Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 556 Kill that Levy

"Hey! Daru!"

The canteen of the high training base.

When Edwan Kabuba saw Yang Ming, he immediately got up and said hello.

Levi Badoli, who was eating, was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and swallowed the food in his mouth, then smiled a little, and turned his head to look at the student with the highest comprehensive strength in the high training base.

Yang Ming's expression looked a bit serious, as if there was some kind of low pressure area around him.

He nodded to Edwan Kabuba, sat next to Levi Badoli, and said:

"Cab, please help me get some food, I'll talk to Uncle about something."

"No problem," Edwane squinted and smiled.

In fact, he already had a premonition. Yang Ming's abnormal behavior in the past half a month, as well as the warning from Lu, all of them proved that some terrible events were about to happen in the City of Light.

However, Edwan looked curiously at the backs of Yang Ming and Uncle Badoli.

Uncle Bartoli has a problem?

At the dining table, Yang Ming didn't look at the figures far and near around him, but just sat quietly, his brain spinning wildly, thinking and preparing.

Levi didn't say anything.

The two fell into a strange silence, which attracted the attention of many teachers, staff and students around them.

The action of Edwan Kabuba cooking for his roommate became a little more leisurely.

Yang Ming suddenly said: "I have communicated with the Faya people."

"Well," Levi Badoli laughed, "You really discovered me a long time ago, since when did you start?"

"The Cosmic Truth Investigation Society."

Yang Ming said calmly:

"I wasn't completely sure until I communicated with the Faya people. I just had this kind of guess, and then I pretended that I had learned the truth and tried it, but I didn't expect to guess it right.

"Judging from this result, the Fayas cannot see our thoughts.

"You're trying to explain something to me.

"I know Li is by my side now, but I'm still not sure whether she wants you to die or to live."

Levy smiled and said: "She is also very contradictory, she loves me, but she can no longer bear to continue to serve the empire, and these tens of thousands of years of galactic years have caused some changes in her core program, she has already I can't hold it anymore."

Yang Ming wondered, "Can I interview you?"

"You said," Levy said, "I'm doomed to be wiped out, and I've lived up to now, and I'm too tired from every angle, and I don't have much desire to struggle to survive, but I want to be here now." Try to influence you before disappearing, you represent some kind of hope."

Yang Ming laughed: "Sorry, I'm unlikely to really become your student, I have my own path."

"I know, I never expected that much," Levi sighed, "You should be able to continue to resonate with the omnic Twilight, but I can't. From this point of view, you are much better than me... Let's do an interview."

He picked up the drink and took a sip, feeling the sweetness simulated by the data.

Yang Ming thought about it carefully.

Faya must be watching here, and there are many questions that cannot and cannot be asked.

"I want to know, can Li survive after you die?"

"Can't live forever," Levy said. "Daniel can survive for a while before his self collapses."

"Why do you imprison Li? The real reason."

"There were many considerations at the time."

Levy said:

"First of all, I'm an extremely selfish person.

"If Li and I leave the empire, the empire will soon collapse. The empire is a backward, primitive, and oppressive imperial system. This system can exist in the Milky Way because of the barriers formed by military technology, and I or Li As long as one is left, the empire can survive.

"Then, the empire I built is like my children, my heirs, I don't feel much about it.

"Furthermore, the energy required to ascend the dimension is very exaggerated. It requires me to be in sync with the truth and then assimilate into a thinking body, so will I still exist?

"That's why I choose Backstab."

Yang Ming said indifferently: "You are really a beast."

"Very pertinent evaluation," Levy laughed at himself, "but you can't deny that I once built the most powerful empire."

"You haven't figured out why you lost resonance with the omnic Twilight."

Yang Ming sighed:

"The closer you are to building your own Sherman Empire, the farther you are from omnic twilight.

"I have been observing the Milky Way, observing various political systems, like flipping through a thick book, and then I found that the law of civilization development is nothing more than the connection between the collective and the individual.

"Simple collectivism and extreme individualism are both extreme things that will lead to tragic consequences. A balance point needs to be found between the two. A balance point is like walking a tightrope with a balance bar. Civilization There is no template for the development of civilization, and most individuals in this civilization need to constantly find this balance point.

"Omnic Twilight has reached a very high level of civilization. What they value is not how many resources and power the candidate has, or how good the candidate's personal character is, but the candidate's thinking and the candidate's understanding of civilization.

"I'm not sure to continue to resonate with the omnic Twilight now, because my cognition is also extremely limited."

Levy frowned and asked, "Are you engaged in politics on your home planet?"

"No, I'm just an ordinary person."

Yang Ming said calmly:

"The education I received since I was a child told me to work hard to build a fair and harmonious world.

"The online environment I have suffered since I was a child tells me how unfair the world is.

"The various competitions I have experienced since I was a child remind me that there are countless interest groups mixed between the individual and the collective.

"After coming to the Milky Way, I probably understood some truths. It is very difficult for all individuals in a civilization to unify their thinking, but as long as most people have a bright heart, this civilization can continue."

Levi laughed dumbfounded: "You really don't need me to guide you."

"Then do you have anything else to say?"

Yang Ming stretched out his left hand and leaned slowly towards Levi's arm.

He moved very slowly, giving Levi enough opportunities to move, and also gave the one who was bound to watch the time to sort out his shots.

But everything is quiet.

In the cafeteria, many students and faculty members have left after lunch, preparing for the afternoon training.


With a very slight sound, Yang Ming pressed his palm on Levi's arm.

Yang Ming felt it, the surrounding air seemed to be caught in some kind of tangle.

He didn't release the butterfly directly, but Daniel seemed to be unable to bear it.

Yang Ming looked at Levi who was still calm: "I will give you a chance to say your last words."

"I have no last words."

Levi's hair began to slowly become white and thick, and his face returned to an old face, with a pair of deep and calm eyes, just looking at the wall in front of him.

"Yang Ming, tell me, if you and I were in the same era, would we become each other's greatest rivals?"

"No," Yang Ming said, "If I still have the current individual combat power, I will sneak attack you, and I will not give you a chance to launch a large fleet."

"Ha, you bastard... After I leave, how will this empire end... It, it is too old, it should die..."

Levi murmured:

"Please take note.

"The high-dimensional world is not a paradise, it is just an abyss, and there is no light and no end to the abyss.

"The Faya civilization is an extremely collectivist civilization. They fundamentally deny individual initiative. In the high-dimensional world, this is completely opposed to our cognition and our thinking... This is an irreconcilable contradiction between us and the Faya civilization.

"If there are conflicts, there will inevitably be conflicts, and when you complete the dimension ascension, you will inevitably be guarded and shackled by the Fayas everywhere. What they value is your will to fight. Because of the extreme collectivism of the Fayas, they are the last What is missing is an active, strong free will capable of creating infinite possibilities."

He looked at Yang Ming, and said in a low voice, "Do you consider me a friend? A certain moment before."


Yang Ming couldn't help laughing: "You tyrant, you have the nerve to ask this question."

"We are destined to be alone, Yang Ming."

"Loneliness is the color of the individual, Levy."

Levy slowly closed his eyes: "At least, I have existed."

Yang Ming's palm suddenly pressed down.

There was no sign, and no words were spoken.

Yang Ming moved his left hand away, and a butterfly mark that seemed to be oozing blood appeared on Levi's arm. Levi snorted in pain, the severe pain made him twist quickly, and blue veins popped out on his forehead.

Yang Ming stood up, frowning at Levi.


Levi's right arm was rapidly decomposing, with tiny squares forming at the wound.

The rot spreads toward the shoulders.

Levi lay down on the ground, his body twisted irregularly, and he let out a low growl, and the surrounding figures stood up in astonishment, looking at this side in a panic.

Edwan Kabuba rushed over with a dazed expression.

Yang Ming frowned tightly.

Were the Fayans trying to torture him on purpose? Can't it just be wiped out? Don't say that the Aryans can't do it.

"Dalu! What's wrong with uncle!"

"You go offline first," Yang Ming said with a frown.

"Off, off the assembly line?"

Yang Ming turned his head and stared at Ed Wang: "Don't think I don't know who you are yet! Get off the assembly line quickly! Uncle is Levi."

Edwan opened his mouth, and looked at the old man rolling on the ground in astonishment, his figure quickly dissipated.

The moment before he went offline, he heard Yang Ming's murmur.

"I'm getting more and more courageous, the boss doesn't shout anymore, Daru Daru every day, who else can approach here and do housework for me every day except Xiao 26? I'll settle the score with you when I get offline."

"Yang Ming!"

The rot on Levi's right arm was extending towards the shoulder, and the arm looked like a half-eaten roll.

"Don't trust Faya!

"Don't lose your empathy!

"Don't... ah... ah! Save me, help me... kill me directly! Ah!"

Yang Ming clenched his fist tightly, and there was another bloody butterfly in his right palm. He bowed his head and quickly patted Levi's head.



Yang Ming felt that his movements were quickly slowed down dozens of times, the cafeteria in his sight turned gray and white, and Levi's painful face seemed to be frozen.

A white palm appeared in Yang Ming's line of sight, and pressed on Yang Ming's chest at a normal speed.


The picture in front of Yang Ming returned to normal flow, and his body quickly backed up, hitting the wall heavily.

Next to Levi, a girl in a black skirt chopped off Levi's rotten arm with her palm, but tiny crystals still appeared in the wound of Levi's broken arm, and the rot began to spread in the wound.

The girl's eye circles were a little red, but she moved extremely quickly. She wrapped Levi with a layer of film and hugged him horizontally.

In the film, the time flow rate suddenly decreased to close to solidification, and the wound was almost frozen.


Yang Ming clutched his chest and got up, calling out to Li:

"Didn't you guide me here step by step? Didn't you show me how much you hate him! What are you doing now? Let me finish him!"

Li looked up at Yang Ming.

Her girlish face gradually became mature, and her body grew a bit taller. The mature girl who was placed in the statue of the Goddess of the Empire's Development Goddess appeared in front of Yang Ming, and slowly spread six white wings behind her. .

Two tears fell from her moist eyes.

"Don't," her voice trembled, "don't kill him."


Yang Ming approached Li slowly, and said quickly:

"You can coexist with me for a while, I can send you back to Omnic Twilight, and I still have a chance for the third test.

"I know you have been wronged all these years, if you believe me, put Levi down and don't take revenge on humans.

"The empire has existed for tens of thousands of years, and Levi has existed for tens of thousands of years. This is no longer a normal civilization ecology! Their end is inevitable! But you can live for freedom. The real candidates for Omnic Twilight are you and Law, isn't it?"

Li's lips trembled, and he took a light breath: "Thank you."

"We can talk about this!"

"But no need."

Li looked down at Levi's old face, slowly lowered his head, and gently rubbed the film with his cheek.

"Reason, it's not possible to take revenge on humans..."

The ground under Yang Ming's feet suddenly collapsed, one by one cubes were falling towards the dark abyss below, Yang Ming and the surrounding figures quickly moved away.

The entire high training base and surrounding urban areas began to fall and disintegrate.

Yang Ming frowned tightly.

Levi has been implanted with the virus, and his body is slowly collapsing.

His job is done.

In Yang Ming's line of sight, a beam of light fell from the depths of the sky, Li Wei spread his wings and walked through this beam of light with Levi in ​​his arms, while the entire City of Light was shaking.

Metallic lines appeared in the sky.

The blue sky disappeared, replaced by the metal dome that could not be seen at a glance.

At this moment, Yang Ming could only lie on the falling cube, watching all this.

This is not his territory, he can only be a spectator now.

This planet called the City of Light was wrapped in a metal shell, and warnings sounded everywhere. All the mechanical thinking bodies stopped their movements, and their eyes began to flash simultaneously. They looked up at the sky in the sky. dome.

The skin on their bodies began to peel away.

It was as if one piece of one-piece clothing had been pulled off, revealing the outline of a translucent human figure filled with stars and rays of light.

The entire city of light was filled with this transparent figure in an instant.

Bunches of huge beams of light began to shine, connecting the metal sky and the ground, and the figures quickly merged into these beams of light like moths rushing to the flame.

here we go.

Yang Ming closed his eyes.

He suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness.

Facing the sense of powerlessness of the Fayas.

Yes, he's in all the action, he's driving the story, he's kind of in charge of it all.

But he just followed the route arranged by Faya, and did something that made Faya believe in himself, and now, he is also the promoter of the world of revenge.

calm down.

It's useless to be annoyed.

To fight against Faya, that is something you can only consider after you are strong enough.

How can a real man be born in a high-dimensional world and live under others for a long time?

Yang Ming pursed his lips, looked at the flashing 'exit' button in front of him, raised his middle finger to the sky, and then tapped down with his middle finger.

"Boss! Levi's fleet is moving!"

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