Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 406 Ambush by a Solitary Soldier

As soon as Yang Ming's projection was connected to the virtual combat command center, he felt the tense and depressing atmosphere.

He has already received the news that the first disaster-affected planet has appeared, and 32 million people of the empire have been slaughtered by the Zerg.

The disaster occurred on a planet on the inner side of the empire's border, and the two nearby small administrative planets with refuges were safe and sound.

According to the data sent back by the shelter system, the Zerg carried out a comprehensive excavation in order to find the humans hidden underground, and the empire's fleet was actively mobilizing at the moment, but they were unable to directly attack the direction of the Zerg invasion.

In this virtual hall, there are figures running around in a hurry.

When Yang Ming found Thomas, the lieutenant general was standing in front of a large screen, with a little thought in his eyes, and no expression of joy or anger.


"Well," Thomas nodded, and said in a low voice, "The shielding device technology has withstood the test. So far, it has saved billions of lives. Thank you Hanton, this represents the soldiers of the Empire."

Yang Ming didn't say much, and asked directly: "How is the current situation?"

"It's about the same as we calculated."

Thomas raised his hand to swipe across, and a simplified scale map of the empire's territory appeared on the big screen in front of him, with two huge red arrows appearing on it.

"Just two galaxies ago, most of the galaxy was invaded by Zerg, and fierce battles broke out in many areas.

"Although the Zerg's main attack direction is ours, it's not ours who are the most affected by the disaster now... Alas, human beings always have to fight against natural disasters.

"The military department has started to implement the R3 plan. In these two areas, conduct the first sniper attack on the two swarms. The main purpose of the battle is to consume the number of swarms. The appointment given by the military department is to follow the two combat troops. One of the expeditions, you can choose by yourself.

"In addition, this battle of sniping the Zerg is under the command of the Imperial Guard system, and you also need to obey the command and dispatch of the Imperial Guard system."

Thomas drew two circles on the map.

Yang Ming nodded slowly, with a bit of thought in his eyes.

"Do I need to attack head-on?" Yang Ming asked.

"The military department has considered the news you reported, and the specific situation needs to be studied and judged by the Imperial Guard system," Thomas said, "Please rest assured, the Imperial Guard 2.0 system is on standby at any time, and there is nothing unusual about the Imperial Guard system at present."

Yang Ming: ...

Of course she was fine, she was fine in the first place.

"Good general," Yang Ming said, "I will obey orders and fulfill my duties as an imperial soldier."

Thomas laughed, and the projection patted Yang Ming's shoulder.

"Hendon, I actually know that you are shouldering some relatively heavy missions, and you also have a certain rejection of the empire, but you have to accept the shackles of the Sherman family.

"But Hanton, we must win this battle, and we must win it beautifully.

"If the empire's losses are too heavy, after the swarm of insects recedes, we will be encircled and suppressed from all directions.

"The empire needs a hero to stand up, and you have the ability to stand up... The empire officially prepared a live broadcast room for you on the entire network. The picture of you killing insects can be seen by every person in the empire."

Yang Ming said: "It's only seen by the protected imperial people."

"The same Hanton," Lieutenant General Thomas said in a deep voice, "the first battle is crucial to morale, the whole army will watch your figure, choose a confident opponent, and kill it, preferably a sixth-order pseudomother Or those fifth-order female insects mixed in the swarm must be within your grasp."

"Is the shock army I want assembled?"

Thomas said: "They are already waiting for your call, Captain Gris, right? The special forces of Skyfury Fortress have gathered the most elite forces, plus fifty-two super reformers, led by the asexual angel Bligh."

Yang Ming nodded, and he suddenly laughed: "General."


"Can you help me deal with the subsequent political impact?"

"I can only promise you on my own behalf," Lieutenant General Thomas stretched out his right hand, "I will advance and retreat with the heroes of the empire."

Yang Ming thought for a few seconds, and shook hands with Lieutenant General Thomas.

"Let my commando go to the No. 2 marked area to prepare for the battle. The command system of the military department excludes me. I will dispatch at the right time and broadcast the war live throughout the empire."


call out!

Yang Ming's projection disappeared in front of Lieutenant General Thomas.

The lieutenant general sighed softly, and clicked the exit button in the field of vision, the light and shadow in front of his eyes flowed, and the picture of the command center of the command ship returned.

Outside the porthole, countless ships are sailing simultaneously.

He will lead the three major battle groups of the empire to face the vanguard of the strongest Zerg swarm in the designated area ahead.

What makes Thomas feel a little regretful is that he cannot directly command this battle.

In the center of the command ship, a light beam flickered brightly and darkly at the frequency of breathing, and in the light beam, the figure of the girl floated quietly.

The defense system of the entire empire has been fully activated.


In Dongfeng, Yang Ming was doing the final inspection before the battle.

There are more than a dozen mechanical guards busy on the bridge, and 026 and Mimi Li have rushed back to the vicinity of the Luofeng Empire. They will lead the Dark Star Fleet to hunt the false queen.

In half an hour, the Dongfeng can catch up with the empire's battle swarm against the second swarm.

He will attack secretly, and with the full support of his own firepower, he will attack and kill a sixth-rank pseudo-queen to boost the morale of the empire's three armies.

Feeling inexplicably upset.

This should be affected by the threat of the big queen.

Yang Ming sat in the captain's chair, raised his head and sighed softly.

Footsteps came from the side, and Po Suo walked behind him, and handed a golden bracelet to Yang Ming.


"The weapon given by Faya," Po Whirling briefly introduced, "when you wear it on your wrist, you will be able to link with me. I can provide you with long-range supplies of biological energy, as well as some other assistance."

She was a little sullen.

Yang Ming laughed, held the bracelet in his palm, and felt a cordial and familiar biological energy from it.

"You were uncomfortable for a long time, and you came up with this?"

"Well," Po Suo sat aside and stared at the big screen directly in front of her, "Our natural enemy is here."

Yang Ming tried to put the bracelet on his hand, the bracelet seemed to come alive, expanding and shrinking by itself, nested on Yang Ming's wrist, and then slowly spread out, turning from a bracelet into a gauntlet.

Yang Ming suddenly felt a wave of warmth spread all over his body.

The whirling voice sounded directly in his mind: "How do you feel?"

"It's amazing, as if the two of us are one person."

"Battle synchronization, energy coordination," Po Whirling said, "You are the leader."


Yang Ming said in a low voice: "Besides, Po Huan, we have no natural enemies, only enemies."


"The term natural enemies is a kind of fatalism, as if we exist to defeat another creature, but we are not," Yang Ming said slowly, "We should have our own goals in life and find them. The value of one's own existence, no matter whether this value is actively sought or passively accepted. We can distinguish the two concepts of destiny and mission."

Po Whirling nodded slowly, staring at the big screen in a trance.

"Okay, I'm going to prepare for the battle, and check the mech and so on."

Yang Ming patted his thigh, exhaled lightly, got up and walked towards the tail cabin.

"Are you afraid?"

Po Sa asked suddenly.

"Me?" Yang Ming turned his head slightly, looked at this young girl full of holiness, and asked, "Are you afraid?"

"Well," Po Suo replied, "I'm a little afraid of that queen, the biological energy she controls is too terrifying."

"I'm fine." Yang Ming waved his hand and continued to walk towards the aft cabin, "A person who has died twice will only fear that his wish will not be fulfilled, not death and survival."

Po Suo nodded slowly, stood up slowly, walked to the seat where Yang Ming was sitting just now, supported the chair and sat down slowly.

The robot behind the operating table turned its head and glanced at this side, and Kolev's voice came from inside:

"Little girl, not everyone can sit in that chair."

The mother-in-law was puzzled: "Why?"

"That's the position of the captain."

Kolev laughed and didn't say much.

Po Whirling tapped her toes, sat on the chair and spun around twice, got up and walked to the sofa in the corner, humming the pop song she just heard.


Half a galaxy hour later.

The Dongfeng sailed secretly in a meteorite belt.

Outside the meteorite belt, pitch-black battleships flew across the airspace at high speed; in front of these pitch-black battleships, a metal Great Wall made of alloys as the main material was rapidly undergoing forward and backward changes.

On the Dongfeng bridge, the robot controlled by the old Kolev sat quietly behind the console, with his fingers only a few centimeters away from the two buttons.

He is staring at the passive biological detection radar in front of him. There are already thousands of Zerg warships marked on it, many of which are 30,000-meter-long giant Zerg warships. It forms a hard shell, and a large number of low-level adults or special insects are hidden inside.

Many warships also have long-range strike capabilities.

And this is just the vanguard of this torrent of swarms.

Kolev was looking for their target, waiting for Yang Ming's order. The two buttons in his hand were used to connect to the imperial command system, and the other was to release the tail pod mecha.

As long as they are connected to the command system, there is a high probability that they will be exposed due to communication.

——The Zerg has this detection ability.

Therefore, the phantom attack and access to the command system can only be carried out simultaneously.

Kolev thought for a while, and decided to play the role of his first mate to encourage the lost young man.

"Oh, Hunton."

Kolev said slowly: "Are you nervous now?"

In the dim and cramped mech control room, Yang Ming was staring at the small screen in front of him, and he was distracted. Hearing this, he regained his senses a little: "Why are you nervous? I'm an old soldier. I've experienced this kind of scene countless times."

Kolev reminded: "This time, it is the queen of the fifth and sixth ranks, not the third and fourth ranks you killed before."

"I am now an ancient god lifeform, not a simple quasi-ancient god lifeform before." Yang Ming chuckled, "Moreover, the mech I am using now has adopted some black technology that the empire does not have. , the combat power has more than doubled compared to before."

"Don't show your hole cards," Kolev muttered, "The bug swarm will recede, and you can't survive in the future?"

Yang Ming: ...

This old guy likes to teach people when he has nothing to do.

Yang Ming reminded: "Pay attention to the frontline situation. Our goal is the command center of the bugs. When the false queen appears, if it is not protected by a package, this is our best chance."

"Be careful, don't be greedy for merit."

"Okay first officer," Yang Ming said with a smile, "help me keep an eye on my ship when I attack."

Kolev paused for a few seconds, then suddenly said: "The battle has begun on the front line."

"Well," Yang Ming took a deep breath, "Keep an eye on that side...don't worry, Lu is also watching here now."

"Understood," Kolev suddenly became serious.

Although he was just a pirate leader, he didn't dare to be careless at this moment.


Thousands of battleships in the empire set up an iron wall battle formation, and began to release high-energy beams of light.

The hundreds of Zerg battleships at the front exploded like fireworks, and the bugs quickly spread a thick layer in the vertical dimension, quickly approaching the empire.

Huge shield beetles moved forward slowly, and their heads released a gentle light, which had the same effect as the shield ships of human battleships, forming the first battle formation.

And further back, batch after batch of Zerg warships slowed down and began to deploy simultaneously.

Hundreds of thousands of magnificent flowers of life seem to be blooming in the universe.

The group of bugs at the front seemed to be testing the firepower of the human fleet.

High-level shield beetles and battleship worms rushed forward, and the insects gathered into 'rivers', closely following these rough-skinned and thick-skinned shield worms, and then these dozens of rivers began to spread in all directions.

If you zoom out far enough, you can see that the bugs seem to be simulating a piranha. They open their huge calyx, trying to completely engulf the human fleet in front of them.

This deployment method also prevents the firepower of the human fleet from being effectively concentrated, and the effect of the main guns of dreadnought ships and heavy battleships is greatly reduced.

Full fire!

According to the battle plan, the Empire's Iron Wall Battle Formation exploded with powerful firepower and began to retreat simultaneously.

The light of the ion beam continued to shine.

The swarm battle formation suddenly began to accelerate forward.

Regardless of casualties, they went forward one after another, just maintaining the basic spiral battle formation. It seemed that as long as they could approach the human fleet, they would be able to achieve substantial victory.

The human fleet increased its retreat speed, and countless deep space mines were stranded in the airspace where the retreat exited.

The swarm is about to touch the minefield, and the worms suddenly move up and down, simulating the sudden increase of the gravity field in the upper and lower directions.

The sixth-order special insects mixed in with the ordinary adults suddenly showed their power, and a pitch-black hole appeared in the space, and countless insects flew out of the hole.

A large number of insects began to jump up and down the iron wall!

Due to the influence of the powerful simulated gravity field, the actions of the Imperial Iron Wall Fleet have slowed down to a certain extent.

The commander of the human side - the Empire's total defense system responded immediately.

The iron wall was closed.

It was as if alloy 'whales' appeared in the space, and dozens of whales formed a group of ship whales!

Human ships use firepower ships and shield ships to form the periphery of the head of the "whale", and energy supply ships and multi-functional maintenance ships form the core. While outputting outwards, they ensure that their backward speed remains stable and coherent.

The swarms of insects are suppressing from top to bottom!

In the command ship, Li's right hand stretched forward slowly pressed down, and then suddenly clenched.

The hulls of battleships opened their launch systems.

Countless groups of missiles from high-performance blasting warheads swayed their tail flames, and swooped towards the swarm of insects above and below, and the light of the shaped energy bombs kept flickering.

The swarm burst out with long-range firepower, and the balls of light formed a firepower barrier.

The firepower of the human ships was upgraded again. The four dreadnought ships fired at the same time. The dreadnought ships turned on the swing mode, and the ejected ion beams were shifted by six to twelve degrees.

Four huge gaps were torn open in the upper and lower insect swarms!

The human fleet began to deploy precise firepower!



Many humans heard this whale cry.

A dark, distorted light and shadow appeared in the direction where the swarm first appeared.

There, a pseudo-mother over 600 meters high, exuding pure white light, appeared on the frontal battlefield surrounded by hundreds of giant Zerg warships.

On the frontal battlefield, Greis, standing behind the porthole of the assault ship, and the heavily armed reformed fighters behind him watched this scene solemnly.

This is just the initial attack of the bug swarm.

The Zerg has already demonstrated such a powerful strength.

Can they really win this war?

"Ready to fight!"

Gris shouted at the top of his voice, "That's our goal!"

"The swarm began to accelerate the impact!"

"There is a spatial disturbance behind us!"


Many battleship shields on the periphery of the human whale group flickered to varying degrees.

"Damn! There are bugs that can hide and rush in! They started attacking the outer layer of the ship!"

The receivers on Gris and the others' wrists flickered at the same time.

The attack order has been issued.

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