Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 414 Return to the Blue Star Battle!

Return to Blue Star.

In Peterson's line of sight, when the planet was the size of a washbasin, the space worm lanes in the outer atmosphere of the planet were included in the attack range of the mixed fleet.

Without any hesitation, when the main gun aiming prompt was on, Peterson's throat burst into blue veins:


More than 300 miscellaneous firepower ships composed of noble private troops started the first round of salvo.

The main gun of the battleship spewed out hot ion beams;

Various projectile weapons have been launched in advance.

Peterson stood on the command podium of the battleship, thinking about what else he could do.

Under the dispatch of the imperial guard system, the fleet began to advance synchronously and reversely, so that the relative speed between itself and the planet was rapidly reduced, ensuring that it could enter the battle in the shortest possible time.

In a few minutes, another batch of reinforcements will arrive from another direction.

The defense system of the empire has mobilized over a thousand main battleships to return to the blue star for emergency support.

The system has not abandoned the people here indifferently.

On the big screen, Peterson could clearly see the purgatory-like picture.

The ground has been submerged by the black wave, and the 30 million people on the surface are only left with scattered hover vehicles and small spaceships fleeing outwards.

Above the surface, dozens of patrol gunboats are avoiding the swarm of insects.

——They tried to distract the bugs, but the bugs ignored them.

A large number of bugs have already begun to dig into the underground of the city, and the ground paved with composite materials can't stop the sharp blades and extremely corrosive slime of these bugs at all.

In the worm path, a false queen appeared.

As cunning as it is, it has not really left the worm path, its body is still in another airspace, and it uses the worm path to command the surrounding bugs.

A little doubt appeared in Peterson's heart.

What is the motive for the bugs to attack Guilanxing? Just massacre?

If it is to slaughter human beings and increase the psychological pressure on the human army, then why not attack a large number of planets that are slightly outside and behind the bugs?

Launching a surprise attack here, even if the bugs can achieve some results, they will inevitably fall into the siege of the imperial reserve fleet and pay a heavy price.

Although Peterson is a bit young and vigorous, it does not mean that he cannot think.

He stared at the figure of the pseudo-mother insect on the screen, and a somewhat bold idea suddenly appeared in his heart.

The other party is fishing?


In Dongfeng.

Yang Ming raised his head and squeezed a mass of fluid into his mouth. He just changed into his combat uniform, leaned lazily on the locker near the tail cabin of the Dongfeng, and exhaled softly.

Still a little tired.

He was awakened by reason.

Li told the news that an insect plague broke out on an administrative star named Guilan on the way ahead of them, and they could just help the humans there to solve the disaster, and put pressure on the queen by the way, telling the insects that these two ancient god life forms Has arrived near the frontal battlefield.

Waking up half an hour earlier, the overall impact is not too great, as long as you control the frequency of releasing mental shock later, it will not affect your continuous combat effectiveness.

The sound of the shower on the side gradually stopped.

Within two minutes, Po Huan walked out barefoot wearing a loose combat uniform. She pressed the button on her waist, and the combat uniform instantly drained the air and wrapped her slender body.

She's in good spirits.

"My baby, I'm a little imaginary," Po-suo said.

Yang Ming rolled his eyes, glanced at the wrist guard on his right wrist, and said in a low voice: "There will be a temporary battle later, just repel the swarms and protect the people on the planet, remember, don't go deep Chase."

"It's fine if I'm with you," Po Huan said softly.

Yang Ming laughed: "It's totally unreasonable for you to go crazy."

Li's voice suddenly sounded: "Major General Hanton, Ms. Posuo, there are still twelve minutes to arrive near Guilanxing, but we have discovered some abnormal points."

"What's abnormal?"

"To put it simply, this seems to be a trap aimed at the two of you," Li said quickly, "The pseudo-queen who controls this swarm has not shown up in the worm tunnel, and the worms are frantically looking for an underground shelter. According to According to my calculations, according to their current advance speed, the time to find the underground shelter is basically the same as the time when the two of you returned to the Blue Star battlefield."

Yang Ming frowned tightly: "Do you suspect that it was the bait set by the eldest queen?"

"Yes," Li's voice was still light and clear, "Under the multiple effects of planetary gravity and star gravity, the space wormway that appears in the planetary atmosphere can still maintain a stable appearance, and the wormway itself is enough to withstand our firepower attack , This has already exceeded the ability of ordinary sixth-order queens, and from this perspective, the insect path can only be opened by the No. 1 target."

Yang Ming and Po Suo looked at each other.

Li's voice became a little dignified:

"From the perspective of the overall situation, I shouldn't have said these things to you, so that you can ignore the people who returned to the Blue Star, and directly proceed with the war according to the first battle plan.

"However, from the standpoint of the Empire's total defense system, and some of the origins between us, I need to explain the relevant matters to you.

"Next, the two of you can choose on your own, to support Gui Lanxing, or not to support Gui Lanxing.

"Behind each option, I have a mature battle plan and a backup plan for crisis response.

"The difference is that if you don't support Gui Lanxing, the situation of the two of you will be more secure. To support Gui Lanxing, you have to take some risks, and you must exercise restraint. You must not rush into the insect path."

Posuo looked at Yang Ming: "I will listen to you."

Yang Ming crossed his arms, leaned against the wardrobe and thought carefully: "Besides us, how long will it take for the fleet to reach this planet the fastest?"

"A group has arrived, but they can't effectively suppress the Zerg," Li said, "If you choose the option of not rescuing, the estimated number of dead is 120 million. If you choose the option of rescue, the estimated number of dead is 6,000." Around nine million."

Yang Ming took a light breath: "Go to rescue, there is no way not to rescue, I will end later, and Po Huan will be in charge of the formation. If I encounter an ambush by the Great Queen, Po Suo will support me from the outside."

"Yes," Li nodded lightly, "Is this option confirmed?"

"Yes," Yang Ming smiled, "Whether you can save her or not, your conscience will feel uneasy. It's just a fake queen, and it's not a big deal."

"The combat plan has been corrected. Please go to the tail cabin of the Dongfeng to gather immediately. The Dongfeng is about to enter sub-light speed flight."


Yang Ming immediately jumped up.

He was a little tired before, but now he is full of energy and full of energy.


Return to Blue Star, Dongfeng is on the way forward.

Peterson's warship has started full gun fire mode.

The bugs that rushed into space to intercept this fleet threw light bullets from their abdomens from a distance, and sniped at this motley army.

The two sides continued to reduce personnel in the process of rapid approach.

Some old-fashioned warships that were not well maintained were full of flaws under the long-range attacks of bugs.

Moreover, they did not have enough shield ships. After all, the number of private army ships raised by each great nobleman was limited, and most of the places were given priority to firepower ships.

Judging from the current situation, their mixed fleet is somewhat overwhelmed by the frontal impact of the fifth-order adults, and the fleet's advancing speed is getting slower and slower.

In the command channel, these noble private army commanders who do not have command authority are constantly complaining:

"Our fleet can't destroy this wormway at all!"

"We're killing ourselves! It's going to kill us!"

"There seems to be a strange coating on the periphery of this wormway, and our attacks have been distorted! This can't alleviate the situation at all!"

Peterson frowned and looked at these, the middle-aged man who had just educated him seriously.

He already wants to quit this live channel.

Peterson said coldly: "The ion cannon will wear out at a long distance, and the thin atmosphere will greatly reduce our attack. Now there is only one way, rush up, and shorten the distance from the insect path as much as possible! Guaranteed to launch weapons The accuracy of the launch will definitely break the worm path!"

"Are you crazy Peterson!"

"This is not your planet, there is no need to go so hard!"

"Damn it, I've already lost five ships! I can't do business with my lord!"

"Now is not the time to discuss our identities!" Peterson couldn't help yelling, "Although we don't have military membership, we still wear military uniforms! We gathered together to protect all of our homes! Now we have to consider the gains and losses of our respective lords, then There is a shitty meaning!"

"Peterson! Watch your words!"

"Your Star Saka got a good ship by relying on the shade of the white ghost, but we didn't!"

"Those bastards embezzled most of the private army's military expenses!"

"Damn it! This young man is right! We should be like the soldiers of the empire now! Didn't any of you come out of the army? You must not retreat!"

Peterson decisively quit the live chat.

He took a deep breath, and was just about to go to the console to watch, when a dialog box suddenly popped up on the screen of the console.

【Empire Total Territory Defense System:

Now one hundred and twenty ships are needed to launch a frontal charge on the Zerg Zerg Road, so as to involve the Zerg troops.

The white ghost, the hero of the empire, and his partner are about to support Blue Star.

Please choose independently, whether your department has a total of 60 warships as the main combat force, whether to fight with the heroes of the empire.

Note: This operation will take great risks, and there is no guarantee that you will be able to escape unscathed. 】

The boss is here!

Peterson was overjoyed at first, and then stunned.

He immediately supported the projection screen in front of him, and said in a steady voice: "The defense system of the whole empire! Call the defense system!"


"This is a trap! This is most likely a trap aimed at the white ghost!"

Li's voice was silent for a few seconds, and then it sounded again: "He knows."

Peterson froze for a moment.

"He chose to save the people here and save tens of millions of human lives. Excuse me, do you have any questions? Captain Peterson."

"No, not anymore."

Peterson's Adam's apple trembled, looking at the constantly beating buttons in front of him, he raised his hand and grabbed the walkie-talkie beside him, and quickly switched to the entire ship channel dedicated to the Saka Star Guard Fleet.


Peterson took a deep breath:

"I'm Peterson.

"There are sixty of our ships here. This is the hard work of our planet Saka, so we are now asking for opinions from all ships, and we must respond within half a minute.

"Now we need a group of death squads! Only we can stand up here!

"If we attack at full speed, more than half of the brothers may not be able to go back to Saka. There are old people and children at home. Please take the escape pod and eject backward later.

"If I don't hear any objection within half a minute, I will give the order to launch a fleet charge on the wormway.

"Now open the feedback channels for the non-commissioned officers of each ship, the countdown is 30 standard seconds!"

The ship-wide channel was surprisingly quiet.

Suddenly, a young voice cursed:

"Ink! The fighter plane is fleeting!"





"Hurry up and give the order, deputy commander in chief!"

"No wonder you can only be a deputy, without any courage."

"Put out the banner of our lord boss!"

"who are we?"


"We're little fucking ghosts! Haha! Little white ghosts!"

Peterson sneered, his eyes burst into sharp light: "Sarkar Guardian Fleet! All ships obey orders!"

Dozens of young captains were shouting at the top of their lungs: "Yes!"

"My department! The battle to cover my lord is about to begin! The lord will attack the insect lane in the opposite direction! Our task is to attract more insect swarms!

"I command!

"The Saka star escort fleet breaks away from the current battle sequence, releases the reverse brake, and the whole ship takes the wormway port as the target point, advances at full speed for 20 seconds, and then supplies all the energy to the combat system!

"All weapon systems are unrestricted!

"Saka Star Guardian Fleet! Advance four!

"Please fight until the human side wins!"

"The second ship received!"

"Fourth ship received!"

"Received", "Received", "Received", "Received"... The continuous feedback sounded almost simultaneously.

The sixty battleships were the first to break away from the original marching sequence, and the engines that had been reversed brakes began to accelerate and propel, and they were separated from the battleship group in just a few seconds.

Immediately afterwards, more than forty warships in the rear battleship group adopted the same propulsion method.

The battleship group seemed to be split in half, and the ships in the rear were directly seized all control rights, and all the energy was supplied to the main and auxiliary guns, trying to tear a passage for the hundred battleships in front.

Peterson clicked the agree button on the panel in front of him.

He seemed to have lost all his strength and fell back into the chair.

His orders might kill most of his brothers...but, that's the kind of pressure a commander has to bear!

Peterson took a deep breath, his expression quickly regained his composure, and he walked to the front porthole with his hands behind his back, watching the insect swarm and light bomb swarm ahead.

Outside the porthole, because of the rapid acceleration, the protective shield sparked colorful lights.

The light and shadow of the explosion that appeared in the side porthole did not attract his attention at all.

"The whole ship releases combat mechs, airships, and drones to supplement firepower!"


In the entire frigate of the Saka star, none of the lifeboats left behind.


The other side of the battlefield.

By virtue of its own sub-light speed flight, the Dongfeng has already left those hundreds of ships behind.

On the back of the Dongfeng, Yang Ming's Ligui mecha was carrying a huge flying backpack, and a boxy package hung on his chest.

The Specter remained in a bowed forward posture, waiting for the countdown in front of him to end.

He had no idea what kind of battle was taking place ahead.

He has already worked out a complete set of battle plans with Po Sua. Po Sua is standing under the particle transporter at the moment, and will use the particle transport to directly enter the surface of the planet later to delay the erosion of the underground shelter by the bugs.

Nine, seven, five, three... the countdown returns to zero.

The Ghost began to run wildly, and the electromagnetic acceleration field around it surged slightly—because the initial speed was already huge enough at this moment, increasing the speed would easily affect the structure of the Ghost.

Yang Ming didn't release the shielding device, he was like a crimson cannonball, hitting at high speed in the direction of the insect path.

Almost at the same time, the particle transporter started to work, a beam of strong light shot through the chaotic space, and a whirling figure appeared above the surface.

She raised her head and glared at the sky, her whole body was burning with bright red flames, she glared viciously at the pseudo-mother insect in the hole in the sky, and lowered her head to swoop down on the insect swarm on the surface.

Whirling held her hands empty, and the gloves of her combat uniform were directly blown to pieces. Groups of pink cells squirmed wildly, and two sharp knives appeared in her palms.

The surface insect swarm fell into panic in an instant.

The false queen in the hole seems to be about to descend.

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