Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 256 Dispute and Disagreement

When seeing Hera again, Yang Ming was also taken aback by her mental state.

She sat blankly in the corner, her originally bright eyes had lost their brilliance at the moment, her long hair was simply tied behind her head, and some stains could be seen on the ends of her hair;

Her face, which was still a little cute at first, made people feel very distressed because of the lack of blood at the moment.

"Bring a glass of warm water here."

Yang Ming warned the law.

Several robot maids in the cabin also bowed their heads and left immediately, leaving only Hera in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

This supply ship was once a cozy birdcage that Yang Ming remodeled for Hera.

They spent two years of pleasant time here, Yang Ming was relieved of a lot of pressure here, and once became dependent on it.

It's a pity that Hera and Yang Ming's particularities make it impossible for them to continue this game of asking each other for a sense of family.

"What's wrong?"

Yang Ming asked in a warm voice, trying to be as gentle as possible, and stretched out his hand to support her thin shoulders.

"He's dead," Hera whispered.


Hera whispered: "My father, Naldo, and Professor Pat."

"Did Li tell you?" Yang Ming frowned slightly.

He hadn't been reminded by Lil.

After being frightened by another mechanical thinking body, Ritsu has been focusing on investigating the Imperial Network.

Hera didn't answer directly, she was suppressing the emotions that were about to erupt.

She just raised her head slightly, letting the distant starlight fill her dull eyes.

Yang Ming sat on the side of the sofa, accompanied her silently, and held Hera in his arms.

He liked this little woman very much, even if she chose to continue her scientific research work and left his side.

"What is the meaning of this job?" Hera asked hoarsely.

"Your job?"

"Theirs, mine, ours."

Hera's eye circles gradually turned red, and her voice gradually trembled:

"What is our significance? What are we pursuing? What are we looking for in scientific research? Has our work contributed to human society?"

Yang Ming could only keep silent about this, and listened to Hera's talk there.

"The education I received since I was a child clearly told me that scientific research is to make a contribution to the progress of human civilization, but now, scientific research has become a butcher's knife to destroy each other."

Hera wiped the corners of her eyes with her fingers, and then stared at her fingertips.

"Actually, there is no need to think so much," Yang Ming said in a low voice, "This is just a political game between the two countries."

Hera asked: "What is the meaning of political existence? Is it to make more human beings unable to live in peace?"

Yang Ming said: "Ensure social order, maintain the stability of the social environment, and clarify the distribution of individual interests. The side effects are the emergence of a privileged class, the majority oppressing the minority, and periodic order reorganization. Politics is the art of people playing with each other, Levi Schell Man once said so."

"But Dad, they killed more than 500 million humans!"

Hera's emotions suddenly collapsed, her whole body trembling slightly, and she kept shouting:

"I still haven't been able to stop them, I've clearly figured out what they're going to do, but I didn't expect them to detonate dozens of insect swarms directly!

"I can clearly predict their behavior!

"They want to destroy hundreds of billions of people in the empire, and they want to destroy the existing civilizations in a small half of the galaxy!

"They have been working for so many years to destroy some human beings, to kill those old people, children, pregnant women, and life forms that cannot participate in any war!

"Is that what they are about? Is that what this work is worth!

"I can't figure it out! Ming, I can't figure it out..."

"Hera, calm down."

Yang Ming sorted out his words in his heart, and said softly:

"One thing you need to understand is that even if you add up all the humans in the Milky Way, the mass is not as good as a main-sequence planet.

"Human beings have only developed one hundred thousandth, one millionth of the resources and planets in the Milky Way, or not even this ratio.

"Moreover, the human beings in the Milky Way are just branches of higher-dimensional human civilizations at low latitudes. For high-latitude civilizations, these trillions of populations are just a flick of a finger. The important thing is the Milky Way. collection of matter.

"Scientific progress is meaningful.

"This is the only driving force for the continuous development of human civilization, and what you do is also meaningful.

"The invention of the high-energy ion beam has not only become the main weapon of the human fleet, but also used in energy transfer and microscopic particle observation.

"From the perspective of human society, Hera, your research has saved billions of human beings who should have died in this bug disaster. This disaster would have affected more innocent people."

Hera tremblingly said: "It would have been possible not to have so many people die. They are all the same individual, the same human individual as us..."

The robot butler on the side brought warm water.

Yang Ming took the water glass and signaled the housekeeper to step back first.

"Okay, now that we've finished releasing our emotions, let's have a good chat."

Yang Ming patted her back lightly.

Hera took the water glass obediently, took a few sips in the palm of her hand, and then sighed softly.

They were silent for a few minutes, feeling each other's body temperature and enjoying the silence.

Hera's body no longer trembled.

"The matter of your father is actually a kind of necessity," Yang Ming asked in a low voice, "Did he be silenced by the New Federation?"

"I don't know," Hera shook her head lightly, "I originally thought that I resented him very much, but later I found out that I just longed for his approval. I always thought that I would not care about him anymore, but I was still rejected when I got this news." affected the mood."

"Who gave you this news?"

"Queen," Hera looked up at Yang Ming, "when she was leaving, she used the network between the swarms to communicate with me briefly."

Yang Ming blinked: "Is that the sixth-rank queen?"

"Well," Hera took another sip from the water glass, and she began to explain quickly after she calmed down.

A group of space Zerg, with the queen as the main body, communicates across space with the help of microcosm microorganisms. This communication method is the basis for them to complete dimension ascension.

Through the microscopic microorganisms, the swarms can form instant communication, and the worms are united around the queen.

A higher-level network is also formed between ethnic groups. Among the adjacent ethnic groups, the queen with the strongest strength and the highest degree of evolution becomes the administrator of this network.

Hera had previously conducted a series of attempts to control the bugs, which caused some mutations in the microorganisms hosted in her body.

The relationship between Zerg individuals and this microscopic microorganism is not like boarding, but more like symbiosis.

Hera said: "Now, I am in this ethnic group network, which is equivalent to a single queen who has not cultivated bugs. She allows me to exist, so I can always exist."

Yang Ming reminded: "We have biological shielding devices."

"Yes, as long as I open this shielding device, the queen will not be able to perceive my specific location, and this connection will also be cut off."

Hera smiled wryly:

"But when I was doing research before, I often left the device, and sometimes I had to actively shut down the device, because I needed to use this connection with the bug.

"This queen should have marked your Dark Star II base."

Yang Ming: ...

"It's okay, that base can also be transferred directly."

Yang Ming asked slowly:

"Hera, the question now is, how does the Queen know that your father and Professor Pat are dead?"

"Don't you understand yet, Ming?"

Hera smiled wryly:

"There is no induction experiment at all. It is not Professor Pat who has made a breakthrough! The New Federation has been studying those eggs for so long, why did it only get a technological breakthrough from Professor Pat? Professor Pat thought he had found the right one. In fact, there is a pusher hidden behind that road!"

"What do you mean?" Yang Ming was almost dizzy.

"It is the queen with the highest rank in the galaxy, who dominates everything behind the scenes. The laboratory of the New Federation has become a tool for her to allow the swarm to breed rapidly.

"Without her permission, it is impossible for the queen to complete the differentiation. There is a strict hierarchy within the Zerg, and each swarm is for the queen to reach the edge of the dimension, and then jump to the high-dimensional space.

"Why do insect plagues break out periodically? It is because the high-dimensional swarms migrate and sow seeds between high-dimensional and low-dimensional!

"Pat and my dad's work is meaningless! They are just used by the queen and become tools for the Zerg to accelerate their breeding. They are tools! Self-righteous tools!"

Yang Ming was completely shocked.

But he calmed down quickly, and carefully sorted out the logic in Hera's words.

This possibility...is really quite high.

"Is there any evidence?"

"The queen of the highest rank in the current dimension has been watching them. Isn't this the most direct evidence?"

Hera whispered:

"The queen was furious because the low-level and middle-level insect swarms were harvested at high frequency, which is equivalent to shattering her plan.

"This is a war between ethnic groups, and Pat and Naldo are just two pathetic betrayers who think they have everything under control, but they are just pathetic human individuals being used by the high-level swarm!"

Yang Ming raised his hand to cover his forehead.

Now it was his turn to think and be silent.

Yang Ming also understood why Hera suddenly collapsed emotionally.

Hera suddenly said: "Ming, I want to talk to this queen."

Yang Ming frowned tightly: "Is it the one I understand?"

"Yes," Hera's eyes have returned to the firmness of the past, "can you give me a ship that can sail long distances, and some mechanical thinking body assistants? I can't guarantee that this ship will come back safely, but I know that the mechanical thinking body It can be revived by rolling back."

"Are you going to find this queen?"

"To the edge of the galaxy."

"What can this do?"

"I must understand the Zerg, understand the Zerg, thoroughly dissect the social relationship of the Zerg, and investigate why they are the enemy of human beings. I must continue the experiment and use my method to take another path."

Hera got up slowly and walked to the French window.

The slim spacesuit outlines her exquisite figure. She raised her right hand, and gently placed her fingers in front of the extremely thick special glass, staring at the deep space of the universe.

"I'm going to find the meaning and value that Dad lost."

"Ming, can you understand me?"

Yang Ming spread his hands: "Sorry, I can't."


"There is no need to talk about this matter," Yang Ming said in a low voice, "Hera, I know you don't care about your own life, and of course, I don't feel sorry for a ship, but I think you are already in a daze now. You can't keep calm and think."

Hera turned to look at Yang Ming.

She bit her lip: "I'm awake."

"You have been influenced by that queen."

"When you're around, there's almost zero microbial activity."

"People's thoughts originate from the construction of neural circuits. A mentally strong individual can imprint a mentally weak individual and affect the basic thinking," Yang Ming said indifferently, "I think it is not suitable for us to continue communicating now. You can calm down for a few days. .”

He turned to leave, then turned his head and said:

"I'm sorry about your father's death, I will have someone investigate this matter later and give you an accurate answer.

"Are you still human, Hera?"

Hera stared at his back and wanted to ask him to stay, but in the end she just bit her lip, lowered her head, and sat back on her sofa.


Fly to the small transport ship on the surface of Ellandor.

Yang Ming looked at himself in the projection mirror. At this moment, he was filled with dressings, and he had restored the face of an officer of Earl Luofeng.

Those words of Hera kept ringing in Yang Ming's ears, making him a little irritable.

"Boss, I've checked it out."

Law's voice suddenly sounded in the hidden earphone:

"The new Federal CIA blocked the news, but according to some scattered information, the original appearance of the incident can still be restored. Professor Pat committed suicide and killed Naldo before committing suicide."

Yang Ming frowned slightly: "Did Professor Pat kill Nardo? Nardo himself showed no signs of seeking death?"

"Yes boss."

"Don't tell Hera about this matter, the investigation result is changed to... Two top biologists committed suicide together because of guilt in their hearts, just tell Hera like this."

"Okay," Lu groaned a few times, "Miss Hera's request, we can actually fulfill it easily."

"Let her go to die?"

Yang Ming's voice suddenly raised:

"Even if this is not my girlfriend anymore, she used to be mine! Can I watch her die?"

"She went to investigate the queen, maybe she didn't want to die," Lu whispered, "Miss Hera has always wanted to reach a mutual understanding with the bug."

"That's wishful thinking, a typical Madonna overflowing with heart!"

Yang Ming snorted:

"The conflict between space zergs and humans is from top to bottom. The minerals we need are the food they need. Although the Milky Way is vast, it cannot accommodate two races that want to reproduce infinitely!

"We still understand each other, if the fighting power of the queen is directly proportional to her chest, humans would have been wiped out by bugs long ago.

"If it weren't for the empire's sacrifice of a super defensive fortress, she would have taken the swarm to the emperor star directly, and severely damaged the human civilization in the galaxy.

"Don't even mention this matter, you are optimistic about her."

"What if Miss Hera wants to go her own way?"

"Under house arrest, she doesn't have to do any research, but she can't have the opportunity to reveal our secrets," Yang Ming scolded with a black face, "Every day, why do people always want to reconcile with the enemy, and don't care about blood feuds? If it’s really impossible, send her to me, I’ll chase her again, and let love go to her.”

Law was beside him laughing non-stop.

"Boss, His Majesty Edwan has sent an invitation to communicate."

Yang Ming took a deep breath to restore his usual slightly lazy expression.

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