Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,264: Creation of all spiritual bodies!

Luo Li couldn't help but frown, and looked carefully at the water column in front of him.

The water column flowed continuously, heading straight to the bottom of the lake!

Mu Qiu said: "In the past, the water in the Tianhe River was just river water, without any impurities, but I don't know since half a year ago, it began to carry all kinds of debris.

These debris were just soil, rocks, mud and sand at the beginning, and then gradually turned into this kind of magic weapon!"

Luo Li looked carefully, without saying a word.

Mu Qiu continued, "At that time, my senior sister and I had already left here, and none of the 72 demon kings who stayed here noticed the changes in the river.

Those treasures flowed down the river to the downstream. The other side's Shunhai demon king had a vast territory, and they discovered the changes in the river first.

Later, the 72 water demon kings here also discovered the changes in the river and intercepted the treasures one by one. No more treasures fell from the other side, so they launched an attack today!"

Luo Li nodded and said, "I roughly know the reason!"

Mu Qiu's eyes lit up and said, "Master, do you know?"

Luo Li said, "Yes, since the passage between our Zhongtian Lord World and the Immortal World was reopened, many star seas in this world have been shaking. This Tianhe, which originally connected the water element world, was shaken and connected to the Muyang River in the Immortal World, becoming a branch of the Muyang River!

These things are all garbage in the Immortal River, flowing down the river to our world!"

Mu Qiu widened his eyes, looking unbelievable. Isn't this a bit too much?

But she still nodded and said, "So that's how it is!"

Luo Li asked, "What about the Shunhai Monster King?"

Mu Qiu said, "The Shunhai Monster King is a sea monster at the bottom of the lake, but we think they are not monsters from this world.

They should be monsters from the big world at the bottom of the lake. If you dive down from here, 350 miles, it seems like there is an invisible dividing line.

The ones over there are all sea monsters, and the ones on our side are all water monsters, which is very obvious. In addition, the cultivators on our side also have water monsters. After 350 miles, you will feel that the spiritual energy in your body has dissipated, and the suppression of heaven and earth is very serious. You can't use even a third of your strength.

They are the same. After that, it is the same when we come to our side, so we have been fighting for 600 years, and there has never been a winner.

However, in the past, the Shunhai Monster King, the eight kings, except for the Shunhai Monster King , the other seven kings are all sea monsters in the realm of transformation. For some reason, they have all been promoted to the realm of returning to the void this time, and they are not afraid of the pressure of that realm at all. It's really strange! "

Luo Li looked at the bottom of the lake. Because of the existence of the water column, it was not pitch black below. Luo Li said:

"That's the Qilin World. I once had contact with the strong men of the Qilin World!"

Mu Qiu asked: "Master, are they strong?"

Luo Li smiled and said: "Anyway, they are all dead!

Since I am here, this river is a river on our territory, and the treasures in the river are all ours. We can't let others get them!"

Mu Qiu nodded and said: "Yes, I understand, Master, the cave has been cleaned up, you go and rest for a while!"

Luo Li nodded, and under Mu Qiu's guidance, he went straight to Mu Qiu's cave.

Mu Qiu's cave is on the largest island on the lake. These islands are floating islands, floating on the water, and there is no foundation underneath.

On this island, there is a huge mountain gate building, but the mountain gate cave is in the belly of the island, deep under the lake. This was originally the mountain gate of the side sect Haoliu Sect.

After entering, there is a corridor going forward, going straight to the underground of the island. After several turns, the corridor gradually goes deeper and deeper, and gradually hears the sound of waves, which fills the ears.

There is also a large corridor at the end of the road. Going out and looking, a strange scene suddenly appeared in front of you. The place is about hundreds of acres and hundreds of feet high. The four walls are not jade or stone, but a kind of gypsum-like, white and transparent thing condensed. It contains tens of millions of five-colored luminous stalactites, of different sizes, as dense as stars, illuminating each cave transparently, and seeing every dust.

The ground is flat like a mirror, reflecting every hair, but there are many stalactites protruding everywhere. After a lot of artificial carving and axe repair based on the original shape of stalactites, it has become many tools, such as tables, screens, cloud beds, elixir stoves, ornaments, birds and beasts. Monkeys crouched and tigers crouched, phoenixes danced and dragons coiled, all were as bright as crystal, reflecting the colorful lights on the four walls, dazzling with extraordinary splendor.

This should belong to the dimensional void cave, in which there are hundreds of water mirrors in the sky, capturing the lake, the bottom of the lake, and countless scenery in the mirrors.

Countless water creatures were tidying up the cave here, and just now they had a big battle, and this place was also broken through, and it was a mess.

The green fox commanded the water creatures here, and many water creatures obeyed her orders.

Seeing Mu Qiu here, she said: "Junior sister, this time the loss is heavy. Fifteen of the seventy-two water tribes were almost wiped out, and six were crippled. Six of our water palaces were attacked. It can be said that the loss is heavy!" Then Qinghu saw Luo Li and said: "Master, I suspect that there are cultivators from the Zhongtian world behind this attack!" Luo Li was stunned and said: "Are there cultivators involved?" Qinghu said: "Yes, Master! Although we suffered heavy losses in this battle, it is the first time that we have captured so many sea tribe prisoners. In previous battles, because there were two worlds separated, we could not capture so many sea tribes from the other side. Through interrogating the prisoners, we already know that the big world opposite is the Qilin World!"

As soon as she said this, Mu Qiu let out a sigh and looked at Luo Li. She originally thought the master was talking nonsense, but she didn't expect it to be true!

Qinghu didn't care about Mu Qiu's reaction and continued:

"The other demon king, Shunhai, is actually the demon king who controls the Daming Sea in the Qilin World. The Daming Sea is not a first-class place in the Qilin World. It is about the same status as the Zuodao Sect here.

Originally, these sea tribes could not communicate with each other through the two realms, but half a year ago, their envoy came here and discovered the secret of the Tianhe treasure, so some kind of Panpo ancestor came here to strengthen them along with the eight kings of the sea. , their strength has skyrocketed, and they can pass through the two-realm passage, allowing them to occupy this Huantian Sea, and the treasures obtained can be dedicated to Ancestor Panpo! "

Luo Li frowned and asked, "Envoy? Ancestor Panpo?"

Qinghu continued: "I was also curious and asked about it. This envoy only appeared in the past six hundred years. He ran rampant in the Qilin World, and then exchanged food for the tribesmen of the major forces in the Qilin World.

The great world of Qilin is different from ours. In terms of tribes and cores, the sea accounts for 90% of the world, and only 10% is land. Therefore, food is scarce, and many tribesmen are sometimes eaten as food by their own tribes. "

Mu Qiu couldn't help but said: "It should be a vast area with many fishes. How can there be insufficient food?"

Qinghu said: "I have the same question. Later I learned that the powerful people in the Qilin world, such as Shunhai Demon King, need to eat food with spiritual energy, otherwise their cultivation will decline and it will be very miserable.

However, with the exchange between the envoys and them, all the tribes in the Qilin World are very willing.

Patriarch Panpo didn't seem to know this secret like other envoys, so he kept it here exclusively. Under his control, the three brothers of Shun Sea Demon King and many sea tribes had the ability to cross the two realms, but Shun Before the Siren King and the other five demon kings had finished preparing the ingredients, Panpo Patriarch went to attend a conference and left with his men.

Shunhai Demon King waited for a long time, but did not see the return of Patriarch Panpo. The old turtle spirit had a bad temper, so he rashly led his men who had finished the preparation to kill him, and that's why today's incident happened!

Master, I collected my soul and extracted the memory of Patriarch Panpo. You guessed it, just by looking at the robe, temperament, and appearance, you will know that this person is a monk in the world of Zhongtian! "

Luo Li smiled and said, "If there is still an image, let me see!"

Qinghu said: "Okay, Master, please take a look!"

In an instant, a figure appeared on the water mirror!

Luo Li was stunned when he saw it!

He is familiar with this person!

It was in the Taizhen Immortal Mansion that he killed the True Creation Sect's Return to the Void with his disciples and grandsons. He palmed the universe and collided with his Creation Qi, causing a big explosion and all of them flew into ashes!

Luo Li couldn't help but smile and said, "It's him!"

Qinghu said: "Master, do you know him?"

Luo Li shook his head and said: "This ancestor Panpo can't come back. He and his disciples were all killed by me in Taizhen Immortal Mansion!"

As soon as he said this, Qinghu and Mu Qiu let out a sigh of relief!

Luo Li added: "However, this person is the Return to the Void True One of the Creation Sect!

It's strange. If the Creation Sect doesn't practice well in Mobei, why would it go to the great world of Qilin? "

When Luo Li left Yinzhou Continent, it was his father who used the Creation Sect's body-cleansing and marrow-removing techniques to wash his muscles and cut his marrow.

Creation Sect, the poem title in the sect: Creation creates all spiritual bodies, green lotus and white lotus root cast golden body!

They are the best at transforming the physical body, refining the fighting body, and cultivating the golden body!

In the great world of Qilin, food is exchanged for various monsters, and the Creation Sect...

Putting these things together, Luo Li instantly had an answer!

Human sacrifice!

Like the Shenwei Sect, the Creation Sect must be using people to sacrifice the power they want, but they are not using people, but various demons from the Kirin World.

However, how did they arrive at Qilin World? How did they avoid the oppression of the two realms of heaven and earth?

For a moment, countless questions arose in Luo Li's mind. He looked into the distance and said:

"Under the sea of ​​​​Huantian, the great world of Qilin, it seems that I have to go there!"

"What does this Creation Sect want to do?"

In the past, no matter what the Creation Sect did, it had nothing to do with Luo Li. As long as they didn't sacrifice people, Luo Li didn't care what they did in the Qilin World!

But Hui Xu died in the hands of Luo Li, and what Hui Xu said before his death, Luo Li was sure that the other party knew that he had killed their disciple, and the hatred continued!

The other party is Tianhe who is plotting this fantasy sea. With such interests at stake, he will not give up! (To be continued...)

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