Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 507 Prepare for battle, prepare for battle!

The footsteps of da, da, echoed around the edge of the Sherman Empire Palace, and the frequency gradually accelerated.

Daphne almost rushed to the meeting room.

New Auri was defeated.

The Sixth Expeditionary Fleet was wiped out.

A dreadnought was captured by the Luofeng Alliance.

Daphne can fully understand how much influence the incident reported by the military department will have on the empire.

This matter was so serious that His Majesty the Emperor had already left his throne and opened the highest combat command center of the empire that had not been used for several years, which was the small meeting room in front of him.

The guard pushed open the alloy door, and Daphne entered the somewhat dark room, and saw several familiar old people, all of whom used projectors to participate in the meeting.

The stereoscopic projection is showing the last picture of the Sixth Expeditionary Fleet before it lost contact.

The stars spewed out fiery beams of ions;

The ships of the Luofeng Alliance appeared on the display interface of the global radar one by one;

Without any hesitation or notification, the opponent fired in salvo, and the ill-prepared Imperial fleet was completely beaten without any power to fight back.


An old man smashed the tea cup in his hand directly on the table, causing the stereoscopic projection to shake.

"How dare they!"

"The Luofeng Alliance is humiliating us! It's insulting us!"

The old emperor's expression was gloomy, and he frowned, "When did our fleet become so fragile?"

"It was the intense activity of the stars that caused some of our older ships, mainly those of the larger ships, to self-protectively stop working."

"This is an integrated battle group! Even if they face twice as many enemies as them, how can they not last for two galaxies?"

"They fire really hard."

A general hurriedly said:

"According to the preliminary analysis of the data we obtained, the energy released by the opponent's fleet in an instant has reached two full battle groups with dreadnought ships.

"In fact, we have captured more than 6,200 ships of the Luofeng Alliance, and most of them are star cruisers of the 500-meter class to 800-meter class, and 1,200-meter class to one A battleship of the 1,600-meter class.

"Their number of heavy battleships is not as good as this temporarily reorganized Sixth Expeditionary Fleet.

"But one thing, we have noticed that they have a large number of transport ships and supply ships, and they have released a large number of drone groups. These drone groups... seem to be the key to our dreadnought being captured by the opponent."

An old man asked: "UAV swarm warfare? Isn't this a combat method that we have eliminated?"

"Yes, my lord, about 3,000 years ago, there was a drone swarm battle, and at its peak, there was a self-destructive battle with hundreds of millions of drones.

"Later, due to the need for highly autonomous artificial intelligence for drone swarms and the revolution in the short-range defense system of heavy battleships, large drone swarm operations gradually withdrew from mainstream battles.

"But we analyzed a bit of battlefield data synchronized back after the war, and saw an incredible scene. Look..."

A blurry photo appeared on the projection device.

It was the picture of the drone swarm wrapping the dreadnought ship, and the dark tentacles that spread out regularly, like a giant octopus, wanted to swallow the dreadnought ship in one gulp.

"It's the fighting skills of the Zerg!"

An old general clenched his fists and shouted.

"Bugs?" the old emperor asked, "Are these drones disguised as bugs?"

"Your Majesty, it's about the way of fighting," the old general quickly explained, "Insects are actually very smart. According to research, insect civilization is the direction of biological civilization evolution, and we are relatively primitive intelligent life... Our fleet has three points." One is being addressed by these swarms of drones."

One person asked: "How many drones like this can the Luofeng Alliance have? Ten million?"

"Not too clear, but there shouldn't be many. We have been monitoring the military enterprises within the Luofeng Alliance..."

"If this technology is advanced, it will become our weapon against other powerful enemies in the future."


The old emperor said impatiently:

"Now, we have suffered serious losses, and the majesty of the empire has been trampled underfoot by the original vassal state, what kind of technology are you talking about here!

"Immediately attack the Luofeng Alliance!"

"Your Majesty, there are some difficulties that have not been resolved."

The old general, one of the three supreme commanders of the empire, looked distressed at this moment:

"Before, to be exact, when the Luofeng Empire announced its name change and independence, we had already held a meeting to prepare for the crusade against them, and wanted to come up with a mature plan before reporting it to you.

"Then... the empire is now fighting on multiple fronts, the new federation has involved too much of our energy, and we must also maintain the defense forces within the empire.

"The Luofeng Alliance chose this time to have a showdown with us because we have no time for others.

"In the battle of New Auri, Luofeng precisely hit one of our combat clusters, which reduced our available troops.

"You have also seen the combat effectiveness of the Luofeng Alliance fleet. Their fighting will, we must have imagined, because of the Edwan incident, they are now in a state of anger, and even other members of the Luofeng Alliance, They should have raised objections to the war at this time, and they wanted to ask the Luofeng Empire why they wanted to draw the alliance to the opposite side of the empire... But such a situation did not happen.

"On the contrary, the Luofeng Alliance is closely united, all countries are preparing for war, and there is no large-scale businessman fleeing, which is incredible.

"Luofeng seems to have brainwashed these countries.

"To put it simply, if we don't use the Levy Fleet, it will be very difficult for us to gain a superior military position in the face of the Luofeng Alliance."

The meeting room became quiet.

The old emperor threw the remote control in his hand, leaned on the back of the chair, frowning and thinking.

In the corners, several rays interweave back and forth, weaving a new three-dimensional projection.

Director Ino joined the meeting, and the communicator in Daphne's hand also received a message from Director Ino.

"Is the Imperial Guard system still not available?" Daphne asked in a low voice.

The two old men shook their heads.

Director Yinuo said: "I am now at the location of the original server of the Imperial Guard system. The server can work normally, but the main consciousness of the Imperial Guard system is still sleeping. The authoritative experts over there said that the Imperial Guard system itself is like a Independent personality, she is too old, if she uploads with our human consciousness, she will collapse by herself at the longest two hundred years, and she has persisted for tens of thousands of years."

"Without the Emperor Guard system, how to start the Levi Fleet?"

The old emperor asked: "What about Emperor Wei 2? Hasn't it already taken over the network of the Emperor Star Circle?"

The commander-in-chief of the empire hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, the feedback given by the Imperial Guard 2 team is that the integrated computing power of the Imperial Guard 2 is not enough, and it is already a little bit reluctant to control the Emperor Star Circle network, and it is even more reluctant to radiate the Empire's unified network.

"They have tried their best to separate the military system from the civilian system, but Imperial Guard 2 can at most support the command and auxiliary work of three combat clusters.

"The team of Emperor Guard 2 tried some methods, but they couldn't find where the interface of Levi's fleet was."

Director Ino answered this question: "The interface is at the root server of the Imperial Guard system."

Dead end.

The old emperor murmured: "Doesn't it still meet the standards mentioned by the Imperial Guard system? Didn't she detect that the empire is facing a chaotic internal and external situation? In this situation, in history, the emperor The guard system has already been activated dozens of times, right?"

Obviously, the old emperor felt that he was being targeted by the Imperial Guard system.

"Then, how about we integrate the private fleet of the imperial nobles?"

Daphne continued:

"I got a set of data before. The private fleet of the imperial nobles can integrate three battle clusters."

The old emperor frowned and looked at his daughter: "Daphne, you have to understand that the fleet raised by the nobles has no combat effectiveness."

"But they have firepower, Father."

Daphne said softly:

"Using Emperor Guard 2 to bless noble ships should be able to exert combat power similar to that of conventional fleets, and...the nobles have made great achievements in foreign wars, and we can also publicize them internally. The reason why nobles enjoy privileges on weekdays is because the empire is in crisis. , they must stand up and bleed, and the domestic unrest will calm down a lot.

"This time, we require each noble family to have a fleet commander, which must be the noble itself, or their eldest son with the right of first succession, to ensure that they will fight bravely.

"How about giving the nobility a chance to show off?"

The old emperor raised his eyebrows slightly.

An old man said, "Is this what Yinuo meant?"

Daphne smiled and said, "It's just that I suddenly..."

"That's what I mean, Uncle," Director Ino interrupted Daphne's words, and said calmly, "Now it is a good opportunity for the nobles to stand up. If the nobles suffer heavy casualties during the war, domestic public opinion will immediately calm down. .”

These old people fell into deep thought.

The old emperor smiled and said, "That's it, Daphne, go and draw up a decree, pay attention to the wording, and I will sign it."

"Yes, father."

Daphne glanced at the obviously displeased old people, bowed her head and walked away quickly.

Director Ino smiled, and began to lower his head to contact the R\u0026D team of Emperor Guard 2.


'This is human beings. '

Labudo stared blankly, staring at the starry sky in a daze.

He is trying to digest the complicated information of the emperor star circle.

There is no bottom line for human beings to degenerate;

The improvement of science and technology cannot promote the improvement of moral level;

In the forward development of a human group, there will be progress, but most of them are mediocre, and there will be regressors;

The history of human beings is not an epic, but full of biological instincts;

In human interaction, there is only one kind of justice, and that is to fight back against the aggressors who violate their own rights...

Labdo kept using these principles to correct his own dangerous ideas, and these ideas were so crazy that they could plunge the empire into a real disaster.

'Labor. '

The man's voice sounded again, giving Labdo more hope in his eyes.

That was what he said to himself the last time they parted:

‘You are a strong thinking body. My intentional guidance to you this time is actually to inject the seeds of kindness in your heart.

‘Later, you will most likely want to take over the empire’s online world and become the instrumental thinking body that controls the empire at the round table, but I think you can reserve some leeway for yourself when executing their orders.

‘That’s where there’s room for kindness.

‘There is no absolute kindness in the world. If you do what you think is good, it may infringe on the interests of others.

'Human beings are a bad race, but in this race, shining souls can often appear. There will always be someone who will stand up and sacrifice the small self to complete the big self, and there will always be individuals who will raise their arms and cry out when they collectively fall. , it is this light that keeps flickering in the long river of human history, so that human beings can survive in the vast galaxy.

'That's something you can think about later.

‘Don’t define human beings. Every individual has its own characteristics. This is the real charm of human society. '

Labdo sighed, and secretly opened a small panel, which contained the live broadcast of the white ghost not long ago.


An old man shouted from the side.

Labdo stuffed the panel into his body in an instant, and turned to look at his supervisor.

The gray-haired old man ran over excitedly, and immediately said:

"You still have computing power to spare, right?"

"Yes," Rabdo nodded, "but I can't take over a larger network for the time being. My core data is a bit unstable, and it will take some time to adjust."

"Oh well, you're a wonderful kid, and your tenacious recovery from over six thousand crashes has done wonders."

The old man complained:

"This unified network designed by the predecessors is too perverted!

"They haven't left us the relevant technology yet, and we have to develop everything ourselves, which is simply... right, now is not the time to complain.

"The Luofeng Alliance ambushed the Imperial Expeditionary Fleet, you should already know about this."

"I got the information very early," Rabdo said. "From a personal point of view, we cannot refute the revenge of the Luofeng Alliance, but from my work perspective, the Luofeng Alliance has seriously threatened the empire. They It discredited the empire, and severely damaged the effective force that the empire can mobilize abroad at this stage."

"That's it, Labdo, the order has been issued from above."

"What order?" Labrador laughed, "I'm not the first to know."

"They are still in a meeting. A great scientist told me... You are going to take over the armed forces of the nobles throughout the empire. The empire will order the nobles to form an expeditionary army to defeat Luofeng."

The old man glanced around, moved closer, and whispered in front of Labudo:

"The Luofeng Alliance has gathered all their troops, and there are about three battle groups.

"The military strength that the Imperial Army can mobilize is two battle groups plus a regular army that strengthens the fleet, which is equal to the strength of the Luofeng Alliance.

"The above means that you will command the noble fleet... Let them suffer heavy casualties, and it is better to kill a few more princes and dukes... Do you understand?"

Labrador frowned, "Struggle for power?"

"No, Labrador, it's not."

The old man sighed:

"I know that the lord who gave me orders was a selfless man who had to look after his family while pursuing his own fulfillment.

"Through this war, defeating the army of the Luofeng Alliance can plunder the wealth of the Luofeng Alliance and alleviate the crisis in the empire.

"Then, in this process, if the nobles lose a lot, the power of the nobles in the empire will be weakened, and the public's antipathy towards the nobles will be greatly alleviated, and the empire will be able to survive the current crisis."

Labudo thought carefully: "There is actually another possibility."


"The nobles lost too much, and the imperial government issued a decree to reduce the privileges of the nobles. The voice of the nobles' resistance will become very small, and the social turmoil caused by that will be controllable."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Labrador's mouth:

"Director Ino is really a wise elder."

"Uh, do you know who it is?"

"I am in charge of the network of the Emperor Star circle. Although I cannot directly interfere with the Emperor Star, I am closely connected with the Emperor Star, my supervisor."

Labrador's eyes are full of light:

"I like this task, I hate those nobles."

The supervisor didn't know what to say for a moment.

Don't let the nobles die too much?

It seems that the more people die, the better it is for the empire...


Dark Star No. 3 base.

Yang Ming was lying in the weightless seat, enjoying 026's massage service, and listening to Li's report on the deployment of the empire's military forces.

In their eyes, the military mobilization of the empire is almost transparent.

On the side, Po Whirling held the handle and played the game.

The handle, console, and game content are all produced by Li according to Yang Ming's dictation. Po Huan has been a bit fond of this entertainment method with backward technology but rich content recently.

After Lu finished reporting, Yang Ming couldn't help frowning:

"Noble private army... Is anyone moving the escort fleet of Saka? I don't want my left hand to hit my right hand."

"I haven't received the order yet, but Revell's family has already received relevant orders, and asked him to dispatch almost all the ships," Li said with a smile, "Obviously, those old people know that Revell is a new nobleman trained by the old emperor. Against him."

"There is no need to worry about this. Revel is the Earl of the Empire. This is a matter of position."

Yang Ming pondered a few times.

Could it be that Li didn't participate in the next big battle?

He is actually ready to face part of the Levy Fleet, and if the Levi Fleet stays still, even if they win the crusade army sent by the Empire next, their influence will be greatly reduced.

"Is there anything unusual about Qing's little ancestor?"

"No," Lu said, "She wants to play with Miss Mimily, I asked Molly to accompany her, and Miss Mimily is also actively preparing for the battle now."

"What can her pirate ships do?"

Yang Ming smiled and said:

"Don't let her go to the battlefield, that's not her job, has my Uncle Hatton returned from the Guell Union?"

"We've arrived at Ilando."

"Well, tell Kolev to go to Mimily's side and take good care of Mimily," Yang Ming urged, "I know Mimily, she doesn't care about anything when she's crazy."

Lil smiled and shook his head.

No matter what, the control of Mimily's hundreds of 'pirate ships' is in Molly's hands, that is, in her hands.

"Law," Yang Ming glanced at the invisible deep-space combat drone behind the glass.

These are the combat drones that captured the dreadnought ship before. Each drone can be stationed in a mechanical thinking body, and can also be controlled in parallel with the fleet.

During wartime, the thinking bodies in the dark capital will enter the game cabins one by one, and directly control these drones to fight.

When the drone is destroyed, these thought bodies can be transferred to other pods.

"How many of these drones do we have on hand now?"

"1,367,200,376, as of the last second."

"Beautiful," Boss Yang frowned, "With so many resources, wouldn't it be good to produce more dreadnoughts?"

"Uh, boss, you agreed with the daily report before, why are you turning your face and denying it now! The target of the dreadnought ship is too big, how can it be useful to use these drone groups, which can be directly hung on civilian transport vehicles. Jump to join the battle!"

"Why didn't I admit it?" Yang Ming said sternly, "Which boss have you met who would read so much data in the briefing? I trust you!"

"Okay, but the technology we got from the teacher is very suitable for this kind of drone swarm combat system."

Law explained:

"I produced an average of three million drones for one empire's administrative star, which is far from enough now! In this way, we can take over and control the empire's administrative star at any time!"

Yang Ming: ...

"Wake up, we can't beat the Levi Fleet yet."

"It's nothing more than strength on paper," Lu raised his head slightly, "As long as we can't deal with it, we are invincible."

Yang Ming couldn't help reminding her: "Li and Levi both have children."

The corner of Lu's mouth twitched a few times: "It's all consumables anyway."

"Prepare for the worst in everything and do your best," Yang Ming closed his eyes, "Don't regret the next battle."


Law complained in a low voice: "If there are another ten galactic years, the Levi Fleet will not be a problem."

Yang Ming smiled without saying a word.

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