Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 242 The So-Called Fate

"It's just a mission."

Catherine warned herself again.

In the rest room of the first-class cabin of the 300-meter civil aviation merchant ship, Catherine, who took off her mask because she was sure that Bligh was not nearby, looked at herself in the mirror with a little confusion.

She didn't pay much attention to skin care and other things before. She stayed up late last night to read some beauty posts. She always felt that these things were more troublesome than learning a set of mixed martial arts skills.

Moisturize your skin before putting on makeup, and make a primer.

Fortunately, a beauty blogger named 'Liliuliliuli' actively recommended some technological products when Catherine browsed these interfaces. Simply apply them on the skin, and they can guarantee the beauty of dozens of galaxy hours. Moisturizing and whitening, making the skin look very translucent, with a light press of a finger, there is a jelly-like texture...


Catherine put her hand to her forehead.

‘This is just a simple escort mission, and you don’t need to seduce anyone, Catherine, what are you doing? '

She randomly put away those bottles of skin care, put on a mask-shaped golden mask, and was about to return to the rest cabin immediately.

But just as Catherine turned her head, she hesitated again. She raised her hand and grabbed her long hair that had been dyed black and straightened before she set out.

half an hour later.

In fact, Catherine, who hadn't changed much, put her hands in the windbreaker pockets and calmly walked back to the semi-enclosed personal rest cabin.

The witty Boss Yang put down the book in his hand, looked up at Catherine for a while, and a knowing smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Reading," Catherine said calmly, maintaining an elegant sitting posture, with her legs crossed habitually.

The turtleneck sweater and leggings in the windbreaker outline her tall and graceful figure.

Yang Ming was lying on his side, propping his cheek with one hand, carefully watching Catherine's side face.

"What are you staring at me for? Is there writing on my face?"

"Has anyone said that you are suitable to be a model or an actor?" Yang Ming said warmly.

Catherine said indifferently: "Putting away the way you lied to the little girl, do you think I will be happy physically and mentally because of your sweet words?"

"I'm an extremely sincere compliment," Yang Ming lightly shrugged and sat up calmly.

He took off his jacket and pulled off the inner lining he was wearing, revealing his muscular body.

Catherine turned her head for a few glances, then lowered her head and cleared her throat, and continued to read the paper book in her hand, looking for the 'sense of reading' that Yang Ming mentioned before.

Yang Ming changed into a loose short-sleeve, and said with a smile, "Look what this is."

He threw the lining to Catherine's hand, and Catherine picked it up with a frown, feeling that it was very heavy in her hands. The seemingly soft fabric was actually made of some metal fibers mixed together.

"Your clothes...huh?"

Catherine suddenly realized something, and turned to stare at Yang Ming.

Returning to the team this time, Yang Ming used his real face.

"When I ordered mechanical bodies, I always ordered the image of Hui Saka," Yang Ming squinted and smiled, "It only needs to do a little tricks, hide your biological characteristics, and imitate the cold feeling of the machine, and you can deceive me. Machines in training grounds. Machines are the best dupes, because they have no intuition."

Catherine opened her mouth and whispered, "You are too bold."

"Once it is acquiesced that I use the mechanical body to participate in the cooperation, the higher-ups will not suspect that I am misleading the truth." Yang Ming raised his eyebrows, "How about it, are you amazed at my wonderful concept? Haha."

"I'll make a call up there."

"Don't mind, sister," Yang Ming hurriedly said, "I'll just brag about myself, let's not cause trouble for the adults above."

Catherine shook her head, but naturally she didn't go to get the communication device.

She adjusted the rest cabin to a lying position, lying on her side and staring at Yang Ming.

The rest cabins of the two of them have turned on the linkage mode, building a soundproof private space of seven or eight square meters, and talking, chatting, and doing something at this moment will not affect other guests.

Of course, thanks to the capitalist's excellent style, this kind of high-end first-class cabin is not worthy of having an independent bathroom system.

——The cost will increase a lot, which is not conducive to increasing the cockpit as much as possible in a limited area.

"Can I ask you a few questions?" Catherine said, "It's about the white ghost."

Yang Ming smiled and said, "What's the benefit? I'm a despicable guy, usually I don't get paid early."

"You have a very clear understanding of yourself," Catherine said indifferently, "You don't want to do anything to me. In my opinion, if a person has too many emotional experiences, it is difficult for him to take a relationship seriously."

"I swear to the gods of our empire, I really only have two formal relationships so far," Yang Ming said seriously, "I'm not a playboy."

"Hmm," Catherine seemed to be thinking about something.

She suddenly asked: "Where does the power of the white ghost come from?"

"Where does your strength come from?"

"Genes, embryo cultivation, cell differentiation and division," Catherine said softly, "I am the only one who survived the 120,000 embryos, it's your turn."

Yang Ming said with a smile: "Actually, I've already said all of this. In the gene fusion experiment, the ancient god's genes were fused into human genes, resulting in a humanoid ancient god, the Valkyrie, and then her genes fused with my genes."

Catherine thought for a while: "So from this perspective, Po Huan is your other mother?"

"You can describe her as a high-level life form, which is very unprofessional," Yang Ming scolded, "Have you ever seen a mother who wants to devour her child at any time?"

Catherine said, "Why did she devour you?"

"Uh, this is actually something I don't want to say, but because the target is you, I can say that I hope you will keep it secret for me."

Yang Ming turned over, lying on the pillow, and sighed softly:

"This comes from the characteristics of the ancient gods.

"The ancient gods are mysterious cosmic creatures, they are essentially cobbled together from countless single-celled organisms, and have the property of infinite self-proliferation.

"The largest life form of an ancient god that humans have ever come into contact with is the size of a standard planet, and of course the mass will be relatively low."

Catherine said thoughtfully: "It's like a super cancer cell that can survive under any conditions."

Yang Ming laughed and said, "This analogy is a bit crude. Ancient gods have self-awareness, but cancer cells don't."

"Okay, then what?"

"As long as the cells and tissues of the living body of the ancient gods are separated, they will quickly self-destruct. Only by extremely special means can a few groups of cells of the ancient gods be retained. This is the selfish characteristic of the ancient gods."

Yang Ming said slowly:

"Genes are selfish, and the genes of the ancient gods are even more selfish, and they do not allow their genes to be separated from themselves.

"I carry the genes of the Valkyrie, which is the source of my strength, and she doesn't allow her genes to leave her.

"The end of the two of us can only be that one side swallows the other."

Catherine pursed her lips lightly, her eyes were full of light: "I will help you."

"Thank you," Yang Ming laughed. "Actually, the best result for me is that the empire will not interfere in the duel between me and the Valkyrie. I am fully prepared to face her."

Catherine asked: "Like the powerful gunboat before, at the expense of your own small spaceship?"

"Yes," Yang Ming said, "In the final analysis, we still need to find the cell tissue hidden by the Valkyrie. I don't even know how many times she has evolved before she has this perverted life-saving ability... Okay, let's not talk about her." Yes, I have told all my secrets, and you have to say something about yourself."

"I have no secrets."

Catherine imitated Yang Ming's appearance, lying on her stomach and staring at him.

She said slowly: "If it's a secret, it's actually a bit... What do you think a super-changer is?"

"Empire Blade."

Catherine shook her head tenderly.

Yang Ming wondered, "What is that?"

"Why the super reformer organization is directly under the presbytery, few people actually know this," Catherine said slowly, "You are also a member of the super reformer now, so it is reasonable to tell you this."

Yang Ming regained his spirit immediately.

Catherine looked with some memories, and said slowly:

"Before I was sixteen, my world was very simple, with walls in light colors everywhere, and the people I came into contact with were wearing white coats or thick protective clothing.

"The modification experiment of the super reformer is also called the human limit exploration experiment.

"Having great strength is just a 'side effect' of the experiment, and our real mission is not necessarily to fight for the empire.

"Do you think that the average life span of super-reformers is only thirty-nine years old, is it because of the loss in fierce wars? Where are there so many fierce wars? The most dangerous battle is just to clear the remodelers of the new federation. His strength is usually... not as good as Gries."

Yang Ming frowned and said, "Then why? Also, you said before that you can only live to be forty-five years old."

Catherine took off her golden mask, and her long hair fell like a waterfall when she looked up.

She stared at Yang Ming and said softly:

"Everything is for the promotion of civilization."

Yang Ming's eyes were full of doubts.

Catherine said softly:

"The human limit exploration experiment is to find life forms that can adapt to high dimensions. We, who have been cultivated from embryos, are born to find this destination.

"We are the pioneers in the exploration of higher dimensions and the carriers of human hope.

"However, so far, they have only collected part of the data, and they are still unable to solve the mystery of how to allow human beings to survive in the high-dimensional world, but this mystery must be solved."

Yang Ming asked in astonishment: "Are all the overhaulers related to this experiment?"

"Well," Catherine nodded lightly, "I can live to be forty-five years old because the experiment I participated in will start when I am forty-five years old. There is a high probability that I will not survive, but..."


"If I can make myself strong enough to exist even one more high-dimensional coordinate point in the high-dimensional space, it will make great progress in the experiment."

Catherine sighed softly:

"So, don't feel sorry for me, everything is already doomed, I was born to explore the limits of human beings."

"But this..."

Yang Ming stared at Catherine: "Don't you think there's something wrong with this?"

"Thought branding," Catherine said, "We have been affected by ideological branding since childhood, and every super-reformer is like this... Bly couldn't bear the pressure, so he became a murderous maniac, he is the most special The super-reformer, possessing strong spiritual power, is also regarded as the key to this experiment, so he will live on until the peak of his power."

Catherine's eyes were very bright, and under the brightness was a calm like a mirror lake.

"The reason I'm telling you this is because...if you like me, Hendon, and if we both feel like we're a good match, I can spend some years with you, but I can't give all of myself. you.

"They allowed me to fall in love, get married, experience life, and wonder if I would be able to bear a strong offspring.

"If you like me, please respect my thoughts and don't interfere with my thoughts.

"This is the fate of every overhauler."

"I mean!"

Yang Ming sighed:

"Don't you think this is very wrong? There is still such a vast space in the Milky Way. The overall development of human civilization in the Milky Way is only at an average level of 2.5 to 2.7. The talents of the New Federation and the Guell Union are three points A few days ago, the development of the empire was even more uneven, and the civilization level of the emperor star circle far surpassed that of the outer administrative stars.

"For the current empire, why is it necessary to attack the fourth-level civilization?

"Besides, even if a small group of human beings enter the high-dimensional space and complete the ascension of dimensions, what can they do?

"If a research, an experiment, can generally improve the citizens of the entire empire, then this experiment is meaningful, but what's the point of pursuing the dimensional ascension of a very small number of people so persistently? The high-dimensional space is also full of With civilization, there is also competition."

Catherine looked thoughtful: "Your point of view is something I have never encountered before."

Sure enough, the empire has a problem, and the problem is serious!

Yang Ming turned over and lay on his back, crossing his arms and thinking carefully.

The abnormal development of the empire, the exploration of the ascension of the emperor's star circle, the limits of human beings...

Faya civilization is affecting the empire?

However, according to the introduction of the three old monsters of Omnic Twilight, what the Faya civilization needs is the ascension of a civilization as a whole, not the ascension of a small number of elites of a civilization.

What does the high-level empire want to do?

eternal life?

Yes, looking at high-dimensional from low-dimensional, the high-dimensional world can indeed achieve immortality.

Constantly exploring the limits of the human body, can it really reach high dimensions? The physical rules in the high-dimensional world are different, even if the basic particles remain the same, but the atomic structure of the three-dimensional world (considering that the passage of time in the universe is an objective fact can be regarded as a four-dimensional world with three dimensions of space and one dimension of time) is fundamentally different in the high-dimensional world. can't keep stable...

"What's wrong?" Catherine asked with some frustration, "You can't accept it, can you? I'm actually mentally prepared for this."

"Oh, it's nothing, I just found out about this all of a sudden, and I'm a little shocked."

Yang Ming suddenly thought that there was no such information in "The Abyss", and it was most likely that the Faya civilization had erased the relevant information.

In other words, the Faya civilization is also watching such experiments of the Sherman Empire.

This galaxy is really interesting.

The most powerful empire doesn't care much about the life and death of the majority of the people, and the emperor star circle is devoted to the study of human body modification experiments;

The second most powerful new federation, in order to overthrow the strongest empire, frantically infiltrated the empire and laid all kinds of mines for the empire;

The lofty Faya civilization watched all this, and no one knew how the Faya civilization viewed the empire's 'effort'.

Yang Ming closed his eyes and sighed lightly.

Catherine told him these things, and there is no harm to the empire. This is a level that Yang Ming cannot touch, and it is also the core interest of the empire.

"Catherine," Yang Ming turned to look at the rest cabin two meters away.

"Huh?" Catherine looked up at Yang Ming.

Yang Ming smiled and said, "Thank you for telling me this. I have asked my assistant to clean up the monitoring information in the rest cabin. Don't worry, these will not be leaked."

"I just think that if you can confide in me, I should also confide in you."

Catherine laughed:

"Is there anything you can do to help the empire? In this regard? Maybe the empire will pay more attention to you because of this."

"Not yet," Yang Ming shrugged, "We won't talk about these heavy topics anymore."

He conjured up a projection ball: "How about watching a movie? I found a few romantic comedies."

"You don't mind?" Catherine was a little apprehensive.

"There are too many secrets in this empire. I thought I knew enough about it, but now I suddenly realized that I was just wandering on the edge."

Yang Ming said warmly:

"We only talk about love, nothing else."

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