Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 239 Ghost attacks

"Welcome Captain Gries to the official live broadcast room, we will conduct a post-war interview with Captain Gries, Captain Gries, say hello to everyone!"

Gries, who had just returned to the base, shook his hand with a sad face.

The host immediately took over the camera: "First of all, please pay a silent tribute to the soldiers of the empire who died in this battle...Captain Gries, we would like to know what do you think of this war of extermination of insects, whether the current casualties are more than yours before the war estimate?"

"Yes," Gris sighed, "I'm not in the mood to answer too many questions at this time, and I'm only here to answer the doubts of the public because of the request of my boss."

"Yes, Captain Gries, I can understand your feelings."

Gris rubbed the center of his brows, his face was still full of tiredness.

"The casualties this time were mainly concentrated in the space battle. The firepower of the fourth-order insect swarm was fierce, and they also arranged ambushes. At critical moments, a sudden attack on the air broke out, causing some small and medium-sized warships with weak defenses to be destroyed... …which is the main source of loss.

"For the ground part, we have learned the lessons of Zubin Star, and we increased the firepower by several orders of magnitude when we built our positions.

"In the follow-up sharp knife breakthrough, the resistance encountered was also very huge. Although the passage to the underground has been opened up, a steady stream of bugs launched raids from everywhere, making it very difficult for us to advance."

The reporter immediately said: "That is to say, if the white ghost hadn't appeared in time, we would have suffered even greater losses?"

"Yes, undeniably so, but..."

The reporter said: "We are still relying on the white ghost, right?"

"Please let me finish, I said but," Gries said, "You must respect every link of this battle, every imperial soldier who participated in the battle and participated in the support."

"Oh, Mr. Captain, I have absolutely no disrespect!"

"Then let me finish my sentence!"

Gries looked a little harshly, the reporter immediately made a gesture of invitation, and shrugged helplessly at the director.

Gris took a deep breath and continued:

"The white ghost is the tip of the sharp knife, but without the handle and the sharp knife itself, without the arm holding the sharp knife, he can't fight against the swarm of this order of magnitude.

"So, the opening of the landing point, the establishment of the downlink channel, and the enemy's firepower distributed by my comrades in arms are all external reasons for the white ghost to be able to win with one blow.

"Of course, what I have to say is that the white ghost joined the battle, which greatly relieved the pressure on the sharp knife team. At the last moment, he also picked up the shape bomb and stuffed it into the mouth of the female insect. I think you all saw it Live footage at that time.

"White Specter is the hero of this battle. He is destined to shine brightly and be recognized by most of the people. The other victims and participants are also heroes. They are all dedicating everything to protect the interests of the people of the empire."

"Captain Gris, here is another issue that has attracted a lot of attention on the Internet," the reporter asked, "We have paid so many casualties and consumed so many ships just to protect an uninhabited planet. Is it really worth it?"

"It's a matter of basic common sense."

Grace asked:

"Although soldiers only need to execute orders, I still can't help asking this question.

"The average population of the main administrative planet of the empire is 1.2 billion. How much resources will an administrative star with a population of 1.2 billion consume in a hundred years?

"There are sufficient resources to ensure that the people can live a happy life, so that the country can be stabilized and the entire social system can operate effectively.

"This administrative star is of extraordinary value. We don't directly destroy it, but also to protect this resource. Although the empire has a vast territory, it also has the largest population in the Milky Way, and the amount of available resources in the future is not too high.

"Is there anything that needs to be entangled in this kind of problem? In the history of human beings in the galaxy, most of the wars were fought for resources. To question the warriors who created these lives for you!

"This is a war with the space Zerg, and it is doomed to die!"

"Good Captain Gries, everyone should have heard your voice."

The reporter adjusted his sitting posture and asked slowly:

"Then do you have any memorable pictures of the pest control war that ended six hours ago?"

Gris thought about it carefully, sighed a little, and some memories flashed in his eyes.

"The place with the deepest memory should be before the appearance of the white ghost. The situation at that time was already very critical. The three sharp knife squads may be buried underground at any time..."


The underground operations of the Sharp Knife Squad are hundreds of times more complicated than surface operations.

The worms had already hollowed out the ground, but the first wave of bombing caused a large cavity in the ground, and the crust above the area where the mother worm was located collapsed on a large scale.

The three passages blasted by the advance team did not lead vertically to the position of the mother worm, nor could battle formations be deployed in every area, and a small number of passages only allowed three people to pass side by side.

The heavy firepower couldn't press down, and the three sharp knife teams had to rely on the team's combat power to break through the defensive network organized by the insect swarm below.

The first third of the raid was generally smooth, and the resistance encountered was not too fierce.

But when they connected to the rock corridor opened by the Zerg underground, the Zerg immediately became alert. A large number of huge Zerg blocked the passage, and all kinds of weird bugs launched a surprise attack on the Sharp Knife Squad.

"Gris! There are a large number of insects behind us!"

"The left escort team was attacked by the swarm!"

"The right wing can't hold on anymore! The bugs with golden patterns are very powerful, stay away from them! Use long-range firepower to bombard them!"

"The place is too narrow, if we can't move anymore, the swarm can bury us with corpses!"

Gries made a prompt decision: "Look for favorable terrain to eliminate the insect swarm on the spot! The surface has already started fire support!"


"These damn bugs!"

There was a sound of curses coming from the integrated communication channel. This group of remodelers, who are usually full of hormones, has now begun to vent their violent firepower on the Zerg.


Endless battle.

The one hundred and thirty-four reformed fighters led by Gries made the fastest progress among the three sharp knife teams, and suffered the most ferocious sniping.

They formed a drop-shaped formation, escorting six high-performance polymer bombs.

Gris controls the jet pack and flies back and forth. Being good at observation and flexible in response, he can always help his teammates discover dangers in advance, and he can always use the powerful firepower of the seventy-four mechanically modified bodies in areas that need support most.

Straight ahead, Gries doesn't have to worry at all.

The super-reformers from the Emperor Star Circle, who were usually regarded as private troops by the elders' house, showed their powerful combat effectiveness.

The golden warrior named Catherine is like a god of war.

Her right hand is dragging the huge Zhanjian Knife. The blade of the Zhanjian Knife is a special alloy that operates at high speed. Swinging those hard rock walls is as easy as cutting cheese.

No matter what type of adult insect it was, it couldn't resist the blade of the mad knife in her hand.

Behind Catherine, several super-reformers formed a circle to protect the gray-robed asexual angel.

Bligh opened his arms and chanted continuously, and the spiritual power visible to the naked eye swung in front of him like water waves and passed through the passage continuously. When those ferocious bugs entered the mental interference area, their actions would slow down a little, and then they would be killed by Catherine and others. Several people who exceeded the limit chopped melons and vegetables.

Hui Saka, the mechanical body of the white ghost, who was originally "highly expected" by Gris, is actually a relatively inconspicuous existence among this group of super reformers.

He kept raising his hand to release high-energy beams to provide fire support for his teammates, but there was nothing outstanding about it.

What makes Gris feel depressed is...the equipment used by this group of super reformers is obviously several grades better than their special forces operators.

Their shields have a much higher energy density!

What made Gries even more excited was that with this group of super reformers, he saw the dawn of victory.

The Middle Sharp Knife Squad completed 60% of their advance.

"Captain Gris, the female worm has started to move, and the coordinates have been synchronized!"

"Captain! A huge cavity was detected 600 meters ahead!"

"Slow down!"

Glass immediately shouted.

The appearance of a huge cavity underground means that there may be a large number of insect swarms stationed there. The wisest choice for them is to avoid this area.

The team of more than 130 people quickly stopped and stopped the scattered bugs on the slope of the passage.

Catherine, who had been at the forefront of the team, retired immediately, and the three melee players stepped forward to block the counterattack of the insect swarm below, and then...

The white ghost stepped forward and handed Catherine a bottle of electrolyte water, and began to ask her about her health, and kept praising her smooth and heroic gestures of chopping bugs.

Gris' hands began to shake as he watched.

Is this uncle here for a walk?

Such a fierce battle, such a huge pressure of underground fighting, and now he is still in the mood to pick up girls!


The underground passage suddenly began to tremble continuously.

Gris frowned tightly, and on the projection screen that popped up in front of him, a giant bug warning appeared.

Yang Ming's voice suddenly sounded: "Captain Gries, tell the team to retreat!"

"Back! Back! Back!"

Without any hesitation, Gries yelled at the public channel.

The team of more than 130 people acted quickly, and the execution ability of the overhaulers was astonishing. They were in a state of combat almost instantly after they were resting.

The vector thrusters spewed out tail flames, and more than a hundred people retreated obliquely upwards.

The passage below suddenly collapsed!

The hard rock layer smashed down like a jigsaw puzzle, a huge shadow rose below, and six terrifying compound eyes with a diameter of two meters shone with light green light.

"Tuodi Bug!"

"The diameter of the head exceeds sixty meters!"

"Fuck! It's going to eat us!"

"Concentrate firepower! Destroy it!"

The mechanical arm on the back of Gris sprayed out several laser beams, and the suspended spheres burst out with bright light, hundreds of meters up and down the passage were illuminated like daylight.

The shell of the huge Expansion Worm was scorched black in many places, but its upward impact speed did not slow down at all.


Catherine yelled, and the retreating figure suddenly rushed forward.

A charming smile was drawn at the corner of Bligh's mouth, the helmet on his head shone brightly, and a dolphin-like chant came out of his mouth. The spiritual power that had been reserved and continuously released suddenly turned into a surging ocean at this moment.


The six compound eyes of Tuo Di Chong flickered, as if showing a bit of confusion.

With a low growl in Catherine's mouth, holding the Zhanjian knife in both hands, densely packed tiny light circles appeared on her back, and the golden battle armor woven a semicircular protective cover.

She flew past almost close to the top of the passage, her body flipped continuously, and the ship-chopping knife slashed fiercely!

Thick green insect blood sprayed in all directions, the huge head of the giant landworm trembled continuously, and its terrifying mouthparts opened, ready to swallow Catherine upwards immediately.

Catherine charged forward with a knife.

Holding the Zhanjiandao in both hands, she turned around and stood on her head in an instant, and dragged the Zhanjiandao towards Tuodi Chong's back.

The high-speed rotating serrated blade burst out a series of sparks!

Gris made a decisive decision and mobilized his firepower to shoot directly at the wound on the head of Tuodi Chong!

The Tuodi bug made a low-frequency hum, its forward speed began to slow down, and its huge mouthparts slowly closed. When it lay motionless on the slope, only Just a few meters.

Catherine held the ship-chopping knife and left near the Tuodi insect's neck, and drops of dark green blood dripped down outside her protective cover.

too late to celebrate;

The huge body of the land worm began to fall at an accelerated rate. Under the illumination of the searchlight, it fell into the huge underground cavity, as if it had fallen into an endless abyss.

Grace suddenly shouted: "Turn off the searchlight first!"

In the abyss, pairs of green lantern-like pupils shone brightly, and the land bug extinguished the green light in a small area.

Biological response assay data...

A swarm of hundreds of thousands of insects!

"Back! This is a trap!"

Gries yelled loudly, and each member of the team had already started to move.

But there was a loud buzzing below, and the swarm had begun their charge.

Catherine hardly hesitated, turned around and was about to fight the bugs forward, but a big hand had already grabbed her shoulders and pulled her directly behind.

Yang Ming's mechanical body.

"I still have an ultimate bomb," Yang Ming smiled, "Protect them and retreat first, I will deal with these bugs, remember to remind Captain Gries to give the order to the white ghost, the white ghost has been waiting for a long time."

Catherine frowned slightly, but Yang Ming had already begun to disintegrate.

Its legs were divided into four sections, its arms were separated from its torso, and densely packed miniature launch chambers appeared in its chest cavity.

"Go, I will blow up this area, remember to turn on the power of the shield to the maximum."

"Okay," Catherine turned and ran away without any hesitation.

The corner of Yang Ming's mouth twitched a few times, he thought there would be some sweet words.

He was going to use this trick to deal with the female worm, as long as the overhauler could send his mechanical body near the female worm, he would have a chance to kill the female worm directly.

If the main body can not show up, then it is best not to show up.

However, under the current circumstances, the sharp knife battle has obviously failed.

It's not that the comrades are weak, it's just that the swarm is too cunning, and relying on a few reformed fighters to fight against a large number of swarms is always not a wise choice.

The mechanical body fired hundreds of micro-missiles, and the pressure wall formed by the explosion cut off the rush of the insect swarm to the narrow area.

The limbs detonated one after another, and the torso crashed into the swarm.

Yang Ming instantly withdrew from Ji Gua's consciousness, and the final self-destruct procedure was carried out by Li.

The ground trembled violently, and the middle passage collapsed.

Gries and the others barely evacuated the explosion radiation area, relying on the protective cover to resist the flying sand and rocks pouring in from below.

After the aftermath of the explosion, the detection radar showed that a larger cavity appeared below, and there was no Zerg filling it for the time being.

go ahead?

Or just back off?

Gris' Adam's apple trembled, and he had fully realized the difference between the fourth-order insect swarm and the third-order insect swarm.

There are still countless bugs hiding in this land.

One of his orders may cause the destruction of the entire army.

"Captain Gris," Catherine's clear voice sounded on the team channel, "don't forget to call the white ghost."

Gris was stunned for a moment, then, as if waking up from a dream, he shouted on the public channel:

"Strike! The white ghost strikes!"

"Received," Yang Ming's voice sounded, and there was an additional avatar in the channel list, "I will enter the right channel in three minutes!"

Meanwhile, the surface of the planet.

Not far from the ground landing area opened up by the empire, a sand dune suddenly collapsed, and a rocket with bright red spray paint flew out of it, heading towards the right side of the landing area.

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