Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 563 Shimmer! Shimmer!

Catherine frowned and looked at the governor's mansion with flames surging in front of her.

After a fierce battle, all the remaining private soldiers of the nobles in the Governor's Mansion have been wiped out, and the soldiers are quickly clearing up the battlefield. They have completely controlled the underground planetary radio station of the Governor's Mansion.

But Catherine still couldn't breathe a sigh of relief.

The third natural disaster is raging in the galaxy, and the number of casualties has exceeded 30 billion.

The war on the borders of the empire has been in full swing, and their uprising is now entering the final process, and in order to politically protect more administrative stars on the edge of the empire, they need to let the administrative stars that are 'unable to be protected by the remaining forces of the empire' , all had democratic uprisings.

The uprising framework they originally arranged will be extended twice in a short period of time.

The problem of shortage of resources can be solved by the injection of resources from the law, but the problem of shortage of manpower is a headache for Catherine.

Soldiers with firm ideals, lofty goals, and willingness to dedicate themselves to the liberation of the people of the empire are extremely precious;

If the conditions for attracting talents are relaxed, it is easy to mix in speculators, and it is easy for the fruits of the uprising to be poached by those who drive back.

Catherine is not ignorant of politics.

On the contrary, she can now foresee that the high-ranking members of the revolutionary army who are currently united around her will change their mentality and gradually change their goals after their successful uprising, and she herself cannot say where this road will go clear.

Catherine murmured:

"Don't give up leaving the darkness because of the struggles that may arise after stepping into the dawn."


From the side came the questioning voice of the communication technician.

Catherine shook her head with a smile, and said softly, "Has our team controlled the planetary broadcasting system?"

"It's completely under control."

"That's good," Catherine said, "Ask the progress of the various action units and remind them that they don't have much time, and we have to start operations within six galaxy hours."


The technician repeated Catherine's order to the communicator, and the communication support team composed of thousands of people used the "high-latency temporary communication channel" provided by Law to conduct simple communication.

Catherine walked to the top of the Governor's Mansion, supported the bare flagpole, and looked at the quiet city.

"You must have a bright future."

she said softly.


"Madam President, your prediction is not wrong, the Imperial Guard system really did not attack us."

Listening to the exclamation from the video conference, Emilia couldn't help frowning slightly.

In fact, the most ideal situation is that the Imperial Guard system sends a small third Scourge Legion, and then they are wiped out without casualties, so that they can also take the initiative in the subsequent interstellar political game.

But the fact now is that the Luofeng Alliance can sit back and relax.

Obviously it was the white ghost who killed Levi, but the Imperial Guard system chose to avoid the white ghost's lair in its indiscriminate attack on human civilization.

This incident will inevitably lead to various conspiracy theories in the future.

Compared to the slander that may arise afterwards, Emilia certainly prefers the current situation. Their soldiers do not need to sacrifice innocently; but the question arises—whether they should send troops to help other regimes resist the attack of the Levi Fleet .

From a moral point of view, they must advance and retreat with other regimes;

But from a practical point of view, especially since the ninth battle group in the Sherman Empire has not yet opened, it is very likely that it is targeting the power of the Luofeng Alliance and the mysterious ghost fleet.

Emilia said: "Everyone, don't be too optimistic. I always feel like the calm before the storm. There is still a large group of Scourge that has not moved. Let our soldiers not take it lightly."

"Please rest assured, Mr. Chairman, all the generals of the United Military Department have gone to the front line, and we will defend the Luofeng Alliance to the death."

"Everyone has worked hard."

Just as Emilia was about to say a few words to boost morale, the artificial maid at the side suddenly stepped forward and whispered a few words in Emilia's ear.

Emilia's expression changed slightly.

She thought for about half a minute, as if digesting the news, then stood up quickly.

Her eyes are shining brightly, her beautiful face and well-proportioned figure exude the beauty of a human woman, and her expression and slightly clenched fists reveal an excellent will to fight.

"Everyone! Emergency situation!"

Emilia said quickly:

"The mysterious fleet of ghosts is about to roll out across our border, our army, all soldiers retreat immediately, and there will be a supply ship to deliver helmets into the net to our soldiers.

"Now there is a battlefield that needs our support, not just our soldiers, but more humans!

"That battlefield is in the virtual world.

"Now, our god-level mechanical thinking body has mastered sufficient computing power, but it will take a long time to turn these computing power into spears and break through the protective layer of the Emperor Guard system. The current computing power is rich Yes, many of them are useless.

"So our god-level mechanical thinking body proposed a new plan.

"No, it is the white ghost who proposed a new plan, yes, this matter is led by the white ghost, so that it will be easier for everyone to accept.

"The white ghost is attacking the Imperial Guard system on the battlefield of the virtual world. He needs our assistance. There will be a download file on the Internet. This file is a temporary client. Any human user with a holographic somatosensory device can use this The client enters that virtual world to carry our rich computing power!

"These must be completed within three galactic hours, otherwise this plan will lose its meaning!

"This is a way to reduce human sacrifices, and it is also the plan that the white ghost and his assistant have just calculated and deduced. The code name of this plan is New Shimmer!

"Everyone! The detailed planning steps will be sent directly to you, and we will try our best to mobilize our people. The more people who can log in to the game within three galaxy hours, the better!

"I need to come forward to communicate with the political leaders of various countries, and give a speech on the human civilization of the Milky Way. Please come to the Luofeng Alliance!

"The white ghost needs us! The more humans who can enter the virtual world, the better! The holographic client is best connected to the highest computing power unit at home!"

Video conferencing is a thing of the past.

"This...is this too sudden..."

Emilia smiled bitterly: "The battle situation should be very anxious! Everyone cheer up! Don't always put on the airs of officials! Use your enthusiasm and vitality to encourage our people!"

Many old people smiled lightly.

"President, don't worry! Leave the internal mobilization of the Luofeng Alliance to us!"

"Actually, there are only three steps. First, let everyone know about it. Second, let people with holographic devices find the device and download the client. Third, enter the virtual world to help the white ghost!"

"Uh," a gray-haired old man frowned, "Isn't there a holographic device for everyone? This is my lifelong hobby."

“Very expensive for the equipment!”

"Quick action!"

"The propaganda slogan is that the white ghost needs you! Maximize the reputation of the white ghost!"

"Hey, let me buy some stocks in the holographic equipment industry chain..."

"You have spoken your mind, act now!"

Emilia turned off the projection screen in front of her, and rushed to the studio she set up in the meeting room with her skirt in her hand. There was already a team of simulators making preparations.

She didn't know that Lil's plan was just a supplement.

Logging in to that virtual world through a holographic device at home can actually play a limited role, and it can't carry too much computing power.

When Lil made this plan, he was just thinking that nothing was better than nothing. A little increase in attacking speed counts as a little bit. The goal of his boss is to minimize the casualties of innocent human beings. If they win one minute earlier, they can save tens of thousands of disaster-stricken humans.

Law did not expect that it was her sudden whim that completely changed the situation of this war.

In the virtual world, the ghost army led by the white ghost is in a bitter battle.

They are dying in battle and rising again;

They are experiencing pain, forgetting pain, conquering pain;

They have only one goal!

go ahead! Charge forward! Until tearing off the protective layer of the Imperial Guard system, rushing to the source of the third natural disaster, and sending out a cry from the human soul to the third natural disaster!

All kinds of weapons that have appeared in the human world have appeared one after another. The wars on the starry sky, sea surface, and land are constantly changing, and the space is constantly breaking and reorganizing. However, one layer of protection is destroyed and another layer is destroyed, almost endless!

Law is not anxious, let alone anxious.

Between reality, virtuality, and virtual reality, she has gained advantages on all three fronts.

The next step is to see which front gets the breakthrough first!


Emperor Star, Imperial Palace.

The old emperor led his courtiers, watching the images of the great battle transmitted from the border of the empire, and fell into a mood of despair.

The military power of the empire is being unleashed.

After the third natural disaster, what would they use to consolidate their rule, and what should they use to deter the galaxy countries?

Fortunately, with this huge mecha, the probability of their survival is quite high.

But with such a toss about the Imperial Guard system, the empire might be...

"Your Majesty, would you like to rest first?"

The old emperor didn't answer, he just shook his head and looked down at a medal in his hand.

He was thinking, if he chose to support that young man unconditionally back then, would it be a different situation now? Can he be safe and write his name in the annals of history so that future generations will remember that he sat on the throne for a long time? .

It looked like he was going to be a disgrace to the family.


Emperor Star, Ascension Laboratory.

"The experiment is in the final stage of preparation."

"Start injecting enhancers into Experimental No. 1."

"The No. 6 energy storage is functioning normally."

"The No. 5 energy storage is functioning normally."

"The brain signal of Experiment No. 1 has become active, and the signal is normal, and it has been guided into a light sleep state."

"The No. 4 energy storage is functioning normally."

"The spatial polarization array is functioning normally, and the resonance coefficient has been updated."

A sound of broadcast came to Director Ino's ears.

Director Ino moved a chair, sat on the edge of the field, leaning against the metal wall, looked down at Bligh's figure, sighed softly, and began to recall his past life.

The countdown to the start of the experiment kept beating before his eyes.

He suddenly had a premonition, he felt that his experiment might be successful, because this laboratory should give an explanation for the tens of thousands of years of hard work and the countless test subjects who died in this laboratory.


Director Ino chuckled, looking at Bligh with fascination.

Just a few galactic hours.

Nobody can stop him now, he's already severed the link between the lab and the Imperial network, physically.

He only left a few escape routes, and after the experiment starts, he will let those who are willing to leave. After all, everyone is working together, and there is no need to stay here.

Director Ino didn't want to leave.

The ancestor of Levi is dead, and the Emperor Wei system is going crazy. Director Ino clearly knows what will happen next.

The edifice of the empire will collapse, and even if some forces can survive, the original Sherman Empire will no longer exist.

Director Ino suddenly thought of the white ghost and Daphne, and gradually fell into more distant memories.

The countdown is ticking.

The second department dragged the division to attack the living space of the time department.

As if unconsciously, the countdown went back to '00:59:59'.

It's time for the last galaxy.


virtual reality!

What level is this? The seventh level? The eighth level?

The continuous super-information battle against common sense made Yang Ming's nerves a little numb.

He felt that he had been fighting for several days and nights, and various enemies appeared every time, and each time he needed various fighting methods that broke through his cognition, but in general, the entire fighting level was constantly moving forward , From slashing with cold weapons, to bombarding battleships, from physical conflicts to conscious battles.

No way, this is the 'distorted' world created by the conflict between principles and laws.

The two goddesses are formulating rules, and the rules collide with each other, producing all kinds of weird and relatively stable virtual spaces, and they are struggling to move forward in these spaces.

After Yang Ming glanced behind him, he saw that there was a black crowd, and he couldn't tell how many people there were.

These are Luofeng fighters, warriors who have won the Xieluo War before.

In reality, they hide in the drone group, endowing the drone group with the characteristics of "absolute anti-jamming" and "super maneuverability".

In the virtual world, they also did not lose face in the wind, and killed the mechanical thinking body of the original Bright City, throwing away their helmets and armor.

Yang Ming has already 'seen' it.

The ball of light transformed from the City of Light is just ahead, and it still looks like a firefly star.

Now, they seem to have a new problem.

"Oh! God! We are all wrapped in fog!"

Kolev's shout came suddenly.

Yang Ming was in a daze before his eyes, thick fog appeared under his feet, and the crowded figures around him suddenly disappeared, and he couldn't perceive the existence of other thinking bodies at all.

What else is going to happen?

This should be the eighth level?

Yang Ming was not in a hurry, and immediately shouted: "Forward! Don't retreat! We can try and make mistakes!"

There was no response, but a few soldiers wearing all kinds of strange armor appeared in front of them.

"Commander!" One person hurriedly said, "I'm lost!"

"We seem to have lost our spatial coordinates!"

Yang Ming frowned tightly, and took a step forward, but those soldiers disappeared into the thick fog.

Sure enough, the last two lines of defense were not so easy to break through.

He didn't know if other people could receive his message, but he still shouted:

"Everyone wait for Ritsu's rules to unfold! You can try to move forward, and hold hands with each other after you find someone!"

There were echoes from far and near:



"Uh, why does it seem that someone else came in?"

Yang Ming was wondering, when he suddenly felt his shoulder was lightly bumped, he turned around almost subconsciously, grabbed the person beside him, and the 'Broken Sword' in the other hand was about to emit a super energy beam immediately.


Yang Ming paused.

The one he caught was a young girl in her twenties with a ponytail and a panicked face, wearing an ordinary T-shirt and jeans.

Something is wrong, this is not the protection of reason, nor is it the ghost army led by him.


"White ghost!" The girl suddenly shouted in a sharp voice, "You are a white ghost!"

Yang Ming was stunned, what's going on?

"I'm your fan! Can you sign me up! Ah, no, this is a virtual world!"

Yang Ming let go of the girl's arm, just as he was about to ask a question, the girl stepped forward excitedly, her figure disappeared, leaving only a wisp of swaying smoke.

Yang Ming:? ? ?

Just as he was wondering, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be more figures in the surrounding smoke, and the originally empty area became crowded.

Yang Ming grabbed it casually, and a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes with a suspicious face was caught in front of him.

"Oh, White Ghost? It's really you, Mr. White Ghost, where is this place? I followed the information I received from the government. Are you entering the virtual world now? I've been waiting for more than half an hour , as if drifting, drifting all the time."

"I'm the white ghost... Wait a minute, uncle, what are you talking about? Government information?"

"Yes, yes, government information."

Yang Ming didn't let go of the uncle, and asked directly: "Can you tell me what's going on outside? I've been fighting here, so I don't know the situation."

The uncle was quite calm, and hurriedly said:

"About an hour and a half ago, I was at work when one of my co-workers jumped on the desk and shouted: White Ghost needs backup.

"President Emilia said that you need support, and then our government sent a message, asking us to use our respective holographic sensing equipment, connect to the best-configured personal terminals around us, and download a client that is pushed simultaneously on the Internet. Entering the virtual world to support the white ghost is just like playing a game.

"They also said that if the virtual world dies, it will be a little painful, but it will not leave any psychological shadow, and it will moderately block some memories.

"Everyone with equipment from one of our departments came here... and then drifted for a long time before arriving here... Oh, yes, I just saw that a mission appeared in front of my eyes, to help the white ghost get out of this chaotic space and find other people Then join hands, use them as fulcrums, form a human wall, connect them together...that's it."

Yang Ming opened his mouth.

No, what's the use of ordinary people coming in? And this is too weak!

Is it because the battle situation outside is too unfavorable, and Lu has already gone to the doctor in a hurry?

"How is the battle going?"

"Are you talking about the third natural disaster? It's too bad. I read the news. Tens of billions of people have died. However, most of the third natural disasters have been blocked by the frontiers formed by various countries at the border of the empire. This empire It's really a crime."

That is, the battle situation is the same as before, not much has changed, some areas have been broken through, and most areas are still stalemate.

Yang Ming probably understood.

He said: "Come on! You are behind me, grabbing my clothes! I will grab the others! Don't let go of my clothes!"


The uncle grabbed Yang Ming's clothes and hid behind him. Yang Ming took a step, and the two moved synchronously. A human wall composed of more than ten people appeared in the smoke ahead, and new palms appeared on the left and right sides of the human wall.

Yang Ming immediately joined in with his uncle.

"Damn it! The white ghost!"

"Ghost I am your idol! No, you are my idol!"

"Brother Ghost! I want to have a baby with you! Our country has the technology for men to have children!"

Yang Ming's forehead was covered with black lines.

No, he is fighting!

He brought his own generals to fight bloody battles in the virtual world, and the chilling, dignified, and heroic atmosphere suddenly became a large-scale netizen face-to-face scene!

Wall meets wall, forming a larger wall.

But after a while, the human wall where Yang Ming was standing meandered and led to the front.

More than ten minutes later, Yang Ming was awkwardly coping with the howls of several big brothers around him, when a shout suddenly appeared in front of him:

"Is Master Phantom here!"

"Master Phantom! You lead different people with your left hand and right hand, and walk forward! We can see the exit ahead! Many soldiers have left!"

Yang Ming was stunned for a moment, and then followed his words.

The men, women and children who formed the human wall were arm in arm, and Yang Ming alternately held their wrists with both hands, walking sideways in front of them.

He saw faces.

One by one was full of enthusiasm, one by one was laughing and excited, one by one was nervous and apprehensive, and one by one was shy with bowed head.

They dress differently, speak different languages, and speak in different tones, and play completely different roles in their respective living environments.

But here, they are all the same, have the same goal, the same role.

"Master Ghost, come on!"

"Justice shall prevail, ghost!"

"Ghost! We are not afraid of natural disasters! Natural disasters cannot defeat us!"

A guy who looked like a student shouted: "The human civilization in the Milky Way is proud of you!"

And what you get then is back and forth laughter.

Yang Ming couldn't help laughing either, he cleared his throat, speeded up the speed of shaking hands and raising hands, the faces in front of him changed more and more quickly, until his right hand was empty.

He walked out of the white mist, a flying skateboard appeared under his feet, and huge battleships were in front of him.

It is our own warship.

The flying skateboard led Yang Ming towards the battleship.

He looked down and saw an area of ​​white mist spreading for an unknown distance. What he saw were long dragons running through the area of ​​white mist. He also saw spots of light constantly coming from behind.

Those spots of light were very faint, and part of them fell into the white mist area, becoming those guys who built the human wall.

Some of them floated forward, unfolded on those giant battleships, and became ordinary people one by one.

More and more ghost fighters are stepping on skateboards and rushing towards the giant battleships that look like rings, but the number of these ghost fighters is not an order of magnitude at all compared to those faint lights.

Two lines of small characters appeared in front of Yang Ming's eyes.

[The 160 billion human army is about to arrive on the battlefield, and the virtual world is about to have a decisive battle. 】

[Because 120 countries have opened up their advanced computing power arrays and connected a large area of ​​civilian micro-terminals to the grid, our computing power has continued to expand and has been fully suppressed. 】

Yang Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

He grinned.

"Law, take my shirt."

[Yes, boss. 】

Yang Ming suddenly became naked, wearing only a pair of big underpants, but soon, the gray-white exoskeleton mecha appeared on his body, and the iconic white ghost helmet covered his face.

Yang Ming had an extra lightsaber in his hand.

He shook the hilt of his sword, and in a flickering figure, he appeared in front of the incalculable number of giant battleships, in front of the twilight waves that were still rushing madly.

He raised his lightsaber.


The crimson light shone slightly in the void, and in the depths of the void, the ball of light that looked as big as a lantern was the previous capital of light, where the core of reason was hidden.

Yang Ming swung the lightsaber forward in his hand.

"Must win!"

Second more

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