Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,148 The dark wind rises in the ghost region!

Everyone continued to move forward, and on the way, Luo Li began to count his gains.

In the sea of ​​migratory locust swords, Luo Li collected countless migratory locust corpses, most of which were intact, and began to refine the divine swords one by one.

Finally, Xiaobaihui reports!

"Master, we collected a total of 877,635 fifth-level divine swords, 245,867 sixth-level divine swords, and 98,933 seventh-level divine swords. Sixteen!"

"The master saw that many locusts were intact, but a large part of them were seriously damaged internally and could not extract the divine sword, so there are only so many!"

This number is too huge, more than 1.2 million divine swords. These are not big carrots, they are all divine swords!

Luo Li let out a sigh of relief, this is too much!

Suddenly the sea giant whispered:

"Luo Li, you seem to have collected a lot of divine swords!"

Luo Li nodded and said, "Yes!"

The sea giant said: "Can I exchange it with you? I have an innate spiritual treasure here, and I think you need it very much.

There are too many descendants of the Sea Tribe on my side. They need divine swords, 150,000 divine swords, and exchange them for an innate spiritual treasure. What do you think? "

Luo Li thought for a while, this was a fifth-level and sixth-level divine sword. This divine sword was very expensive. One hundred and fifty thousand divine swords, if exchanged for an innate spiritual treasure, would be completely unequal in price!

But there are too many divine swords, so I keep them for myself.

But the innate spiritual treasure is what he needs the most. The Earth Fire Dragon is in short supply, and it is rare to find it, so he might as well change it!

Luo Li nodded and said, "Okay, let's change!"

The sea giant said: "Okay, I'll change four!"

In this way, Luo Li exchanged 600,000 divine swords for four innate spiritual treasures.

At this time Bai Yiqing said: "Then I will also change! I also have countless disciples and grandchildren!"

The dead Taoist said: "I will change it too!"

Luo Li suddenly exchanged six innate spiritual treasures, and still had 300,000 divine swords left, and he did not replace any of the seventh-level divine swords.

In addition to the five innate spiritual treasures obtained from the previous exchange, Luo Li had eleven real innate spiritual treasures in his hands. There are still five pseudo-innate spiritual treasures left.

After the exchange, everyone continued on their way!

The Heavenly Snake King sighed with emotion!

"There have never been so many surprises when exploring the Holy Ruins before. It seems that the reopening of the Holy Ruins is really full of surprises!"

Everyone couldn't help but nod, and the sea giant said: "Yeah, what a ghost. The first danger was the Demon King's appearance, the second danger was the fire spirit riot, the third danger was nothing, and the fourth danger was the Locust King!"

Luo Li also said: "Yes, yes! It's really thrilling!"

Bai Yiqing suddenly said: "I know what's going on, Mr. Shi! It's all you. It's your bad luck that caused us to be like this!"

He teased Mr. Swift half-jokingly!

Mr. Bad luck shook his head and said: "I can control my bad luck, don't blame me!"

This Mr. Unlucky man hates others saying that he is unlucky, implicating others, and is still worried about Bai Yiqing's jokes!

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something. Pointing at Luo Li, he said, "It's him!"

Everyone was stunned, what does this mean?

Mr. Miao said: "I remembered. I remember that this guy had a nickname in the world of immortality, called Tianjue Disaster Star. Wherever he went, there were endless disasters!

Someone mentioned it to me. Compare him to me! I remembered! "

As soon as he said this, Luo Li was speechless!

Thinking back carefully, if he did not participate in this action, the Moral Immortal would not leave. Then the Moral Immortal would be with them in the first level and there would be no accidents.

He will not become enemies with the powerful people from Penglai Three Realms because of this, and he will not kill the powerful people from Penglai Three Realms in the second level. No one will steal the match rope and elf riots will occur.

The third level can be easily passed even if there is a big locust tree, and there will be no thunderstorms in the fourth level. Kill countless migratory locusts and lure out the Locust King!

Luo Li was speechless immediately, as if it was really related to him!

But no one cared!

Everyone continued to escape in the air, and suddenly the fifth dangerous ghost area appeared in front of them!

All I could see ahead was pitch black and a constant wind. Looking carefully, it seemed like countless ghosts were flying around.

The Serpent King said: "Okay, it's time for everyone to get rich!

But remember, you must control the greed in your heart. Remember, the more you catch, the more you will be entangled by the power of ghosts, and finally pull you to sink into the ghost realm forever.

You must control your greed, otherwise no one can save you! "

Everyone nodded to express their understanding!

Suddenly, Venerable Tianshui, who had never spoken or expressed any expression along the way, spoke:

“Everyone, thank you for bringing me here!

I'm here to say goodbye to you all! "

Everyone was stunned, what does this mean?

This Lord Tianshui never said a word or took any action along the way. He was just unknown. Many times, Luo Li and others ignored his existence.

He continued: "Everyone, I am a strange life that was born from the fusion of immortal blood after the Immortal Qin Empire captured strong men from all races!

Although I am a created being, I have my own mother. She used her immortal body to create me, but it was she who presided over this experiment and abandoned me in the end!

But she, Zixiaxian, has now returned to the fairy world!

I want to go to the fairy world and ask her why she created me, tortured me and abandoned me like this!

I have thousands of bodies, but no real soul, so I can never leave this world and go to the fairy world!

Now I have found a way, which is to absorb endless ghost souls, give birth to my own true soul, and then leave this world and go to the fairy world!

This time I will absorb endless ghosts, and then sink into this ghost realm!

I will practice here!

Don’t die in silence, just explode in silence!

Or achieve great success in cultivation, break through this realm, and hit the fairy world! Or, sink here and be immersed in this ghostland forever! "

No wonder this Venerable Tianshui didn't change anything during the last exchange. That's it!

He continued: "Everyone helped me along the way. I am grateful to everyone. Before I leave, I will give you something!"

In an instant, there was a roar on him, and a ray of light shone on everyone, glowing slightly!

He didn't explain what it meant, and then he looked at the world and said slowly:

"I have been without a trace in my life, and I have been wandering all my life. Today I have entered the Tao to ask questions of the common people!"

After saying that, he suddenly sank into the ghost realm and disappeared!

Everyone was speechless. You looked at me, I looked at you, and I didn’t know what to say!

Finally, the Serpent King said: "Don't look at it, everyone, just move on. Remember, remember, you must control your greed, otherwise no one can save you!"

Everyone immediately moved forward and entered the ghost realm. In this ghost realm, there was a dark wind blowing all the time!

Suddenly Luo Li felt that the violent cold wind was like billions of ice needles, constantly piercing his body. The cold breath seemed to penetrate directly into his bones, and his consciousness was eroded by the Yin Qi.

In an instant, a spiritual light rose from his body, and the coldness disappeared immediately!

This is a gift given by Lord Tianshui, which can resist the cold aura that invades the soul in this ghost region!

Luo Li nodded and flew towards the ghost realm. At this time, a black stream of light was caught in the wind and suddenly passed over Luo Li's head.

Is this a ghost?

Feeling the amazing energy contained in the black flowing light, Luo Li felt happy...


There’s another chapter tonight!

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