Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 1,090: The swearing-in ceremony is for a battle!

The thirteenth day of the seventh month, as written in the ancient almanac, is: suitable for getting married, praying for blessings, seeking heirs, traveling, making fires, demolishing, building, breaking ground, installing beams, consecrating people, importing people, opening the market, trading, setting up coupons, hanging plaques, and installing Bed, move into house, move, plant, cut wood, enshrine, break ground, remove clothes, finish clothes. Taboo: None. The God of Fortune is in the east, bringing good luck and good fortune.

On the Poisonous Dragon Island, in an instant, rays of magic light shot out.

The light of this magic travels through thousands of mountains and rivers, reaching all the way up to Kunlun in the Central Plains and down to the Hunyuan Sect on the opposite side, all received!

In an instant, in the Hunyuan Sect's main hall, a water mirror stood up, turning the light of this spell into an image!

This is a real-time image sent by the Alliance to Destroy the Yuan, telling the world!

In the water mirror, I saw that Dulong Island, which was originally a poisonous and dirty place, turned into a beautiful world of beautiful mountains and rivers, lush greenery!

Seeing this scene, Kogami Shinichi said slowly: "It seems that the Shenmu Sect has joined in. Those countless green trees, only the Shenmu Sect has such mysterious magic!"

Jin Sheng nodded and said: "Remember, in the future the catastrophe will end and the sacred trees will be destroyed!"

In the Poison Dragon Lake in the center of Poison Dragon Island, the endless blue water is extremely clear. Between the water and the sky, it is like a realm of glazed light.

In the sky above, countless escaping lights, sword lights, magic weapon lights, air control lights, magic lights, and Buddha lights illuminate the sky!

The whispers of countless people converged into a loud noise, and for a while, there were only countless buzzing sounds echoing between heaven and earth.

There is an island in the middle of Dulong Lake, and on the island is a huge stone platform. A hundred feet long!

On the stone platform, there are four big characters: Yuan Destroying Alliance!

These four big characters are shining with golden light, and the tense fonts show their domineering power without any scruples.

On the stone platform, there are nineteen flags, each flag is ten feet in size. Under the influence of magic, it trembles in the air.

There are large golden characters on each of the flags, showing the existence of these people coming to the door!

Daluo Jinxian Sect, Yin Yang Sect, Five Elements Sect, Tianyi Sect, Thunder Demon Sect, Night Demon Sect, Succubus Sect, Blood Demon Sect, Sky Demon Sect, Jue Demon Sect, Out of Body Sect, Nine Yang Sect, Supreme Heavenly Dao Sect , Wanxiang Sect, Dayan Zongheng Sword Sect, Five Poison Sect, White Feather Holy Witch Sect, Immortal Sect, Kongji Temple!

Under this banner, there are many monks. They may have high crowns and robes, and have an elegant attitude. Or wear simple white clothes and be endlessly chic. Or the Taoist robes are elegant and fairy-like, or the monk's robes are solemn, or the armor is bright and majestic, or the long sleeves are dancing delicately and brightly!

These people are all returning to the void. Under the condition of returning to weakness. You can't get on this stage!

Count carefully. A total of eighty-seven people!

Among these eighty-seven people, not only the Nineteenth Return to the Sect, but also the Shenwei Sect. There are also some other side sects of Return to the Void True One.

Under the high platform, there are countless soul-transforming Nascent Souls. They used to be aloof. Now, they can only succumb to the high platform and look up at the high platform.

Under the threat of the law enforcement group composed of the seven major returners, no one dares, and no one can, to disobey order.

In addition to the Soul-Transforming Yuanying, there are Jindan Zhenren, Foundation-Building monks, and nineteen monks who come to the door. There are many such as the Sky Demon Sect, the Supreme Heavenly Dao Sect, and the Immortal Sect. They all come out in droves, and there are five or six thousand here. There are only a hundred people in Kongji Temple and Juemo Sect.

There are more than 50,000 people gathered here!

And those eighty-five side sects and four hundred and twenty-seven leftists are all vassals!

As soon as he came to the door, he had no choice but to follow. Thousands of disciples came out in droves! In total, there are more than 1.5 million monks!

In addition to them, there are countless casual cultivators, cultivating families from all over the world, and countless small sects. They come to watch the fun and take advantage of them, totaling more than three million!

At this time during the ceremony, the magic circle was opened, and they all sat down obediently, watching the excitement!

At this time, the rising sun is rising, and the gentle and bright golden light passes through the high platform and shines on the Poison Dragon Lake. Billions of golden lights on the blue lake combine with the colors of the various robes on countless monks. The scene is spectacular and brilliant!

The silent solemnity makes such a scene even more sacred and solemn.

"Dear fellow Taoists, I am the old man of Daluo Jinxian Sect, today is the moment for us to witness history and create history!"

An old man said slowly! He is the True One of Huixu of Daluo Jinxian Sect, but no one knows the origin of this Huixu, and he appears inexplicably in Daluo Jinxian Sect!

This old man was wearing a white robe and white socks and sandals. His waist was slightly stooped, his face was swarthy and weathered, and he looked a little old, but he gave people an indescribable feeling of power. No one saw him. Dare to look directly!

Seeing him, the three great disciples of Hunyuan Sect said in unison: "Old Man of the Holy Demon of Heaven and Earth!"

Although this old man claimed to be some kind of bitter old man, when Hunyuan Sect saw him, he immediately knew that he was the resurrected Holy Demon Old Man of the Universe. He continued to say slowly:

"Today, Daluo Jinxian Sect, Yin Yang Sect, Five Elements Sect, Tianyi Sect, Thunder Demon Sect, Night Demon Sect, Succubus Sect, Blood Demon Sect, Sky Demon Sect, Jue Demon Sect, Out of Body Sect, Nine Yang Sect, Wu Shangtian Dao Sect, Wanxiang Sect, Dayan Zongheng Sword Sect, Five Poison Sect, White Feather Holy Witch Sect, Immortal Sect, Kongji Temple!

Nineteen people have gathered here. Under the attention of millions of monks, under the red sun rising in the east, in this beautiful world, people and gods of heaven, earth, and gods are learning together at this moment, and we have formed an alliance. "

"We formed an alliance just for the sake of staying at home, but misfortune fell from the sky and the family was wiped out. From the white-haired old man to the nursing baby, everyone was killed!

This matter was done by the Hunyuan Sect. The Hunyuan Sect has become a great evil in the world of immortality. It is unforgivable, commits evil, and is resented by heaven and man! "

"So we are forming an alliance here. If the Hunyuan Sect does not know how to repent, then we will destroy Hunyuan and cut off the inheritance to save the common people!"

As soon as the old man Qiankun Holy Demon finished speaking, many people on the stage who returned to the void chanted together, "Destroy the Hunyuan, cut off the inheritance, and save the common people!"

When the last two sentences were spoken, the voices of countless monks chanted loudly together: "Destroy the Hunyuan, cut off the inheritance, and save the common people!"

The fanatical atmosphere made everyone continue to shout loudly involuntarily. More than a million people chanted in unison, and the voices of countless people mixed into a sound wave that was thick and high, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, and the sound waves were louder than the other. Between heaven and earth, there is only one voice roaring.

Following this sound, the expressions of countless monks who looked at the image in the water mirror changed!

This represents the powerful rise of a force!

The shouting for a long time slowly ended. The old man Qiankun Holy Demon looked at Shui Jing and said:

"In order to prevent monks from all over the world from saying that we use the masses to bully the few and bully others!

We decided to give Hunyuan Sect a chance, as long as you hand over Hunyuan Sect disciple Luo Li. We can negotiate!

Luo Li. This son is the culprit who destroyed the Incarnation of Beasts Sect. Hand over the murderer and prove your sincerity, and we will give your Hunyuan Sect a chance to negotiate! "

"Hunyuan Sect. The opportunity has been given to you. You can take control of it yourself. Don't be stubborn and seek death!"

In an instant, the water mirror image ends!

In this hall. All Hunyuan Sect's Returning to the Void, Transforming Gods, and Nascent Souls are all here. Everyone, look at me and I look at you!

For a moment, there was complete silence!

After a long time, a voice sounded in the hall!

"I have said it a long time ago. Luo Li has a gloomy personality. He causes trouble everywhere for his own selfish interests. He is simply a disaster from heaven. According to my opinion, he should be kicked out. This son's entry is not a blessing for the sect. For the gangsters, Yuan Zong was a disaster.

You see, am I right? Luo Li is like this and has caused such a disaster for our Hunyuan Sect!

Am I right! "

Zhenzun Xin Yuan said loudly, his face full of excitement, and he even shouted!

What he predicted many years ago finally came true today, and Zhenzhen Xin Yuan was extremely happy.

As soon as this sentence was shouted, countless people bowed their heads and thought carefully. Luo Li has really been like this these years. Wherever he goes, he gets into trouble wherever he goes. Nineteen people come to his door, at least among them the Thunder Demon Sect, the Succubus Sect, the Jue Demon Sect, and the White Feather Holy Witch. Zong and Kongji Temple all gathered under this pretext.

Xin Yuan said it over and over again!

"Luo Li is the evil star of heaven and the scourge of our Hunyuan Sect!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded!

"Uncle Xin Yuan, what do you think we should do? Hand over Luo Li according to what was said in the water mirror! Hand over this scourge to the Yuan Destroying Alliance?"

Suddenly, countless people looked at Xin Yuan!

Xin Yuan took a long breath and said slowly: "Fuck you!

Luo Li is a scourge, he is the bane of our Hunyuan Sect, but he is still a disciple of our Hunyuan Sect!

When did our Hunyuan Sect surrender our disciples?

Never give up a disciple, never abandon a disciple, this is the inheritance of our Hunyuan Sect since ancient times!

Just hand it over, what's the use? It's just a little trick. It's useless to say anything. People are knocking on your door. There's only one fight! "

But he added: "When the war is over, I suggest that Luo Li be expelled from the sect! He causes trouble everywhere and is the bane of our Hunyuan Sect!"

The three major Huixu looked at each other and smiled, Xin Yuan did not disappoint!

He was the one who resented Luo Li the most. He didn't agree to hand over Luo Li, so what else could he say?

Jin Shengzhenyi said slowly: "Since they want to fight, let's fight!

The worst case scenario is that blood will splatter all over the world. The worst case scenario is that all our efforts will be lost and everyone will return to the west together! "

Zhenzun Huchan stood up and shouted: "Then fight, there is no hesitation, fight, fight, fight!"

Suddenly, countless Hunyuan Sect monks shouted together: "Fight, fight, fight!"

In an instant, the same magical light spread in all directions!

In this light, there is only one sentence!

"I, a disciple of Hunyuan, do not seek immortality, heaven and earth, ancestors, gods and demons, only myself!

We are just ordinary people, we don’t seek immortality, we live in the world, we only strive for one breath!

A good man is born in the world between heaven and earth. He has something to do and something not to do!

Fight, fight, fight! "

The gauntlet is issued and the war begins!

Everyone in the Hunyuan Sect dispersed, preparing for a fight. Mu Shen Zhenyi pulled Hu Chan and asked:

"Luo Li, how's it going?"

Zhenzun Huchan said: "Ning Qianxue's self-destruction, the destruction of the Ten Thousand Beasts Incarnation Sect, and the complete destruction of Yizhou were a huge stimulus to him. He seemed to have realized the Tao in the One Yuan Dream!"

Mu Shenzhen nodded and said: "I hope he wakes up soon. This battle requires his strength. By the way, are they here?"

Zhenzun Huchan quietly glanced around, and then said cautiously: "We haven't arrived yet, but we should not miss anything!" (To be continued...)

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