Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 276 The Emperor's Performance

This senior of Li... is so strong.

On the way to the middle-level support, Yang Ming tried his best to integrate the limited information and analyzed the limit of the ability of this mechanical thinking body.

All kinds of incredible operations are actually based on huge computing power.

The powerful national power of the empire and the tens of thousands of years of accumulation of the imperial star circle provide the hardware foundation for this computing power;

The mechanical thinking body that followed Levi Sherman, existed for some reason, and came from the late top-level mechanical civilization of the omnic Twilight, perfectly controlled this computing power.

The network security technology that the New Federation has developed for so many years was completely defeated in front of this 'senior'.

Compared with this senior, Li is on par in terms of software. What they lack is hardware, that is, super masterminds and resources.

To put it simply...we still need to make money.

Yang Ming also discovered a very interesting thing.

When this 'predecessor' captured this fortress, he adopted many effective tactics, such as the two downward leaps of the omnic group.

The mechanical guards and the drone group used by the space carrier are concentrated on the outermost three floors of the fortress. From the fourth floor to the twelfth floor, most of them are the living areas of the federal soldiers, and it is also the area with the most human soldiers in the fortress.

The omnic legion controlled by the empire's defense system across the entire territory broke into trouble in a very short period of time. While quickly clearing the human soldiers on the outer three floors, they snatched the quick access to and from the elevator - the elevator.

A large number of soldiers want to support upwards, they can only pass through safe passages and aircraft routes.

The flight path of the aircraft is fully automated and is directly closed by the Imperial Guard system, while the safe passage is easy to defend and difficult to attack. With a small amount of omnic troops, the passage upward from the fourth floor and downward from the twelfth floor can be blocked.

Most of the soldiers of the New Federation stationed in the fortress were stuck in the middle, motionless.

Afterwards, the surface-layer omnic legion quickly assembled and fully invaded the middle layer of the fortress.

The human armed forces in the middle area of ​​the fortress are not sufficient, and there is a lack of heavy firepower in fixed positions. The omnic army swept everywhere like a flood, perfectly controlled the field, and then followed the same pattern to leap towards the core layer of the fortress.

It is not too much to say that less wins more.

The main reason for the misjudgment made by the top executives of the new federal military is that they have no experience in fighting the 'Empire Total Territory Defense System'.

At this moment, some floors in the middle of the fortress are still fighting.

It didn't take much effort for Yang Ming to find Greis, who was leading the mechanical guard group assault on the front line, and quickly dragged this guy out of the attacking array.

Gris' first reaction was to ask, "How's it going outside?"

"I don't know, there must be a fight, where is Catherine?"

"Move the boxes over there, she doesn't seem to like to chop up these ordinary people," Gris said in a low voice, "You came just in time, there are several big research institutes who are stubbornly resisting, hurry up, don't let them destroy the data! "

Yang Ming snapped his fingers, and Bligh nodded with a smile, turned around and jumped on the back of a transport robot, supporting the areas that needed to be attacked.

His mental control ability is also excellent in recruiting and surrendering.

Yang Ming hooked Greese's neck, glanced left and right, and muttered softly, "What did you find?"

"A lot," Gris cleared his throat, "what's the use of this."

"I still have a little bit of my own property, private property," Yang Ming muttered, "Can you find a way to give me a whole share of the data?"

"This is... the Imperial Guard system is watching."

Yang Ming sneered: "Can she appreciate the technology of the New Federation? She wants these technologies just to verify and observe the civilization development of the New Federation, not to keep them secret."

Gris rubbed his nose, and stuffed two chips into Yang Ming's hands: "Submit it, here are some materials I copied. One is about the new federation's biochemical experiments, and the other is about the new federation's research on new materials. , the original is destroyed."

Yang Ming's eyes lit up: "Thank you, I'll treat you to dinner later."

"Remember to hand in a copy."

"no problem."

Yang Ming put the chip in his pocket, and dragged Gris to start strolling among the ruins behind.

Every floor in the fortress is vast.

The twelve outer floors are decorated with a simulated planetary sky, while the middle twelve floors are decorated with a sense of the future. Each floor is at least 2,000 meters high, so that people will not feel any sense of depression.

Gries said with emotion: "How much will it cost for the new Federation to build such a fortress?"

"That can't be measured by money, time, resources, and long-term manpower deployment," Yang Ming said with emotion, "A country as powerful as the New Federation really needs one or two iconic heavy weapons, but this time let us pick them up." It's cheaper."

"Can this thing be shipped back to the empire?"

"Of course it's impossible," Yang Ming said with a smile, "If you want to pull it out of the current star system, it will take decades to start."

Gris frowned and said, "Then we snatched it for nothing?"

"Can we take away everything that can be used?" Yang Ming clicked his tongue, "If the high-level officials of the empire are cruel, bite their teeth, and directly protect this thing with warships, and graft the empire's fortress jump technology on it, wouldn't that be a big problem? Is there another Skyfury Fortress?"

Gris smiled and shook his head: "I don't think so. Fortress jump technology is the top secret of the empire. It is unlikely that it will be constructed in the territory of the new federation."

"I don't know what's going on outside."

As soon as Yang Ming finished speaking, the fortress began to tremble continuously, as if it was being continuously attacked.

"I'll go up and have a look," Yang Ming said in a low voice.

"I'll go find the escape ship," Gris understood, "and then inform the three of them."

The two looked at each other and put away their previous hippie smiles.

Now that they haven't lifted the danger, if the new federation goes crazy and destroys this 'rebel fortress' desperately, then the five of them will really have to confess here.

Half an hour later, the five-member team assembled again.

They stood on the first floor of the fortress where corpses lay everywhere, gathered in front of a large screen, and looked up at the battle scene on the screen.

From a distance, they can only see the flickering ion beams, and they can see the fusion light balls appearing one after another.

Only when the fusion light sphere is flickering can we barely see the huge fleets on both sides clearly.

The battle situation is already very anxious.

The fleet of the New Federation was completely suppressed by the Imperial Invincible Fleet. At this moment, they fought and retreated, trying to bring the Imperial Fleet into the effective range of the planetary defense system.

However, the Imperial Invincible Fleet has always maintained a distance from the planetary defense system, taking advantage of the long range of the main battleship's main guns to completely suppress the New Federation Fleet.

The entire fleet of the Empire is moving against the direction of the planet's rotation.

The empire did not take the initiative to attack the 'Mint City' star, but exerted tremendous pressure on the New Federation side. At this moment, the New Federation fleet could only passively defend, following the Empire fleet and acting synchronously in the inner circle.

The big circle goes around the small circle, and the small circle may collapse at any time.

This tactic...Yang Ming was dumbfounded.

He found that, as an ordinary player, he had seen too little of the world in "Abyss" after all.

The two sides circled around, and the other two fortresses left by the new federal fleet were exposed to the range of the imperial dreadnoughts.

——Because of their large size and the influence of planetary gravity, these two fortresses cannot get too close to the star 'Mint City'.

The Empire's third and sixth battle clusters suddenly turned their fire and went straight to these two fortresses.

The bulk battle group of the subordinate country immediately followed to provide fire support for the imperial battle group.

At this moment, the New Federation Fleet was suppressed near the planetary defense system, and there was no way to support these two fortresses.

More than that, the high-level executives of the New Federation soon discovered that the main firepower of the empire's fleet was concentrated on their battleships, information jamming ships, and large-caliber gunboats. The empire did not care about those so-called new ships at all.

The convoys near the two fortresses were quickly driven or annihilated.

Under the full-charge bombardment of the Imperial Dreadnoughts, the protective shields of the two fortresses were in jeopardy. They fell one after another within a few minutes, and they were blown into cosmic debris and pulled by the gravity of the planet.

The Empire is all about taking out their heavy firepower!

At this moment, the New Federation, facing the entire imperial fleet, has no power to fight back.

"Is the gap really that big?"

Gris folded his arms and frowned.

Bligh said with a smile: "If the new federation, the United States of Freedom, and the Guell Union unite unconditionally and without reservation, then they can challenge the regular forces of the empire, but the most common means in the empire are unconventional means."

The female team member also sighed: "I now believe that statement. The reason why the empire's territory is limited to a corner of the Milky Way is not because the empire has lost the ability to expand, but because there is no need to expand for the time being."

"It's not expanding."

Yang Ming corrected:

"Too far away in space will make it difficult for non-governmental commercial and cultural exchanges. When there is too little communication with each other, the people will not have a sense of centripetal force and identity, and military rule alone cannot achieve peace.

"So the empire would have dozens of vassal states, rather than annexing them all.

"In addition, the relationship between the territory occupied and the population is not a purely positive correlation. The important thing is whether the Emperor Star Circle can expand outward."

"That's even more difficult," Gries said with a smile, "The superiority of the people in the Emperor Star Circle is deeply rooted, and many places are already very xenophobic."

Catherine said seriously: "It's a time of war, everyone, please don't joke, and be ready to join the battle at any time."

"We couldn't help much in the past. This is a super-large battle with more than 40,000 participating ships," Yang Ming shrugged, "We have done enough."

Gris: "Hungry, have a barbecue? I see there is a cafeteria over there."

The female team members frowned and looked at the corpses all around, as well as the sanitation robots wandering around, and complained: "I'll just eat some energy biscuits, you are really in the mood."

"That's what war is all about."

Gris stretched his waist:

"One thing we need to understand is that this military operation is a revenge for the new federal bug burying plan. So many of our people died innocently in the bug swarm and died under the ambitions of the new federal politicians and generals. But never provoked the New Federation."

Bligh said indifferently: "In fact, too few people died today. If the three fortresses can be controlled like this, and then directly hit Minter City, that will be a profound lesson for the new federation."

Yang Ming: ...

Good guy, I almost thought he was a good man!


As one of the three fortresses of the New Federation defected and two were blown up, less than half of the main battleship of the New Federation was destroyed, and the fleet of the New Federation retreated into the planetary defense system.

The people of Minter City looked up and saw the ships all over the sky, but they didn't feel any sense of security at all.

Fireballs continued to fall from high altitudes, and then were crushed by ion beams from the ground.

The sky seemed to be covered with a metal shell.

From time to time, dark clouds gather in the air, but the dark clouds will soon be dispersed by the planetary weather control system on its own.

The sound of the explosion suddenly disappeared, and the shaking of the ground was no longer noticeable.

After the fleet battle lasted for several hours, it seemed that as most of the ships of the New Federation withdrew into the atmosphere, it came to an end temporarily.

it's over?

Or, is the imperial fleet preparing and recharging to complete the final battle?

The nearly 10 billion new federal citizens on the Minter star can only wrap their emotions in panic at this moment, waiting for the forceful trial from the Imperial Fleet.

The eyes of the entire galaxy are on this one.

More importantly, those other large and medium-sized countries in the galaxy that had tried to reach an agreement that if the Empire attacked Minter City, they would send a capital fleet, all remained silent at the moment.

Even if the New Federation had done a "traction track" before, even if the agents of the CIA were frantically contacting officials from other countries who had been captured, after all, none of the ships jumped directly outside the battlefield of Minte City.

The stars fell silent in the face of the most powerful empire in the galaxy.

Yang Ming noticed that this was actually a critical point.

If Minter City turns into dust in the universe, there is a high probability that the empire will be backlashed by the stars.

If other countries cannot even guarantee their own security, how can they talk about standing in the Milky Way.

Empire, how would you choose?

Zizz, zip...

Electromagnetic noise suddenly came from the earphones of Yang Ming and five people, which is an inevitable physical phenomenon when high-power electromagnetic broadcasts are made.

Then, Yang Ming and the others heard a sonorous and powerful female voice:

"The glory of the Emperor Star! Shining on Minte City today!

"The Invincible Fleet of the Empire has surrounded the star of Minte City today!

"The light of the dreadnought is enough to destroy everything created by your state, and this is just the empire's reasonable revenge for planting insects in your state and leading the second day of disasters to destroy the citizens of our empire!

"Your state continues to break through the bottom line of human civilization, acts recklessly, oppresses the weak, and is domineering in the Milky Way. In just a few hundred years, it has annexed dozens of political systems. It uses foreign plunder to promote its own strength, and uses capital to manipulate the economy of small countries to express its own strength. Superiority, the well-being of the people of your state is built on the flesh and blood of many weak and small civilizations in the Milky Way!

"Today, the empire has enough reasons to completely destroy the first star of your state.

"However, His Majesty, the great emperor of the empire, pursues the principles of benevolence and righteousness, emulates the previous emperors of the empire, and does not want to see tens of billions of human beings disappear in smoke.

"His Majesty will deliver an important address to your state."

The cabins of dozens of medium-sized ships were extended with ray tubes, and the rays of light were intertwined. The figure of the emperor appeared in space, appeared on the electronic screens in various places in Minter City, and appeared outside the sky of Minter City.

The emperor wore a traditional imperial dress, a crown on his head, and a scepter in his hand. His aged face was full of seriousness, and the light in his eyes was extremely sharp.

'Is this a filter? '

Yang Ming complained from the bottom of his heart, and continued to look at the projection screen in front of him.

The emperor began his speech:

"There shouldn't be unresolved hatred between human beings.

"The soldiers of our empire fought bloody battles just to seek justice from your country.

"In fact, I don't have any right to order you to be let go. The ghosts of the empire who died of insect plagues are watching me, making me, the emperor, like a thorn in my back, unable to sleep all day long!

"But I thought, if I give the order to attack this planet, more humans will disappear into the light of the galaxy, more hatred will take root between humans and humans, and there will be more Humans died in vain in the following wars.

"The empire has always aimed to improve the level of civilization, develop civilization technology, drive the progress of civilization, and improve the well-being of the people of the empire as its own goal.

"People in the world have misunderstood our empire, and your country has tried to discredit us for hundreds of years, but all of this should fall into the eyes of human civilization in the Milky Way, and right and wrong have their own opinions.

"I declare.

"For the long-term survival of human civilization in the Milky Way, if your country admits that the burying of the bugs was done by your country, and the pest problem is caused by your country, the empire will withdraw its troops and let the star of Minter go.

"If not, I will give the order to attack in fifteen minutes.

"The soldiers who participated in the counterattack against the New Federation today are all heroes of our Sherman Empire."

call out!

The image of the Emperor disappeared, and the Imperial Armada stopped broadcasting to the outside world.

Yang Ming couldn't help shaking his head.

The Ming Empire did not dare to directly destroy Mingte City, but it still wanted to do it in such a 'benevolent and kind-hearted' way.


Oh, it's just a tool of power.

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