Walk alone

Volume 1 Chapter 12 Tao Body Immortal Body

The fire in Longshou Mountain burned for a full day and night before it was finally extinguished. The disappearance of Baiqi Town also disappeared. The official explanation of Yinzhou Continent was that a mountain fire broke out and the town was destroyed by the mountain fire.

Those who died in Tianjue Killing Hall died. The wealthy families who controlled Yinzhou Continent were all descendants of cultivators, so they completely suppressed and downplayed this matter. No one dared to talk about the flying immortal, let this matter be over.

However, the Ciqing Temple on Longshou Mountain survived such a fire without any damage, and it was even more miraculous. In the years to come, it attracted countless believers to come and burn incense.

Although some old believers miss the past Master Ciyun, as time goes by and the new presiding master sings the scriptures, they soon forget him.

At this time, Luo Li was seriously ill. After he came back that day, he became seriously ill. He had a fever all over his body, fell unconscious, and tossed and turned in bed.

Xuemei was frightened at this moment, and she hurriedly begged the village elders to ask the clan doctor, and then prayed to God and Buddha, and used all the methods available!

The next day, the doctor from the clan came here. After the diagnosis, he was overjoyed!

"This is a blessing from our ancestors, great! Great!"

Xuemei almost kicked the doctor out of the house and said, "What can you do if you are so sick?"

The doctor said: "You don't understand. This is called acquired awakening, which is a sign of good luck. Originally, the spiritual roots can be detected after the baby is born. But some people will suddenly have their hidden spiritual roots explode before they reach adulthood. Come out, this is called spiritual root metamorphosis!

According to the records in the clan, we Luo family members will have such disciples every hundred years. This is true for our third and sixth ancestors of the Luo family! "

When Xuemei heard this, she asked in surprise:

"What is the spiritual root?"

The doctor shook his head and said: "I don't know what it is, but it is a good thing anyway. This is how the clan has inherited it. With this spiritual root, you can go to cultivate immortality with the immortals, leave here, go to the immortal world, and live forever from now on!"

So lucky, I will report it to the clan immediately! However, he must get through this hurdle. When he wakes up, you two will be prosperous and your life will be different from now on! "

After saying that, the doctor quickly left and reported to the clan.

The clan was immediately alarmed and immediately sent people to look after him, waiting for Luo Li to wake up.

A month later, Luo Li woke up, but his health was still very bad. At this time, Master Ciyun deliberately arranged the process of washing the tendons and cutting the marrow to unlock the immortality poison, which was also a way to make the Luo family pay attention to Luo Li.

Another month later, Luo Li could stand up to eat and walk around the house. After testing, the clan finally confirmed that Luo Li had spiritual roots. They were immediately overjoyed and prepared to take Luo Li into the clan for training.

Xuemei was extremely happy. When Luo Li was seriously ill, she made a wish to pray to Buddha. Now that Luo Li is well, she will naturally go to fulfill her wish!

In this way, Xuemei and the seven aunts and eight aunts in the village went to the newly built Ciqing Temple to fulfill their wishes.

In the past two months, Ciqing Temple was rebuilt and survived the fire without damaging a single tile, which became a miracle. Countless believers came here to pray for the Buddha's blessings. Among them were Xuemei and the others.

Among the countless believers, there are two people walking in the temple. One of the two people is wearing a shawl and has a crazy face; the other is neatly dressed, has a short beard and a face like jade, but his eyebrows are frowned from time to time. Both of them are He is a foundation-building true cultivator and a strong man of the Seven Kills Sect!

They walked around in this temple. After a long time, the two of them stopped walking around. The crazy man said:

"Junior Brother Bingdian, according to the magic circle recorded in the temple, we can determine the ins and outs of the destruction of our Tianjue Killing Hall!"

These two people were disciples of the Seven Kills Sect, and they were responsible for investigating the reasons for the destruction of Tianjue Killing Hall. The reason why Ciqing Temple was not damaged was because of the protection of the magic circle.

The man in disguise nodded and said, "Yes, Brother Evil Spirit, you can be sure!

It must have been on the first day of October that Shatang received a deal and assassinated a local young prince, and accidentally obtained the top-grade blood crystal that he was going to offer to the Black Dragon Sect!

Then the Black Dragon Sect's foundation-building true cultivator Long Wending arrived here, and the killing hall gathered all the disciples to protect the treasure, and in the end they all died in battle! Even if there are disciples who have escaped and ascended to heaven, they have not taken medicine for two months and the immortality poison has taken effect, and they cannot survive! "

The evil spirit nodded and said: "That should be the case, the culprit is Ci Yun, the master of Tianjue Killing Hall!

First, due to negligence, he did not pass the news to the sect. Second, he forgot the pressure of the immortal cultivators, and became accustomed to being a local emperor here, delusionally trying to use a group of mortals to fight against the immortal cultivators, which ultimately led to the destruction of Shatang.

Freezing point, can you confirm Lianhunyin and see if there are any survivors in the hall? "

Bing Dian began to cast spells, and finally said: "It is certain that below the hall master Ciyun, there are three elders, twelve iron brand killers, 627 shadow killers, plus those miscellaneous personnel, all the personnel of Tianjue Killing Hall , all died in battle!”

The evil spirit scholar nodded and said, "Okay, if they all die in a bloody battle, it won't disgrace our Seven Kills Sect!

By the way, I remember Ciyun had a son. Do you think he is dead? "

Bingdian checked it and said, "He's dead, his soul is gone, and his corpse is all there. It's certain, he must be dead!"

Then he asked hesitantly: "Senior brother, why did you mention him specifically?"

The evil scholar looked around and whispered: "Ciyun offended many people and made big mistakes back then. If his master hadn't protected him, he would have died long ago!

Even here, there were people who were thinking about him. Originally, they had prepared many projects for his son. They planned to have a good time when he ascended to immortality and entered the sect, but who knew he would die like this. In fact, it was also a blessing for that boy! "

Bing nodded and said: "I understand, I understand, ah, the news was not delivered to the sect in time. Could it be that they deliberately concealed the news..."

The evil scholar shook his head and said: "Don't talk about it. This matter will be over. Just understand! Alas, the strife in the sect is too serious now. We ordinary disciples can avoid those disputes if we can!" "

Bingdian let out a long sigh and said, "Yes, yes, there is no pure land there either!"

The evil scholar said: "By the way, since you were born here, I can give you ten days of leave. You can have a good rest here!"

Bingdian shook his head and said: "Two hundred years ago, I left here, and now things have changed here.

It's a soulless place. It's really uncomfortable to stay here. Senior brother, the investigation is over. Let's leave. Report to the sect and let them rebuild this place. "

The evil scholar nodded and said, "Okay, let's go!"

Bingdian said: "However, senior brother, I have a special request. Leave that Long Wen Ding to me. I want to kill him!"

When she said to kill him, Bingdian showed a hint of ferocity, just like a tiger seeing a sheep or a hunter seeing its prey!

The Seven Killings Sect uses killing to enter the Tao. The more you kill, the stronger your enemies will be and the higher your cultivation level will be!

Under the seven killings, Qing Ming Jiu Nether, all living things, who can survive!

The evil scholar smiled and said: "Okay, here you go, a small side sect of foundation-building cultivators, there is no point in killing him!"

The two of them were talking and walking, and passed by Xue Mei in the blink of an eye.

Evil Spirit Scholar and Bingdian continued to move forward. They walked down Longshou Mountain. Suddenly Bingdian stopped, frowned and said:

"Senior brother, hold on, we seem to have found the treasure, go back quickly!"

After saying that, he strode back. The evil spirit scholar frowned and followed Bingdian. Because he knows that Bingdian and even Yinzhou Continent are from and have magical powers to find treasures!

Just as Xuemei and others finished worshiping Buddha, they also walked down Longshou Mountain, and they met at the foot of the mountain!

Bingdian looked at Xuemei, then he smiled and said:

"Developed, developed!"

Bingdian's eyes erupted with blood-red light, staring at Xuemei. Xuemei was so frightened that she did not dare to move. The seven aunts and eight aunts on the side stopped and cursed:

"You deceiver, what do you want to do!"

"We are the Luo family, do you want to die?"

The evil scholar also said at the side: "This girl seems to have spiritual roots, but it seems to be the five elements spiritual roots, the most rubbish spiritual roots. To those small sects of casual cultivators, maybe they are treasures, but to you and me, what does this mean?"

Bingdian ignored the shouts of others and said:

"Senior brother, you don't know, look carefully!"

As soon as he said this, the evil spirit scholar was stunned. He stretched out his hand to touch Xuemei's forehead, and the others were about to stop him. His eyes widened, and everyone was immediately unable to move!

After he touched Xuemei's forehead, a drop of blood suddenly appeared on his hand. He put it in his mouth, tasted it carefully, and said:

"Golden spiritual roots account for most of the five elements' spiritual roots. The other four elements' spiritual roots are in chaos. What's wrong?"

Bingdian shook his head and said: "No, senior brother, my magical power is to find treasures. She is the treasure. Feel it carefully!"

The evil scholar continued to touch Xue Mei, got blood, tasted it, then frowned and said:

"It's weird, weird, it seems to be true! The ratio of golden spiritual roots to water spiritual roots is exactly 0.618, water spiritual roots to wood spiritual roots are also 0.618, and wood spiritual roots to fire spiritual roots are still the same. The five elements are in harmony with each other, and they are all golden sections!

This, these five elements spiritual roots are so cleverly arranged, this is the Tao body, one of the sixty Tao bodies, the Tao body of Taihe! "

Speaking of the latter part, the evil spirit was very excited!

Bingdian shook his head and said, "Senior brother, you still underestimated me!"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand, and Xuemei's hand caught fire, and the burned flesh and blood crackled. Xuemei screamed, but Bingdian didn't care. In his eyes, Xuemei was not a person, just a thing!

He cast another spell, and the flame disappeared. He used the healing technique of concentrating one's mind and returning one's vitality. The wound on Xuemei's hand healed immediately. As it healed, a refreshing fragrance came out.

Bingdian also said with great excitement: "This is the Immortal Body above the Tao Body, the Nine-Xuan Immortal Body of the Twelve Immortal Bodies. Senior brother, we are developed!"


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