Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 370 Walking alone in the abyss

'Edwan, you will only drag this country into the abyss! '

‘Freedom and democracy, who doesn’t know the concept of freedom and democracy! But the most powerful government in the galaxy is the Empire! We are just the tentacles of the empire extending to this border area. We can feed more than one billion people. This is the limit. What else do you want to do? What else can you do? You announced the transformation of Luofeng today, and the fleet of the empire will be able to put the barrel on your head within six galaxy hours! '

'You let me down Edwan, you go...leave the palace and don't appear in front of me! '

'Luofeng doesn't need an emperor like you! '

'Edwan, you understand this, and you are clearly capable of doing this. '

'Nobody can save this country, Edwan, not you, not me. '

'Edwan, I am very disappointed in you...'


Edwan suddenly opened his eyes and sat on the sofa panting slightly.

He frowned hard, trying to relieve the aftereffect of the refreshing medicine - a slight headache.

The sound of high-paced footsteps came from the side, and Gui Na hurried over.

The tightly drawn curtains were opened simultaneously, and the filtered morning light shone in his spacious and ancient office, illuminating the slight dust.

After receiving the warm water from Miss Gui Na, Edwan took two sips, feeling the strength of Gui Na's small hands on his trapezius muscle.

"Where is the imperial formation?"

"There are still seventy minutes to arrive, and you just slept for less than fifty minutes."

Guina asked:

"The boss sent a message asking for your opinion, whether to inject you with a sleeping reagent, so that you can pretend to be sick and avoid the possible attack of the empire this time."

"Sleeping reagent?" Edwan laughed, "Do you want me to have a good sleep?"

Gui Na smiled and said, "There should be considerations in this regard."

Edwan raised his hand and touched the back of his head, and exclaimed: "It's amazing, is my anti-scanning chip really installed? I don't have any wounds."

"We have used the latest technology for you, Your Majesty... Will you allow me to inject you with a sleeping reagent?"

Edwan thought about it carefully.

He whispered: "Bring the sleeping reagent over here and see what happens later. If they come to meet me on the ground, then I have nothing to fear. What worries me is that they will let me board their ship."

"That absolutely cannot happen," Gui Na said, "It's too dangerous for you."

"And you, Guina."

Edwan turned his head to look at Gui Na, and said with a smile: "Compared to me, you should avoid the existence of the Sherman Empire delegation. Don't forget, you said yourself that you are number one."

Terminator Assassins.

Gui Na frowned slightly.

Edwan said: "You also need to consider my opinion as the emperor. If you are exposed, it will be the biggest disaster for Luofeng."

"Well, I'll keep an eye out."

"I'm going to see her... help me prepare a dress, and then gather all the officials to prepare for the delegation."

Edwan gave a few simple instructions, then turned and walked to the lounge.

The girlfriend who waited late at night yesterday is still sleeping soundly.

Edwan tiptoed to the bed and lowered his head to kiss her forehead.

"Well... Edwan, are you coming over to rest..."

"There are still some official duties, you can continue to sleep, sorry, I am still too busy here."


The girlfriend wrapped her two lotus arms around Edwan's neck, and seemed unwilling to let Edwan go, but she soon fell asleep again, and Edwan had a little difficulty getting out of her confinement.

Is she too strong, or is she too vain?

His Majesty Edwan, who always stayed up late, fell into deep thought.

The lounge door was gently pushed open by Gui Na, and Gui Na frowned and looked at Edwan with some thought in her eyes.

Edwan signaled her to be silent, and quickly left the lounge.

"What's wrong?"

"There is a problem. It is near the border of the New Federation. The two fleets supported by the Empire led by Gudun Mahal have been divided and surrounded by the elite fleet of the Imperial Expeditionary Force... The news from the front line shows that Gudun Mahal's A group of secret troops have been stationed on the flagship, and Gutun Mahal may have been coerced."

Edwan subconsciously clenched his fists.

"The fleet that supported the empire was in turn divided and surrounded by the elite fleet of the empire?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, you heard that right."

"They don't even want a bit of face!" Edwan cursed, pacing back and forth angrily, and then forced himself to calm down, "What does your boss say?"

"The boss asked you to inject the drowsiness agent immediately, and he will find a way to rescue Gudun Maha.

"Empires don't attack their subjects directly, it would destroy their credibility with them.

"That's what the boss said."

Miss Gui Na said quickly:

"But as long as the empire arbitrarily assigns some crimes to our officers, such as collaborating with the enemy, then we will be very passive, and the bottom of Gudun Maha's butt is very dirty."

"What can he think of in the expeditionary force, he can't expose...he must not expose..."

Edwan pursed his lips tightly:

"Call your boss for me, please don't expose yourself, this place can 100% deal with the empire's attacks.

"Luofeng's current situation is hard-won, please keep thinking rationally."


"This Lorna," Edwan said with a sneer, "this time, the visitors are really not good. Let General Leon lead the fleet to surround them, don't interfere with them, just put pressure on them, if they attack, they will fight back in self-defense... ... Forget it, don't wrap it, lay ships on the periphery, and put pressure on them is enough."

Gui Na immediately closed her eyes and started sending out messages.

At this juncture, the goddess did not respond, which made Gui Na have some bad associations.


Edwan was right.

The imperial delegation was indeed a bad visitor.

The ministers of the Luofeng Empire, as well as the political and business representatives of the Luofeng Empire, waited half an hour in advance in the square in front of the palace.

Edwan was sitting in the lounge near the palace gate at the moment, and Gui Na was holding a tray in her hand, which contained the drowsiness reagent.

The six-ship formation of the Sherman Empire has entered the atmosphere of Ilando, five ships stopped in the thin atmosphere, and a kilometer-class supply ship quickly fell towards the ground.

In the past twenty minutes or so, several very bad news arrived in Edwan's hands one after another.

The Sherman Empire took control of General Gutton Mahal who was on the front line, launched a property investigation of Gutton Mahal, and controlled more than a dozen related officers;

Outside the border of Luofeng, six border flotillas of the Sherman Empire are gathering, and on the border in other directions of Luofeng, three fleets of Sherman Empire's vassal states have appeared;

The private residences or workplaces of Luofeng's main ministers have received death threats from unknown sources...

All of this is in line with the arrival of Her Royal Highness Princess Lorna.

Their actions must have a purpose.

Force the palace?

Or, is it a more direct means?

"Your Majesty Edwan," Miss Gui Na reminded, "please inject immediately."

Edwan nodded, and Gui Na immediately knelt down, quickly pushed up Edwan's sleeve, and took out the quick penetration patch.

"Wait a minute! Wait a moment!"

Edwan quickly pulled back his sleeve.

His Adam's apple trembled, his slightly sunken eye sockets looked a bit tired: "Let me think for a few more minutes, there is still time for Gui Na."


"Guina, tell me," Edwan said in a low voice, "what can they do? To make them feel that they can control the Luofeng Empire again? They have made so many preparations, they must have a certain plan... Right like my father?"

Gui Na frowned slightly: "Your Majesty Edwan, you seem to know these things."

"I know my father. I can feel the gap between the front and the back. It's just that Ming always felt that keeping it from me would keep me from getting angry with the empire, so I acted like I didn't know."

Edwan's Adam's apple and eyes were constantly shaking.

He is thinking.

The brain is constantly spinning.

"Your Majesty Edwan, you don't have to think too much, we will help you deal with these people."

"What about the fleet that Gudun Maha took away? There are 600,000 Luofeng soldiers on it, which is one-third of our military strength."

"The empire should not..."

"Should, you see, you also said, should, the empire can do anything, the last big battle was lost, the internal gaps of the empire have become extremely obvious, the top management of the empire has been cornered, they can do anything! "

Edwan stood up and kept pacing back and forth.

Gui Na glanced at the time and quickly sent a message.

She must report this to her father.

[Compulsory execution. 】

"Sorry, Your Majesty," Gui Na suddenly stepped forward, grabbing Edwan's arm with a hand like a steel hoop, "I need to carry out my father's order."

"Stop! Stop Guina!"

Edwan yelled loudly.

Gui Na has already pressed the patch on Edwan's arm and is about to start the injection immediately.

"Gui Na! Let me talk to your boss! I want to talk to Ming! If you force me to sleep, I will commit self-harm!"

Gui Na paused.

There was a bit of conflicting light in her eyes, which was the protection principle at work.

Gui Na sent a communication request.

About two minutes later, Yang Ming's deep voice came out from Gui Na's fingertips.

"What do you think?" Yang Ming asked directly, "I'm on my way to Gudun Maha, so I can't communicate for too long."

"It's useless, Ming, you're just a hero of the empire, you can't interfere with them."

Edwan tore off the patch and said quickly:

"I know this kind of communication is dangerous for you, but now, I have to convince you that Gui Na only listens to you.

"We must now find a way to avoid the strangulation of the empire. We don't have enough time, and the empire does not allow us to escape their control. The economy we have developed desperately is a piece of fat in their eyes.

"They're just forcing me to meet with them, so I'll go and meet them, and I'll find a way to let them let Luofeng go temporarily."

"What can you do?"

Yang Ming's voice was a little harsher:

"Edwan! Don't be too idealistic! What they are going to do now is probably what they did to your father back then!"

"That's our chance, Ming."

"Are you stupid? Do you know what they did to your father!"

"Replacement, omnic replacement, and you have the means to control this omnic, just like it affected my father back then, right?"


Edwan laughed and continued:

"Do you know when I decided to place all bets on you? Of course, this has nothing to do with our friendship. It is because I am sure that you can suppress my father. This is the opportunity, Luofeng's only opportunity, Otherwise, no matter who is the emperor, the Sherman family can use the same method to control Luofeng in their hands."

"But, Edwan, that's unreasonable!"

"There is nothing rational or unreasonable in politics. We have come all the way, and we are only two steps away from success."

"Guina, enforce it."

"Ming! Ming, you want me to die here right now, Yang Ming!"

Edwan tensed up all over:

"If you respect me, then do as I want! I am the emperor, but you are my subject! Yang Ming! Even if you put me to sleep, they will take me away! There is no way we can stop it! Go to war with Sherman! We are Sherman's toys now! Whether I am asleep or not has no effect on this matter at all, they can even mobilize their frontier fleet! Are you going to lose all your mechanical army? Yang Ming! Answer me! Don’t you care about your ideals!”



"Listen to him."

"Promise me that the future throne will be given to Emilia. I believe that Emilia is better than me. She will perfectly replace my role and continue our cooperation. Also, and...the Luofeng Alliance must follow our With the three principles set, the people of Luofeng will usher in a new era of democracy, freedom, rule of law, fairness and independence. Promise me, Ming. The revolution must pay sacrifices, and the first sacrifice should be the emperor of this country !"

Yang Ming's voice became even hoarse.

"……I promise."


Edwan broke away from Gui Na's palm, raised his head and took a deep breath.

He adjusted his dress with a smile, turned to look at Gui Na: "Tell me...forget it, I'm not qualified to love her."

After finishing speaking, he just smiled slightly, picked up the etiquette scepter representing the emperor of the dependent country, and bowed his head towards the door.

Gui Na wanted to follow, but was stopped by Edwan's gesture.

She can't be exposed.

"Go to Emilia immediately and keep an eye on her. This guy is smarter than we thought."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Edwan opened the door, and the guards outside saluted at the same time.

The sunlight outside the door was a little dazzling.

"Your Majesty Edwan, Princess Rona is unwell, and would like to invite you to the ship to discuss some simple matters... They specifically stated that you can bring ministers, but Princess Rona would like to say a few private words to you."

"Call them back, I'll go myself."

"His Majesty?"

"Call them back, I'll go myself."

Edwan smiled and said:

"Don't look at us on Ilando. In fact, the rulers here have been far away in other spiral arms. Go ahead and do what they want. Is Emilia awake?"

"Your Majesty, Her Royal Highness is washing up."

"Let her prepare a bit, maybe invite her to lunch later."

"Yes, Your Majesty."



"Ah," Yang Ming subconsciously raised his hand to cough, swallowed, trying to restore himself to normal, "What's wrong?"

"Are we still going to check out the fleet of the dependent country that is suspected of being a spy of the new Federation? I think you don't feel well. Are you too tired recently?"

"It may be that the gene stabilization solution is used less, and I am a little sleepy, it's okay."

Yang Ming rubbed his nose and said with a smile, "Go back to the command ship, I'll go and rest."

"Do you need an appointment with the medical team?"

"No...it's fine, I just..."

Yang Ming raised his head and closed his eyes tightly.

"I'm just feeling homesick all of a sudden, it's nothing, let me be alone for a while."

"Okay, okay, please call us if you have anything to do."


"Sorry, I can't sign these contracts."

The Empire arrives on the ships of Ellandor.

Edwan shook his head, and pushed the contracts made of metallic paper back to Princess Lorna.

Princess Rona frowned and said: "You know Edwan, the empire is going through a difficult time now, we need the dependent countries to make a certain contribution, and we will give your Luofeng Empire good feedback... You have this completely able to sign the contract."

"But then, Luofeng will return to the way it was twenty years ago."

Edwan's eyes were firm, and he said in a low voice:

"Do you know? In the interstellar era, when most political systems and planets inhabited by humans have endless energy, how ironic is it that there are a large number of starving refugees on a planet?

"This is what actually happened on the fifth administrative star of Luofeng, because energy, food, and the most basic supplies needed for survival will all be clearly marked. Under the oppression of similar contracts, endless energy It has nothing to do with the people at the bottom.”

Princess Luo An bit her lips: "I know this, but Edwan, please don't forget that the Luofeng family is the duke of the empire. You are essentially imperial nobles, and you must prioritize the interests of the empire."

"I must protect my people."

Edwan spread his hands:

"I can agree to some of the terms, but it is impossible to give the empire the industry we have managed to pull up for free."

Lorna hurriedly said: "It's not free, here..."

"The technology industry is our foundation, Rona, there is no way to talk about this."


Rona stared at Edwan.

"You can't change anything! I must remind you that whether you agree or not, this matter will be facilitated. It is meaningless for you to refuse now, trust me."

Edwan stared at Lorna.

Lorna looked away to the side.

"Your Highness, I have prepared a sumptuous lunch for you in the palace," Edwan stood up and smiled at Rona, "Ministers are still waiting, let your spaceship land."


Princess Rhona stood up, she obviously wanted to say something, but her mouth got stuck.

Edwan shook his head, turned and left with a somewhat regretful expression.

Two elderly maids opened the hatch, and outside the door was a luxuriously decorated corridor.

After Edwan walked out, the hatch was closed immediately.

A maid came over in front of her, facing Edwan, and when she was wrong, she suddenly lowered her head and bumped into Edwan.

Edwan was stunned for a moment, and then felt a tingling pain in his arm, as if a needle had been stuck.

His eyes were a little dazzled, and he staggered two steps forward.

At the corner, more than a dozen maids came out in a file, lowered their heads and moved forward, constantly colliding with Edwan, and tiny needles continuously appeared.


Edwan held on to the railing, his body slowly slid down, and he sat there, his breathing began to be slow and heavy.

His organs began to fail rapidly.

The 'maids' just turned their backs to him and stood in two rows, listening to the weaker breathing, all with expressionless faces.

Vision is slowly blurring.

Edwan smiled suddenly, 'heard' the prompt sound of the chip in his brain starting, and slowly closed his eyes.

He actually placed two chips, one to prevent detection, and the other to trigger certain conditions after death. He left a letter to Emilia, and he must make sure that Emilia will continue to walk. They have gone the way.

The light here seems to be...

It seems that in the afternoon, when he was seven or eight years old, he was sitting on his father's shoulders in a small garden of the palace, listening to his father planning a grand blueprint there, and making a plan with several veteran officials to rely on the power of the country to struggle, and in the cracks. Strategies to find independent opportunities.

Father was still young at that time.

‘Edwan, you will lead this country into the abyss. '

‘Edwan, as long as we work hard, this country will definitely have a bright future. '



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