Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 246 For Freedom

This was the first time for Yang Ming to participate in a high-level official meeting of the Sherman Empire.

I always feel... except that everyone is very restrained and won't scold mothers directly, other places are very similar to the fiery atmosphere when the company's regular meeting sets the KPI target for the next quarter.

Several deputy directors of the Military Intelligence Bureau lined up on the front seat, each with a dark face and a sense of oppression.

More than a dozen imperial intelligence chiefs with the rank of lieutenant colonel and senior colonel sat on both sides and were the main speakers.

Yang Ming sat in the corner, and the virtual sign in front of him said 'Specially Invited Participants'.

He didn't say anything all the time, listening to them discussing the paper there, the problem now is focused on one point - they can't use a paper to convince the highest level of the Imperial Military Department to make such a large-scale fleet arrangement.

This meeting went on for half an hour, Yang Ming couldn't help but yawned.

"Oh, Mr. Hunton..."

The major general presiding over the meeting caught Yang Ming by surprise, and the gray-haired old man asked softly:

"You gave us this information, and we are very grateful for it, but now you have also seen that we can't reach a unified opinion."

Lieutenant Colonel Atro, who was beside Yang Ming, immediately added: "The general means, can you provide more accurate intelligence information to better prove that this paper is credible, so that we can convince the military department."

Yang Ming sat down immediately, his eyes were somewhat thoughtful.

Of course he believed in Hera's ability.

Hera's research on the Zerg was based on her own infection with Zerg microorganisms. Before that, she even directly attracted an army of Zerg, which directly proved the existence of high-level Zerg swarms on the outskirts of the Milky Way.

If there is someone who knows more about the Zerg than Hera, it can only be the team of Professor Pat, where Hera's father Naldo is.

But the existence of Hera cannot be known to the empire.

Yang Ming could only say: "Indeed, this paper alone will allow the empire to make large-scale military arrangements, which I did not consider before."

The major general who presided over the meeting said sternly:

"We believe in the conclusion of this paper, which lists a lot of data, which is the same as the data in our database, and we have also invited experts to verify it.

"But...you know, many elders in the House of Elders don't believe in science and technology very much, and they don't understand scientific demonstrations. They want more direct evidence."

Yang Ming: Is this turning a corner and calling the elders of the elders' house an idiot?

He smiled calmly and said slowly:

"In fact, everyone has made this matter too complicated. The reason I gave this paper is to remind the empire that it must beware of sneak attacks by high-level insect swarms.

"The military department can definitely mobilize several elite fleets as a quick-response force, and once a high-level insect swarm appears, it will immediately encircle and wipe them out.

"This is actually not a big deal. We are just raising a possibility. What the empire needs to do is to prevent problems before they happen."

One person asked: "How do the high-level insect swarms that exist on the outskirts of the Milky Way communicate with the buried insect swarms in the empire?"

"I also want to add a question, Mr. Hanton, how did you get this paper?"

"We once conducted intelligence gathering around Professor Pat, but the results were not obvious. This gathered many elite generals of our Military Intelligence Bureau, and paid a lot of sacrifices."

"Yes, Mr. Hunton, where did you get so much information about the bugs buried by the New Federation?"

Atro frowned and said, "What do you guys mean? Do you think Mr. Ghost will have any connection with the New Federation? This is an insult to White Ghost!"

Yang Ming couldn't help but laugh.

This guy is probably playing a bad face. A group of intelligence officers want to collect information?

In this case……

Yang Ming said calmly: "In terms of intelligence work, the Military Intelligence Bureau is a few grades behind the capabilities of the new Federal CIA."

The faces of a group of senior officers changed.

"Before the empire showed up, I had been fighting with the new federal CIA in various fields."

Yang Ming said calmly:

"You haven't even found out where the name White Ghost came from. This is the name of the operation set by a former female director of the new Federal CIA. They want to catch me hiding in the dark, and I will kill me in the end. That's all.

"How did I get this information?

"I can tell you that I instigated the personnel in the relevant research team of the New Federation to get the first information.

"Afterwards, the ancient god gene in my body has a special ability to sense the Zerg, so I can sense the position of some Zerg.

"Let me ask you one more simple question, how many levels are the senior agents of the CIA?"

The virtual conference room was silent.

Yang Ming continued: "The MIA's overseas intelligence capabilities are extremely lagging behind. You have been played around by the CIA. Many of the dark threads you have developed are double agents of the CIA. They have already infiltrated the empire into a sieve. And the Imperial Military Intelligence doesn't care about that."

"Hendon," said a deputy director, "these are just your rhetoric."

"In this case, I will give you some more gifts."

Yang Ming slid his fingers lightly, and a list file landed on Atero's network access terminal.

Lieutenant Colonel Attero acted quickly and immediately handed over the list to the deputy director.

Yang Ming said: "These are two lists, one is the three mid-level military officers within the Military Intelligence Bureau, and the evidence of their contact with the new federal senior agents.

"One list is one hundred and twenty-six suspected new federal intelligence personnel on the planet where I am at the moment.

"Now, I suggest that the meeting be suspended for a few hours. You can arrest them for interrogation. After the interrogation is over, you can decide what attitude to use to communicate with me."

Yang Ming stood up, turned his head and was about to exit the virtual conference room.

"Hendon!" cried Lieutenant Colonel Attero, "I believe in you."

"It's useless, Lieutenant Colonel, they are already questioning me," Yang Ming said indifferently, "I can barely be considered a veteran in dealing with the Zerg and the New Federal CIA. Please understand, I don't have to cooperate with you."

call out!

Yang Ming made a gesture of pulling the door, and the virtual projection disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The conference room was silent for more than ten seconds, and an old general cursed from the corner:

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and arrest people! Arrest them and interrogate them!"


Atro sat there shaking his head.

These people have never had contact with Hanton offline, nor have they communicated with Hanton's father. He is an officer with deep feelings for the empire in his bones, and Hanton's father can fully prove it.

A major general said suddenly: "Go to the meeting room next door first. There is something wrong with the border. They detected the traces of a large number of ships transitioning half an hour ago, but they couldn't find where those ships went. They suspect that the New Federation is playing tricks."

"Atro, you are in charge of the arrest!"


Atro got up and gave a military salute, but cursed calmly in his heart.

Later, he truthfully reported the unhappiness that happened here to the third uncle.


"Boss, we captured several special ships of the New Federation!"

Just as Yang Ming turned off the conference projector, Lu's voice came out of his network access terminal.

Several projection screens jumped out, carrying several smooth-looking 300-meter-class special ships on them.

This smooth curved surface and flowing lines are indeed the techniques used by the New Federation.

"Where did they go?" Yang Ming asked.

"It's an uninhabited planet," Li Kuai said, "According to the previously detected transition response and the detection of the vibration amplitude of the space ripples, it is speculated that there are at least 30 warships of the same type. After they completed the transition together, they quickly disappeared in the gap in the empire's frontier."

Yang Ming raised his eyebrows.

Needless to say, he had already thought of a certain possibility.

Could it be that those anti-human politicians in the new federation want to... directly detonate the remaining bug swarms in the empire?

Yang Ming asked, "What is the empire's reaction to this?"

"Slightly slower than us, but relevant ships have been detected," Li said softly, "The optical stealth of these ships is very low-level, they can only make themselves transparent, but they cannot perfectly handle the electromagnetic waves between different media." Poor rate of spread. Empire has dispatched fleets to intercept and pursue."

"Can you stop it?"

"Most of them are catching up, and there is a high probability that they will not be able to catch up directly." Li's voice was full of helplessness, "The target point they went to avoided the empire's local defense system... This is the result of the work of the CIA .”

Yang Ming rubbed his eyebrows.

He was right when he scolded the Imperial Military Intelligence Bureau just now.

"Law, report this matter to Lieutenant General Thomas and ask him to quickly activate the empire's military system.

"Send Captain Gris a message and tell him to get ready for a storm.

"Mad! If dozens of swarms are active together, the empire's military power will not be able to fully deploy for a while. Is the new federation deliberately letting the swarms kill civilians?

"Ask Hera to see if she has a way to stop it."


Ritsu's voice disappeared.

Yang Ming pinched his waist and walked back and forth by the bed, trying to recall the plot of the empire camp in "The Abyss".

The plot of the game is not so outrageous. At most, four or five insect swarms were discovered together, and then it became a carnival for the players of the faction.

Of course, exploding the swarms that have not yet fully grown at once is a "short-term pain" for the empire, and it is better than continuing to toss and let the empire's national strength decline rapidly.

This also means that Yang Ming will not be able to find a place to 'upgrade' in the future.

If the New Federation detonates all the remaining worm sites, then he can only eat this wave of 'experience'. If he wants to improve his strength later, he must go to the outskirts of the galaxy to find those big worms that are too strong to pervert, or raise some small worms by himself play.

It's just awful!

Who came up with the idea of ​​the New Federation?

That's right, if you think about it carefully, the New Federation has invested a lot of resources in the bug burial plan, and it is impossible to sit back and watch the empire squeeze out the abscess little by little.


"Boss, I'm here."

"Publish news through the White Ghost organization on the Internet, and collect as much evidence as possible to prove that the New Federation is doing evil."

Yang Ming said in a low voice:

"They will definitely deny it vigorously. We must find ironclad evidence that they cannot deny, so as to maximize the probability of a full-scale war between the Empire and the New Federation."

Law said: "Okay boss, as your parasitic mechanical thinking body, I must remind you again that there will inevitably be a large number of human casualties in an all-out war."

Yang Ming nodded calmly: "I'm just the one who blows the wind, not the one who ignites the fire. I only provide ironclad evidence to the empire, and I won't interfere with the decisions made by the top management of the empire, even if I have to bear certain sins and suffer from some gods." condemnation, it does not matter."

"Why do you think it's okay? Li is curious about that."

"I'm an atheist."


Yang Ming looked out of the window and regained his senses, he didn't know what he thought of, and curled his lips slightly.

Talking and laughing came from the living room. Catherine and Hanton's mother came back from shopping. Yang Ming adjusted his expression and opened the bedroom door with a smile on his face to welcome them.


The New Federation, an underground secret base on a remote resource star.

The base hall seemed a bit empty.

Those instruments have been removed, most of the workplaces are empty, and the giant petri dishes for keeping insects are no longer traces of insects at this moment.

Professor Pat, with gray temples, stood in front of a large screen with his hands behind his back.

On the big screen are forty-six flashing dots of light.

Professor Pat naturally knew what was happening now. This was a plan they had planned before, but it hadn't been approved by the above.

Now, the empire is cleaning up those 'deep hidden' swarms at an alarming rate.

If they don't do something, this whole plan, all these years of hard work, will be completely meaningless.

They must activate a backup plan now.

The bald-headed Naldo slowly walked over with a cup of hot drink, looking up at the big screen as well.

"Professor," Naldo asked suddenly, "will you regret it?"

There was a slight smile on the corner of Professor Pat's mouth: "Regret? Why should you regret it? This is our job, Naldo, and this is also the meaning of half our lives."

Naldo took a sip of his hot drink: "We are playing for this country, right?"

"It's a civilization," Professor Pat whispered, "The New Federation is a civilization that is free, democratic, prosperous, and full of vitality. We are doing this for the development and growth of this civilization, so that this ideology can spread to a larger planet." Domain, and give your all.”

"A lot of people will die, won't they?"

Naldo said indifferently: "If we are so aggressive, we will also attract revenge from the empire."

"You're wrong again, Naldo."

Professor Pat laughed and said:

"Don't worry, those are just part of the plan.

"A system like the empire shouldn't exist, and even if some people are killed or injured, it won't affect anything. From a macro perspective, the population will recover quickly.

"The important thing is what kind of ideology these populations follow."

Naldo thought about it.

A flickering light on the big screen suddenly dimmed.

Professor Pat and Naldo looked at the past at the same time, and all they saw was a cold display screen.

They seem to have seen it, saw a silver-white warship penetrate into the atmosphere, and the mechanical soldiers inside stood firm on their posts, quietly watching the extremely rapidly enlarged surface below.

"A ship has already reached this point," Professor Pat said indifferently, "After hitting the surface, the spaceship will release enough energy to shake the earth's crust, and after the explosion is over, it will release a special gas that makes the swarm aggressive. The group will be activated quickly."

Naldo whispered: "This will allow us to reduce the damage of federal soldiers, we can think of it this way."

"Yes, but this is the result of our scientific research," Professor Pat laughed. "We are just black gloves for doing this kind of thing. We will not be recognized, accepted, or honored. We His sons will bear untold guilt."

Naldo frowned slightly.

He saw the laser pistol that Professor Pat took out from his arms.

"Professor Pat?"

"Our mission has been completed, Naldo," Professor Pat pointed his gun at Naldo's forehead, and opened the biological insurance, "I'm really sorry about your daughter."



In the slight sound, Naldo's eyes were wide open, and the edge of the blood hole on his forehead was scorched black.

There was a scream nearby.

Professor Pat didn't pay much attention to the source of the noise.

He stared at the screen, as if he saw one planet after another being hit by battleships, and the muzzle of the pistol was already aimed at his chin.

"for freedom."

Two more bright spots on the screen dimmed.

Professor Pat fell to the ground, and his white coat was stained with a bright red.

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