Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 342 Twilight Second Test!

An ancient god-like life form.

Yang Ming noticed the 'accurate' words used by the three teachers.

The familiar feeling of dizziness struck again, but this time, although Yang Ming's body passed out, his brain was still active, and his perception still remained.

He saw a grotesque world, where the distorted starry sky was rolled up and curled up like a tablecloth, flattened and abstracted as if a basic linear dimension was taken away, and finally became a minimalist line.

There seemed to be holes in the space.

Yang Ming felt like he was standing in a huge piece of cheese with no substance, constantly 'turning his head' to look around, but he couldn't feel his own reality.

This feeling lasted for more than twenty 'breaths'.

Breathing is the rhythm of lung expansion and contraction recorded by Yang Ming's brain, and it is human's intuitive perception of the fictional dimension of time with their own body.

In a daze, Yang Ming saw a blue-white fireball, and as his eyes quickly zoomed in, he saw the orange-yellow outer atmosphere of this star.

It is active, moving, and shining on the eight planets that are close to it by burning itself.

Yang Ming suddenly realized what this place was, he kept turning his head, trying to find it, until a call sounded, and he subconsciously opened his eyes.


At the end of the line of sight is the gray sky of the omnic twilight, and at the edge of the line of sight are those metal buildings that seem to be alive, and elements of equilateral triangles are filled in every corner.

Yang Ming closed his eyes, trying to find the wonderful feeling just now, but in front of his eyes were endless starlight.

"Did you see any hallucinations?"


Law's voice sounded again: "You have been in a coma for more than a dozen galaxy days, and your brain has unintentionally received a huge amount of information that cannot be processed, causing a certain degree of mental confusion."

"Thinking disordered," Yang Ming's body was a little tired, but there was nothing unusual about it.

He sat up slowly, and saw the examiner standing quietly in front of him.

The Gravekeeper and Ranger are not here.

The examiner changed into a robe that was closer to the aesthetics of humans in the Milky Way. There were some simple lines drawn on the robe, and each pattern on the robe seemed to be an equilateral triangle.

The examiner's slender limbs and neck, which are on the edge of the "uncanny valley effect", also look much more pleasing to the eye under the trimming of this robe.

"Young ancient god, the strength of your conscious body makes me look sideways. It can already be called strange for an individual life to have this level of stable consciousness."

The examiner spoke the standard Galactic Common Language with a simulated voice:

"During this short period of time, many interesting things have happened to you. If you are willing to share these with me, our next assessment will become very interesting.

"Also, I have to say to you from the bottom of my heart: Thank you, you have successfully returned."

Yang Ming nodded with a smile, and slowly stood up under Lu's 'support'.

Law seems to have substance here.

To be precise, Yang Ming and Lu are here in the same form of existence.

Yang Ming put away those messy thoughts in his heart, and said with a smile, "Why do you thank me?"

"Because you're back.

"You are back, which means that the probability of success in this assessment has increased by a few percentage points. Then I will be closer to the ideal of proving my existence."

The examiner said warmly:

"Did you know that the second and third exams are the most difficult exams, because many candidates are lost in their inflated desires.

"This is the drawback of our assessment. It is almost impossible to tie the progress of civilization to an individual and require this individual to maintain a pure and noble character.

"The technology you have taken here can allow you to easily gain great power, have an impact on the surrounding environment, gain a sense of superiority, and activate more desires.

"You must be thankful that your forerunner mission gave you more concentration when facing this assessment that lasted a total of one hundred galactic years."

Yang Ming smiled and said, "Concentration? I really like this word."

"Come here for a walk, do you still want to take this pass exam?"

The examiner pointed to the inverted triangle building not far away.

Yang Ming honestly shook his head: "I'm sorry, in the past few years, I have been traveling between several political systems in the Milky Way, and I didn't have the opportunity to learn more knowledge."

"It's understandable," the examiner said with a smile, "Actually, the ranger hasn't come out for a stroll for a while, which shows that this large galaxy cluster is undergoing drastic changes and is about to enter a short boiling era, which he needs to capture and record all the information."

Yang Ming raised his eyebrows slightly.

In other words, Omnic Twilight records all information in the galaxy.

"Information, this is an extremely important content of civilization," the examiner said softly, "Why don't we use this as a starting point to discuss the difference between the lower level two civilization and the third level civilization, how do you understand it?"

Yang Ming had done his homework before he came, and Lu helped him with a few questions, just enough to find some small knowledge points.

"I can't even generalize the criteria for dividing the third-level civilization and the second-level civilization," Yang Ming said, "I can feel that there is a huge difference between the two, such as the Sherman Empire and the Luofeng Empire. The contrast between the Ellandor stars."

The examiner signaled him to continue talking.

Yang Ming pondered for a few moments, and began to speak eloquently.

In his understanding, the first-level civilization corresponds to planets, the second-level civilization corresponds to stars, the third-level civilization corresponds to large galaxy clusters, and the fourth-level civilization can span large galaxy clusters and conduct high-dimensional exploration.

The first-level civilization that has reached the edge of promotion can make full use of all the resources on the planet, including but not limited to the radiation of stars arriving near the planet, the energy of the earth's core, controllable nuclear fusion, etc. The development of neighboring planets can allow artificial machines to reach one percent of the speed of light.

A complete secondary civilization can already leave the star system to explore a wider space.

Level 2 civilizations without leap technology need to spend 10,000 years as the basic unit of voyage to reach the adjacent planets. Because of the stretching of time and space, the ideology of human civilization at this time will undergo earth-shaking changes compared with planetary civilizations. .

The perfect third-level civilization has reached the edge of dimension ascension, and it is also the end point where most of the dead intelligent civilizations in the Milky Way have reached.

"Today's Milky Way is not a natural secondary or tertiary civilization."

Yang Ming smiled and said:

"The transition technology, which is obviously the primary technology of the fourth-level civilization, was endowed by the Faya people to the whole of human civilization, so that the second- and third-level civilizations can ignore the long-distance space barrier.

"This hinders the change of human social ideology to a certain extent, but it is a necessary means to ensure the stability of primitive human genes.

"With the continuous progress of civilization, people's ideas and social laws should continue to evolve."

The examiner nodded with a smile: "Your point of view sounds reasonable, but it is wrong."

"Wrong? Why?"

"In the final analysis, the classification of civilization is derived from information."

The examiner said warmly:

"The speed of information transmission, the speed of information processing, and the degree of information integration are the reference standards for civilization classification.

"Information is the foundation of all civilizations. It is not just a perspective for us to describe the laws of the universe. It is the basic nature of matter itself and the basic particle of civilization.

"The essence of thinking is the disturbance of information on information, and the network is a collection of information.

"The ascension of mechanical civilization is the transfer of information from the neural structure of your body to a more stable and controllable machine, so as to build a stable network for this information. In the process of self-evolution and continuous improvement, the network reaches the same level as the material world. Static stability, so that it can be extended and spread to explore higher dimensions.

"The ascension of collective thinking is the continuous evolution of the human body. Finally, each individual is used as a basic unit to construct a biological network, and then an extremely powerful and complex consciousness that can grasp all information is born from it, so as to understand The high-dimensional world becomes an individual in the high-dimensional world.

"But at the end of the day, it's a high degree of integration of information.

"Back then, the civilization in front of you once had a scientist who conducted an interesting experiment, which spanned 2.5 billion years of the basic material universe."

Yang Ming wondered, "What experiment?"

The examiner laughed and said, "The black hole information is reorganized."

"What?" Yang Ming was a little confused.

The examiner said softly: "Ordinary Level 4 and Level 5 civilizations can use the energy of black holes to achieve many purposes, but the civilization in front of you has already been able to transform a massive black hole into an ideal experimental field."

Black hole information reorganization experiment: Using the singularity characteristics of black holes, control the link tunnel between black holes and corresponding white holes, create a perfect singularity gravitational field, and then put planets or star systems into black holes in batches.

The examiner asked: "Will the information disappear?"


"Then, where does the information of the matter that enters the black hole go?"

"It was stripped?" Yang Ming said in a deep voice, "Or, this information is stored at the edge of the event horizon of the black hole. When we observe from the outside, we can observe the information carried by photons at the edge of the event horizon and read the information of the planet. The last image of matter after disintegration?"

"Then, doesn't the matter that enters the edge of the black hole's event horizon after disintegration have no information?"

"Also, their state should be descriptive."

The examiner laughed: "Yes, the information will not disappear, it will only change. The purpose of this experiment is to explore whether the recombination of information in the black hole singularity can generate a planet or a star system that is the same as the original planet or star system. .”

Yang Ming looked confused: "Is this experiment a success?"

"Failed," the examiner clicked softly. "The process of information change is irreversible. That scientist just wanted to use enough samples to touch the possibility of an unknown number of digits after the decimal point...he is too boring."

Yang Ming smiled and said, "You didn't seem to be bored when you said this to me."

"Yes," the examiner smiled, "I want to tell you that even if your home planet cannot pass Faya's game, their existence will not be completely erased, and the information they left will be recorded in the universe. Eternal existence exists in the dimensions of space and time, and you have to learn to look at this problem dialectically."

Yang Ming: ...

"No, can my home planet really not win?"

"The ranger went to inspect your home planet," the examiner sighed, "that's why when your consciousness body connected here, you saw the star system where your home star is located. His comment was...rescued your family The possibility of that is very low.”

Yang Ming was a little speechless.

"Is there any way?" Yang Ming said, "My parents, my friends and relatives, my classmates, and my somewhat unruly younger sister are all there. They are the most important people to me. Can I get them out?"

The examiner thought for a while, and murmured: "In order to make the assessment fairer, I should let you give up these stubborn thoughts, otherwise this stubbornness will become a cheating tool that belongs only to you in the next assessment."

Yang Ming: I'm digging through the question again.

The examiner continued: "The Faya civilization will not allow us to interfere in Faya's games. The ideology of the Faya people is completely different from the human ideology you understand. You may think that the so-called principles are nothing, but the established The rules cannot be changed, which is the first criterion for the stability of the Faya people's dimension-enhancing network."

Law asked from the side: "Teacher, can we use some off-site methods, such as finding out the other four forerunners, gathering them together, and threatening them? If anyone's home planet targets my master's home star, even They pass the trial, and they will also suffer the devastating blow we give?"

"Faya's rules of the game, forerunners should not have more than five to ten percent influence on the outcome of the game."

The examiner said:

"Think about it, if the overall strength of your home planet is increased by 10%, how competitive is it?

"Faya's game is divided into three stages. The first stage is the self-exploration of three or five greenhouse civilizations. The second stage is when these greenhouse civilizations start to collide and confront each other. The third stage is the confrontation between the greenhouse civilization and Faya. The galactic civilization carried by the game is integrated, and a full-scale confrontation breaks out between the big camps.

"Your home planet...has not even completed a unified terminology, the processing speed of information is extremely slow, and the network of the planet is a mess, and you can't use any method to help them improve these."

Yang Ming sighed.

The examiner also sighed:

"I understand your feelings, and likewise, I don't want you to be confused and depraved because of this future blow, and thus fail in the follow-up assessment.

"The three of us want to help you, because you are the guy we see, the most hopeful to go to the end, you are very powerful, extremely powerful, this strength comes from the infinite possibilities you have.

"Your physical body provides an excellent sample, and your mental body has enormous potential for development.

"Although the mother star is your belief, you should adjust your mentality now and don't care so much about the game of Yifa. The Milky Way has hundreds of billions of planets. When you reach the high dimension one day, use the technology we passed on to you. To reproduce the glory of this civilization, you will be able to use the information left by your parent star in the time-space light cone to perfectly reproduce them."

Yang Ming whispered: "Are they still them like that?"

"The so-called family bond is a meaningless emotion that should have been eliminated by social consciousness when the second-level civilization transitioned to the third-level civilization. Civilization is a collective and an individual."

"But in my bones, I am a primitive human from a first-level civilization."

Yang Ming smiled:

"Okay, please don't worry about me, I will work hard, and no one can shake my faith until all the dust settles.

"Besides, look at this galaxy, because of the genetic lock set by the Fayas, we all maintain our original shape and original brain, and the social relationships everywhere give me a feeling of deja vu.

"Maybe my home planet will really disappear in the future, but I think we may not have a chance to win this war called the game.

"Eliminate other civilizations and maintain self-survival. This is what humans on my home planet are best at."

"Okay," the examiner suddenly laughed, "You have passed the test, the above is the content of the second assessment."

Yang Ming was startled.

"Why? Shouldn't you go to my dark star to see?"

"The ranger has been observing you. The two parallel subjects, Dark Star and Luofeng, have developed very well," the examiner said softly, "Son, you know, the mechanical civilization in front of you that doesn't even want to leave your own name behind." , why did you build this place, why did you leave us poor worms behind?"

Yang Ming shook his head.


The examiner let out a long sigh:

"Before they finally annihilated themselves, they did three things.

"The first thing is to attribute the fire of life to the initial double helix state, and sprinkle it all over the universe they can reach, as their only mark.

"The second thing is to erase the traces left by our own civilization in all dimensions of the universe.

"Third thing, countless omnic twilights were made, one hidden in each of the large galaxy clusters.

"The reason they did this was to tell about later life and later civilization.

"You guys,

"Don't give up those things that are really worthy of life's persistence because of your obsession with technology;

"Don't throw away the really beautiful things in order to adapt to the cruel rules of the universe;

"Don't forget that the most beautiful distance between life and life is to support each other because of the vastness of the universe.

"So, they gave you the technology to survive in the cruel universe, so that you have the opportunity to cherish everything they once had.

"All information in the universe is quantifiable. The only thing that cannot be quantified is the curiosity, imagination, and desire to explore of life."

Yang Ming smiled and said, "Then my home planet..."

"What I said before is true, there is no chance of winning," the examiner said softly, "Don't be too sad, when your home planet is destroyed, you alone will be a civilization."

Yang Ming: ...

Another day when I want to give the Faya civilization the middle finger.

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