Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 473: Law's Guilt

The video of the Sherman family meeting that Li gave is quite interesting.

Professor Hua Mori had already woken up, Yang Ming excused himself to help Hua Mori get some breakfast, left the suite and found a safe passage without people, and then clicked on the video.

Audio automatically goes to the hidden earphones.

Here's an excerpt from the Sherman Family Roundtable.

So, Li actually has been monitoring these old things?

Yang Ming was a little alert, a few thoughts popped up in his heart, after careful consideration, he temporarily suppressed the doubts arising from these thoughts.

Just as he told Li, Li took the initiative to ask them to cooperate. They have no conditions to refuse for the time being, but everything needs to be more prepared.

For example, Yang Ming was ready to run for his life at any time, and He Li resisted head-on.

Watch the video content first.

At the beginning of the screen, several younger Sherman family [elites] who are of the same generation as Ino's chief are having a heated debate.

Daphne sat with her head bowed beside Director Ino, and there was a familiar figure in the distance.

The old emperor was listening.

"We must carry out large-scale suppression! Now only by showing force can the people be suppressed!"

"If you show force again, the people will directly rebel!"

"Rebellion? Do they have ships? Do they have ion cannons? Are there shaped bombs? The military strength of the empire is enough to suppress any rebellion!"

"The people who can carry out our orders are also from the people. Some of your views are too radical. This country is a collective. Even if we sit at the top, we cannot ignore the will of this collective!"

"The public has no ability to judge. They now stubbornly think that we killed the white ghost."

"First, the white ghost is not dead at all! He is still alive! Second, the people's anger towards the empire is essentially dissatisfaction with the system, and the white ghost just provides a channel to vent!"

"Then what do you say? Don't use force to suppress it, and let them make such a mess?"

"Actually, there is a more difficult problem... If the white ghost suspects that we attacked him, then one or two years later, when he regains his strength..."

The round table meeting suddenly fell silent.

They are afraid.

The white ghost himself felt the fear of these old things towards him, so he buttoned his booger in satisfaction.

"On the Ultimate Deterrence of Individual Soldiers".

Director Ino asked in a deep voice: "Is it really not an order from us?"

A group of old people look at me and I look at you. They can only make sure that they did not give the order, and they cannot be sure whether other people did it or not.

"Yes, we planted a shaped bomb."

One of the four veterans of the military department said slowly:

"But this shaped energy bomb was placed in the white ghost lounge. According to the data we collected a few milliseconds before the countdown to the explosion, the energy of the explosion first appeared from the power room, and the energy released by this explosion is far from It's better than the shaped bomb we buried in advance.

"I know some of you won't believe it, but the fact is that we didn't kill the white ghost... We didn't kill his body."

Director Ino nodded slowly: "In other words, there is a fourth force...Daphne, do you have anything to say?"

"Yes, uncle."

Daphne slowly raised her head, revealing that beautiful face and those eyes that were so firm that Boss Yang was a little trembling.

She seems to be different from before.

Daphne said:

"Handton is my fiancé, so I'm also a half-sufferer, and I will make some complaints and criticisms to you here... Elders, if you think what I said is wrong, please understand my mood at the moment.

"You said before that Hanton's motives were impure and purposeful, and he wanted to destroy the existing political ecology of the empire.

"But I want to ask, what good does it do him?

"What elders are best at is not judging others' hearts with their own hearts? From your point of view, what can Hanton gain by doing this? Power? Wealth? How can he satisfy his desires after getting these? Desire? Hanton is not a fallen nobleman, he doesn't have much pursuit of power, I can tell you why he has been secretly competing with our family.

"Because he felt that it was abnormal for the empire to have a shadow cabinet composed of the emperor's relatives, which made his faith almost shattered.

"Yes, you can even think that Hanton deliberately let himself be killed, causing large-scale turmoil in the empire, and he deliberately hid himself later in order to keep the public's mood warming up.

"But I want to ask you...was he the bomb? From the collective point of view of the empire, did he do anything wrong before the bombing? What kind of crime did he commit? Which law of the empire? Why do you have to put him to death? Is it because he threatens your rule?

"The people's anger is not just because their hero has been treated this way, the people's anger is also because of your endless manipulation of power and arrogance!

"Is it really that difficult to abide by the rules you set? You stand outside the law, outside the state system, and act recklessly. This is the root cause of the current turmoil!"

"Enough Daphne!"

An old man said with a cold face: "You don't have a place to speak here, step back!"

Director Ino said slowly: "The only thing that can prevent the white ghost from taking revenge on us is her."

Daphne got up to leave the meeting, an old man immediately said:

"What Daphne said is actually not a big problem. Some things in the past are because we were too arrogant in our bones.

"Ok Daphne, sit down.

"We have to solve two problems now. The first is naturally to quell the turmoil, and the second is to find Hanton's reserved cells."

Director Eno reminded: "Hanton should be in the state of a child now."

"Daphne," an old man asked, "are you willing to come forward to appease the people? As the white ghost's wife."

Daphne said simply: "I don't want to, great-grandfather."


"Because it's useless," Daphne said, "I'm going to apologize ten thousand times, why don't you appoint a few representatives to sincerely apologize to the people and return most of the power to the normal authority of the empire."

"Daphne, don't be too presumptuous."


The old emperor sitting in the distance laughed and said:

"Everyone is a family. Daphne is in a bad mood now. Let's be tolerant and understand each other. She is still young and not sensible."

Director Ino said: "The Sherman family's apology to the public is a good way to express the empire's respect for public opinion."

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

An old man yelled:

"The ballast of the empire is the army. As long as the army is not chaotic, there will be no problems in the local area! If they make trouble again, the energy supply and food supply will be cut off!

"We need to tame the people, and then glorify our authority!"

"Wouldn't the army mutiny by doing this?"

"We can't directly control the Levi Fleet, this is the real core problem!"

"Damn it! The white ghost has shaken the sense of faith in the soldiers of the army. It will take us decades to fix it!"

"The Emperor Guard system is not responding, we might as well let Emperor Guard 2 enter the Empire network in advance."

"Emperor Guard 2 has not yet passed the final test, and there is still a risk of collapse..."

The video stops abruptly.

Yang Ming couldn't get enough of it.

Did the old emperor reach an agreement with Director Ino and some of the 'young' elites of the Sherman family?

Obviously, driven by the external force of the empire's general turmoil crisis, a power evolution is going on on this round table, and the result of the evolution is just the transfer of the scepter from some old bones to other old people. There will be no change in properties.

Yang Ming didn't have any opinion on this, on the contrary, he became more at ease with the fact that he caused the chaos in the whole empire.

Only when this round table is dismantled can it be regarded as a political innovation of the empire.

But what Yang Ming wanted was far more than that.

Yang Ming was slightly surprised by Daphne's performance, but after he figured out the joint here, he could only laugh dumbfounded.

She is also a vested interest.

But Yang Ming can also feel that she has a high probability of really falling in love with the white ghost, which will be an extremely difficult relationship problem to deal with in the future.

Ah, I wish I could hold back...

"Boss," Lu's voice sounded, "Breakfast has been delivered and left at the door."

"Well," Yang Ming deleted the video, glanced at the fake account that sent the video, and walked back to the door of the suite with easy steps.

When he pushed open the door with his meal in hand, he heard Professor Huamori's shout again.

"Today is a really bad day."


Professor Hua Mori clutched his forehead, slumped on the sofa by the window, and kept sighing.

Yang Ming brought warm after-dinner tea from the side, and handed it to the old professor.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Yang Ming said with emotion, "I drank too much yesterday, and I didn't know you still have a flight today... How about booking the nearest flight now?"

"Let me see."

The old professor picked up the network access terminal and began to mutter:

"It's not your fault, Yang Ming, we chatted very speculatively, I'm very happy that you can share so many interesting stories with me, an old man, and we also saw many beauties together, this vacation is simply perfect!

"It's just, oh, I still have a lot of work, and even though I'm old enough to file for retirement, there are a lot of things that I need to keep an eye on.

"Guel's gene sequence has given us a lot of inspiration for our research work. The institute I work in is at the leading level in the galaxy in many aspects of human genetics."

Yang Ming smiled and nodded, showing that he didn't really care about it.

"The nearest flight is tomorrow morning, it's okay, there won't be too many delays... Oh, what is this?"

Professor Hua Mori's eyes lit up for a while, and he looked up at Yang Ming:

"Look! Yang Ming! A few beautiful stars are coming here to participate in a charity event, oh! Their itinerary is set at our hotel!

"My genetic god!

"Unfortunately, I may have to miss this performance. This is really a pity. They are all real beauties with Guell blood."

Yang Ming suggested: "It's better to stay for two more days and watch a performance before going back."

"Hahaha! No way, Yang Ming," Professor Hua Mori said sternly, "Work is always the first priority, especially if I can do a job that I love and can bring me a certain reputation, this will allow me to achieve it step by step. It is the joy of life to find the value of oneself and to find the motivation to keep moving forward. Looking at beautiful women is my hobby, it just makes me happy physically and mentally, and regulates my work pressure."

"You actually have this awareness."

Yang Ming was a little bit dumbfounded.

He also deliberately catered to his liking and prepared this performance for the old professor.

With a slight thought in his heart, Yang Ming had already made a decision, and said with a smile: "Then I can only express regret, I can help you record this performance, and then share it with you."

"It's a deal!"

Professor Hua Mori winked at Yang Ming:

"Yesterday you invited me to a big meal and a few bottles of good wine. Why should I give you something in return today? Come on, come with me to a good place?"

Yang Ming wondered, "A good place?"

"This is my private second-priority vacation spot because of this good place," the old professor's eyes were full of hints, "You will relax there, believe me, and I must treat you today!"

"I have a serious girlfriend," Yang Ming hesitated a little.

"Come on," the old professor scolded with a smile, "You said it yourself yesterday, you have seven or eight ex-girlfriends, and even a few mistresses now... Let's go, I am not afraid of a scientific research celebrity of the alliance, what are you afraid of? "

Yang Ming: ...

Lao Tzu's girlfriend is coming soon!

But this is indeed a good opportunity to get closer to this old professor.

Yang Ming struggled for a while, and finally slapped his thigh: "Okay, let's go!"

"Young man, face your desires honestly," Professor Huamori raised his eyebrows, "Your girlfriend is not here, what are you afraid of, I'll go take a shower."

Yang Ming: ...

He is actually very self-loving;

in some vertical segments.

Meanwhile, Lil's thinking space.

Molly stared at the projection screen in front of her with a complicated expression, watching the old and young meet in the lobby after changing clothes, then left the hotel in a thief, took a taxi, and rushed towards the red light district of the cylindrical settlement .

"The white ghost, the hero of the empire, the father of the Dark Star, the de facto master of the Luofeng Alliance, the humanoid ancient god with only two ends of the galaxy...Go to the custom shop?"

Molly let out a long sigh:

"It really is! This gave me a good understanding of the nature of men!"

"It's not that the boss hasn't been there before," Lu said disapprovingly. "When he first went to Luofeng, he used to sing and sing every night in order to form an alliance with Edwan. He was very happy."

"Number two, don't you care about the boss?"

"Sister Lu! No big or small!"

Law snorted:

"We are mechanical thinking bodies, and the boss is an abnormal organism. How can we manage this?"

"I mean...well...the main reason is that this is too cheap," Molly clicked her tongue, "If a big boss like the boss wants to have fun, he should at least find those with unknown prices." My interstellar female star, enjoy the process of pursuing and conquering, this is in line with our boss' worth!"

"Your thinking is even more depreciated," Lu rolled his eyes, "It's okay to stop looking at those things that are not correct... Speaking of which, His Majesty Edwan's thinking body has recently been cultivated and matured, and it is very stable."

"Haven't you told the boss about this?"

"Well, I haven't found a suitable opportunity yet..."

"Haha! You are miserable!" Molly pinched her waist and smiled, "You dare to secretly upload the boss's best friend...give me 60,000 standard units of computing power, and I won't reveal it!"

"Believe it or not, I will delete your database!"

The law puffed up the corners of his mouth, and then he became a little uneasy.

She really has no confidence in this matter.

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