military.

Gris could get through the superiors and subordinates of the special forces, but he was unable to mobilize the large military fleet and could only report the situation to the top immediately.

The videos were quickly deleted but have since been widely circulated online.

Halfway through their plan, they almost died because the Internet public opinion swung in favor of the White Ghost.

Fortunately, people’s curiosity was ignited;

Everyone is asking who the White Ghost is, whether it’s one person or a team;

The citizens of the Empire who support the White Ghost also want the White Ghost to receive the honor it deserves so that the White Ghost no longer has to hide.

A project to "let the white ghost bathe in the sun", with the full promotion of Gris, quickly occupied the first place in the empire's hot search terms.

Countless people have petitioned, asking the authorities to withdraw the wanted order for White Ghost, so that White Ghost can stand in the sun and receive the respect and support it deserves.

Hui Saka spoke out on this matter for the second time and became the focus again.

It is still a top studio, and it is still the most golden time. After hosting a show, Hui Saka began to speak affectionately to the camera:

“White Ghost, you should have heard everyone’s calls.

"Really, whether you are a team, or really a super strong individual, now you need to stand in front of the stage and face these doubts.

"The discussion about you now has consumed a huge amount of network resources, and we should put an end to this farce.

"Here I solemnly appeal to request the empire to withdraw the wanted notice about the white ghost, or add a clear judicial explanation to the wanted notice, instead of the vague words of 'endangering public safety'.

"Legal and judicial institutions should exist to maintain fairness and justice, and an empire that has lasted for tens of thousands of years should not be unable to accommodate a wayward hero.

"White Ghost, I know you are also under a lot of pressure right now, but silence is not the solution. My show and this studio, a station with a fairly good influence, can provide you with a safe Voice channel, and you also have the ability to control the network.

"Answer me, White Ghost, if you encounter any unfair encounters, I and your thousands of supporters will stand with you."

Take the initiative to invite.

This is the most suspenseful step in the plan.

If the white ghosts didn't respond, then their plan could only go down the drain, and the plan to lure the white ghosts to appear this time would also come to naught.

A few hours after Hui Saka invited him, the topic of discussion on the Internet has become whether the white ghost will appear.

Under pressure, the local government of the empire, which had previously issued a warrant for the white ghost, deleted the warrant for the white ghost, which undoubtedly added heat to the topic.

The imperial officials have already expressed their sincerity, and the pressure of public opinion has come to the side of the white ghost.

Twelve hours after the invitation was issued, the temporary team formed by Gries, from his boss to the low-level technicians, felt that the plan was about to fail.

This is not a conspiracy, it is more like a conspiracy, using the strong self-esteem and unyielding character that White Ghost has always shown.

Gries can only encourage his subordinates and fool his superiors, he firmly believes that the white ghost will definitely respond.

When the invitation was sent out on the Sixteenth Galaxy, a video with only a dozen seconds or so was suddenly circulated on social networks, and then went viral and swept across the pages of the empire's major portals.

The white ghost responded positively!

The familiar space background, the exclusively certified battle-damaged white exoskeleton armor and tactical helmet, and the powerful network technology capabilities make it impossible to doubt the authenticity of this video.

"At eight o'clock tonight, Hui Saka's studio, if there are traps or the streets are under martial law, I will refuse to show up. I hope this negotiation will go smoothly, and someone from the empire who can make up his mind will show up."

The building where Griess core team is stationed is full of jubilation.

The first half of the plan was successfully implemented.

Now there is no need for any trolls to create momentum on the Internet, and there is no need to create topics for Hui Saka to attract attention.

The white ghost's response made Yaha Star quickly become a whirlpool of public opinion, and everyone seemed to want to get a share of this traffic feast.

But what the Griess team didn't know was that...

A considerable part of the initial remarks in support of the White Ghost also came from the navy hired by the White Ghost.


Minte City, an old street on the surface.

The white ghost is about to appear?

Alison squinted at the information in front of him, and sat there lost in thought.

In fact, he discovered very early on that the various behaviors of the white ghost were a bit abnormal. If exterminating insects was to protect human beings, then continuously reporting corrupt officials in the empire was more like a way to maintain popularity and cash in on reputation.

Alison concluded at that time that the white ghost should want to establish political influence, soaring into the sky with its special status, and entered the official high-level of the empire.

Alison felt that those old foxes in the empire could also see that the arrest warrant issued by the empire was a kind of suppression of the white ghost, telling the white ghost in disguise that he could only obey the orders of the empire.

The game between the two sides revolves around the two keywords of public opinion and fame.

The problem is that hot spots of public concern are time-sensitive.

Alison shook his head, and said slowly: "The white ghost just couldn't hold on anymore. Continue to pay attention to the follow-up, and don't need to intervene in this matter."

"Boss, is it possible for the white ghost to directly become an imperial official?"

"It's possible, but it's unlikely," Alison said with a smile, "The white ghost is too sharp. Even if he is watched by the emperor of the empire, he is just a bodyguard. Politics and personal fame have nothing to do with it." , Politics relies on factions and roots, and the influence of small circles on large circles."

The co-pilot's subordinate nodded slowly.

Allison closed his eyes and thought quietly.

He recently got rid of Forerunner No. 4, which made him feel more comfortable and his thinking became more agile.

"I'm a bit looking forward to what the white ghost will say when it appears this time, which makes me somewhat unpredictable."

On the first planet of the Suli Federation, in the ruins of a radioactive collapsed building.

Catherine, who was sitting on top of a crashed airship, was shaking her feet slightly, and text messages were scrolling through the communicator in her hand.

"Captain," Bligh's gentle voice floated not far away, "you can't take photos and post them casually."

Catherine snorted, and just about to put away the communicator, a mail with the Emperor Star mark jumped out.

There is a new transfer order, or an emergency transfer order.

Luofeng Empire, Ilanduo Star.

The atmosphere in the palace was as peaceful as ever, and Edwang, the model worker emperor, gave himself half a day off for the first time.

He opened two bottles of good wine in his bedroom, did not invite any ministers or generals, drank by himself, and waited for eight o'clock on Yaha Star.

Live TV has been adjusted, and at the moment this precious public broadcasting frequency band has no extra programs, just showing how to set up the studio.

The white ghost is about to appear and have a direct dialogue with Hui Saka.

Edwan was inexplicably a little nervous now.

"Emperor brother?"

The bedroom door was pushed open a gap, and a pretty face poked in, winking at Edwan.

Emilia smiled and said, "Want to watch the live broadcast together?"

"Of course, come on," Edwan beckoned, "This will save some rebroadcast fees."

"You're so stingy," Emilia said angrily.

Edwan forced a smile, and continued to stare at the rapidly scrolling comment section, his palms sweating unconsciously.

Dark Star No. 1 base and No. 2 base, a group of metal skeletons gathered together, staring at the stolen relay signal.

In the uninhabited airspace not far from the border of the Luofeng Empire, the pirate regiment composed of six ships of different sizes is now in the stage of rest. The pirates gathered in twos and threes and began to bet on whether the white ghost would be real or not. show up.

Seven fifty p.m. on Yaha.

Hui Saka arrived outside the studio. Wearing a straight dress, he held a few manuscripts in his hand and kept adjusting his breathing.

He is very handsome today.

Outside the building, the traffic divided into the upper and lower five floors has completely stopped, and there are crowded heads everywhere, and countless people gather here.

If a conflict breaks out between the white ghost and the authorities later, it may cause more casualties than terrorist attacks.

But people couldn't be persuaded, ignored the obstacles, and flocked here unswervingly, holding up various signs of the white ghost.

several warships suspended in the outer atmosphere;

Thousands of small ships and hover vehicles of various types completely blocked the city, but they were all far away from the building.

There are even a group of small robots patrolling the sewers.

Everyone is on the alert.

Inside the building where the studio is located, dozens of remodelers and super-reformers acted as staff, hiding in various conference rooms and storage rooms, waiting for Gris' orders.

In an unremarkable RV on the side of the road, Gries squatted in front of several rows of monitors, which was the on-site command center.

Of course, for safety reasons, there are two remote command centers for backup.

At 7:53 p.m., a convoy composed of three imperial generals and two imperial local prime ministers arrived at the front of the building.

The sky began to drizzle, and the appearance of the five powerful figures in the empire made the crowd look forward to it even more.

At 7:58 p.m., Hui Saka was already sitting in the middle of the studio, and the five real powerful figures of the empire were already waiting outside the studio door.

More than ten seconds later, Hui Saka began to introduce today's special guests. Five gray-haired old men met with the public publicly, and the ratings of the studio soared again.

This means that the imperial officials have already had an open dialogue with the white ghost.

Eight o'clock sharp.

"Oh," Yang Ming, who was sitting at the host's seat, looked down at his watch, "Maybe we should wait for him for a minute or two, after all, this kind of scene actually puts a lot of pressure on him."

The staff suddenly let out an exclamation.

"Look outside!"

The camera balls in the studio swarmed towards the window.

Outside the window, in the hazy drizzle, a group of red halos flickered lightly. The figure floated in the halo, flying from some building, and floated to the window.

The familiar helmet, the gray-white exoskeleton armor engraved with battle traces, and this unbelievable wandering around the surface...


Crowds everywhere burst into applause.

Yang Ming showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, straightened the buttons of his dress, glanced at the five imperial officials, got up and waited for the last guest of the day.

white ghost.

At the same time, in the palace deep in the Sherman Empire's Emperor Star, the aged emperor yawned, leaned against the soft seat, looked at the holographic projection screen in front of him, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

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