Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1376 Entering the ruins of Kasyapa Buddha Kingdom!

Xuemei is here, her wings disappear, and she turns into an ordinary woman, standing there softly and weakly!

Luo Li looked at Xuemei and was speechless. She no longer remembered herself. She had completely forgotten the past.

Luo Li said: "Xuemei, don't you remember me? I am Luo Li, Luo Li! Back then, you were taken away by the monks of the Seven Kills Sect because of your Jiuxuan Immortal body and his psychic powers. Zhou Dalu, left me!”

Xuemei looked at Luo Li, her face couldn't help changing, and suddenly said: "Fellow Taoist Luo Li, although I have known your name for a long time, I really don't know you. This is the first time we meet!"

"But I don't know why, when I see you, I feel that you are extremely familiar, as if you are a relative of mine. In fact, because of my two snow-colored eyebrows, my nickname is indeed Snow Eyebrow."

As soon as he said this, Luo Li was immediately sure that she was Xuemei back then.

But now, she can't remember who she is!

He was speechless for a long time, but Luo Li took a long breath, his face gradually recovered, and said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter whether you are Wangchen or Xuemei!

I'll remind you of the past, remember me! "

Hearing what Luo Li said, Xuemei nodded and said again: "Thank you, fellow Taoist Luo Li, for saving me, otherwise this time it would have been tragic, and eight times it would have been impossible to escape the disaster!"

Luo Li nodded and said: "It doesn't matter, it's just a small matter!

We are all fellow monks. The ancient demons are wreaking havoc on the common people and are irreconcilable with our human race. Fellow Daoist Wangchen went deep into the enemy camp without fear of danger. I really admire him! "

Luo Li doesn't care if Xuemei remembers him. As long as he finds her and her life is good, he will be satisfied!

Hearing Luo Li's words, Xuemei shook her head slightly and said: "Actually, among the ancient demons. I found that the ancient demons are not what we imagined! They are just like people, there are good people and bad people among them!"

This statement has a profound meaning. It should be Xuemei's inner feelings about the ancient demon. There doesn't seem to be much hostility.

Luo Li thought for a moment and asked, "By the way, fellow Taoist Wangchen, Senior Sister Ling, Grandma Jinhua and I are close friends. I wonder how she is doing now?"

When Xuemei heard this, she replied: "The last time Senior Sister Jinhua returned to the sect, she left the world of Zhongtian Lord and went to other outer realms. After thousands of years of hard work and ten thousand worlds of trials, she has achieved great success!

However, she is no longer in the world of God, and she doesn’t know when she will return! "

When Luo Li heard this, he asked again: "How is Fairy Xuanji who stole the Luck Guantian Sect doing now?"

The last time Luo Li and Xuemei met, this woman was the one who got involved and finally took Xuemei away, Luo Li asked. Try to see if Xuemei still has any contact with her?

When Xuemei heard this, she said: "Xuanji, she has been promoted to return to the void. Now on Kunlun Mountain, she is one of the few friends I have. Are you familiar with her too?"

Luo Li smiled and did not answer. Instead, he asked: "Fellow Xuemei, I don't understand. You are originally a human monk. How come you disguised yourself as an ancient demon and they still didn't notice your disguise?"

Xuemei said: "Actually, you just said it. I have had a supernatural power since I was a child, and I can understand other people's minds!

This magical power. I have practiced hard for many years and have evolved into divine power.

This time the world is in catastrophe. Our sect is fine. After the catastrophe, I used my divine power to check the situation in the world. Who knew that the reincarnation of the ancient demon's heart demon actually followed this divine power and wanted to seize my body and resurrect the human world!

I fought with it, and narrowly won with the help of the sect's treasure. I refined it, but it also changed me. It's okay to say that I am an ancient demon, but I am still a human monk at heart! "

Luo Li nodded, that's it! Otherwise, Xuemei would never be able to confuse those ancient demons.

Suddenly the two of them looked into the distance together!

Xuemei looked cold and said:

"No, they have found our traces! If the dog demons are not destroyed, we will never be able to get rid of them!

Thank you to fellow Taoist Luo Li for saving me. You and I should say goodbye now. Let’s go our separate ways and seek peace! "

After saying that, Xuemei was about to leave Luo Li, but Luo Li smiled and said:

"You want to separate from me and lure the dog demons away? Keep me safe?"

Xuemei's face turned red when Luo Li exposed her purpose.

Luo Li said: "Don't worry, do you know what I am doing here?"

Xuemei shook her head and said, "I don't know!"

Luo Li said: "I am here to hunt demons, to hunt ancient demons!

There is nothing I can do about these ancient demons coming together, but one on one, I can kill them all! "

Xuemei suddenly showed an unbelievable look and said:

"These are ancient demons. They are immortal and have billions of clones. Unless their demon realm is destroyed, it will be difficult to kill them!"

Luo Li nodded and said: "Greed and the Fire Demon all died in my hands. No diamonds will stop porcelain from surviving!"

Hearing Luo Li's words, Xuemei looked at Luo Li, her eyes gradually glowed, and said:

"I trust you!

I have a solution. Thirty-six thousand miles away in the southeast, there is a ruins of Kasyapa Buddha Kingdom. "

Luo Li frowned and said, "The ruins of Kasyapa Buddha Kingdom?"

"Actually, this place is not the main world of Zhongtian. It is the gathering place after countless time and space shatters. It belongs to the peripheral area of ​​the land of death. It is only close to the main world of Zhongtian. The two are bordered and are regarded as part of the main world of Zhongtian!

The ruins of the Nakasyapa Buddha Kingdom are the ruins of the ancient Kasyapa Great World, where Buddhism used to be prosperous and the Buddha Kingdom was glorious. Later, it encountered a calamity, the Buddhas left, and the world was in ruins.

Time and space there are chaotic, and the heaven and earth are often reversed. It is a natural maze, and people traveling together can easily be separated.

Others cannot tell the difference between east, west, north and south and cannot find a way out, but for me, it is my back garden, and I can control the turbulence of time and space there. "

Luo Li said: "Okay, then let's go there!"

The two of them took action immediately. Behind Xuemei, the black wings suddenly appeared and fled immediately. Luo Li also followed and flew away in that direction.

However, Xuemei did not go there at first, but flew in other directions, not wanting the other party to see her true identity.

After flying thousands of miles, the six ancient demons appeared and followed behind.

Xuemei led Luo Li, pretending to be in a panic and wandering around repeatedly. In less than a moment, they arrived 36,000 miles to the southeast. Sure enough, they could see an abandoned ancient temple in the distance!

The temple was extremely majestic. It stretched for thousands of miles and was composed of countless palaces and pavilions. Within the palaces and pavilions, endless turbulence of time and space appeared from time to time, which was extremely dangerous!

Arriving here, Luo Li smiled. This is where he killed the ancient demon. The two of them immediately entered the ruins of Kasyapa Buddha Kingdom without any hesitation. (To be continued)r655


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