Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 444 Restraint and Purity



Yang Ming kept turning around in the misty dream, but he still couldn't catch that familiar figure.

Suddenly, a distorted colorful ball of light appeared in front of him. Yang Ming frowned and "stared", and suddenly saw a figure in the light ball.

The figure of Hera.

She was wearing a short white skirt, holding a bouquet of flowers in her hands, smiling gently at herself without any burden or pressure.

'Welcome back. '

Suddenly, Hera's figure became distorted and folded, and the colorful light clusters kept shaking, forming another picture scroll.

A 'woman' with a coquettish appearance, a figure similar to that of a human being, covered in black scales, protruded a tentacles from under her ribs, trapped Hera's neck, and stretched forward towards Yang Ming's direction. Hera fell asleep quietly.

This picture is like... fishing.


The colorful light group distorted again, and Hera's figure in a short skirt reappeared.

Yang Ming stared at the front with a blank expression.

This is not a dream, this is a kind of information transmission. The 'woman' covered in scales should be a high-level form of bugs, but for some reason, it is very similar to humans.

This big queen wants to use this method to lure him into the high-dimensional world to fight again?

Yang Ming's mood was constantly changing, becoming a little angry and a little impulsive.

Reason told him that if he wanted to get rid of the current state as soon as possible, he might have fallen into the opponent's trap.

But Hera's figure kept appearing, and he couldn't calm down at all.


Lu's voice suddenly sounded, and Yang Ming suddenly opened his eyes.

The ceiling of the bridge filled with soft light greeted the eye sockets, alongside Ritsu's realistic projection and her slightly nervous pretty face.

Feeling slightly dizzy, Yang Ming closed his eyes for more than ten seconds before the dizziness gradually disappeared.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

Law beside him asked with concern:

"I detected abnormal fluctuations in your brain waves, and tides in the biological energy in your body... Are you having a nightmare?"

Yang Ming shook his head, recollecting what he saw and heard just now, and said in a low voice: "It should not be a dream."

He briefly described the situation just now.

Ritsu listened quietly by the side, and soon frowned in thought.

"Is she asking for help?" Yang Ming asked.

"Combined with the situation you said, this is not like calling for help, but more like trapping."

Law worriedly explained:

"We know too little about the high-dimensional world, so it is difficult to determine whether the high-dimensional bugs have made plans against the ancient god warriors.

"If the bugs in the high-dimensional world attack you because they feel threatened, then maybe... Boss, we should hurry up and promote our plan. Only at the same height as them can we resist the pressure they bring."

Yang Ming responded, then let out a long breath, and laughed again:

"The good news is that her mind is not dead, the bad news is that she cannot dominate the queen.

"I always feel a little sorry for her... She helped me so much, created such a great opportunity for me, and finally merged with the Zerg Queen's thinking for the experimental project that the Faya people gave me.


Li smiled and said: "From another perspective, boss, after you have solved the problems in your hometown, there is a high probability that you will try to enter the high-dimensional world. Miss Hera still exists, and she is waiting for you in the high-dimensional world. Isn't that A way of sublimating human emotion?"

Yang Ming narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Okay Xiaolu, the technology of comforting people is getting better and better."

"Just stating a fact."

Lu Wen said:

"As your symbiont, I have to give you some corresponding hints, as the deadline of '753 Years of the New Empire' (Star Standalone Version "Abyss" opens) is approaching, and the energy in your body is constantly accumulating , you are not too far away from your individual dimension ascension attempt.

"Among your many lovers, Miss Windsor and Mimi Li have no chance to complete individual dimension enhancement.

"The possibility of Captain Catherine's dimension ascending is infinitely close to zero, but there is an extremely weak hope. If I were to give advice, it must be to let her not try to ascend the dimension, but spend herself in this dimension. A colorful life.

"The only one who can accompany you is actually your former strong enemy and now... your mother... full-fledged older sister, I suggest that you can put your human feelings on Po Huan, so as to improve yourself after entering the high-dimensional world. mental stability."

Yang Ming: ...

"Did you mean to say mother just now?"

"Boss, you heard me wrong! Aha, Molly called me, there is a little problem with Luofeng, I will deal with it first! Be careful, as long as you pay attention, you should not be tempted by similar information again! "

call out!

Law's projection disappeared instantly.

The corner of Boss Yang's mouth twitched slightly, sitting on the sofa in a daze.

Outside the wide porthole, the stars are rotating 'slowly'.

The Dongfeng, which has survived the war and is still alive and kicking, has gradually approached the established airspace.

It did not go directly to the formation of the Military Intelligence Bureau, but turned a corner and rushed towards a desolate planet outside the border of the empire.

Catherine was waiting there alone.

Yang Ming soon saw her figure.

On the endless white plain, a small spaceship stops at the corner of the picture. Catherine is wearing a slim space suit and a transparent helmet that can breathe freely. tall.

haven't seen you for a long time.

Yang Ming's fingers touched the figure on the projection screen, his eyes became a little more eager, and he hid the eagerness again.

Catherine is very principled and will not necessarily admit the relationship between the two lovers.

Now they are comrades-in-arms and partners, and they are fellow travelers who understand each other and support each other, which is more rare than the relationship between lovers.

"Well, we must restrain ourselves later."

Boss Yang muttered in such a low voice.

At the same time, on that planet.

Catherine bit her lip lightly, and sighed slightly from the bottom of her heart.

'Now, we are no longer lovers, we are comrades-in-arms, and comrade-in-arms is more than any emotion. We must not have any extreme behavior later, so as not to be looked down upon by him. '

"Well, our relationship is going to return to purity."

Catherine was equally determined.


Emperor Star, the Imperial Palace module.

The old emperor was lying by the warm pool, with several beautiful young girls artificially feeding him with the breeze.

A girl is holding a fancy projection device in her hand, and some text messages are dancing on it.

The old emperor sighed with emotion: "Handon actually took the initiative to chat with me? Oh, my knight commander is indeed a very good son-in-law... Where is Daphne now?"

"Your Majesty, Her Majesty Daphne is on a foreign visit."

"Oh," the old emperor shook his head, glanced at the news again, and said with a smile, "My knight commander is having a hard time recently, so many people are staring at him, let Daphne take care of it Do something else, get in touch with Hanton more."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"It would be perfect if my grandson could have the blood of the ancient god's life body."

The maids dare not answer at all.

When the emperor talked about his offspring when he was old, it was often related to the succession of the throne.

They don't want to be involved in such extremely sinister political struggles.


half a day later.

Unnamed planet, in a small spaceship.

Two young men and women hugged each other in sleeping bags, feeling each other's heartbeat and breathing.

Next to the sleeping bags are their clothes and protective clothing.

They have been in this position for more than half an hour.

Yang Ming lowered his head and kissed Catherine's beautiful hair, and decided to find a less embarrassing topic.

"how do you feel?"

"Very, great," Catherine whispered, and then lightly bit the muscles on Yang Ming's chest, "Don't discuss this topic, I'm here to have a meeting with my sponsor."

"Good captain."

Yang Ming squinted and smiled: "We can't help it, it's nothing, we are all adults, life pressure and professional pressure are very high... Actually, I want to ask, how do you feel at work recently? Topple the empire work."

"Overall, it's going well," Catherine hugged Yang Ming's old waist and leaned into his arms.

Only at this moment can she let go of her guard and relax completely.

Catherine said in a low voice: "Only by understanding deeply and changing one's position can one realize how many crimes the empire has committed. Human nature is greedy. The characteristic of a regime with hundreds of billions of people is extreme greed. Everyone wants a better life, and the collective of these individuals becomes a disaster for other individuals."

Yang Ming smiled and said, "Hey, are you starting to engage in philosophy?"

"I'm serious!"

Catherine looked up at him.

Boss Yang immediately put away his hippie smile.

He said sternly, "Okay Captain, I'm actually thinking about this issue too, but philosophy, the more you study it, the more you get out of the way of the masses. Let's keep it simple, especially, keep our feelings and standpoints simple."

"Okay," Catherine said, "to put it simply, I now think that the empire is a great evil aggregate, not just the empire, the new federation, the United States of America, etc., any political system that has developed to a certain scale, itself There has been some internal and external exploitation and oppression, which seems to be a historical phenomenon."

Yang Ming said with a smile: "If you can figure out this problem by relying on your own thinking, then you can be a thinker in the future."


"This is one of the few fundamental problems of human society."

Yang Ming smiled and said:

"You actually confuse the basic concepts of these questions.

"We are anti-imperial, it is an anti-imperial system, it is the empire's layer-by-layer exploitation from top to bottom, after the unfair incident, the law of the empire allows the nobles to occupy more interests, and to magnify this injustice is also in this Basically, the hegemony generated by the empire, and the continuous exploitation of small regimes.

"We hate the new federation because of the negative impact of the new federation's voting politics, where their parties tend to exploit, bully, fool people, control speech, etc. for their own interests and for the interest groups they represent.

"In a sense, they are also an imperial system. The reason why they look more democratic and free is because their aristocratic class uses the currency system to maintain their privileges and earn money to live a decent life. It is easier than becoming a hereditary nobleman of the empire.

"Of course the two are different.

"The direction of your thinking now is actually the collective and the individual, which is what we often say, whether to go for a big country and a small people, or a small country and a big people, it's just a difference in the degree of emphasizing collective and individual interests."

Catherine was thoughtful: "Then, Hanton, have you thought about a question?"

"what is the problem?"

"When we overthrow the empire, what kind of new system are we going to build?"

Yang Ming was startled.

He groaned a few times: "I really haven't considered this issue... In fact, wanting to overthrow the empire is a matter of great pressure. The fastest way is to create political turmoil, but as long as the imperial army is not damaged , this army will still be a tool of the new ruling class."

Catherine asked back: "What about instigating the army directly?"

"I have thought about this method, and I am trying it."

Yang Ming said:

"At this stage, the conditions are still immature, and the soldiers of the Empire have always been strongly brainwashed and educated to honor loyalty.

"If you want to break the sense of honor of the imperial army, you must find a way to cause more turmoil within the empire, detonate all aspects of the empire, and let the military lose control of the army.

"The key point is the Empire's total defense system.

"The struggle in this area has actually already begun, and if one step is wrong, the whole game will be lost."

"Can I share something for you?" Catherine asked softly.

"No, you just need to move towards your ideal now." Yang Ming stroked her smooth skin with his palm, feeling the tenderness she radiated from the inside out, "We have to play a scene later."


"Well, acting."

Yang Ming smiled and said:

"I went to Star Domingos before and found some key global breakthroughs.

"Now, I want to clean up some terrorist organizations of the Dominguez people, especially the organization that participated in planning the gas bomb, and that chauvinistic freedom. These two organizations have directly offended me, and I will not let them continue to exist.

"Other organizations, I will look at the lives of civilians on their shoulders and give them a different future.

"Those with more culpability, punish the culprits and let those little fish go, and those with less culpability, then let them go, drive them to a desperate situation, and then you will take over and become their leader.

"This is where you need to come in to act.

"The two of us will fight head-to-head, and I will defeat you, but you have to show your super fighting power.

"This matter must cause a sensation. To make these resistance organizations regard you as a spiritual leader, you have to prepare some speeches and make some inspiring remarks.

"My assistant will arrange everything for you."

Yang Ming's eyebrows were beaming when he said it, and Catherine frowned when she heard it.

She asked in a low voice: "Isn't this a lie? How could I be your opponent now."

"I just happen to be able to hype up a wave of affectionate characters, I love you, Catherine." Yang Ming said affectionately.


Catherine gave him a light hammer, almost hitting Yang Ming so hard that he couldn't breathe.

"Okay, you can arrange it."

Yang Ming blinked: "Catherine, the next time we have this chance to meet again, it should be a long time..."

"We're not a couple now," Catherine frowned slightly.

Just as Boss Yang was about to nod in disappointment, she suddenly raised her arms around Yang Ming's neck, walked up to him, and whispered in Yang Ming's ear:

"Today is an exception, I'm drunk."

Pure and restrained.

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