Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1327: Painstakingly cultivate and understand the true way! (Third update, thank you

Under the twenty-six paths of returning to the void, needless to say, the four major returning to the void in Kunlun were dumbfounded.

In their original calculation, the Hunyuan Sect could only have six or seven return to the void, but the result was twenty-six return to the void, far beyond their imagination.

Under this pressure, they immediately turned around and left the Chunan area without saying a word, and left in despair!

Watching them leave, Luo Li and others laughed, extremely happy to have won without a fight.

Tiger Zen Shinichi suddenly said: "Although they were scared away by us, they will not give up just yet!

Next time, maybe it will be the return of the Phantom Demon Sect, the Supreme Induction Sect, and the Divine Escape Sect! "

Luo Li said: "If they leave, don't come back!"

Mu Shen sighed and said: "No matter what, we still have to fight!"

Everyone nodded. If you want to defend such a huge world, you must fight. Without a battle of blood and fire, without fighting with your life, you cannot protect it!

Jin Sheng said: "Okay, all the new recruits will return to the sect immediately, start practicing in seclusion, and stabilize their realm!"

Everyone answered together: "Yes, obey!"

Everyone returned to the Hunyuan Sect. Fortunately, during this catastrophe, many cave heavens and blessed places were obtained. Among them, there were more than a hundred cave heavens suitable for the cultivation of Returning to the Void Zhenyi. This time, there were no cultivation places like Luo Li's time.

Those who have returned to the void have all begun to practice. They are different from Luo Li's natural promotion and need to consolidate their realm.

Everyone is practicing, but the Hunyuan Sect disciples who are returning to the void are still looking for treasures everywhere. Build the world.

Luo Li wouldn't do this kind of work, just have ordinary disciples.

At this point, the development of the Chunan region has entered a major stage of development. Many mortals rescued by the Hunyuan Sect have embarked on a journey to various places.

Under the escort of the immortal cultivators, they came to these undeveloped continents.

At this point, they are the masters of these continents, overcoming thorns and thorns and opening up fields. Build villages and towns. Establish a country.

After generations of reproduction, the mortals with spiritual roots among them embarked on the path of cultivating immortals and became the new blood of the sect.

Luo Li wandered around. He very much hopes to meet an ancient demon and ancient god. This kills an ancient demon and ancient god. It's a pity that so many Return to the Void True Ones can be cultivated, which is really the way to prosper the sect. For some reason, he could no longer find an Ancient Demon and Ancient God.

Finally unable to find those ancient demons and ancient gods, Luo Li took a deep breath and started practicing!

Master Tian Qingfeng was in the courtyard, under the bodhi tree, and Luo Li chose the grassland where the founder of Sunset was, not far from his master.

The grassland had turned into a wasteland, and all the green grass had disappeared. Luo Li decided to use this place as his cultivation place.

He took out his four cultivation treasures, the Qingling Platform, the Taoist Seat, the Moon Viewing Mirror, and the Spiritual Flag, and slowly released them. Luo Li started practicing here.

Suddenly the four treasures exerted their power and transformed into a strange world. Luo Li practiced hard here!

After the last verification, the experiences gained in the dark dream world are all true, and the experiences in the realm of Guiyuan and Hedao are all real and reliable. Luo Li can practice with confidence.

But this is just experience, not the specific cultivation method of Hunyuan Sect.

Luo Li's current state, the Hunyuan Sect's previous cultivation method, the fusion of Zi Xinghe and Yiyuan Meng to give birth to Hunyuan Qi, is no longer suitable for Luo Li, because Luo Li entered the realm of returning to the virtual world without practicing Zi Xinghe.

It can be said that the cultivation skills left by Patriarch Wang Yangming were of no use to him. Luo Li's Hunyuan Sect cultivation path had come to an end and he had to carve out his own way forward.

Luo Li took a long breath and began to practice hard. The first step was to understand himself!

He began to use the moon-gazing mirror to give back everything in his past, to understand himself again, and to master himself!

My life, from Qi training to recovery, everything, re-remember, lay a solid foundation, and find the way forward.

In the blink of an eye, a month later, Luo Li nodded, all his past had been cleared up, and he understood the direction.

After hard training, Luo Li found that he had no mistakes. He originally thought that he had discovered the mistakes and corrected them with a heart of nirvana. However, after practicing, Luo Li was sure that he had made no mistakes up to this point!

No regrets so far!

Luo Li calmed down and started his second step, looking for a way forward!

The road ahead is difficult and dangerous, and the world has changed. Returning to the void is no longer the highest state, and one must advance to return to the original state.

But returning to Yuan and transforming into the inner universe is too difficult!

The road ahead is simply a fog, making it impossible to move forward.

However, Luo Li has no worries, because he has something to guide him, and stones from other mountains can attack jade!

He stretched out his hand and took out a scripture, which was the True Immortal Secret of the Ten Great Sacred Scriptures in the World!

The ten major holy scriptures all have heirs and sects and clans derived from them, but the True Immortal Art has only a name but no legend.

This book has been one of the ten holy scriptures since ancient times, but there is no legend about who got it and what benefits it got. This holy scripture is unknown.

However, this sacred scripture has always been among the top ten sacred scriptures in the world. The Wuyan Sect has reorganized the scriptures countless times without removing it, which shows that it still has its own power.

Luo Li had a feeling that his path forward would be found in this holy book.

He started to look through it, and slowly opened the True Immortal Secret.

The True Immortal Jue was opened, and there were various strange immortal patterns inside. Luo Li began to use the Taoist Sect's True Word Technique to identify them!

"The Tao can be Tao, but it is not Tao; the name can be named, but it is not named.

Nameless, the beginning of heaven and earth; Named, the mother of all things.

Therefore, if there is always nothing, I want to observe its wonderfulness; if there is always something, I want to observe its beauty.

These two have the same origin but different names, and they are the door to many wonders.


This True Immortal Art contains some mysterious theories. Even Luo Li seems to be in a fog and cannot find the laws hidden in it. However, Luo Li has a feeling that there must be his own truth in this True Immortal Art. Forward direction.

This is a very mysterious feeling. Luo Li is obsessed with it. He doesn't know winter and summer, and doesn't distinguish between the sun and the moon, so he studies it painstakingly.

Sometimes, he took out the strategy of creating heaven and started to watch. The author of this strategy was far beyond the human race, even beyond the immortals. He had reached a terrifying state, using the heaven, earth and universe as his furnace.

This is the super strong man, this is the guiding light!

Sometimes, Luo Li thinks back to everything that happened in that dark dream world to find his direction.

In this illusion, Luo Li knew what he would encounter in his future cultivation and what kind of ups and downs he would have!

Sometimes, Luo Li thinks back to his battle with the Wusheng Ancestor, that immortal method, that terrifying technique!

Use the magic of that immortal to determine your future direction!

Sometimes, he recalled the catastrophes of that day and the earth, the vicissitudes of the world, and the ruthlessness of the universe!

Through the understanding of heaven and earth and the changes in the world, you can become clearer!

Gradually, gradually, Luo Li's eyes seemed to be extremely clear. He saw his future path!

When you advance to the realm of Guiyuan, you should possess the power, master the Tao, and belong to your own inner universe!

This path is not the path to ascension, but the path to promotion and return to the Yuan. After being promoted to the Yuan, the state of Dzogchen is the path to ascension! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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