Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 271 Conservative is Impossible to Conservative

The battle in the Anubis Star Territory temporarily came to an end with the Empire successfully advancing and the New Federation's unsuccessful sniper attack.

The Empire and the New Federation lost a dreadnought combat unit at the same time, and the Empire paid the price of two hundred more battleships and more than 200,000 soldier casualties.

Judging from the battle loss ratio between the two sides, this should be regarded as a small victory for the New Federation.

However, the empire achieved its strategic intention and occupied the Anubis star field, which was easy to defend and difficult to attack, directly overlooking the capital city of the New Federation, Minter City.

As long as the imperial fleet jumps away from the gravitational influence of the twin black holes, Mingte City will be undefendable.

In this battle, more than 60% of the combat power of the Empire's First Battle Group was preserved. In the future, there will be a direct control fleet of the royal family, a private fleet of nobles, and a mixed fleet of subordinate countries to provide continuous support to the front line.

It is expected that by then, the number of medium and large warships in the Imperial Expeditionary Fleet will exceed 13,000.

One of the Empire's dreadnoughts has withdrawn from the battle order, but a formation of two battleships will arrive from the country later.

[The more important weapons of the country, the better. ——Levi Sherman. 】

Because of the existence of mature jump technology, even though the empire's supply line is very long, it is difficult for the New Federation to determine the location of the fleet if it wants to harass the supply line.

The Milky Way is too vast, there are too few planets suitable for human habitation and constitute the main body of today's civilization, and there are too many desolate star fields.

The New Federation now has only one way to survive.

Win the next battle to defend the first star.

The New Federation has gathered all the local defense forces it can mobilize outside the Minte Star. The number of small and medium-sized warships of various types is quite terrifying.

Many merchant ships were also requisitioned as transport ships, continuously transporting defense armaments.

They tried to turn the outskirts of Minter City into a real minefield.

The next battle will directly determine the future fate of the New Federation.

This is not the only battlefield.

When Yang Ming flew to Catherine's Stinger ship in a bat boat, another battle in the bourgeoisie had begun.

The Empire's invincible fleet advanced to the outskirts of Minter City. Counting jumps and space navigation, there was only a day and a half of sailing left from Minter City.

Under strong pressure, all placebos have expired, and the people have lost basic confidence.

The group of wealthy businessmen and capitalists who originally gathered in Mingte City began to flee like an avalanche, desperately trying to transfer their assets.

All forces have been waiting for this scene for a long time. The large capitals of the Sherman Empire, the United Free States and the Guel Alliance directly opened a dragnet and used the New Federation Free Trade Interstellar Convention to start exchanging high-quality assets of the New Federation at a low price.

Most of the medium-sized countries and small countries responded slowly or lacked strength, but the Luofeng Empire, which had been waiting for a long time, now opened their bloody mouths.

There will definitely be an injury between the New Federation and the Empire, and Edwang and Yang Ming have long foreseen it.

Relying on the asset system he has operated in the New Federation for many years, Adwang began to acquire a number of technology companies in the New Federation, and obtained many patent licenses that were previously prohibited by the New Federation.

For Luofeng, this is the best time.

Only when the scientific and technological level first catches up with the advanced countries in the galaxy can we drive national productivity and further improve national strength and the living standards of our citizens.

Yang Ming's Molly Mies Group is even more terrifying. Because of the existence of law, it uses both overt and covert tactics to kill the new federal industrial system when it pinpoints it. It is even said by the Sherman Empire's Treasury Department, I grabbed a few pieces of fat directly.

If we say, the fleet battle is about the bones and flesh of the New Federation.

The big assets in half of the galaxy are sniping at the capital of the New Federation, which is directly draining the marrow of the New Federation!

For this war, Yang Ming actually couldn't help much, leaving everything to Lu.

What he can be sure of is that he will probably become very rich, the kind that will rival the country.

The Dongfeng gradually moved away from the star field where the imperial fleet gathered.

Yang Ming had successfully entered the Stinger ship and was welcomed by the team members.

Salutes, greetings, flowers, collective applause.

These super reformers also looked at Yang Ming with burning eyes. They were branded with the idea of ​​being 'loyal to the empire'. Because of the previous battle, they admired Yang Ming a little more.

The treatment of true empire heroes.

What about Catherine?

Yang Ming looked around and soon felt a powerful biological energy at the entrance of the corridor.

The patter of footsteps came from behind the crowd, the rhythm produced by the collision of high heels and the metal deck.

The male and female team members each looked at each other, tried their best to hold back their laughter, and walked back to their posts or the rest room as if nothing was wrong, allowing Yang Ming to easily see Catherine walking over with her hands behind her back.

She is so beautiful.

For a few seconds, this was the only thought left in Yang Ming's mind.

Catherine not only dressed up carefully today, she also sought the advice of several familiar female team members and put on a style she had never tried before, making her feminine charm almost overflow the bridge.

She was already very tall, and her crystal-colored high heels made her a favorite clothes rack for fashion designers;

The light purple tube top dress fit her charming body curves, adding a bit of feminine charm without looking too coquettish.

She wore light makeup, and her eyebrows were slimmer and softer. As her eyelashes flickered, her two jewel-like eyes seemed to be telling people something.

Yang Ming noticed that she was holding the golden mask in her hand, but there was no place to put it.

"Hello, Captain!"

Yang Ming gave a military salute.

Catherine pursed her lips a little helplessly: "Are you sure you are not injured?"


"Come with me for an examination," Catherine pointed to the location of the infirmary, Yang Ming shrugged and walked up calmly.

Catherine turned and led the way with her hands behind her back.

She is a fighting girl, but her arms and waist are very slender. Under the soft and smooth material of the little dress, her smooth muscle curves are hidden.

Yang Ming almost hugged him directly.

Calm down, control yourself, and be dignified and quasi-ancient god life body, you can't be too aggressive.

The infirmary is very small, with a single bed and several robotic arms filled with various medical devices.

"Don't collect my biological data," Yang Ming reminded.

Catherine froze for a moment, then nodded, and said softly, "Okay, lie here, and I'll check your physical characteristics data for you."

"You are so beautiful today," Yang Ming jumped onto the hospital bed and said softly.

Catherine bit her lower lip, but ignored him, skillfully fiddling with various instruments.

When their team went out on missions, many times the team members were seriously injured, and she was the one who helped rescue them.

Yang Ming admired her beautiful side face, took off his jacket on his own, only wearing military uniform pants, lay down with his arms on his pillow, and sighed softly.

"What's wrong?" Catherine asked.

"I was thinking about this mission," Yang Ming clicked his tongue, "I just thought that it would be nice to fight with you, so I asked them to transfer you here. Now that I think about it, this mission is quite dangerous. You shouldn't be allowed to go."

"There are no more than five super-reformers who are stronger than me. If there is a task, it is always someone to go. Why can't it be me?"

Catherine responded calmly, and the machine parameters have been set.

A robotic arm moved to Yang Ming's feet, and began to scan Yang Ming's body slowly.

Yang Ming smiled and said, "That's not what I mean... No one wants to put the person they care about in danger, Catherine."

"you like me?"

Catherine put her hands behind her back, tilted her head slightly and asked, her eyes were full of aggression.

"I like it very much," Yang Ming replied with a smile.

The air in the medical room suddenly became quiet.

Catherine stood behind the door, looking down at Yang Ming, the mechanical arm was slowly rising, and Yang Ming was also looking into her clear eyes.


There was a slight sound of mechanical locking behind Catherine's door.

"Now is the only private time," she whispered.

Yang Ming blinked: "Catherine?"

Catherine had already walked up, her breathing fluctuated slightly, but her strong psychological quality kept her calm.

Just as Yang Ming was about to sit up, Catherine had already raised her hand to hold Yang Ming's shoulder, and pressed him firmly on the bed.

The infirmary was trembling slightly.

There was an error in her power control that shouldn't have existed.

Yang Ming hadn't had time to rejoice that he was physically strong enough, Catherine's beautiful face had already filled his sight, he closed his eyes tightly, and leaned forward regardless of the situation.

Yang Ming tightly grasped the bed board.

There is nothing romantic about this kind of violent attack by the overhauler.

Two minutes later.

Yang Ming looked at the somewhat dazed girl in his arms, and couldn't help whispering in her ear: "You learned this from those female team members?"

"I, I haven't had time to fall in love yet... There are too many tasks in normal times... Is this the case for couples?"

"Say it earlier, take it easy."

Yang Ming said in a warm voice, forcefully regaining the initiative.



I always feel that I have triggered some flag.

In the simulated night time, Captain Catherine's fairly spacious lounge.

Wrapped in a bathrobe, Yang Ming walked to her workbench, turned to look at her back lying on her side, and grinned.

Wonderful experience.

In particular, her physical strength was barely equal to her own, which made it rare for Yang Ming to find a feeling of relief.

I hope this relationship can last a little longer, and Catherine will not leave herself for one reason or another.

Although he didn't say anything, he still cared about Hera's choice in his heart.

But what can be done?

Respect is all it takes.

Yang Ming picked up his own clothes casually, put on his shirt and underwear, took out a thumb-sized disc and placed it in front of him. The disc projected a dimly lit three-dimensional projection screen.

The images and data of the three new federal fortresses appeared at the same time.

Although Yang Ming kept emphasizing the danger of this plan, he didn't think it was such a dangerous task.

This kind of fortress is a great threat to the fleet, but it relies on people and machinery to maintain it. As long as it can sneak into the inside of the fortress, it is not difficult to make it paralyzed.

How to get in?

For this reason, Yang Ming had asked Li to consult an expert in this field in advance.

—Old Kolev.

This old man eats, drinks and plays in the Luofeng Empire every day, taking care of his life, and he doesn't even know when he took the telomere sedative, it's just ridiculous.

But fortunately, although Kolev likes to socialize with old ladies, he sticks to his reputation and has not done anything wrong to Mimily's mother.

At this moment, Kolev has sent a complete set of invasion ideas.

Now that it is a wartime state, the three major fortresses must be closely guarded. Beware of imperial agents sabotage, if you want to sneak in with conventional means, it is impossible to take a few steps.

No matter how tight the protection is, it will have its flaws.

Kolev wrote these words in his proposal:

‘Generally speaking, if you want to mix into these strong fortresses, 80% of them have to go through the other party’s transportation and supply channels. '

‘With a slightly constructive idea, we will choose the weak area of ​​the fortress shell, let our own fleet cooperate, and then use interference technology to find a breakthrough. '

‘But in fact, there is a window of the gods right in front of your eyes. If your thinking is not so conservative, this may be your reference option. '

‘Any muzzle of the fortress combination gun is the best way to enter the fortress. '

'This may sound a little crazy. As long as the ion cannon gathers energy, the life forms that enter the cannon's mouth will be reduced to elementary particles... But in fact, if you understand weapons, you will find that when you enter the state of combat readiness Finally, there are only some detection devices near the muzzles of the major guns. With your means, as long as you get close to the muzzles and rush in quickly, this fortress should not be a problem. '

Drill, drill the muzzle?

Is this old man hoping that he will burp sooner, and then inherit his Dongfeng as the first mate?

The corners of Yang Ming's mouth twitched slightly, he sorted out the idea and sent it to Captain Gries.

Two minutes later, Gris sent a series of exclamation points and a thumbs up emoji.

[Gries (Vice President of the Support Club): As expected of my idol, this plan is interesting, we will study it right away. 】

[Handon (white god): Control the scope of the insider. 】

[Gris (Vice President of the Support Club): Don't worry, before the end of this battle, none of the people involved in the discussion can contact the outside world, and no one can leave this conference room. 】

Yang Ming: ...

Come on, the whole empire is getting serious.


Catherine's voice was a little hoarse.

Yang Ming immediately returned to the bedside, and whispered something in her ear, the two of them hugged each other, enjoying the warm time before the war in a daze.

‘By the way, this violates the imperial military regulations, right? '

Feeling the astonishing smoothness of his fingers, Yang Ming squinted and smiled.

Let the gendarmerie come over and try it out.

He teamed up with Catherine, and he was basically invincible in a one-on-one match.


In the modules of Empire, Emperor Star, and Palace.

His Majesty the Emperor frowned and put on his bathrobe, left the arms of several young girls, and sat back at his desk.

Although he said that the imperial driver would personally conquer, he didn't say that the frontline war could come and disturb him during his rest time.

The emperor's old face was full of impatience, he opened two emails casually, and then frowned slightly.

Attacking the fortress of the new federation with vanguard soldiers, taking advantage of the empire's terraforming warriors, can reduce the loss of one's own warships, and directly defeat the morale of the new federation?

Then go sneak attack.

What are these bastards looking forward to do?

Um? Do you want to ask the archbishop to pray at that time, activate the empire's defense system throughout the territory, and use this system to interfere with the fleet and fortress of the new federation?

"What do these wastes think of the most important robes and partners of the ancestors?"

The old emperor's face was a little dark.

He closed his eyes, his father's teaching flashed across his mind.

No matter how absurdly he lives, he only needs to try his best to procreate, and he has fulfilled the responsibilities of the position of emperor. Everything in the empire has its own order of operation, and interference will only brew disaster. This is the cost of more than a dozen emperors of the empire The 'ancestral training' summed up in a lifetime.

In addition to sowing genes as much as possible, the emperor must also keep in mind that there are three taboos at the core of a powerful empire, and they cannot be used lightly unless it is a last resort.

Praying in the Temple of the Goddess is one of the three taboos.

The old emperor moved his fingers lightly and entered a line of 'instructions'.

[The system cannot be activated in non-emergency situations. Please believe in our brave fighters. 】

He pressed his finger and was about to send the imperial approval to the center of the empire immediately, but before his finger was about to move up, he subconsciously thought about it for a while.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

The empire is too powerful, so it has always been a giant in the eyes of the countries in the galaxy. On average, every one or two thousand years, there will be a "galactic second child" of the level of the new federation to challenge the empire's supremacy.

In fact, the 'Galaxy Second' in the past has nothing to do.

If they don't take action against the empire, the empire will use various means to bring them down when they develop to a certain level.

That is also one of the taboos that the emperor must keep in mind.

Apart from giving birth to dozens of children, has he achieved anything in his life?

No, no one will remember him, people will only surrender to the next emperor and prostrate themselves under the great imperial power.

This may be the only possible opportunity, so why be too conservative?

The pen and ink he left in the imperial chronicle is too little after all.

The old emperor squinted and smiled, deleted his instruction, typed two words, and sent it to the imperial power center.

【permit. 】

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