Imperial New Calendar 734.

The second large-scale battle between the Imperial Expedition Fleet and the three major power fleets of the Milky Way is held at the Twelve Stars on the border of the New Federation.

The battle lasted as long as sixteen standard galaxy days. The two sides focused on confrontation and probing, and constantly increased the size of the frontline fleet in an attempt to crush the opponent's fighting spirit.

During the confrontation, the white ghost of the empire, the honorary earl, and the then commander of the Imperial Expeditionary Force, Hanton, delivered an internal speech of the Imperial Expeditionary Corps. After the speech, the main guns of the fifth battle group of the Empire, a heavy battleship, fired first, starting the twelve-star battle.

In the Battle of the Twelve Stars, the four major powers of the galaxy invested a total of more than 100,000 sorties of medium and large ships.

The Empire lost more than 9,200 ships, the New Federation lost more than 8,960 ships, the Guell Union lost more than 3,200 ships, and the Free United States lost more than 1,200 ships .

The Empire's third and fourth battle groups were besieged and nearly wiped out, and the Empire's conventional armament fleet lost more than one-third.

More than half of the main fleet of the New Federation was damaged, and it was the first to withdraw from the battlefield, causing heavy losses to the Fleet of the Alliance of Guell.

During the war, the Empire's semi-permanent fleet "Levi" appeared and established the victory of the battle in one fell swoop.

The Güell Alliance Fleet withdrew from the territory of the New Federation, and the United States of Freedom added a main fleet to help defend the new Federation's first star, Minter City.

The Sherman Empire Fleet took advantage of the trend to expand the scope of occupation, using the twelve stars on the border of the New Federation as a springboard, once again invaded and occupied the twenty-six administrative stars in the northern star field of the New Federation, executed the "Plunder Order" issued by the emperor, and frantically moved the assets of the New Federation.

Every day, a large number of people "voluntarily" moved into the territory of the Sherman Empire and became lower-class citizens of the empire. This matter attracted the attention of many interstellar human rights organizations and interstellar alliance organizations, but the investigation ships of the organization crashed one after another.

The Battle of the Twelve Stars has become a key battle in the confrontation between the two camps in the Milky Way.

However, the New Federation and the United States of Freedom are actively using their influence to form a coalition of the Galactic Freedom Alliance regime, trying to compete with the Imperial Fleet again.

The White Specter, the commander of the Imperial Expeditionary Force, has reached a new peak in the empire. This imperial hero, famous for beheading the Zerg and the first person to participate in political reform, has caused huge controversy in the country.

Three months after the Battle of the Twelve Stars ended, a new fleet of warships departing from the Emperor Star was about to arrive at the front line of the Imperial Expeditionary Force.

The flagship of the formation, that spacious lounge.

A projection screen plays the speech from three months ago.

The impassioned voice of the white ghost Hanton echoed in the lounge:

"Soldiers and soldiers of the Sherman Empire, for the sake of the peace of the empire and the safety of your family, all the fighters who are bravely fighting against the pretenders of the empire in the universe and stars!

"Now! We have reached an extremely difficult moment!

"The empire has encountered unprecedented challenges, and the lives and personal property of hundreds of millions of people are being watched from other countries!

"These hypocrites in the name of freedom poison our people with gas bombs, whitewash their hegemony with terrorist attacks, and squeeze this country economically, culturally, and ideologically with their undisguised aggression. The living space of the ancient country's regime, the final result it can lead to, is bound to be this war!

"The empire's expedition is not to expand the territory, we have enough planets! The empire's expedition is only to punish these regimes that continue to erode our right to exist!

"In the interstellar civilization, the resources that human beings depend on for survival, and the resources related to all aspects of life of hundreds of billions of people, are all based on the foundation of a powerful fleet...

"! We are at the pinnacle of galactic power! But this is the most dangerous moment!

"In these regimes, the politicians manipulated by the big capitalist class will destroy our already balanced and stable political structure at all costs for their own political interests, and for the capitalist interests of the greedy giants behind them, and put us Designate it as their market dumping place, and use various beautified means to drain every drop of blood from the people!

"The internal problems of the empire lie in the endless oppression of the common people by the corrupt nobles. This is a problem that we can fight and solve. We will continue to carry out the rectification of the nobles, and gradually weaken the privileges of the nobles in the historical trend. , this is my life goal and political ideal, and I will continue to fight for it!

"The problem outside the empire is that these so-called powerful countries covet the resources of the empire and the rich population of the empire!

"Capital must base its lucrative profits on the hard work of the poor. This is the law of their social operation, and this is the fundamental reason why they continue to expand the number of poor people!

"Yes, this empire has existed for tens of thousands of years, but the interior of the empire has not decayed! Our army was built on the civilian class, and the real pillar of the empire is the civilian class!

"We keep fighting high!

"Today, we must not only declare war on the three so-called powerful countries that sold their soldiers' lives for the benefit of politicians, but also declare war on the corrupt and depraved nobles within the empire!

"In the personal name of White Phantom, I declare to all those who are dissatisfied in the territory:

"We will definitely destroy all nobles who oppress the people! We will definitely defend every right that the citizens of the empire deserve to be respected!

"In the name of the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Expeditionary Force, I declare to the officers and soldiers at all levels facing the coalition forces of the three major powers:

"We will destroy all snoopers and subversives, we will eventually defeat all enemies who try to challenge the empire, and use our blood to defend our motherland!"

Daphne always felt a little ironic when the word "motherland" fell on Daphne's ears.

"Your Highness, you are watching this speech again."

A gentle greeting came from the side, and a woman with gray hair and a slightly wrinkled face sat in front of the projection screen.

"Auntie," Daphne nodded slightly and sighed softly.

She whispered:

"I was just wondering why Hanton was so resistant to the imperial officials before, why he suddenly stood up and used his appeal to influence the imperial soldiers.

"After this speech, the empire fought a half-month battle with the three great powers.

"Although the final result is that we won the victory, we also lost nearly one-third of the conventional fleet, and the Levy Fleet has also become a focus of attention because it participated in the battle again. Now many people are rumoring that our profit It's too bad that the ancestors of Wei are not dead and exist in the form of omnics."

The old princess smiled and said, "Daphne, what are you worried about? Earl Hanton just did something in the interests of the empire, and his speech was reviewed by the higher authorities."

"Oh," Daphne said with a smile, "Maybe I was overthinking it, Auntie, you don't know, this guy is extremely cunning."

"Daphne, you can't talk about him now," the old princess said softly, "You must complete what Uncle Ino told you. I am here this time not just to deliver the commendation to him."

Daphne pursed her lips slightly: "I don't quite understand, why call him back from the front line now."

"We previously felt that he would encounter resistance from the military."

The old princess groaned a few times and explained briefly:

"As you know, the military department has always operated in a small group, and most of the generals have factions and many of them have a relationship with teachers.

"So in our expectation, Hanton, as the hero of the empire, will directly parachute to become the commander of the expeditionary force, and he will inevitably encounter resistance from the military.

"But what surprises us is that although there are some voices from the Imperial Army, these voices have gradually disappeared over time, and they have become praises for Hanton..."

Daphne smiled and said, "He just has this kind of magical power."

"Yes, we underestimated the respect the military system has for this Imperial hero."

The old princess smiled and said:

"Most of the army are honorary nobles. When we promote and reuse a general, we will first give him a noble title.

"Handon has always been targeting those big and hereditary aristocrats. Even without Handon, there would naturally be confrontation between these two groups. Hanton's counterattack against Prince Jinofu and others, and the battle arranged by your father The assassination, as well as the one-year rectification campaign for the nobility, made the generals of the army full of favor for Hanton.

"The most important thing is that we did the research, this guy Hanton is very scheming... he can hold back, not to express his opinion in any tactical meeting, is he still a young man?

"At this stage, it is impossible for him to really take root in the military. His personal prestige and appeal to soldiers have become a weapon we must be afraid of."

Daphne smiled and said: "To be precise, he is no longer a young man, he is much older than me."

The old princess covered her mouth and chuckled, and said softly: "Daphne, you must not have any resistance. Next, you need to represent our family, stay with him for a long time, observe his every move, and we will arrange a few for him. Sensitive position."

"Aunt I know, I will try my best to exude my charm," Daphne shrugged, "If in his eyes, I am really a woman."

"Oh boy, you're perfect."

"He has always resisted me."

"He is just resisting the power of our family," the old princess said softly, "and his best destiny is to become a member of our family, and he will accept this reality."

Daphne sighed softly.

A light curtain appeared outside the window. It has arrived at the temporary rest center of the Imperial Fleet. Several industrial ships have formed a temporary space port to provide repairs and supplies for the ships.

"Here we are."

Daphne spoke softly.

"I suggest you take a bath and dress up carefully," the old princess reminded gently, "If you are not very good at these things, my child, I can perform it myself. I brought a few male pets."

"I know these aunts."

"Well, that's good, don't let Uncle Ino worry about such trivial matters."


Rewards in the middle of the war?

In the general lounge behind the industrial ship, Yang Ming grabbed the bat and turned to look at Lieutenant General Thomas beside him.

He wondered, "Only for me?"

"Hmm," Lieutenant General Thomas said with a smile, "This time, the two princesses are here to present you the award, and there will be a live broadcast within the empire later. Your army journey is coming to an end for now, Hanton."

"Ah, this," Yang Ming muttered, "this war is not over yet, I have been rewarded...they want to transfer me from the army?"

"Your symbolism has played a role. They should be worried about your influence in the military department."

Thomas took the energy drink handed by the guard, raised his head and took two sips, and couldn't help complaining:

"With your perverted physical fitness, you can play ball without sweating for an hour. You are really inhuman... Next, we will continue to consume the new federation. There should be no major wars in the next year.

"You can go back to the rear with confidence. Although we are constantly drawing blood in the New Federation, the more military expenditures, the better. Once the dreadnought's main gun is fired, the maintenance and maintenance costs will increase crazily.

"You can rest assured Hanton, everyone has given you a high evaluation.

"Do you know what the funniest thing is?"


Yang Ming casually knocked the flying ball into the air, and asked casually, "What is it?"

"They did a few scans on us generals to determine whether we were mentally manipulated by you. This is simply, hahahaha!"

Yang Ming clicked his tongue: "Their imagination is really rich."

"I heard that there is a guy named Bligh among the super-reformers who likes to use mental manipulation to control others," Lieutenant General Thomas said softly, "I received some news in advance that one of the positions you may hold in the future is to manage These overhaulers."

Yang Ming's movements paused.

He thought of Catherine, whom he hadn't contacted for a long time.

Although there are relatively few contacts, the Law Association reported her whereabouts. She is currently meeting with the leaders of the various underground revolutionary forces.

Always walk on the edge of danger.

Yang Ming said: "I used to be a member of the super reformers, which is somewhat ironic."

"Who knows," Lieutenant General Thomas said with a smile, "Ignore everything else, you and Captain Catherine are still in love, right?"

"Yes, it's just that everyone is busy and a little neglected."

"Stay away from her," Thomas whispered, "She seems to have some problems, and the Military Intelligence Bureau is secretly investigating. It would be better if you can show up intimately with other women in public and declare that you have ended that relationship long ago. "

Yang Ming was startled, and looked up at Thomas.

Lieutenant General Thomas accurately hit the slowly flying ball and said with a smile, "Go take a bath and get ready, Your Royal Highnesses, you will be busy."

"Alright general," Yang Ming put down his club and stretched out his right hand.

Thomas smiled and grabbed his right hand, and the two shook hands hard, touching shoulders.


"Small problem, I know you won't get involved in this kind of thing," Thomas said in a low voice, "I think you have already understood that the Imperial Army only maintains the peripheral forces of the Empire, and the real core power is indestructible. It can't be shaken together."

Yang Ming nodded vigorously: "I will use my strength in more reasonable places."

"Come on, let's go."

Thomas raised an eyebrow with a smile.

Yang Ming gave a military salute.

Thomas waved his hand and watched Yang Ming go away.

Thomas looked at the guards on the side, and said in a low voice, "Let the second monitoring group cheer up, and don't miss any communication signals."



Amidst the sound of rushing water, Yang Ming was taking a luxurious shower in space.

Catherine exposed so soon?

Or, did the empire just suspect something was wrong with Catherine?

Yang Ming kept thinking, raised his head and glanced at his watch, but held back from asking Lv.

Law has reminded before that the Military Intelligence Agency arranged for him to conduct signal detection. Although there is a high probability that the gravitational communication device will not be detected, there will always be some small probability events.

Moreover, Ritsu should have heard their conversation.

——Ru used his own boss as a springboard to slightly invade the internal monitoring system of the Imperial Fleet.

Let Xiaoli remind Catherine.

Catherine had actually mentioned the breakup with him before, and it also explained the reason, that is, she might become the leader of the rebel army at any time, and become the most wanted criminal in the empire, and Yang Ming's relationship with her must be severed.

Yang Ming also agreed with this.

He has no right to be willful, and everything must be run in a way that maximizes profits.

The empire is now in the quagmire of war, and domestic conflicts are still intensifying. The Sherman family is concentrating on attacking the new federation, and the empire's invincible fleet has lost a large number of conventional combat power.

This is their best time.

The rise of one power must stand on the ruins of another power.

Even if countless human beings were killed or injured for this, Yang Ming already had no reason to retreat.

Daphne, the Sherman family.

Yang Ming clicked his tongue lightly.

Even if this woman is a little annoying, but now, he has to use it.

Hum, buzz!

There was a vibrating sound coming from the plastic textured bathroom, Yang Ming turned his head and looked, it was his communication device.

He pressed a few buttons, stopped the shower, the warm air quickly took away the moisture from his body, walked barefoot to the shell-shaped communicator, and clicked on the message reminder.

The person who sent the message was a little surprised, it turned out to be Director Ruiwa of the Overhauler Center.

The information content is also very simple.

【How much do you know about Captain Catherine? This is an inquiry on behalf of the Overhauler Organization. 】

Yang Ming: ...

She turned out to be really exposed.

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